Java 类java.util.LinkedHashMap 实例源码

项目:datarouter    文件   
public void testAddHeaders(){
    DatarouterHttpRequest request = new DatarouterHttpRequest(HttpRequestMethod.POST, URL, true);

    Map<String,List<String>> expectedHeaders = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    expectedHeaders.put("valid", Arrays.asList("header"));
    Map<String,String> headers = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    headers.put("valid", "header");
    Assert.assertEquals(request.getHeaders(), expectedHeaders);

    headers.put("", "empty");
    headers.put(null, null);
    Assert.assertEquals(request.getHeaders().size(), 1);

    Assert.assertEquals(request.getHeaders().size(), 2);

    Assert.assertEquals(request.getHeaders().size(), 2);
    Assert.assertEquals(request.getRequest().getAllHeaders().length, 3);
项目:logistimo-web-service    文件   
public static ICounter getOrderCounter(Long domainId, String tag, Integer ordType,  String... tgType) {
  Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
  map.put(OBJECT_TYPE, "orders");
  if (tgType != null && tgType.length > 0) {
    switch (tgType[0]) {
      case TYPE_ORDER:
        map.put(O_TAGS, tag);
        map.put(K_TAGS, tag);
  } else {
    map.put(K_TAGS, tag);
  map.put(ORD_TYPE, ordType);
  return getInstance(domainId, map);
项目:synthea_java    文件   
 * Calculates the prevalence rate and percent based on what is on that line of the report. Inserts
 * result of calculation into the prevalence rate and percent columns.
private static void completeSyntheaFields(Connection connection,
    LinkedHashMap<String, String> line) throws SQLException {

  if ((line.get(OCCUR).isEmpty()) || (line.get(POP).isEmpty())) {
    line.put(PREV_RATE, (null));
    line.put(PREV_PERCENT, (null));
  } else {
    double occurr = Double.parseDouble(line.get(OCCUR));
    double pop = Double.parseDouble(line.get(POP));

    if (pop != 0) {
      double prevRate = occurr / pop;
      double prevPercent = prevRate * 100;
      line.put(PREV_RATE, Double.toString(prevRate));
      line.put(PREV_PERCENT, Double.toString(prevPercent));
    } else {
      line.put(PREV_RATE, Double.toString(0));
      line.put(PREV_PERCENT, Double.toString(0));
项目:bpm-client    文件   
public Object saveSuperviseMatter(String token, Map taskForm) {
    UserVO user = getUser(token); // 获取用户信息
    checkedParameter(taskForm, "type", "title", "describe"); // 检测参数
    String formId = getUUID(), uid = user.getId(); // 生成FormData 相关参数
    Map processObject = startProcess(uid, formId); // 启动流程
    FormDataDO formData = saveSuperviseMatterFromData(taskForm,
            processObject, uid, formId); // 保存进入数据库

    // 整理返回数据
    Map variables = new LinkedHashMap();
    variables.put("fromInfo", formData);
    variables.put("processInfo", processObject);

    return variables;
项目:scanning    文件   
 * Test that the ArrayModel can be used to create paths
public void testArrayPath() throws QueueModelException {
    ScanAtomAssembler scAtAss = new ScanAtomAssembler(null);
    ArrayModel arrayModel = new ArrayModel(new double[]{15.8, 16.5, 15.9, 14.2});
    CompoundModel<?> cMod = new CompoundModel<>();
    cMod.addData(arrayModel, null);

     * Fully specified by template
    Map<String, DeviceModel> pMods = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    Map<String, Object> devConf = new HashMap<>();
    devConf.put("positions", new Double[]{15.8, 16.5, 15.9, 14.2});
    DeviceModel pathModel = new DeviceModel("Array", devConf);
    pMods.put("stage_y", pathModel);
    ScanAtom scAtMod = new ScanAtom("testScan", pMods, new HashMap<String, DeviceModel>(), new ArrayList<Object>());

