Java 类 实例源码

项目:GitHub    文件   
 * @param pair KeyPair to convert to an OpenSSH public key
 * @return OpenSSH-encoded pubkey
public static byte[] extractOpenSSHPublic(KeyPair pair) {
    try {
        PublicKey pubKey = pair.getPublic();
        if (pubKey instanceof RSAPublicKey) {
            return RSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHRSAPublicKey((RSAPublicKey) pubKey);
        } else if (pubKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
            return DSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHDSAPublicKey((DSAPublicKey) pubKey);
        } else if (pubKey instanceof ECPublicKey) {
            return ECDSASHA2Verify.encodeSSHECDSAPublicKey((ECPublicKey) pubKey);
        } else if (pubKey instanceof EdDSAPublicKey) {
            return Ed25519Verify.encodeSSHEd25519PublicKey((EdDSAPublicKey) pubKey);
        } else {
            return null;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;
项目:xitk    文件   
public static AlgorithmIdentifier getSigAlgId(PublicKey pubKey, HashAlgoType hashAlgo,
        SignatureAlgoControl algoControl) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    ParamUtil.requireNonNull("hashAlgo", hashAlgo);

    if (pubKey instanceof RSAPublicKey) {
        boolean rsaMgf1 = (algoControl == null) ? false : algoControl.isRsaMgf1();
        return getRSASigAlgId(hashAlgo, rsaMgf1);
    } else if (pubKey instanceof ECPublicKey) {
        boolean dsaPlain = (algoControl == null) ? false : algoControl.isDsaPlain();
        boolean gm =  (algoControl == null) ? false : algoControl.isGm();
        return getECSigAlgId(hashAlgo, dsaPlain, gm);
    } else if (pubKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
        return getDSASigAlgId(hashAlgo);
    } else {
        throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException("Unknown public key '"
                + pubKey.getClass().getName());
项目:xitk    文件   
IaikP11Identity(IaikP11Slot slot, P11EntityIdentifier identityId, PrivateKey privateKey,
        PublicKey publicKey, X509Certificate[] certificateChain) {
    super(slot, identityId, publicKey, certificateChain);
    this.signingKey = ParamUtil.requireNonNull("privateKey", privateKey);

    int keyBitLen = signatureKeyBitLength();
    if (publicKey instanceof RSAPublicKey) {
        expectedSignatureLen = (keyBitLen + 7) / 8;
    } else if (publicKey instanceof ECPublicKey) {
        expectedSignatureLen = (keyBitLen + 7) / 8 * 2;
    } else if (publicKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
        expectedSignatureLen = (keyBitLen + 7) / 8 * 2;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "currently only RSA, DSA and EC public key are supported, but not "
                + this.publicKey.getAlgorithm()
                + " (class: " + publicKey.getClass().getName() + ")");
项目:xitk    文件   
public P11PrivateKey(P11CryptService p11CryptService, P11EntityIdentifier identityId)
        throws P11TokenException {
    this.p11CryptService = ParamUtil.requireNonNull("identityId", p11CryptService);
    this.identityId = ParamUtil.requireNonNull("entityId", identityId);

    this.publicKey = p11CryptService.getIdentity(identityId).publicKey();

    if (this.publicKey instanceof RSAPublicKey) {
        algorithm = "RSA";
        keysize = ((RSAPublicKey) publicKey).getModulus().bitLength();
    } else if (this.publicKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
        algorithm = "DSA";
        keysize = ((DSAPublicKey) publicKey).getParams().getP().bitLength();
    } else if (this.publicKey instanceof ECPublicKey) {
        algorithm = "EC";
        keysize = ((ECPublicKey) publicKey).getParams().getCurve().getField().getFieldSize();
    } else {
        throw new P11TokenException("unknown public key: " + publicKey);
项目:lams    文件   
 * Converts a Java DSA or RSA public key into the corresponding XMLObject and stores it
 * in a {@link KeyInfo} in a new {@link KeyValue} element.
 * As input, only supports {@link PublicKey}s which are instances of either
 * {@link} or
 * {@link}
 * @param keyInfo the {@link KeyInfo} element to which to add the key
 * @param pk the native Java {@link PublicKey} to add
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if an unsupported public key
 *          type is passed
public static void addPublicKey(KeyInfo keyInfo, PublicKey pk) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    KeyValue keyValue = (KeyValue) Configuration.getBuilderFactory()

    if (pk instanceof RSAPublicKey) {
        keyValue.setRSAKeyValue(buildRSAKeyValue((RSAPublicKey) pk));
    } else if (pk instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
        keyValue.setDSAKeyValue(buildDSAKeyValue((DSAPublicKey) pk));
    } else {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only RSAPublicKey and DSAPublicKey are supported");

