Java 类java.util.function.DoubleUnaryOperator 实例源码

项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
public final DoubleStream map(DoubleUnaryOperator mapper) {
    return new StatelessOp<Double>(this, StreamShape.DOUBLE_VALUE,
                                   StreamOpFlag.NOT_SORTED | StreamOpFlag.NOT_DISTINCT) {
        Sink<Double> opWrapSink(int flags, Sink<Double> sink) {
            return new Sink.ChainedDouble<Double>(sink) {
                public void accept(double t) {
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
 * Returns an infinite sequential ordered {@code DoubleStream} produced by iterative
 * application of a function {@code f} to an initial element {@code seed},
 * producing a {@code Stream} consisting of {@code seed}, {@code f(seed)},
 * {@code f(f(seed))}, etc.
 * <p>The first element (position {@code 0}) in the {@code DoubleStream}
 * will be the provided {@code seed}.  For {@code n > 0}, the element at
 * position {@code n}, will be the result of applying the function {@code f}
 *  to the element at position {@code n - 1}.
 * @param seed the initial element
 * @param f a function to be applied to to the previous element to produce
 *          a new element
 * @return a new sequential {@code DoubleStream}
public static DoubleStream iterate(final double seed, final DoubleUnaryOperator f) {
    final PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble iterator = new PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble() {
        double t = seed;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return true;

        public double nextDouble() {
            double v = t;
            t = f.applyAsDouble(t);
            return v;
    return StreamSupport.doubleStream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(
            Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.IMMUTABLE | Spliterator.NONNULL), false);
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
public final DoubleStream map(DoubleUnaryOperator mapper) {
    return new StatelessOp<Double>(this, StreamShape.DOUBLE_VALUE,
                                   StreamOpFlag.NOT_SORTED | StreamOpFlag.NOT_DISTINCT) {
        Sink<Double> opWrapSink(int flags, Sink<Double> sink) {
            return new Sink.ChainedDouble<Double>(sink) {
                public void accept(double t) {
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
 * Returns an infinite sequential ordered {@code DoubleStream} produced by iterative
 * application of a function {@code f} to an initial element {@code seed},
 * producing a {@code Stream} consisting of {@code seed}, {@code f(seed)},
 * {@code f(f(seed))}, etc.
 * <p>The first element (position {@code 0}) in the {@code DoubleStream}
 * will be the provided {@code seed}.  For {@code n > 0}, the element at
 * position {@code n}, will be the result of applying the function {@code f}
 *  to the element at position {@code n - 1}.
 * @param seed the initial element
 * @param f a function to be applied to to the previous element to produce
 *          a new element
 * @return a new sequential {@code DoubleStream}
public static DoubleStream iterate(final double seed, final DoubleUnaryOperator f) {
    final PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble iterator = new PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble() {
        double t = seed;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return true;

        public double nextDouble() {
            double v = t;
            t = f.applyAsDouble(t);
            return v;
    return StreamSupport.doubleStream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(
            Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.IMMUTABLE | Spliterator.NONNULL), false);
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
public final DoubleStream map(DoubleUnaryOperator mapper) {
    return new StatelessOp<Double>(this, StreamShape.DOUBLE_VALUE,
                                   StreamOpFlag.NOT_SORTED | StreamOpFlag.NOT_DISTINCT) {
        Sink<Double> opWrapSink(int flags, Sink<Double> sink) {
            return new Sink.ChainedDouble<Double>(sink) {
                public void accept(double t) {
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
 * Returns an infinite sequential ordered {@code DoubleStream} produced by iterative
 * application of a function {@code f} to an initial element {@code seed},
 * producing a {@code Stream} consisting of {@code seed}, {@code f(seed)},
 * {@code f(f(seed))}, etc.
 * <p>The first element (position {@code 0}) in the {@code DoubleStream}
 * will be the provided {@code seed}.  For {@code n > 0}, the element at
 * position {@code n}, will be the result of applying the function {@code f}
 *  to the element at position {@code n - 1}.
 * <p>The action of applying {@code f} for one element
 * <a href="../concurrent/package-summary.html#MemoryVisibility"><i>happens-before</i></a>
 * the action of applying {@code f} for subsequent elements.  For any given
 * element the action may be performed in whatever thread the library
 * chooses.
 * @param seed the initial element
 * @param f a function to be applied to the previous element to produce
 *          a new element
 * @return a new sequential {@code DoubleStream}
public static DoubleStream iterate(final double seed, final DoubleUnaryOperator f) {
    Spliterator.OfDouble spliterator = new Spliterators.AbstractDoubleSpliterator(Long.MAX_VALUE,
           Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.IMMUTABLE | Spliterator.NONNULL) {
        double prev;
        boolean started;

