Java 类com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Policy 实例源码

项目:cerberus-management-service    文件   
 * Check that the given IAM principal has permissions to access the KMS key.
 * This is important because when an IAM principal is deleted and recreated with the same name, then the recreated
 * principal cannot access the KMS key until the key policy is regenerated -- updating the policy permissions to
 * allow the ARN of the recreated principal instead of the ID of the deleted principal.
 * @param policyJson - The KMS key policy as a String
protected boolean consumerPrincipalIsAnArnAndNotAnId(String policyJson) {
    try {
        Policy policy = policyReader.createPolicyFromJsonString(policyJson);
        return policy.getStatements()
                .anyMatch(statement ->
                        StringUtils.equals(statement.getId(), CERBERUS_CONSUMER_SID) &&
                                        .anyMatch(principal -> awsIamRoleArnParser.isArnThatCanGoInKeyPolicy(principal.getId())));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // if we can't deserialize we will assume policy has been corrupted manually and regenerate it
        logger.error("Failed to validate policy, did someone manually edit the kms policy?", e);

    return false;
项目:cerberus-management-service    文件   
 * Validate that the IAM principal for the CMS has permissions to schedule and cancel deletion of the KMS key.
 * @param policyJson - The KMS key policy as a String
protected boolean cmsHasKeyDeletePermissions(String policyJson) {
    try {
        Policy policy = policyReader.createPolicyFromJsonString(policyJson);
        return policy.getStatements()
                .anyMatch(statement ->
                        StringUtils.equals(statement.getId(), CERBERUS_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_SID) &&
                                statementAppliesToPrincipal(statement, cmsRoleArn) &&
                                statement.getEffect() == Statement.Effect.Allow &&
                                statementIncludesAction(statement, KMSActions.ScheduleKeyDeletion) &&
                                statementIncludesAction(statement, KMSActions.CancelKeyDeletion));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Failed to validate that CMS can delete KMS key, there may be something wrong with the policy", e);

    return false;
项目:s3_video    文件   
public String subscribeQueueToTopic(String snsTopicArn, String sqsQueueUrl){        
       Map<String, String> queueAttributes = sqsClient.getQueueAttributes(new GetQueueAttributesRequest(sqsQueueUrl)
       String sqsQueueArn = queueAttributes.get(QueueAttributeName.QueueArn.toString());

       Policy policy = new Policy().withStatements(
               new Statement(Effect.Allow)
                   .withId("topic-subscription-" + snsTopicArn)
                   .withResources(new Resource(sqsQueueArn))

       logger.debug("Policy: " + policy.toJson());

       queueAttributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
       queueAttributes.put(QueueAttributeName.Policy.toString(), policy.toJson());
       sqsClient.setQueueAttributes(new SetQueueAttributesRequest(sqsQueueUrl, queueAttributes));

       SubscribeResult subscribeResult =
               snsClient.subscribe(new SubscribeRequest()
       return subscribeResult.getSubscriptionArn();
项目:cmn-project    文件   
boolean policyChanged(String localPolicyJSON, remoteInstanceProfile) {
    String instanceProfileName = remoteInstanceProfile.getInstanceProfileName();
    List<Role> roles = remoteInstanceProfile.getRoles();
    Asserts.isFalse(roles.isEmpty(), "instance profile does not not have role, please check whether the role failed to add to instance profile, instanceProfileName={}",
    Asserts.equals(roles.size(), 1, "instance profile should only have one role, check whether it's modified not by cmn, instanceProfileName={}, roles={}",
        instanceProfileName, roles);

    Role role = roles.get(0);
    Optional<Policy> remotePolicy = AWS.iam.findRolePolicy(role.getRoleName(), role.getRoleName());
    if (!remotePolicy.isPresent()) {
        logger.warn("role policy doesn't exist, it could be due to failure of last sync, it will try to create this time, instanceProfileName={}", instanceProfileName);
        return true;

    Policy localPolicy = Policy.fromJson(localPolicyJSON);

    return policyChanged(localPolicy, remotePolicy.get());
项目:Cheddar    文件   
public void shouldSetQueueAttributes_withPolicy() {
    // Given
    final Policy mockPolicy = mock(Policy.class);
    final String mockPolicyJson = randomString();