项目:lams    文件   
 * Builds a {@link DSAKeyValue} XMLObject from the Java security DSA public key type.
 * @param dsaPubKey a native Java {@link DSAPublicKey}
 * @return an {@link DSAKeyValue} XMLObject
public static DSAKeyValue buildDSAKeyValue(DSAPublicKey dsaPubKey) {
    XMLObjectBuilderFactory builderFactory = Configuration.getBuilderFactory();
    DSAKeyValue dsaKeyValue = (DSAKeyValue) builderFactory
    Y y = (Y) builderFactory.getBuilder(Y.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME).buildObject(Y.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME);
    G g = (G) builderFactory.getBuilder(G.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME).buildObject(G.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME);
    P p = (P) builderFactory.getBuilder(P.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME).buildObject(P.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME);
    Q q = (Q) builderFactory.getBuilder(Q.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME).buildObject(Q.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME);





    return dsaKeyValue;
项目:lams    文件   
 * Check key encryption parameters for consistency and required values.
 * @param kekParams the key encryption parameters to check
 * @param allowEmpty if false, a null parameter is treated as an error
 * @throws EncryptionException thrown if any parameters are missing or have invalid values
protected void checkParams(KeyEncryptionParameters kekParams, boolean allowEmpty) throws EncryptionException {
    if (kekParams == null) {
        if (allowEmpty) {
        } else {
            log.error("Key encryption parameters are required");
            throw new EncryptionException("Key encryption parameters are required");
    Key key = SecurityHelper.extractEncryptionKey(kekParams.getEncryptionCredential());
    if (key == null) {
        log.error("Key encryption credential and contained key are required");
        throw new EncryptionException("Key encryption credential and contained key are required");
    } else if (key instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
        log.error("Attempt made to use DSA key for encrypted key transport");
        throw new EncryptionException("DSA keys may not be used for encrypted key transport");
    } else if (key instanceof ECPublicKey) {
        log.error("Attempt made to use EC key for encrypted key transport");
        throw new EncryptionException("EC keys may not be used for encrypted key transport");
    } else if (DatatypeHelper.isEmpty(kekParams.getAlgorithm())) {
        log.error("Key encryption algorithm URI is required");
        throw new EncryptionException("Key encryption algorithm URI is required");
项目:FirefoxData-android    文件   
public static VerifyingPublicKey createPublicKey(BigInteger y, BigInteger p, BigInteger q, BigInteger g) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {
  if (y == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("n must not be null");
  if (p == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("p must not be null");
  if (q == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("q must not be null");
  if (g == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("g must not be null");
  KeySpec keySpec = new DSAPublicKeySpec(y, p, q, g);
  KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA");
  DSAPublicKey publicKey = (DSAPublicKey) keyFactory.generatePublic(keySpec);
  return new DSAVerifyingPublicKey(publicKey);
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
 * Internal method to create a new key with inherited key parameters.
 * @param keyValueKey key from which to obtain key value
 * @param keyParamsKey key from which to obtain key parameters
 * @return new public key having value and parameters
 * @throws CertPathValidatorException if keys are not appropriate types
 * for this operation
static PublicKey makeInheritedParamsKey(PublicKey keyValueKey,
    PublicKey keyParamsKey) throws CertPathValidatorException
    if (!(keyValueKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) ||
        !(keyParamsKey instanceof DSAPublicKey))
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Input key is not " +
                                             "appropriate type for " +
                                             "inheriting parameters");
    DSAParams params = ((DSAPublicKey)keyParamsKey).getParams();
    if (params == null)
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Key parameters missing");
    try {
        BigInteger y = ((DSAPublicKey)keyValueKey).getY();
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA");
        DSAPublicKeySpec ks = new DSAPublicKeySpec(y,
        return kf.generatePublic(ks);
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Unable to generate key with" +
                                             " inherited parameters: " +
                                             e.getMessage(), e);
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
 * Constructor DSAKeyValue
 * @param doc
 * @param key
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
public DSAKeyValue(Document doc, Key key) throws IllegalArgumentException {


