JDK 17:十六进制格式和解析

建成300的JDK 17月初访问构建包括用于执行JDK-8251989(“十六进制格式和分析工具”)。这个新引入的用于解析和格式化十六进制值的功能封装在新类中java.util.HexFormat,是本文的主题。

针对新类运行javapjava.util.HexFormat提供了一种简单的方法来查看其API概述。通过运行生成以下输出javap java.util.HexFormat:

Compiled from "HexFormat.java"
public final class java.util.HexFormat {
  static final boolean $assertionsDisabled;
  public static java.util.HexFormat of();
  public static java.util.HexFormat ofDelimiter(java.lang.String);
  public java.util.HexFormat withDelimiter(java.lang.String);
  public java.util.HexFormat withPrefix(java.lang.String);
  public java.util.HexFormat withSuffix(java.lang.String);
  public java.util.HexFormat withUpperCase();
  public java.util.HexFormat withLowerCase();
  public java.lang.String delimiter();
  public java.lang.String prefix();
  public java.lang.String suffix();
  public boolean isUpperCase();
  public java.lang.String formatHex(byte[]);
  public java.lang.String formatHex(byte[], int, int);
  public <A extends java.lang.Appendable> A formatHex(A, byte[]);
  public <A extends java.lang.Appendable> A formatHex(A, byte[], int, int);
  public byte[] parseHex(java.lang.CharSequence);
  public byte[] parseHex(java.lang.CharSequence, int, int);
  public byte[] parseHex(char[], int, int);
  public char toLowHexDigit(int);
  public char toHighHexDigit(int);
  public <A extends java.lang.Appendable> A toHexDigits(A, byte);
  public java.lang.String toHexDigits(byte);
  public java.lang.String toHexDigits(char);
  public java.lang.String toHexDigits(short);
  public java.lang.String toHexDigits(int);
  public java.lang.String toHexDigits(long);
  public java.lang.String toHexDigits(long, int);
  public boolean isHexDigit(int);
  public int fromHexDigit(int);
  public int fromHexDigits(java.lang.CharSequence);
  public int fromHexDigits(java.lang.CharSequence, int, int);
  public long fromHexDigitsToLong(java.lang.CharSequence);
  public long fromHexDigitsToLong(java.lang.CharSequence, int, int);
  public boolean equals(java.lang.Object);
  public int hashCode();
  public java.lang.String toString();
  static {};


  • 指示HexFormat实例应用与实例化实例所使用的预设参数不同的参数
  • 指示HexFormat实例的已配置参数
  • 往返于十六进制表示形式
  • 指示字符和字符序列的特征
  • 重载的Object方法:toString(),equals(Object),hashCode() 的类级JavadocHexFormat用HexFormat一个句子总结了该类的用途:“HexFormat在字节和字符以及十六进制编码的字符串之间进行转换,其中可能包括其他格式标记,例如前缀,后缀和定界符。” 该基于Javadoc的类级别的文档还提供了一些有用的示例,HexFormat这些示例将类应用于这些类型之间的隐蔽,并应用前缀,后缀和定界符。类级别的文档进一步说明HexFormat该类是“不可变且线程安全的”,并且是“基于值的类”。

在我看到的HexFormat 类源代码的最后一个版本中,它是在广告“ @since 16 ”,这是在实施,检查和合并反馈方面投入该类工作的证据(第33提交是另一项证据)。在官方发布的HexFormat其实是JDK 17,但JDK 17月初访问API文档仍显示“ @Since 16 ”写这篇文章的。


获取实例 HexFormat



/** Instance of {@link HexFormat} used in this demonstration. */
private static final HexFormat HEX_FORMAT_UPPER_CASE = HexFormat.of().withUpperCase();

withUpperCase()方法指示实例HexFormat“使用大写十六进制字符”(“ 0-9”,“ AF”)。




 * Demonstrates use of {@link HexFormat#toHexDigits(int)}.
public void demoIntegerToHexadecimal()
   for (int integerValue = 0; integerValue < 17; integerValue++)
      out.println("Hexadecimal representation of integer " + integerValue + ": '"
         + HEX_FORMAT_UPPER_CASE.toHexDigits(integerValue) + "'.");



Hexadecimal representation of integer 0: '00000000'.
Hexadecimal representation of integer 1: '00000001'.
Hexadecimal representation of integer 2: '00000002'.
Hexadecimal representation of integer 3: '00000003'.
Hexadecimal representation of integer 4: '00000004'.
Hexadecimal representation of integer 5: '00000005'.
Hexadecimal representation of integer 6: '00000006'.
Hexadecimal representation of integer 7: '00000007'.
Hexadecimal representation of integer 8: '00000008'.
Hexadecimal representation of integer 9: '00000009'.
Hexadecimal representation of integer 10: '0000000A'.
Hexadecimal representation of integer 11: '0000000B'.
Hexadecimal representation of integer 12: '0000000C'.
Hexadecimal representation of integer 13: '0000000D'.
Hexadecimal representation of integer 14: '0000000E'.
Hexadecimal representation of integer 15: '0000000F'.
Hexadecimal representation of integer 16: '00000010'.

示范 HexFormat.isHexDigit(int)



 * Demonstrates use of {@link HexFormat#isHexDigit(int)}.
public void demoIsHex()
   for (char characterValue = 'a'; characterValue < 'i'; characterValue++)
      out.println("Is character '" + characterValue + "' a hexadecimal value? "
         + HEX_FORMAT_UPPER_CASE.isHexDigit(characterValue));
   for (char characterValue = 'A'; characterValue < 'I'; characterValue++)
      out.println("Is character '" + characterValue + "' a hexadecimal value? "
         + HEX_FORMAT_UPPER_CASE.isHexDigit(characterValue));



Is character 'a' a hexadecimal value? true
Is character 'b' a hexadecimal value? true
Is character 'c' a hexadecimal value? true
Is character 'd' a hexadecimal value? true
Is character 'e' a hexadecimal value? true
Is character 'f' a hexadecimal value? true
Is character 'g' a hexadecimal value? false
Is character 'h' a hexadecimal value? false
Is character 'A' a hexadecimal value? true
Is character 'B' a hexadecimal value? true
Is character 'C' a hexadecimal value? true
Is character 'D' a hexadecimal value? true
Is character 'E' a hexadecimal value? true
Is character 'F' a hexadecimal value? true
Is character 'G' a hexadecimal value? false
Is character 'H' a hexadecimal value? false

示范 HexFormat.toString()


 * Demonstrates string representation of instance of
 * {@link HexFormat}.
 * The {@link HexFormat#toString()} method provides a string
 * that shows the instance's parameters (not class name):
 * "uppercase", "delimiter", "prefix", and "suffix"
public void demoToString()
   out.println("HexFormat.toString(): " + HEX_FORMAT_UPPER_CASE);

HexFormat.toString(): uppercase: true, delimiter: "", prefix: "", suffix: ""

其他例子 HexFormat

基于Javadoc的类级文档,HexFormat其中包含有关如何应用此类的更多示例。这些示例演示了实例化方法HexFormat.of()和HexFormat.ofDelimiter(String);展示的实用方法toHexDigit(byte)fromHexDigits(CharSequence),formatHex(byte[]),和parseHex(String); 并演示实例专门化方法withUpperCase()withPrefix(String)。我喜欢后面的示例是在实际情况下(例如使用字节指纹)如何使用操作的“现实”示例。

JDK的用途 HexFormat

JDK及其测试已使用 HexFormat。以下是一些示例。