    // When

    // Then
    final ArgumentCaptor<SetQueueAttributesRequest> captor = ArgumentCaptor
    final SetQueueAttributesRequest setQueueAttributesRequest = captor.getValue();
    assertEquals(queueUrl, setQueueAttributesRequest.getQueueUrl());
    assertEquals(mockPolicyJson, setQueueAttributesRequest.getAttributes()
项目:Cheddar    文件   
public void shouldSetPolicy_withPolicy() {
    // Given
    final Policy mockPolicy = mock(Policy.class);
    final String mockPolicyJson = randomString();

    // When

    // Then
    final ArgumentCaptor<SetTopicAttributesRequest> captor = ArgumentCaptor
    final SetTopicAttributesRequest setTopicAttributesRequest = captor.getValue();
    assertEquals(topicArn, setTopicAttributesRequest.getTopicArn());
    assertEquals("Policy", setTopicAttributesRequest.getAttributeName());
    assertEquals(mockPolicyJson, setTopicAttributesRequest.getAttributeValue());
项目:Cheddar    文件   
public void shouldThrowException_onAmazonClientExceptionFromSetPolicy() {
    // Given
    final Policy mockPolicy = mock(Policy.class);
    final String mockPolicyJson = randomString();

    // When
    AmazonClientException thrownException = null;
    try {
    } catch (final AmazonClientException e) {
        thrownException = e;

    // Then
项目:ibm-cos-sdk-java    文件   
 * Converts the specified JSON string to an AWS policy object.
 * For more information see, @see
 * /DeveloperGuide/java-dg-access-control.html
 * @param jsonString
 *            the specified JSON string representation of this AWS access
 *            control policy.
 * @return An AWS policy object.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *             If the specified JSON string is null or invalid and cannot be
 *             converted to an AWS policy object.
public Policy createPolicyFromJsonString(String jsonString) {
    if (jsonString == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON string cannot be null");

    JsonNode policyNode;
    JsonNode idNode;
    JsonNode statementNodes;
    Policy policy = new Policy();
    List<Statement> statements = new LinkedList<Statement>();

    try {
        policyNode = Jackson.jsonNodeOf(jsonString);

        idNode = policyNode.get(JsonDocumentFields.POLICY_ID);
        if (isNotNull(idNode)) {

        statementNodes = policyNode.get(JsonDocumentFields.STATEMENT);
        if (isNotNull(statementNodes)) {
            for (JsonNode node : statementNodes) {

    } catch (Exception e) {
        String message = "Unable to generate policy object fron JSON string "
                + e.getMessage();
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(message, e);
    return policy;
项目:tdl-auth    文件   
static Policy getForUser(String bucket, String userName) {
    Statement creatingObjectsStatement = getObjectCreatingStatement(bucket, userName);
    Statement multipartUploadStatement = getMultipartUploadStatement(bucket, userName);
    Statement listBucketStatement = getListBucketStatement(bucket, userName);

    return new Policy("PerUserFileUploadingPolicy", Arrays.asList(multipartUploadStatement, creatingObjectsStatement, listBucketStatement));
项目:tdl-auth    文件   
public FederatedUserCredentials getFederatedTokenFor(String username) {
    Policy policy = DefaultS3FolderPolicy.getForUser(bucket, username);
    GetFederationTokenRequest getFederationTokenRequest = new GetFederationTokenRequest()
    GetFederationTokenResult federationTokenResult = tokenService.getFederationToken(getFederationTokenRequest);
    return new FederatedUserCredentials(region, bucket, username, federationTokenResult.getCredentials());
项目:conductor    文件   
private String getPolicy(List<String> accountIds) {
    Policy policy = new Policy("AuthorizedWorkerAccessPolicy");
    Statement stmt = new Statement(Effect.Allow);
    Action action = SQSActions.SendMessage;
    stmt.setResources(new LinkedList<>());
    for(String accountId : accountIds) {
        Principal principal = new Principal(accountId);
    stmt.getResources().add(new Resource(getQueueARN()));
    return policy.toJson();
项目:cerberus-management-service    文件   
 * Overwrite the policy statement for CMS with the standard statement. Add the standard statement for CMS
 * to the policy if it did not already exist.
 * @param policyJson - The KMS key policy in JSON format
 * @return - The updated JSON KMS policy containing a regenerated statement for CMS
protected String overwriteCMSPolicy(String policyJson) {
    Policy policy = policyReader.createPolicyFromJsonString(policyJson);
    removeStatementFromPolicy(policy, CERBERUS_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_SID);
    Collection<Statement> statements = policy.getStatements();
    return policy.toJson();
项目:cerberus-management-service    文件   
protected void removeStatementFromPolicy(Policy policy, String statementId) {
    Collection<Statement> existingStatements = policy.getStatements();
    List<Statement> policyStatementsExcludingConsumer =
            .filter(statement -> ! StringUtils.equals(statement.getId(), statementId))
项目:cerberus-management-service    文件   
public String generateStandardKmsPolicy(String iamRoleArn) {
    Policy kmsPolicy = new Policy();