    if (key instanceof {
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getP(), Constants._TAG_P);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getQ(), Constants._TAG_Q);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getG(), Constants._TAG_G);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getY(), Constants._TAG_Y);
    } else {
        Object exArgs[] = { Constants._TAG_DSAKEYVALUE, key.getClass().getName() };

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18n.translate("KeyValue.IllegalArgument", exArgs));
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
 * Internal method to create a new key with inherited key parameters.
 * @param keyValueKey key from which to obtain key value
 * @param keyParamsKey key from which to obtain key parameters
 * @return new public key having value and parameters
 * @throws CertPathValidatorException if keys are not appropriate types
 * for this operation
static PublicKey makeInheritedParamsKey(PublicKey keyValueKey,
    PublicKey keyParamsKey) throws CertPathValidatorException
    if (!(keyValueKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) ||
        !(keyParamsKey instanceof DSAPublicKey))
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Input key is not " +
                                             "appropriate type for " +
                                             "inheriting parameters");
    DSAParams params = ((DSAPublicKey)keyParamsKey).getParams();
    if (params == null)
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Key parameters missing");
    try {
        BigInteger y = ((DSAPublicKey)keyValueKey).getY();
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA");
        DSAPublicKeySpec ks = new DSAPublicKeySpec(y,
        return kf.generatePublic(ks);
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Unable to generate key with" +
                                             " inherited parameters: " +
                                             e.getMessage(), e);
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
 * Constructor DSAKeyValue
 * @param doc
 * @param key
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
public DSAKeyValue(Document doc, Key key) throws IllegalArgumentException {


    if (key instanceof {
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getP(), Constants._TAG_P);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getQ(), Constants._TAG_Q);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getG(), Constants._TAG_G);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getY(), Constants._TAG_Y);
    } else {
        Object exArgs[] = { Constants._TAG_DSAKEYVALUE, key.getClass().getName() };

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18n.translate("KeyValue.IllegalArgument", exArgs));
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
 * Internal method to create a new key with inherited key parameters.
 * @param keyValueKey key from which to obtain key value
 * @param keyParamsKey key from which to obtain key parameters
 * @return new public key having value and parameters
 * @throws CertPathValidatorException if keys are not appropriate types
 * for this operation
static PublicKey makeInheritedParamsKey(PublicKey keyValueKey,
    PublicKey keyParamsKey) throws CertPathValidatorException
    if (!(keyValueKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) ||
        !(keyParamsKey instanceof DSAPublicKey))
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Input key is not " +
                                             "appropriate type for " +
                                             "inheriting parameters");
    DSAParams params = ((DSAPublicKey)keyParamsKey).getParams();
    if (params == null)
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Key parameters missing");
    try {
        BigInteger y = ((DSAPublicKey)keyValueKey).getY();
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA");
        DSAPublicKeySpec ks = new DSAPublicKeySpec(y,
        return kf.generatePublic(ks);
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Unable to generate key with" +
                                             " inherited parameters: " +
                                             e.getMessage(), e);
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
 * Constructor DSAKeyValue
 * @param doc
 * @param key
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
public DSAKeyValue(Document doc, Key key) throws IllegalArgumentException {


    if (key instanceof {
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getP(), Constants._TAG_P);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getQ(), Constants._TAG_Q);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getG(), Constants._TAG_G);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getY(), Constants._TAG_Y);
    } else {
        Object exArgs[] = { Constants._TAG_DSAKEYVALUE, key.getClass().getName() };

