Java 类android.widget.ActionMenuView 实例源码

项目:Amumu    文件   
private void animateToolbar() {
    // this is gross but toolbar doesn't expose it's children to animate them :(
    View t = toolbar.getChildAt(0);
    if (t != null && t instanceof TextView) {
        TextView title = (TextView) t;

        // fade in and space out the title.  Animating the letterSpacing performs horribly so
        // fake it by setting the desired letterSpacing then animating the scaleX ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    View amv = toolbar.getChildAt(1);
    if (amv != null & amv instanceof ActionMenuView) {
        ActionMenuView actions = (ActionMenuView) amv;
        popAnim(actions.getChildAt(0), 500, 200); // filter
        popAnim(actions.getChildAt(1), 700, 200); // overflow
项目:OldDriver-master    文件   
private void animateToolbar() {
    // this is gross but toolbar doesn't expose it's children to animate them :(
    View t = toolbar.getChildAt(0);
    if (t != null && t instanceof TextView) {
        TextView title = (TextView) t;

        // fade in and space out the title.  Animating the letterSpacing performs horribly so
        // fake it by setting the desired letterSpacing then animating the scaleX ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    View amv = toolbar.getChildAt(1);
    if (amv != null & amv instanceof ActionMenuView) {
        ActionMenuView actions = (ActionMenuView) amv;
        popAnim(actions.getChildAt(0), 500, 200); // filter
        popAnim(actions.getChildAt(1), 700, 200); // overflow
项目:KeralaAttractions    文件   
private void animateToolbar() {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
        // this is gross but toolbar doesn't expose it's children to animate them :(
        View t = toolbar.getChildAt(0);
        if (t != null && t instanceof TextView) {
            TextView title = (TextView) t;

            // fade in and space out the title.  Animating the letterSpacing performs horribly so
            // fake it by setting the desired letterSpacing then animating the scaleX ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        View amv = toolbar.getChildAt(1);
        if (amv != null & amv instanceof ActionMenuView) {
            ActionMenuView actions = (ActionMenuView) amv;
            popAnim(actions.getChildAt(0), 500, 200); // filter
            popAnim(actions.getChildAt(1), 700, 200); // overflow
项目:droidtestrec    文件   
private void processMenuView(ViewGroup viewGroup) {
    for (int i = 0; i < viewGroup.getChildCount(); i++) {
        View child = viewGroup.getChildAt(i);

        try {
            if (child instanceof ActionMenuView) {
                processActionMenuView((ActionMenuView) child);
            } else if (child instanceof {
                processSupportActionMenuView(( child);
        } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
            // not a error is not used in project
项目:deagle    文件   
@BindingAdapter("menu") public static void inflateMenu(final ActionMenuView amv, final @MenuRes int old_menu, final @MenuRes int new_menu) {
    if (SDK_INT < LOLLIPOP) return;
    if (new_menu == old_menu) return;
    final Menu menu = amv.getMenu();
    new MenuInflater(amv.getContext()).inflate(new_menu, menu);
项目:yelo-android    文件   
 * Use this method to colorize toolbar icons to the desired target color
 * @param toolbarView       toolbar view being colored
 * @param toolbarIconsColor the target color of toolbar icons
 * @param activity          reference to activity needed to register observers
public static void colorizeToolbar(Toolbar toolbarView, int toolbarIconsColor, Activity activity) {
    final PorterDuffColorFilter colorFilter
            = new PorterDuffColorFilter(toolbarIconsColor, PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY);

    for (int i = 0; i < toolbarView.getChildCount(); i++) {
        final View v = toolbarView.getChildAt(i);

        //Step 1 : Changing the color of back button (or open drawer button).
        if (v instanceof ImageButton) {
            //Action Bar back button
            ((ImageButton) v).getDrawable().setColorFilter(colorFilter);

        if (v instanceof ActionMenuView) {
            for (int j = 0; j < ((ActionMenuView) v).getChildCount(); j++) {

                //Step 2: Changing the color of any ActionMenuViews - icons that
                //are not back button, nor text, nor overflow menu icon.
                final View innerView = ((ActionMenuView) v).getChildAt(j);

                if (innerView instanceof ActionMenuItemView) {
                    int drawablesCount = ((ActionMenuItemView) innerView).getCompoundDrawables().length;
                    for (int k = 0; k < drawablesCount; k++) {
                        if (((ActionMenuItemView) innerView).getCompoundDrawables()[k] != null) {
                            final int finalK = k;

                            //Important to set the color filter in seperate thread,
                            //by adding it to the message queue
                            //Won't work otherwise.
                   Runnable() {
                                public void run() {
                                    ((ActionMenuItemView) innerView).getCompoundDrawables()[finalK].setColorFilter(colorFilter);

        //Step 3: Changing the color of title and subtitle.

        //Step 4: Changing the color of the Overflow Menu icon.
        setOverflowButtonColor(activity, colorFilter);

项目:droidtestrec    文件   
private void processSupportActionMenuView( menuView) {
    Menu menu = menuView.getMenu();
项目:droidtestrec    文件   
private void processActionMenuView(ActionMenuView menuView) {
    Menu menu = menuView.getMenu();