    ScanAtom assAt = scAtAss.assemble(scAtMod, new ExperimentConfiguration(null, null, null));
    assertEquals("Template specified path differs from expected", cMod, assAt.getScanReq().getCompoundModel());
项目:flight-management-system-java    文件   
public void loadTableBD(String dateAuj) {
    Result res = db.execute("MATCH (a:Avion)-[r:Affecter]->(d:Depart)<-[c:Constituer]-(v:Vol) WHERE'"+dateAuj+"' RETURN d.numero,, v.villeDep, v.villeArr,  a.type, a.capacite, v.numero, v.heureDep, v.heureArr");
    DefaultTableModel dtm = new DefaultTableModel(0,0);
    String header[] = {"Numero", "Date","Depart", "Arriveé", "Type", "Capacite", "NumVol", "Heure De Depart", "Heure d'arrive"};
    String test[] = {"d.numero", "","v.villeDep", "v.villeArr", "a.type", "a.capacite", "v.numero", "v.heureDep", "v.heureArr"};
    while(res.hasNext()) {
        Map<String, Object> row =;
        Map<String, Object> obj = new LinkedHashMap();
        for (String t:test) {
            obj.put(t, null);
        for(Map.Entry<String, Object> col : row.entrySet()) {

项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
private Map<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> mapCandidates() {
    Map<Symbol, JCDiagnostic> candidates = new LinkedHashMap<Symbol, JCDiagnostic>();
    for (Candidate c : resolveContext.candidates) {
        if (c.isApplicable()) continue;
        candidates.put(c.sym, c.details);
    return candidates;
项目:XXXX    文件   
public void queryMapKeysMustBeStrings() throws Exception {
  server.enqueue(new MockResponse());

  TestInterface api = new TestInterfaceBuilder().target("http://localhost:" + server.getPort());

  Map<Object, String> queryMap = new LinkedHashMap<Object, String>();
  queryMap.put(Integer.valueOf(42), "alice");

  try {
    api.queryMap((Map) queryMap);
  } catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
    assertThat(ex).hasMessage("QueryMap key must be a String: 42");
项目:alevin-svn2    文件   
 * @param vNet
 * @return The set of substrate candidates for each virtual node of vNet
private Map<VirtualNode, List<SubstrateNode>> createCandidateSet(
        SubstrateNetwork sNet, VirtualNetwork vNet) {
    Map<VirtualNode, List<SubstrateNode>> candidateSet = new LinkedHashMap<VirtualNode, List<SubstrateNode>>();
    List<SubstrateNode> substrateSet;
    for (Iterator<VirtualNode> itt = vNet.getVertices().iterator(); itt
            .hasNext();) {
        substrateSet = new LinkedList<SubstrateNode>();
        VirtualNode currVnode =;
        if (nodeMapping.containsKey(currVnode)) {
        } else {
            substrateSet.addAll(findFulfillingNodes(sNet, currVnode));
        candidateSet.put(currVnode, substrateSet);
    return candidateSet;
项目:oneops    文件   
 * Get the cache entry for specific nsPath. If the API returns an entry
 * doesn't mean that entry was existing in the Cache because the cache loader
 * would fetch and load a non existing entry on demand upon expiry.
 * @param nsPath message nspath
 * @return cache entry map.
@RequestMapping(value = "/cache/entry", method = GET)
public ResponseEntity<Map<String, Object>> getCacheEntry(@RequestParam(value = "nsPath", required = true) String nsPath) {
    Map<String, Object> stat = new LinkedHashMap<>(2);
    List<BasicSubscriber> entry;
    try {
        entry = cache.instance().get(new SinkKey(nsPath));
    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
        stat.put("status", e.getMessage());
        return new ResponseEntity<>(stat, NOT_FOUND);
    stat.put("status", "ok");
    stat.put("entry", entry.toString());
    return new ResponseEntity<>(stat, OK);
项目:MTweaks-KernelAdiutorMOD    文件   
private void returnIntent(LinkedHashMap<String, String> commandsList) {
    ArrayList<String> ids = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<String> commands = new ArrayList<>();
    Collections.addAll(ids, commandsList.keySet().toArray(new String[commands.size()]));
    Collections.addAll(commands, commandsList.values().toArray(new String[commands.size()]));
    if (commands.size() > 0) {
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra(POSITION_INTENT, mProfilePosition);
        intent.putExtra(RESULT_ID_INTENT, ids);
        intent.putExtra(RESULT_COMMAND_INTENT, commands);
        setResult(0, intent);
    } else {
        Utils.toast(R.string.no_changes, ProfileActivity.this);
项目:googles-monorepo-demo    文件   
static ImmutableMap<File, ClassLoader> getClassPathEntries(ClassLoader classloader) {
  LinkedHashMap<File, ClassLoader> entries = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
  // Search parent first, since it's the order ClassLoader#loadClass() uses.
  ClassLoader parent = classloader.getParent();
  if (parent != null) {
  if (classloader instanceof URLClassLoader) {
    URLClassLoader urlClassLoader = (URLClassLoader) classloader;
    for (URL entry : urlClassLoader.getURLs()) {
      if (entry.getProtocol().equals("file")) {
        File file = toFile(entry);
        if (!entries.containsKey(file)) {
          entries.put(file, classloader);
  return ImmutableMap.copyOf(entries);
项目:WeiXing_xmu-2016-MrCode    文件   
@Action(value="toOrder", results={@Result(name="orderUI", location=ViewLocation.View_ROOT+
public String toOrder() throws Exception{
    //TODO 跳转到选择团购券的页面
    Customer customer = (Customer)session.get(Const.CUSTOMER);
    List<Grouppurchasevoucher> gps = grouppurchasevoucherService.getByCust(customer);