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18n.translate("KeyValue.IllegalArgument", exArgs));
项目:openjdk9    文件   
 * Internal method to create a new key with inherited key parameters.
 * @param keyValueKey key from which to obtain key value
 * @param keyParamsKey key from which to obtain key parameters
 * @return new public key having value and parameters
 * @throws CertPathValidatorException if keys are not appropriate types
 * for this operation
static PublicKey makeInheritedParamsKey(PublicKey keyValueKey,
    PublicKey keyParamsKey) throws CertPathValidatorException
    if (!(keyValueKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) ||
        !(keyParamsKey instanceof DSAPublicKey))
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Input key is not " +
                                             "appropriate type for " +
                                             "inheriting parameters");
    DSAParams params = ((DSAPublicKey)keyParamsKey).getParams();
    if (params == null)
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Key parameters missing");
    try {
        BigInteger y = ((DSAPublicKey)keyValueKey).getY();
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA");
        DSAPublicKeySpec ks = new DSAPublicKeySpec(y,
        return kf.generatePublic(ks);
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Unable to generate key with" +
                                             " inherited parameters: " +
                                             e.getMessage(), e);
项目:openjdk9    文件   
 * Constructor DSAKeyValue
 * @param doc
 * @param key
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
public DSAKeyValue(Document doc, Key key) throws IllegalArgumentException {


    if (key instanceof {
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getP(), Constants._TAG_P);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getQ(), Constants._TAG_Q);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getG(), Constants._TAG_G);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getY(), Constants._TAG_Y);
    } else {
        Object exArgs[] = { Constants._TAG_DSAKEYVALUE, key.getClass().getName() };

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18n.translate("KeyValue.IllegalArgument", exArgs));
项目:TenguChat    文件   
public String getOtrFingerprint() {
    if (this.otrFingerprint == null) {
        try {
            if (this.mOtrService == null) {
                return null;
            final PublicKey publicKey = this.mOtrService.getPublicKey();
            if (publicKey == null || !(publicKey instanceof DSAPublicKey)) {
                return null;
            this.otrFingerprint = new OtrCryptoEngineImpl().getFingerprint(publicKey).toLowerCase(Locale.US);
            return this.otrFingerprint;
        } catch (final OtrCryptoException ignored) {
            return null;
    } else {
        return this.otrFingerprint;
项目:messengerxmpp    文件   
public String getOtrFingerprint() {
    if (this.otrFingerprint == null) {
        try {
            if (this.mOtrService == null) {
                return null;
            final PublicKey publicKey = this.mOtrService.getPublicKey();
            if (publicKey == null || !(publicKey instanceof DSAPublicKey)) {
                return null;
            this.otrFingerprint = new OtrCryptoEngineImpl().getFingerprint(publicKey);
            return this.otrFingerprint;
        } catch (final OtrCryptoException ignored) {
            return null;
    } else {
        return this.otrFingerprint;
项目:xmlsec-gost    文件   
void marshalPublicKey(XmlWriter xwriter, DSAPublicKey publicKey, String dsPrefix,
        XMLCryptoContext context)
    throws MarshalException
    DSAParams params = publicKey.getParams();

    xwriter.writeStartElement(dsPrefix, "DSAKeyValue", XMLSignature.XMLNS);

    // parameters J, Seed & PgenCounter are not included
    writeBase64BigIntegerElement(xwriter, dsPrefix, "P", XMLSignature.XMLNS, params.getP());
    writeBase64BigIntegerElement(xwriter, dsPrefix, "Q", XMLSignature.XMLNS, params.getQ());
    writeBase64BigIntegerElement(xwriter, dsPrefix, "G", XMLSignature.XMLNS, params.getG());
    writeBase64BigIntegerElement(xwriter, dsPrefix, "Y", XMLSignature.XMLNS, publicKey.getY() );

    xwriter.writeEndElement(); // "DSAKeyValue"
项目:xmlsec-gost    文件   
 * Constructor DSAKeyValue
 * @param doc
 * @param key
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
public DSAKeyValue(Document doc, Key key) throws IllegalArgumentException {


    if (key instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
        DSAParams params = ((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams();
        this.addBigIntegerElement(params.getP(), Constants._TAG_P);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(params.getQ(), Constants._TAG_Q);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(params.getG(), Constants._TAG_G);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getY(), Constants._TAG_Y);
    } else {
        Object exArgs[] = { Constants._TAG_DSAKEYVALUE, key.getClass().getName() };