    Statement rootUserStatement = new Statement(Statement.Effect.Allow);
    rootUserStatement.withId("Root User Has All Actions");
    rootUserStatement.withPrincipals(new Principal(AWS_PROVIDER, rootUserArn, false));
    rootUserStatement.withResources(new Resource("*"));

    Statement keyAdministratorStatement = new Statement(Statement.Effect.Allow);
    keyAdministratorStatement.withId("Admin Role Has All Actions");
    keyAdministratorStatement.withPrincipals(new Principal(AWS_PROVIDER, adminRoleArn, false));
    keyAdministratorStatement.withResources(new Resource("*"));

    Statement instanceUsageStatement = generateStandardCMSPolicyStatement();

    Statement iamRoleUsageStatement = new Statement(Statement.Effect.Allow);
            new Principal(AWS_PROVIDER, iamRoleArn, false));
    iamRoleUsageStatement.withResources(new Resource("*"));


    return kmsPolicy.toJson();
项目:cerberus-management-service    文件   
public void test_that_generateStandardCMSPolicyStatement_returns_a_valid_statement() {

    Statement result = kmsPolicyService.generateStandardCMSPolicyStatement();
    assertEquals(KmsPolicyService.CERBERUS_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_SID, result.getId());
    assertEquals(Statement.Effect.Allow, result.getEffect());
    assertTrue(kmsPolicyService.cmsHasKeyDeletePermissions(new Policy().withStatements(result).toJson()));
项目:cerberus-management-service    文件   
public void test_that_removePolicyFromStatement_removes_the_given_statement() {

    String removeId = "remove id";
    String keepId = "keep id";
    Statement statementToRemove = new Statement(Statement.Effect.Allow).withId(removeId).withActions(KMSActions.AllKMSActions);
    Statement statementToKeep = new Statement(Statement.Effect.Deny).withId(keepId).withActions(KMSActions.AllKMSActions);
    Policy policy = new Policy("policy", Lists.newArrayList(statementToKeep, statementToRemove));

    kmsPolicyService.removeStatementFromPolicy(policy, removeId);


项目:aws-doc-sdk-examples    文件   
public static String getPublicReadPolicy(String bucket_name)
    Policy bucket_policy = new Policy().withStatements(
        new Statement(Statement.Effect.Allow)
            .withResources(new Resource(
                "arn:aws:s3:::" + bucket_name + "/*")));
    return bucket_policy.toJson();
项目:cerberus-lifecycle-cli    文件   
private String provisionKmsCmkForBackupRegion(String region) {
    Policy kmsPolicy = new Policy();
    final List<Statement> statements = new LinkedList<>();
    // allow the configured admin iam principals all permissions
    configStore.getBackupAdminIamPrincipals().forEach( principal -> {
        log.debug("Adding principal: {} to the CMK Policy for region {}", principal, region);
        statements.add(new Statement(Statement.Effect.Allow)
            .withId("Principal " + principal + " Has All Actions")
            .withPrincipals(new Principal(AWS_PROVIDER, principal, false))
            .withResources(new Resource("*")));


    String policyString = kmsPolicy.toJson();

    log.debug("Creating key for region {} with policy {}", region, policyString);

    AWSKMS kms = AWSKMSClient.builder().withCredentials(getAWSCredentialsProviderChain()).withRegion(region).build();
    CreateKeyResult createKeyResult = kms.createKey(
            new CreateKeyRequest()
                .withDescription(String.format("Cerberus Backup Encryption key for env: %S region: %s",
                        environmentMetadata.getName(), region))
                        new Tag().withTagKey("env").withTagValue(environmentMetadata.getName()),
                        new Tag().withTagKey("region").withTagValue(region),
                        new Tag().withTagKey("cerberus-backup-key").withTagValue("true")