    Map<Roomtype, List<Grouppurchasevoucher>> rgMap = new LinkedHashMap<Roomtype, List<Grouppurchasevoucher>>();
    for(Grouppurchasevoucher gp : gps){
            List<Grouppurchasevoucher> grps = new LinkedList<Grouppurchasevoucher>();
            rgMap.put(gp.getRoomtype(), grps);

    request.setAttribute("rgMap", rgMap);

    return "orderUI";
项目:ZooKeeper    文件   
public Pair<Map<String, List<String>>, Map<String, String>> getConnectionPropertiesTemplate() {
    Map<String, List<String>> template = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>();
    template.put(CONNECT_STRING, Arrays
            .asList(new String[] { defaultHosts }));
    template.put(SESSION_TIMEOUT, Arrays
            .asList(new String[] { defaultTimeout }));
    template.put(DATA_ENCRYPTION_MANAGER, Arrays
            .asList(new String[] { defaultEncryptionManager }));
    template.put(AUTH_SCHEME_KEY, Arrays
            .asList(new String[] { defaultAuthScheme }));
    template.put(AUTH_DATA_KEY, Arrays
            .asList(new String[] { defaultAuthValue }));
    Map<String, String> labels = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    labels.put(CONNECT_STRING, "Connect String");
    labels.put(SESSION_TIMEOUT, "Session Timeout");
    labels.put(DATA_ENCRYPTION_MANAGER, "Data Encryption Manager");
    labels.put(AUTH_SCHEME_KEY, "Authentication Scheme");
    labels.put(AUTH_DATA_KEY, "Authentication Data");
    return new Pair<Map<String, List<String>>, Map<String, String>>(
            template, labels);
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
private synchronized Map<String, Description> getKey2Desc(final Object fo) {
    Map<String, Description> result = fo2Key2Desc.get(fo);

    if (result == null) {
        files.add(new CleanableWeakReference<Object>(fo));
        fo2Key2Desc.put(fo, result = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap<String, Description>()));
        pcs.firePropertyChange("fos", null, fo);

        if (fo instanceof FileObject) {
            ((FileObject)fo).addFileChangeListener(new FileChangeAdapter() {
                public void fileDeleted(FileEvent ev) {
                    fileDeletedSync(ev, (FileObject)fo);
    return result;
项目:gradle-postgresql-embedded    文件   
IVersion parseVersion(String version) {
    Map<String, IVersion> versions = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    versions.put(, PRODUCTION);
    versions.put(, V10);
    versions.put(, V9_6);
    versions.put(, V9_5);