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18n.translate("KeyValue.IllegalArgument", exArgs));
项目:jdk8u_jdk    文件   
 * Internal method to create a new key with inherited key parameters.
 * @param keyValueKey key from which to obtain key value
 * @param keyParamsKey key from which to obtain key parameters
 * @return new public key having value and parameters
 * @throws CertPathValidatorException if keys are not appropriate types
 * for this operation
static PublicKey makeInheritedParamsKey(PublicKey keyValueKey,
    PublicKey keyParamsKey) throws CertPathValidatorException
    if (!(keyValueKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) ||
        !(keyParamsKey instanceof DSAPublicKey))
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Input key is not " +
                                             "appropriate type for " +
                                             "inheriting parameters");
    DSAParams params = ((DSAPublicKey)keyParamsKey).getParams();
    if (params == null)
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Key parameters missing");
    try {
        BigInteger y = ((DSAPublicKey)keyValueKey).getY();
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA");
        DSAPublicKeySpec ks = new DSAPublicKeySpec(y,
        return kf.generatePublic(ks);
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Unable to generate key with" +
                                             " inherited parameters: " +
                                             e.getMessage(), e);
项目:jdk8u_jdk    文件   
 * Constructor DSAKeyValue
 * @param doc
 * @param key
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
public DSAKeyValue(Document doc, Key key) throws IllegalArgumentException {


    if (key instanceof {
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getP(), Constants._TAG_P);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getQ(), Constants._TAG_Q);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getG(), Constants._TAG_G);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getY(), Constants._TAG_Y);
    } else {
        Object exArgs[] = { Constants._TAG_DSAKEYVALUE, key.getClass().getName() };

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18n.translate("KeyValue.IllegalArgument", exArgs));
项目:lookaside_java-1.8.0-openjdk    文件   
 * Internal method to create a new key with inherited key parameters.
 * @param keyValueKey key from which to obtain key value
 * @param keyParamsKey key from which to obtain key parameters
 * @return new public key having value and parameters
 * @throws CertPathValidatorException if keys are not appropriate types
 * for this operation
static PublicKey makeInheritedParamsKey(PublicKey keyValueKey,
    PublicKey keyParamsKey) throws CertPathValidatorException
    if (!(keyValueKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) ||
        !(keyParamsKey instanceof DSAPublicKey))
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Input key is not " +
                                             "appropriate type for " +
                                             "inheriting parameters");
    DSAParams params = ((DSAPublicKey)keyParamsKey).getParams();
    if (params == null)
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Key parameters missing");
    try {
        BigInteger y = ((DSAPublicKey)keyValueKey).getY();
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA");
        DSAPublicKeySpec ks = new DSAPublicKeySpec(y,
        return kf.generatePublic(ks);
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Unable to generate key with" +
                                             " inherited parameters: " +
                                             e.getMessage(), e);
项目:lookaside_java-1.8.0-openjdk    文件   
 * Constructor DSAKeyValue
 * @param doc
 * @param key
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
public DSAKeyValue(Document doc, Key key) throws IllegalArgumentException {


    if (key instanceof {
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getP(), Constants._TAG_P);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getQ(), Constants._TAG_Q);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getG(), Constants._TAG_G);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getY(), Constants._TAG_Y);
    } else {
        Object exArgs[] = { Constants._TAG_DSAKEYVALUE, key.getClass().getName() };

