Bindable.js - 双向数据绑定JS库



Bindable.js 实现了灵活、快速的双向数据绑定的 JavaScript 库。

Two-way data binding means linking properties of two separate objects - when
one changes, the other will automatically update with that change. It enables
much easier interactions between data models and UIs, among other uses outside
of MVC.

Bindable.js is similar to Ember’s data-binding system, except it doesn’t
include anything View related, so the library has many use-cases - whether
replacing Backbone’s Model, providing a way to maintain the state between
server <-> client for a realtime front-end application (similar to Firebase),
or perhaps a way to communicate between server <-> server for a realtime
distributed Node.js application.


bindablejs)Projects using bindable.js

  • Paperclip.js - data-bindable templating engine.

  • Sherpa.js - online tours library

  • Mojo.js - javascript MVC framework.

  • AWSM - aws library.

  • ditto - synchronized user interactions across browsers.


var bindable = require("bindable");

var person = new bindable.Object({
  name: "craig",
  last: "condon",
  location: {
    city: "San Francisco"

person.bind("", function(value) {
  // 94102

//triggers the binding
person.set("", "94102");

//bind to another property in the model, and do it only once
person.bind("", { to: "zip", max: 1 }).now();

//bind to another object, and make it bi-directional.
person.bind("", { target: anotherModel, to: "", bothWays: true }).now();

//chain to multiple items, and limit it!
person.bind("", { to: ["property", "anotherProperty"], max: 1 }).now();

//you can also transform data as it's being bound
person.bind("name", {
  to: "name2",
  map: function (name) {
    return name.toUpperCase();