    versions.put(, V10_0);
    versions.put(, V9_6_5);

    versions.put(V10_0.asInDownloadPath(), V10_0);
    versions.put(V9_6_5.asInDownloadPath(), V9_6_5);

    return versions.getOrDefault(version, () -> version);
项目:xemime    文件   
public Node run() throws Exception {
    Node o =;
    if (map != null) {
        LinkedHashMap<Symbol, Node> map2 = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        for (Map.Entry<Symbol, Node> entry : map.entrySet()) map2.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().run());
        map = map2;
        o = o.message(getLocation(), symbol, map);
        return o;
    } else if (list != null) {
        ArrayList<Node> list2 = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Node arg : list) list2.add(;
        list = list2;
        o = o.message(getLocation(), symbol, list);
        return o;
    } else {
        o = o.message(getLocation(), symbol, new ArrayList<>());
        return o;
项目    文件   
public RTemplate()
    this.sheetIndex           = 0;
    this.direction            = 0;
    this.templateSheet        = null;
    this.excelVersion         = null;
    this.valueMethods         = new LinkedHashMap<String ,RCellGroup>();
    this.valueNames           = new Hashtable<String ,String>();
    this.autoHeights         = new Hashtable<String ,Object>();
    this.valueListeners       = new Hashtable<String ,ValueListener>();
    this.sheetListeners       = new ArrayList<SheetListener>();
    this.isIntegerShowDecimal = false;
    this.isExcelFilter        = false;
    this.cells                = new HashMap<String ,RCell>();
    this.isSafe               = false;
    this.isBig                = true;
    this.isCheck              = true;
    this.rowAccessWindowSize  = SXSSFWorkbook.DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE * 10;
    this.titlePageHeaderFirstWriteByRow           = 0;
    this.titlePageHeaderFirstWriteByRealDataCount = 0;
    this.titlePageHeaderRate                      = 0;
项目:plugin-bt-jira    文件   
 * Return ordered custom fields by the given identifiers
 * @param dataSource
 *            The data source of JIRA database.
 * @param customFields
 *            the expected custom fields identifiers.
 * @param project
 *            Jira project identifier. Required to filter custom field agains contexts.
 * @return ordered custom fields by their identifier.
public Map<Integer, CustomFieldEditor> getCustomFieldsById(final DataSource dataSource, final Set<Integer> customFields, final int project) {
    if (customFields.isEmpty()) {
        // No custom field, we save an useless query
        return new HashMap<>();

    // Get map as list
    final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
    final RowMapper<CustomFieldEditor> rowMapper = new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(CustomFieldEditor.class);
    final List<CustomFieldEditor> resultList = jdbcTemplate
            .query("SELECT ID AS id, TRIM(cfname) AS name, DESCRIPTION AS description, CUSTOMFIELDTYPEKEY AS fieldType FROM customfield WHERE ID IN ("
                    + newIn(customFields) + ") ORDER BY id", rowMapper, customFields.toArray());