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18n.translate("KeyValue.IllegalArgument", exArgs));
项目:connectbot    文件   
 * @param trileadKey
 * @return OpenSSH-encoded pubkey
public static byte[] extractOpenSSHPublic(KeyPair pair) {
    try {
        PublicKey pubKey = pair.getPublic();
        if (pubKey instanceof RSAPublicKey) {
            return RSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHRSAPublicKey((RSAPublicKey) pair.getPublic());
        } else if (pubKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
            return DSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHDSAPublicKey((DSAPublicKey) pair.getPublic());
        } else if (pubKey instanceof ECPublicKey) {
            return ECDSASHA2Verify.encodeSSHECDSAPublicKey((ECPublicKey) pair.getPublic());
        } else {
            return null;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;
项目:cf-env    文件   
public void shouldParseAnX509DSAPublicKey() throws Exception {
    String keyString = "" +
            "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n" +
            "MIHyMIGpBgcqhkjOOAQBMIGdAkEA/8/aIwYwD4TUzee5AQvz4Bk24nAozkCJOOK/\n" +
            "WEtLmlfdK3pWeZ7WttD65kJFgFZE1hDi0D0ipuXwFIJhqzoMcQIVAORLzKnx1wfB\n" +
            "s3Mngrh3XfyqOmUlAkEAvjDa+zB5mfAfIaYOgpuJzEGnLnj9VGLZEGVC/w3l5ML3\n" +
            "PblMCLMniHzIT3UQjQtTwOfiWa7RdAFrmjU7OQxJCQNEAAJBALhjbXYy4uG3yMV+\n" +
            "h/Sd6SgxqgDr17n1dk2QH2r/4sMppgtMgCLNvb/3kuvK8novAEaHDEojWUkwtsSr\n" +
            "sgXFLac=\n" +
            "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";

    Key key = CryptoParser.parseKey(keyString);

    assertThat(((DSAPublicKey) key).getY(), hasToString(startsWith("9657203532")));
项目:keystore-explorer    文件   
private ASN1Sequence createPublicKeyAndChallenge() throws SpkacException {
    ASN1EncodableVector publicKeyAlgorithm = new ASN1EncodableVector();
    publicKeyAlgorithm.add(new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(getPublicKeyAlg().oid()));

    if (getPublicKey() instanceof RSAPublicKey) {
    } else {
        DSAParams dsaParams = ((DSAPublicKey) getPublicKey()).getParams();

        ASN1EncodableVector dssParams = new ASN1EncodableVector();
        dssParams.add(new ASN1Integer(dsaParams.getP()));
        dssParams.add(new ASN1Integer(dsaParams.getQ()));
        dssParams.add(new ASN1Integer(dsaParams.getG()));

        publicKeyAlgorithm.add(new DERSequence(dssParams));

    ASN1EncodableVector spki = new ASN1EncodableVector();
    spki.add(new DERSequence(publicKeyAlgorithm));

    ASN1EncodableVector publicKeyAndChallenge = new ASN1EncodableVector();
    publicKeyAndChallenge.add(new DERSequence(spki));
    publicKeyAndChallenge.add(new DERIA5String(getChallenge()));
    return new DERSequence(publicKeyAndChallenge);
项目:keystore-explorer    文件   
private void populateDialog() throws CryptoException {
    KeyInfo keyInfo = KeyPairUtil.getKeyInfo(publicKey);


    Integer keyLength = keyInfo.getSize();

    if (keyLength != null) {
        jtfKeySize.setText(MessageFormat.format(res.getString("DViewPublicKey.jtfKeySize.text"), "" + keyLength));
    } else {
        jtfKeySize.setText(MessageFormat.format(res.getString("DViewPublicKey.jtfKeySize.text"), "?"));


    jtfEncoded.setText("0x" + new BigInteger(1, publicKey.getEncoded()).toString(16).toUpperCase());