    String keyId = createKeyResult.getKeyMetadata().getKeyId();"Created new backup KMS CMK with id: {} for region: {}", keyId, region);

    return keyId;
项目:herd    文件   
 * Returns a set of temporary security credentials (consisting of an access key ID, a secret access key, and a security token) that can be used to access
 * the specified AWS resource.
 * @param sessionName the session name that will be associated with the temporary credentials. The session name must be the same for an initial set of
 * credentials and an extended set of credentials if credentials are to be refreshed. The session name also is used to identify the user in AWS logs so it
 * should be something unique and useful to identify the caller/use.
 * @param awsRoleArn the AWS ARN for the role required to provide access to the specified AWS resource
 * @param awsRoleDurationSeconds the duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) to 3600 seconds (1 hour).
 * @param policy the temporary policy to apply to this request
 * @return the assumed session credentials
public Credentials getTemporarySecurityCredentials(AwsParamsDto awsParamsDto, String sessionName, String awsRoleArn, int awsRoleDurationSeconds,
    Policy policy)
    // Construct a new AWS security token service client using the specified client configuration to access Amazon S3.
    // A credentials provider chain will be used that searches for credentials in this order:
    // - Environment Variables - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_KEY
    // - Java System Properties - aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey
    // - Instance Profile Credentials - delivered through the Amazon EC2 metadata service

    ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration().withRetryPolicy(retryPolicyFactory.getRetryPolicy());

    // Only set the proxy hostname and/or port if they're configured.
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(awsParamsDto.getHttpProxyHost()))
    if (awsParamsDto.getHttpProxyPort() != null)

    AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient awsSecurityTokenServiceClient = new AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient(clientConfiguration);

    // Create the request.
    AssumeRoleRequest assumeRoleRequest = new AssumeRoleRequest();
    if (policy != null)

    // Get the temporary security credentials.
    AssumeRoleResult assumeRoleResult = stsOperations.assumeRole(awsSecurityTokenServiceClient, assumeRoleRequest);
    return assumeRoleResult.getCredentials();
项目:cmn-project    文件   
void validatePolicyDocument(String policyJSON) {
    Policy policy = Policy.fromJson(policyJSON);
    Asserts.isFalse(policy.getStatements().isEmpty(), "statement is required");
    for (Statement statement : policy.getStatements()) {
        Asserts.isFalse(statement.getActions().isEmpty(), "action is required");
项目:cmn-project    文件   
boolean policyChanged(Policy policy1, Policy policy2) {
    Collection<Statement> statements1 = policy1.getStatements();
    Collection<Statement> statements2 = policy2.getStatements();
    if (statements1.size() != statements2.size()) return true;

    for (Statement statement1 : statements1) {
        if (!containStatement(statements2, statement1)) return true;

    return false;
项目:cmn-project    文件   
public Optional<Policy> findRolePolicy(String roleName, String policyName) {"find role policy, roleName={}, policyName={}", roleName, policyName);
    try {
        GetRolePolicyResult result = iam.getRolePolicy(new GetRolePolicyRequest()
        String policyJSON = Encodings.decodeURL(result.getPolicyDocument());
        return Optional.of(Policy.fromJson(policyJSON));
    } catch (NoSuchEntityException e) {
        return Optional.empty();
项目:cmn-project    文件   
void policyChangedWithSamePolicy() {
    Policy policy1 = Policy.fromJson(ClasspathResources.text("iam-test/policy1.json"));
    Policy policy2 = Policy.fromJson(ClasspathResources.text("iam-test/policy1.json"));
    boolean changed = instanceProfileHelper.policyChanged(policy1, policy2);

项目:cmn-project    文件   
void policyChangedWithDifferentPolicies() {
    Policy policy1 = Policy.fromJson(ClasspathResources.text("iam-test/policy1.json"));
    Policy policy2 = Policy.fromJson(ClasspathResources.text("iam-test/policy2.json"));
    boolean changed = instanceProfileHelper.policyChanged(policy1, policy2);

项目:ibm-cos-sdk-java    文件   
 * Converts the given <code>Policy</code> into a JSON String.
 * @param policy
 *            the policy to be converted.
 * @return a JSON String of the specified policy object.
private String jsonStringOf(Policy policy) throws JsonGenerationException,
        IOException {

    writeJsonKeyValue(JsonDocumentFields.VERSION, policy.getVersion());

    if (isNotNull(policy.getId()))
        writeJsonKeyValue(JsonDocumentFields.POLICY_ID, policy.getId());


    for (Statement statement : policy.getStatements()) {

        if (isNotNull(statement.getId())) {
            writeJsonKeyValue(JsonDocumentFields.STATEMENT_ID, statement.getId());
        writeJsonKeyValue(JsonDocumentFields.STATEMENT_EFFECT, statement

        List<Principal> principals = statement.getPrincipals();
        if (isNotNull(principals) && !principals.isEmpty())

        List<Action> actions = statement.getActions();
        if (isNotNull(actions) && !actions.isEmpty())