    // Make a Map of valid values for single/multi select values field
    final Map<Integer, CustomFieldEditor> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    addListToMapIdentifier(dataSource, resultList, result, project);
    return result;
项目:pac4j-plus    文件   
public void testAlreadyAuthenticatedNotAuthorized() throws Exception {
    final CommonProfile profile = new CommonProfile();
    final LinkedHashMap<String, CommonProfile> profiles = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    profiles.put(NAME, profile);
    context.setSessionAttribute(Pac4jConstants.USER_PROFILES, profiles);
    final IndirectClient indirectClient = new MockIndirectClient(NAME, null, new MockCredentials(), new CommonProfile());
    authorizers = NAME;
    config.setClients(new Clients(CALLBACK_URL, indirectClient));
    config.addAuthorizer(NAME, (context, prof) -> ID.equals(((CommonProfile) prof.get(0)).getId()));
    assertEquals(403, context.getResponseStatus());
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public void testSingleContextBoosting() throws Exception {
    CategoryContextMapping contextMapping = ContextBuilder.category("cat").field("cat").build();
    LinkedHashMap<String, ContextMapping> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, ContextMapping>(Collections.singletonMap("cat", contextMapping));
    final CompletionMappingBuilder mapping = new CompletionMappingBuilder().context(map);
    int numDocs = 10;
    List<IndexRequestBuilder> indexRequestBuilders = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
        indexRequestBuilders.add(client().prepareIndex(INDEX, TYPE, "" + i)
                                .field("input", "suggestion" + i)
                                .field("weight", i + 1)
                                .field("cat", "cat" + i % 2)
    indexRandom(true, indexRequestBuilders);
    CompletionSuggestionBuilder prefix = SuggestBuilders.completionSuggestion(FIELD).prefix("sugg")
    assertSuggestions("foo", prefix, "suggestion8", "suggestion6", "suggestion4", "suggestion9", "suggestion2");
项目:xemime    文件   
protected Node exec(ArrayList<Node> args, Address self) throws Exception {
    return exec(new LinkedHashMap<Symbol, Node>(){{
        int i = 1;
        for (Map.Entry<Symbol, Type> entry : params.entrySet()) {
            put(entry.getKey(), args.get(i));
            i ++;
    }}, self);
项目:HCFCore    文件   
public void saveDeathbanData() {
    Map<String, Integer> saveMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(livesMap.size());
    livesMap.forEachEntry(new TObjectIntProcedure<UUID>() {
        public boolean execute(UUID uuid, int i) {
            saveMap.put(uuid.toString(), i);
            return true;

    livesConfig.set("lives", saveMap);;
项目:datatree-adapters    文件   
public Object parse(String source) throws Exception {
    char c = source.charAt(0);
    if (c == '{') {
        return mapper.readObject(source, LinkedHashMap.class);
    if (c == '[') {
        return mapper.readObject(source, Object[].class);
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed JSON: " + source);
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public void makeAllBindingsToEagerSingletons(Injector injector) {
    Map<Key<?>, Binding<?>> x = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    for (Map.Entry<Key<?>, Binding<?>> entry : this.explicitBindingsMutable.entrySet()) {
        Key key = entry.getKey();
        BindingImpl<?> binding = (BindingImpl<?>) entry.getValue();
        Object value = binding.getProvider().get();
        x.put(key, new InstanceBindingImpl<Object>(injector, key, SourceProvider.UNKNOWN_SOURCE, new InternalFactory.Instance(value),
                emptySet(), value));
项目:uavstack    文件   
public Map<String, Object> toMap() {

        Map<String, Object> m = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();

        m.put("traceid", this.traceId);
        m.put("spanid", this.spanId);
        m.put("epinfo", this.endpointInfo);
        m.put("appid", this.appid);