    if ((publicKey instanceof RSAPublicKey) || (publicKey instanceof DSAPublicKey)) {
    } else {
项目:FMTech    文件   
final void initFromJson()
  throws KeyczarException
  BigInteger localBigInteger1 = new BigInteger(Base64Coder.decodeWebSafe(this.y));
  BigInteger localBigInteger2 = new BigInteger(Base64Coder.decodeWebSafe(this.p));
  BigInteger localBigInteger3 = new BigInteger(Base64Coder.decodeWebSafe(this.q));
  BigInteger localBigInteger4 = new BigInteger(Base64Coder.decodeWebSafe(this.g));
    this.jcePublicKey = ((DSAPublicKey)KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA").generatePublic(new DSAPublicKeySpec(localBigInteger1, localBigInteger2, localBigInteger3, localBigInteger4)));
    DSAParams localDSAParams = this.jcePublicKey.getParams();
    byte[][] arrayOfByte = new byte[4][];
    arrayOfByte[0] = Util.stripLeadingZeros(localDSAParams.getP().toByteArray());
    arrayOfByte[1] = Util.stripLeadingZeros(localDSAParams.getQ().toByteArray());
    arrayOfByte[2] = Util.stripLeadingZeros(localDSAParams.getG().toByteArray());
    arrayOfByte[3] = Util.stripLeadingZeros(this.jcePublicKey.getY().toByteArray());
    System.arraycopy(Util.prefixHash(arrayOfByte), 0, this.hash, 0, this.hash.length);
  catch (GeneralSecurityException localGeneralSecurityException)
    throw new KeyczarException(localGeneralSecurityException);
项目:TextSecureSMP    文件   
public void writePublicKey(PublicKey pubKey) throws IOException {
    if (!(pubKey instanceof DSAPublicKey))
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
            "Key types other than DSA are not supported at the moment.");

    DSAPublicKey dsaKey = (DSAPublicKey) pubKey;


    DSAParams dsaParams = dsaKey.getParams();

项目:Pix-Art-Messenger    文件   
public String getOtrFingerprint() {
    if (this.otrFingerprint == null) {
        try {
            if (this.mOtrService == null) {
                return null;
            final PublicKey publicKey = this.mOtrService.getPublicKey();
            if (publicKey == null || !(publicKey instanceof DSAPublicKey)) {
                return null;
            this.otrFingerprint = new OtrCryptoEngineImpl().getFingerprint(publicKey).toLowerCase(Locale.US);
            return this.otrFingerprint;
        } catch (final OtrCryptoException ignored) {
            return null;
    } else {
        return this.otrFingerprint;
项目:androidpn_enhanced_client    文件   
private static byte []
fromDSAPublicKey(DSAPublicKey key) {
    DNSOutput out = new DNSOutput();
    BigInteger q = key.getParams().getQ();
    BigInteger p = key.getParams().getP();
    BigInteger g = key.getParams().getG();
    BigInteger y = key.getY();
    int t = (p.toByteArray().length - 64) / 8;

    writeBigInteger(out, q);
    writeBigInteger(out, p);
    writeBigInteger(out, g);
    writeBigInteger(out, y);

    return out.toByteArray();
项目:androidpn_enhanced_client    文件   
/** Builds a DNSKEY record from a PublicKey */
static byte []
fromPublicKey(PublicKey key, int alg) throws DNSSECException
    byte [] data = null;

    switch (alg) {
    case Algorithm.RSAMD5:
    case Algorithm.RSASHA1:
    case Algorithm.RSA_NSEC3_SHA1:
    case Algorithm.RSASHA256:
    case Algorithm.RSASHA512:
        if (! (key instanceof RSAPublicKey))
            throw new IncompatibleKeyException();
        return fromRSAPublicKey((RSAPublicKey) key);
    case Algorithm.DSA:
    case Algorithm.DSA_NSEC3_SHA1:
        if (! (key instanceof DSAPublicKey))
            throw new IncompatibleKeyException();
        return fromDSAPublicKey((DSAPublicKey) key);
        throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException(alg);
项目:Wilma    文件   
static byte []
buildDSA(DSAPublicKey key) {
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    BigInteger q = key.getParams().getQ();
    BigInteger p = key.getParams().getP();
    BigInteger g = key.getParams().getG();
    BigInteger y = key.getY();
    int t = (p.toByteArray().length - 64) / 8;

    writeBigInteger(out, q);
    writeBigInteger(out, p);
    writeBigInteger(out, g);
    writeBigInteger(out, y);

    return out.toByteArray();
项目:Wilma    文件   
/** Builds a KEY record from a PublicKey */
public static KEYRecord
buildRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int flags, int proto,
        PublicKey key)
    byte alg;

    if (key instanceof RSAPublicKey) {
        alg = DNSSEC.RSAMD5;
    else if (key instanceof DHPublicKey) {
        alg = DNSSEC.DH;
    else if (key instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
        alg = DNSSEC.DSA;
        return null;