        List<Resource> resources = statement.getResources();
        if (isNotNull(resources) && !resources.isEmpty())

        List<Condition> conditions = statement.getConditions();
        if (isNotNull(conditions) && !conditions.isEmpty())





    return writer.toString();

项目:cerberus-lifecycle-cli    文件   
public void run(SetBackupAdminPrincipalsCommand command) {
    GetCallerIdentityResult identityResult = sts.getCallerIdentity(new GetCallerIdentityRequest());
    String accountId = identityResult.getAccount();
    String rootArn = String.format("arn:aws:iam::%s:root", accountId);
    String adminRoleArn = configStore.getAccountAdminArn().get();

    Set<String> principals = new HashSet<>();


    if (! configStore.getRegionBackupBucketMap().isEmpty()) {
        configStore.getRegionBackupBucketMap().forEach((region, backupRegionInfo) -> {
            final List<Statement> statements = new LinkedList<>();
            principals.forEach( principal -> {
                log.debug("Adding principal: {} to the CMK Policy for region {}", principal, region);
                statements.add(new Statement(Statement.Effect.Allow)
                        .withId("Principal " + principal + " Has All Actions")
                        .withPrincipals(new Principal(AWS_PROVIDER, principal, false))
                        .withResources(new Resource("*")));

            Policy kmsPolicy = new Policy();
            String policyString = kmsPolicy.toJson();

            log.debug("Updating key {} for region {} with policy {}", backupRegionInfo.getKmsCmkId(), region, policyString);

            AWSKMS kms = AWSKMSClient.builder().withCredentials(getAWSCredentialsProviderChain()).withRegion(region).build();
            PutKeyPolicyRequest request = new PutKeyPolicyRequest()


  "Successfully updated key {} in region {} to allow the following principals access {}",
                    backupRegionInfo.getKmsCmkId(), region, String.join(", ", principals));
项目:herd    文件   
public AwsPolicyBuilder()
    policy = new Policy(null, new ArrayList<>());
项目:herd    文件   
@SuppressWarnings("PMD.CloseResource") // These are not SQL statements so they don't need to be closed.
private Policy createUploaderPolicyNoKmsKey(String s3BucketName, String s3Key)
    return new AwsPolicyBuilder().withS3(s3BucketName, s3Key, S3Actions.PutObject).build();
项目:herd    文件   
public Credentials getTemporarySecurityCredentials(AwsParamsDto awsParamsDto, String sessionName, String awsRoleArn, int awsRoleDurationSeconds, 
Policy policy);
项目:herd    文件   
public void testGetTemporarySecurityCredentials()
    // Create an AWS parameters DTO with proxy settings.
    AwsParamsDto awsParamsDto = new AwsParamsDto();

    // Specify the duration, in seconds, of the role session.
    int awsRoleDurationSeconds = INTEGER_VALUE;

    // Create an IAM policy.
    Policy policy = new Policy(STRING_VALUE);

    // Create a retry policy.
    RetryPolicy retryPolicy =
        new RetryPolicy(PredefinedRetryPolicies.DEFAULT_RETRY_CONDITION, PredefinedRetryPolicies.DEFAULT_BACKOFF_STRATEGY, INTEGER_VALUE, true);

    // Create the expected assume role request.
    AssumeRoleRequest assumeRoleRequest = new AssumeRoleRequest().withRoleArn(AWS_ROLE_ARN).withRoleSessionName(SESSION_NAME).withPolicy(policy.toJson())

    // Create AWS credentials for API authentication.
    Credentials credentials = new Credentials();

    // Create an assume role result.
    AssumeRoleResult assumeRoleResult = new AssumeRoleResult();

    // Mock the external calls.
    when(stsOperations.assumeRole(any(AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient.class), eq(assumeRoleRequest))).thenReturn(assumeRoleResult);

    // Call the method under test.
    Credentials result = stsDaoImpl.getTemporarySecurityCredentials(awsParamsDto, SESSION_NAME, AWS_ROLE_ARN, awsRoleDurationSeconds, policy);

    // Verify the external calls.
    verify(stsOperations).assumeRole(any(AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient.class), eq(assumeRoleRequest));