        return m;
项目:android-chunk-utils    文件   
 * Returns a map of the configuration parts for {@link #toString}.
 * <p>If a configuration part is not defined for this {@link ResourceConfiguration}, its value
 * will be the empty string.
public final Map<Type, String> toStringParts() {
  Map<Type, String> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();  // Preserve order for #toString().
  result.put(Type.MCC, mcc() != 0 ? "mcc" + mcc() : "");
  result.put(Type.MNC, mnc() != 0 ? "mnc" + mnc() : "");
  result.put(Type.LANGUAGE_STRING, !languageString().isEmpty() ? "" + languageString() : "");
  result.put(Type.REGION_STRING, !regionString().isEmpty() ? "r" + regionString() : "");
      getOrDefault(SCREENLAYOUT_LAYOUTDIR_VALUES, screenLayoutDirection(), ""));
      smallestScreenWidthDp() != 0 ? "sw" + smallestScreenWidthDp() + "dp" : "");
  result.put(Type.SCREEN_WIDTH_DP, screenWidthDp() != 0 ? "w" + screenWidthDp() + "dp" : "");
  result.put(Type.SCREEN_HEIGHT_DP, screenHeightDp() != 0 ? "h" + screenHeightDp() + "dp" : "");
      getOrDefault(SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_VALUES, screenLayoutSize(), ""));
      getOrDefault(SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_VALUES, screenLayoutLong(), ""));
      getOrDefault(SCREENLAYOUT_ROUND_VALUES, screenLayoutRound(), ""));
  result.put(Type.ORIENTATION, getOrDefault(ORIENTATION_VALUES, orientation(), ""));
  result.put(Type.UI_MODE_TYPE, getOrDefault(UI_MODE_TYPE_VALUES, uiModeType(), ""));
  result.put(Type.UI_MODE_NIGHT, getOrDefault(UI_MODE_NIGHT_VALUES, uiModeNight(), ""));
  result.put(Type.DENSITY_DPI, getOrDefault(DENSITY_DPI_VALUES, density(), density() + "dpi"));
  result.put(Type.TOUCHSCREEN, getOrDefault(TOUCHSCREEN_VALUES, touchscreen(), ""));
  result.put(Type.KEYBOARD_HIDDEN, getOrDefault(KEYBOARDHIDDEN_VALUES, keyboardHidden(), ""));
  result.put(Type.KEYBOARD, getOrDefault(KEYBOARD_VALUES, keyboard(), ""));
      getOrDefault(NAVIGATIONHIDDEN_VALUES, navigationHidden(), ""));
  result.put(Type.NAVIGATION, getOrDefault(NAVIGATION_VALUES, navigation(), ""));
  result.put(Type.SDK_VERSION, sdkVersion() != 0 ? "v" + sdkVersion() : "");
  return result;
项目:logistimo-web-service    文件   
public static ICounter getTransferOrderCounter(Long domainId, Long entityId, String otype) {
  Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
  map.put(OBJECT_TYPE, "orders");
  map.put(K_ID, entityId);
  map.put(ORD_TYPE, 0);
  map.put(ORDER_TYPE, otype);
  return getInstance(domainId, map);
项目:googles-monorepo-demo    文件   
public void testCopyOf() {
  Map<String, Integer> original = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
  original.put("one", 1);
  original.put("two", 2);
  original.put("three", 3);

  ImmutableBiMap<String, Integer> copy = ImmutableBiMap.copyOf(original);
  assertMapEquals(copy, "one", 1, "two", 2, "three", 3);
  assertSame(copy, ImmutableBiMap.copyOf(copy));
项目:Hydrograph    文件   
private void createPropagationDataForOperationFileds(GridRow gridRow) {
    ComponentsOutputSchema componentsOutputSchema = null;
    Map<String, ComponentsOutputSchema> schemaMap = (Map<String, ComponentsOutputSchema>) propertyMap.get(Constants.SCHEMA_TO_PROPAGATE);
    if (schemaMap == null) {
        schemaMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        componentsOutputSchema = new ComponentsOutputSchema();
        schemaMap.put(Constants.FIXED_OUTSOCKET_ID, componentsOutputSchema);
         propertyMap.put(Constants.SCHEMA_TO_PROPAGATE, schemaMap);
    } else if (schemaMap.get(Constants.FIXED_OUTSOCKET_ID) == null) {
        componentsOutputSchema = new ComponentsOutputSchema();
        schemaMap.put(Constants.FIXED_OUTSOCKET_ID, componentsOutputSchema);
    componentsOutputSchema = schemaMap.get(Constants.FIXED_OUTSOCKET_ID);
项目:mongodb-rdbms-sync    文件   
private void refreshConnection() throws SQLException, InterruptedException, SyncError {
    waitTime *= retryCount;
    for (SelectQueryHolder holder : queryMap.values()) {
        DbResourceUtils.closeResources(null, holder.getPstmt(), null);
    DbResourceUtils.closeResources(null, null, connection);
    queryMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, SelectQueryHolder>();
    connection = DBCacheManager.INSTANCE.getCachedOracleConnection(map.getSourceDbName(), map.getSourceUserName());
项目:aws-sdk-java-v2    文件   
 * Applicable only when an expression has been specified.
 * Used to specify the actual values for the attribute-name placeholders,
 * where the value in the map can either be string for simple attribute
 * name, or a JSON path expression.
public PutItemSpec withNameMap(Map<String, String> nameMap) {
    if (nameMap == null) {
        this.nameMap = null;
    } else {
        this.nameMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(
                new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(nameMap));
    return this;
项目:alvisnlp    文件   
public Map<String,List<String>> getFeatures() {
    Map<String,List<String>> result = new LinkedHashMap<String,List<String>>(element.getFeatures());
    result.put(KEY_FEATURE_KEY, Collections.singletonList(this.key));
    result.put(VALUE_FEATURE_KEY, Collections.singletonList(this.value));
    return result;
项目:GitHub    文件   
/** Create a cache with a given maximum size in bytes. */
public LruCache(int maxSize) {
  if (maxSize <= 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Max size must be positive.");
  this.maxSize = maxSize; = new LinkedHashMap<>(0, 0.75f, true);
项目:Huochexing12306    文件   
public static Map<String, String> getPassenger_card_types() {
    if (passenger_card_types == null){
        passenger_card_types = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    return passenger_card_types;
项目:Mount    文件   
public PackageItemAdapter(Context context, List<PackageRecord> list) {
    super(context, R.layout.layout_package_item, list);

