KONSEC Konnektor - 企业协作办公套件



KONSEC Konnektor 是一款通过联合利用标准的 IMAP 和 ACL 的 Kolab 服务器为 Outlook
提供完整的分组功能的简单的客户端扩展软件,因此你可以在一个独特的 Windows/Linux 操作系统混合环境下协同工作.

KONSEC Kolab Server is a highly scalable, cluster-capable messaging and
collaboration server that is based on the outstanding open source project,
Kroupware. The KONSEC Konnektor is a simple client extension that gives
Outlook complete group functionality through the Kolab Server, which employs
the open standard IMAP together with ACLs, thus enabling you to collaborate in
a unique mixed Windows/Linux environment.