    // Validate the returned object.
    assertEquals(credentials, result);
项目:Cheddar    文件   
 * Sets the {@link Policy} of the AWS SQS queue
 * @param policy {@link Policy} to set
public void setPolicy(final Policy policy) throws AmazonClientException {
    final Map<String, String> queueAttributes = Collections.singletonMap(AWS_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE, policy.toJson());
    amazonSqsClient.setQueueAttributes(new SetQueueAttributesRequest(queueUrl, queueAttributes));
项目:izettle-toolbox    文件   
private static void allowSQSQueueToReceiveMessagesFromSNSTopic(
    AmazonSQS amazonSQS,
    String queueURL,
    String queueARN,
    String topicARN
) {
    GetQueueAttributesResult queueAttributesResult =
            new GetQueueAttributesRequest().withQueueUrl(queueURL).withAttributeNames(

    String policyJson = queueAttributesResult.getAttributes().get(;

    final List<Statement> statements;
    if (policyJson != null) {
        statements = new ArrayList<>(Policy.fromJson(policyJson).getStatements());
    } else {
        // no policies yet exist
        statements = new ArrayList<>();

        new Statement(Statement.Effect.Allow)
            .withResources(new Resource(queueARN))

    Policy policy = new Policy();
    Map<String, String> queueAttributes = new HashMap<>();
    queueAttributes.put(, policy.toJson());

    // Note that if the queue already has this policy, this will do nothing.
        new SetQueueAttributesRequest()
项目:herd    文件   
 * Creates a restricted policy JSON string which only allows PutObject to the given bucket name and object key, and allows GenerateDataKey and Decrypt for
 * the given key ID. The Decrypt is required for multipart upload with KMS encryption.
 * @param s3BucketName - The S3 bucket name to restrict uploads to
 * @param s3Key - The S3 object key to restrict the uploads to
 * @param awsKmsKeyId - The KMS key ID to allow access
 * @return the policy JSON string
@SuppressWarnings("PMD.CloseResource") // These are not SQL statements so they don't need to be closed.
private Policy createUploaderPolicy(String s3BucketName, String s3Key, String awsKmsKeyId)
    return new AwsPolicyBuilder().withS3(s3BucketName, s3Key, S3Actions.PutObject).withKms(awsKmsKeyId, KmsActions.GENERATE_DATA_KEY, KmsActions.DECRYPT)
项目:cerberus-management-service    文件   
 * Removes the 'Allow' statement for the consumer IAM principal.
 * This is important when updating the KMS policy
 * because if the IAM principal has been deleted then the KMS policy will contain the principal 'ID' instead of the
 * ARN, which renders the policy invalid when calling {@link}.
 * @param policyJson - Key policy JSON from which to remove consumer principal
 * @return - The updated key policy JSON
protected String removeConsumerPrincipalFromPolicy(String policyJson) {
    Policy policy = policyReader.createPolicyFromJsonString(policyJson);
    removeStatementFromPolicy(policy, CERBERUS_CONSUMER_SID);
    return policy.toJson();
项目:herd    文件   
 * Returns the policy object.
 * @return The policy
public Policy build()
    return policy;
项目:herd    文件   
 * Creates a restricted policy JSON string which only allows GetObject to the given bucket name and object key, and allows Decrypt for the given key ID.
 * @param s3BucketName - The S3 bucket name to restrict uploads to
 * @param s3Key - The S3 object key to restrict the uploads to
 * @param awsKmsKeyId - The KMS key ID to allow access
 * @return the policy JSON string
@SuppressWarnings("PMD.CloseResource") // These are not SQL statements so they don't need to be closed.
private Policy createDownloaderPolicy(String s3BucketName, String s3Key, String awsKmsKeyId)
    return new AwsPolicyBuilder().withS3(s3BucketName, s3Key, S3Actions.GetObject).withKms(awsKmsKeyId, KmsActions.DECRYPT).build();
项目:herd    文件   
 * Creates a restricted policy JSON string which only allows GetObject to the given bucket name and object key, and allows Decrypt for the given key ID.
 * @param s3BucketName - The S3 bucket name to restrict uploads to
 * @param s3Key - The S3 object key to restrict the uploads to
 * @return the policy JSON string
@SuppressWarnings("PMD.CloseResource") // These are not SQL statements so they don't need to be closed.
private Policy createDownloaderPolicy(String s3BucketName, String s3Key)
    return new AwsPolicyBuilder().withS3(s3BucketName, s3Key, S3Actions.GetObject).build();
项目:Cheddar    文件   
 * Sets the {@link Policy} of the AWS SNS topic
 * @param policy {@link Policy} to set
 * @throws AmazonClientException
public void setPolicy(final Policy policy) throws AmazonClientException {
            .setTopicAttributes(new SetTopicAttributesRequest(topicArn, TOPIC_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE, policy.toJson()));