Reactive Coffee 是轻量级的 CoffeeScript 库/DSL,为响应式编程和声明式构建可扩展 web UIs 提供帮助。
# This is our core data model, an array of Task objects.class Task constructor: (descrip, priority, isDone) -> @descrip = rx.cell(descrip) @priority = rx.cell(priority) @isDone = rx.cell(isDone)tasks = rx.array([ new Task('Get milk', 'important', false) new Task('Play with Reactive Coffee', 'critical', false) new Task('Walk the dog', 'meh', false)])# Our main view: a checklist of tasks, a button to add a new task, and a task# editor component (defined further down).main = -> currentTask = rx.cell( # "View model" of currently selected task $('body').append( div {class: 'task-manager'}, [ h1 {}, bind -> ["#{tasks.length()} task(s) for today"] ul {class: 'tasks'}, (task) -> li {class: 'task'}, [ input {type: 'checkbox', init: -> @change => task.isDone.set(@is(':checked'))} span {class: 'descrip'}, bind -> [ "#{task.descrip.get()} (#{task.priority.get()})" ] a {href: 'javascript: void 0', init: -> @click => currentTask.set(task)}, [ 'Edit' ] ] button {init: -> @click => tasks.push(new Task('Task', 'none', false))}, [ 'Add new task' ] taskEditor { task: bind -> currentTask.get() onSubmit: (descrip, priority) -> currentTask.get().descrip.set(descrip) currentTask.get().priority.set(priority) } ] )# The task editor demonstrates how to define a simple component.taskEditor = (opts) -> task = -> opts.task.get() theForm = form {}, [ h2 {}, ['Edit Task'] label {}, ['Description'] descrip = input {type: 'text', value: bind -> task().descrip.get()} br {} label {}, ['Priority'] priority = input {type: 'text', value: bind -> task().priority.get()} br {} label {}, ['Status'] span {}, bind -> [if task().isDone.get() then 'Done' else 'Not done'] br {} button {}, ['Update'] ] theForm.submit -> opts.onSubmit(descrip.val().trim(), priority.val().trim()) @reset() false$(main)