使用 Bower 安装: bower install factoryjs
bower install factoryjs
FactoryJS 是一个用来实现标准化对象定义和获取的工厂类工具。
### ENTIRELY CONTRIVED EXAMPLE!! ---------------------------- ### define ["Factory"], (Factory) -> # this explicitly supposes a single options hash constructor TestObject = (options) -> options = {} unless options @name = options.name or @defaults.name @passed = false @execute = options.execute or @defaults.execute @construct options if typeof @construct is "function" TestObject:: = name: "NONE" defaults: execute: -> TestFactory = new Factory(TestObject) # from here on out you can define new object types or extend your original object type in the container TestFactory.extend "Base", "Test", defaults: name: "Unamed Test Object" execute: -> run: -> @passed = @execute() @passed clean: -> TestFactory.dispose this , mixins: ["Logging"] tags: ["Logging"] TestFactory.extend "Test", "Suite", construct: (options) -> @tests = [] this addTest: (test) -> @tests.push test this clean: -> test = undefined test.clean() while test = @tests.shift() TestFactory.dispose this defaults: name: "Unnamed Test Suite" execute: -> result = 0 # Here are using the Runner injection to access the runner for the page, # good for accessing singletons that have commone reusable functionality. @log 'log', @Runner.url() @tests.forEach (test) -> test.log "log", test.name, test.run() result++ if test.passed result is @tests.length , mixins: ["Logging"] tags: ["Logging"], injections: ['Runner'] # now you can get a Suite object out of the factory # there are three options that can additionally be passed in to the define or extend methods: # mixins: Array # tags: Array # singleton: Boolean TestFactory.defineMixin "Logging", log: (severity) -> args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1) console[severity].apply console, args TestFactory.define "Runner", -> url = window.location suites = [] @url = ()-> return url @addSuite = (suite) -> suites.push suite return this @run = -> suites.forEach (suite) -> suite.log "log", suite.name, suite.run() return this @clean = -> suite = undefined suite.clean() while suite = suites.shift() return this return this , singleton: true mixins: ["Logging"] tags: ["Logging"] # because mixins don't infer type runner = TestFactory.get("Runner") firstSuite = TestFactory.get("Suite") firstTest = TestFactory.get("Test", name: "0 is 0" execute: -> x = 0 y = 0 x is y ) secondTest = TestFactory.get("Test", name: "0 is 1" execute: -> x = 1 y = 0 x is y ) firstSuite.addTest(firstTest).addTest secondTest runner.addSuite firstSuite runner.run() # now let's do something interesting with logging TestFactory.onTag "Logging", (instance) -> oLog = instance.log instance.log = -> # pretend to make an ajax call console.log "MAKING AN AJAX CALL HAR HAR" oLog.apply instance, arguments # now any existing instance that supports logging (tagged) will post the log to a server endpoint thirdTest = TestFactory.get("Test", name: "True is False" execute: -> true is false ) firstSuite.addTest thirdTest # even if they are created after the logging was modified runner.run() runner.clean()