    return (KEYRecord) buildRecord(name, Type.KEY, dclass, ttl, flags,
                       proto, alg, key);
项目:mc_backup    文件   
public static VerifyingPublicKey createPublicKey(BigInteger y, BigInteger p, BigInteger q, BigInteger g) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {
  if (y == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("n must not be null");
  if (p == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("p must not be null");
  if (q == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("q must not be null");
  if (g == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("g must not be null");
  KeySpec keySpec = new DSAPublicKeySpec(y, p, q, g);
  KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA");
  DSAPublicKey publicKey = (DSAPublicKey) keyFactory.generatePublic(keySpec);
  return new DSAVerifyingPublicKey(publicKey);
项目:infobip-open-jdk-8    文件   
 * Internal method to create a new key with inherited key parameters.
 * @param keyValueKey key from which to obtain key value
 * @param keyParamsKey key from which to obtain key parameters
 * @return new public key having value and parameters
 * @throws CertPathValidatorException if keys are not appropriate types
 * for this operation
static PublicKey makeInheritedParamsKey(PublicKey keyValueKey,
    PublicKey keyParamsKey) throws CertPathValidatorException
    if (!(keyValueKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) ||
        !(keyParamsKey instanceof DSAPublicKey))
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Input key is not " +
                                             "appropriate type for " +
                                             "inheriting parameters");
    DSAParams params = ((DSAPublicKey)keyParamsKey).getParams();
    if (params == null)
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Key parameters missing");
    try {
        BigInteger y = ((DSAPublicKey)keyValueKey).getY();
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA");
        DSAPublicKeySpec ks = new DSAPublicKeySpec(y,
        return kf.generatePublic(ks);
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Unable to generate key with" +
                                             " inherited parameters: " +
                                             e.getMessage(), e);
项目:infobip-open-jdk-8    文件   
 * Constructor DSAKeyValue
 * @param doc
 * @param key
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
public DSAKeyValue(Document doc, Key key) throws IllegalArgumentException {


    if (key instanceof {
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getP(), Constants._TAG_P);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getQ(), Constants._TAG_Q);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getG(), Constants._TAG_G);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getY(), Constants._TAG_Y);
    } else {
        Object exArgs[] = { Constants._TAG_DSAKEYVALUE, key.getClass().getName() };

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18n.translate("KeyValue.IllegalArgument", exArgs));
项目:jdk8u-dev-jdk    文件   
 * Internal method to create a new key with inherited key parameters.
 * @param keyValueKey key from which to obtain key value
 * @param keyParamsKey key from which to obtain key parameters
 * @return new public key having value and parameters
 * @throws CertPathValidatorException if keys are not appropriate types
 * for this operation
static PublicKey makeInheritedParamsKey(PublicKey keyValueKey,
    PublicKey keyParamsKey) throws CertPathValidatorException
    if (!(keyValueKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) ||
        !(keyParamsKey instanceof DSAPublicKey))
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Input key is not " +
                                             "appropriate type for " +
                                             "inheriting parameters");
    DSAParams params = ((DSAPublicKey)keyParamsKey).getParams();
    if (params == null)
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Key parameters missing");
    try {
        BigInteger y = ((DSAPublicKey)keyValueKey).getY();
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA");
        DSAPublicKeySpec ks = new DSAPublicKeySpec(y,
        return kf.generatePublic(ks);
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Unable to generate key with" +
                                             " inherited parameters: " +
                                             e.getMessage(), e);
项目:jdk8u-dev-jdk    文件   
 * Constructor DSAKeyValue
 * @param doc
 * @param key
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
public DSAKeyValue(Document doc, Key key) throws IllegalArgumentException {


    if (key instanceof {
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getP(), Constants._TAG_P);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getQ(), Constants._TAG_Q);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getParams().getG(), Constants._TAG_G);
        this.addBigIntegerElement(((DSAPublicKey) key).getY(), Constants._TAG_Y);
    } else {
        Object exArgs[] = { Constants._TAG_DSAKEYVALUE, key.getClass().getName() };

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18n.translate("KeyValue.IllegalArgument", exArgs));