Personify.js 是一个 JavaScript 库,可以让你轻松访问 IBM Watson特性并利用 twitter 的数据。IBM Watson 提供很多高级的语言分析工具,而 Twitter 是最受欢迎的基于文本的通讯平台。
var Personify = require('personify'); // For every service you use through Watson, IBM will provide you with a separate set of // OAuth credentials. See below to find out where to get these credentials. var config = { // example credentials for Watson Machine Translation service translateConfig : { service_url: '...', service_username: '...', service_password: '...' }, // example credentials for Watson User Modeling service personalityConfig : { service_url: '...', service_username: '...', service_password: '...' }, // example credentials for Twitter API twitterConfig : { consumer_key: '...', consumer_secret: '...', access_token: '...', access_token_secret: '...' } }; // // Instantiate a new Personify object and pass in OAuth credentials // inside of an object literal // var P = new Personify(config); // // Use Watson to discover personality traits, values and needs for a Twitter user // '@' can be used before a username, but is not required (e.g. '@userName') // var params1 = { screen_name: 'userName', count: 100 }; P.userPersonify( params1 , function (data, error) { console.log(data, error); }); // // Watson provides a personality assessment of the combined input of tweets in a // user's home timeline. Includes tweets from friends and accounts the user is following, // and their retweets // var params2 = { count: 100, exclude_tweets: true }; P.homePersonify( params2, function (data, error) { console.log(data, error); }); // // Search Twitter with a (required) keyword. Accepts all of Twitter's optional search // parameters and a few additional ones we've created for your convenience. // var params3 = { q: '#JavaScript', geocode: 'San Francisco' //geocode takes most major US cities and all US states }; //see this method in API for a full list of city and state shortcut terms P.searchPersonify( params3 , function (data, error) { console.log(data, error); }); // // Grab a number of Tweets in a specified language and get back both the original text and its // translation in another destination language. Most of the search parameters available // here are the same as those in our searchTweet method. // var params4 = { q: 'JavaScript', fromLanguage: 'ar', // Translate from Arabic toLanguage: 'en', // to English outputType: 'text' // Choose from text, json or XML }; P.searchTranslate( params4 , function (data, error) { console.log(data, error); }); // // Input a Twitter handle and get back their tweets translated // var params5 = { screen_name: 'userName', fromLanguage: 'en', toLanguage: 'fr', outputType: 'text' }; P.userTranslate( params5, function(data, error){ console.log(data, error); }); // // Get tweets from your home timeline and have them translated into another language // var params6 = { count: 150, fromLanguage: 'en', toLanguage: 'fr', outputType: 'json' }; P.homeTranslate( params6, function(data, error){ console.log(data, error); }); // // Find public tweets talkng about the Large Hadron Collider using Twitter's Streaming API and // translate them into another language // var params7 = { track: 'twitter', fromLanguage: 'en', toLanguage: 'fr', outputType: 'text' }; P.streamTranslate( params7, function(data, error){ console.log(data, error); });