    mContext = context;
    mPackageList = list;
    mSectionMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    mSectionArray = new String[0];

项目:Azure-Functions-For-Java-Sample    文件   
 * @param request
 * @param context
 * @return
public HttpResponseMessage translate(@HttpTrigger(name = "req",
        methods = {"post"},
        authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.ANONYMOUS, dataType = "string") HttpRequestMessage request,
        final ExecutionContext context) {
    context.getLogger().info("Translator was invoked:");

    Map headers = request.getHeaders();
    Object body = request.getBody();
    String originText = "";

    String contentType = (String) headers.get("content-type");
    switch (contentType) {
        case "application/json":
            originText = getTextFromJSon((LinkedHashMap) body);
        case "text/plain":
            originText = (String) body;
    TranslatorTextServices translator = new TranslatorTextServices();
    String translateEnglishToJapanese = translator.translateEnglishToJapanese(originText);
    String jsonBody = createJSonMessage(originText,translateEnglishToJapanese);

    HttpResponseMessage response = request
            .createResponse(200, jsonBody);
    return response;
项目:CommentView    文件   
public void linkToCashtag(Extractor.Entity entity, String text, StringBuilder builder) {
    CharSequence cashtag = entity.getValue();

    Map<String, String> attrs = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    attrs.put("href", cashtagUrlBase + cashtag);
    attrs.put("title", "$" + cashtag);
    attrs.put("class", cashtagClass);

    linkToTextWithSymbol(entity, "$", cashtag, attrs, builder);
项目:LightSIP    文件   
 * @return the hmap
   protected Map<String,NameValue> getMap() {
    if(this.hmap == null) {
        if (sync) {
            this.hmap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String,NameValue>(0);
        } else {
            this.hmap = new LinkedHashMap<String,NameValue>(0);
    return hmap;
项目:Hydrograph    文件   
 * Instantiates a new component.
public Component() {
    location = new Point(0, 0);
    size = new Dimension(100, 80);
    properties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    subJobContainer= new LinkedHashMap<>();
    leftPortCount = 0;
    rightPortCount = 0;
    bottomPortCount = 0;
    inputLinksHash = new Hashtable<String, ArrayList<Link>>();

    inputLinks = new ArrayList<Link>();
    outputLinksHash = new Hashtable<String, ArrayList<Link>>();
    outputLinks = new ArrayList<Link>();
    inputportTerminals = new ArrayList<String>();
    outputPortTerminals = new ArrayList<String>();
    watcherTerminals = new HashMap();
    newInstance = true;
    validityStatus =;
    componentName = DynamicClassProcessor.INSTANCE.getClazzName(this

    componentLabel = new ComponentLabel(componentName);
    componentLabelMargin = 16;

    prefix = XMLConfigUtil.INSTANCE.getComponent(componentName)

    toolTipErrorMessages = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    status = ComponentExecutionStatus.BLANK;