        public boolean tryAdvance(DoubleConsumer action) {
            double t;
            if (started)
                t = f.applyAsDouble(prev);
            else {
                t = seed;
                started = true;
            action.accept(prev = t);
            return true;
    return StreamSupport.doubleStream(spliterator, false);
项目:openjdk9    文件   
public final DoubleStream map(DoubleUnaryOperator mapper) {
    return new StatelessOp<Double>(this, StreamShape.DOUBLE_VALUE,
                                   StreamOpFlag.NOT_SORTED | StreamOpFlag.NOT_DISTINCT) {
        Sink<Double> opWrapSink(int flags, Sink<Double> sink) {
            return new Sink.ChainedDouble<Double>(sink) {
                public void accept(double t) {
项目:openjdk9    文件   
 * Returns an infinite sequential ordered {@code DoubleStream} produced by iterative
 * application of a function {@code f} to an initial element {@code seed},
 * producing a {@code Stream} consisting of {@code seed}, {@code f(seed)},
 * {@code f(f(seed))}, etc.
 * <p>The first element (position {@code 0}) in the {@code DoubleStream}
 * will be the provided {@code seed}.  For {@code n > 0}, the element at
 * position {@code n}, will be the result of applying the function {@code f}
 *  to the element at position {@code n - 1}.
 * @param seed the initial element
 * @param f a function to be applied to the previous element to produce
 *          a new element
 * @return a new sequential {@code DoubleStream}
public static DoubleStream iterate(final double seed, final DoubleUnaryOperator f) {
    Spliterator.OfDouble spliterator = new Spliterators.AbstractDoubleSpliterator(Long.MAX_VALUE,
           Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.IMMUTABLE | Spliterator.NONNULL) {
        double prev;
        boolean started;

        public boolean tryAdvance(DoubleConsumer action) {
            double t;
            if (started)
                t = f.applyAsDouble(prev);
            else {
                t = seed;
                started = true;
            action.accept(prev = t);
            return true;
    return StreamSupport.doubleStream(spliterator, false);
项目:Java8CN    文件   
public final DoubleStream map(DoubleUnaryOperator mapper) {
    return new StatelessOp<Double>(this, StreamShape.DOUBLE_VALUE,
                                   StreamOpFlag.NOT_SORTED | StreamOpFlag.NOT_DISTINCT) {
        Sink<Double> opWrapSink(int flags, Sink<Double> sink) {
            return new Sink.ChainedDouble<Double>(sink) {
                public void accept(double t) {
项目:Java8CN    文件   
 * Returns an infinite sequential ordered {@code DoubleStream} produced by iterative
 * application of a function {@code f} to an initial element {@code seed},
 * producing a {@code Stream} consisting of {@code seed}, {@code f(seed)},
 * {@code f(f(seed))}, etc.
 * <p>The first element (position {@code 0}) in the {@code DoubleStream}
 * will be the provided {@code seed}.  For {@code n > 0}, the element at
 * position {@code n}, will be the result of applying the function {@code f}
 *  to the element at position {@code n - 1}.
 * @param seed the initial element
 * @param f a function to be applied to to the previous element to produce
 *          a new element
 * @return a new sequential {@code DoubleStream}
public static DoubleStream iterate(final double seed, final DoubleUnaryOperator f) {
    final PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble iterator = new PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble() {
        double t = seed;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return true;

        public double nextDouble() {
            double v = t;
            t = f.applyAsDouble(t);
            return v;
    return StreamSupport.doubleStream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(
            Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.IMMUTABLE | Spliterator.NONNULL), false);
项目:JavaExercises    文件   
static double integrate(DoubleUnaryOperator f, double a, double b) {
    double dx = (b - a);
    double sum0;
    double sum1 = f.applyAsDouble(a) * (b - a);
    int it = 1;
    do {
        dx /= 2.;
        it *= 2;
        sum0 = sum1;
        sum1 = .0;
        for (double x = a, eps = dx / 2.; x + eps < b; x += dx) {
            sum1 += dx * f.applyAsDouble(x);
    } while (Math.abs(sum0 - sum1) > 1e-7 && it < 100000000);
    return sum1;
项目:jdk8u_jdk    文件   
public final DoubleStream map(DoubleUnaryOperator mapper) {
    return new StatelessOp<Double>(this, StreamShape.DOUBLE_VALUE,
                                   StreamOpFlag.NOT_SORTED | StreamOpFlag.NOT_DISTINCT) {
        Sink<Double> opWrapSink(int flags, Sink<Double> sink) {
            return new Sink.ChainedDouble<Double>(sink) {
                public void accept(double t) {
项目:jdk8u_jdk    文件   
 * Returns an infinite sequential ordered {@code DoubleStream} produced by iterative
 * application of a function {@code f} to an initial element {@code seed},
 * producing a {@code Stream} consisting of {@code seed}, {@code f(seed)},
 * {@code f(f(seed))}, etc.
 * <p>The first element (position {@code 0}) in the {@code DoubleStream}
 * will be the provided {@code seed}.  For {@code n > 0}, the element at
 * position {@code n}, will be the result of applying the function {@code f}
 *  to the element at position {@code n - 1}.
 * @param seed the initial element
 * @param f a function to be applied to to the previous element to produce
 *          a new element
 * @return a new sequential {@code DoubleStream}
public static DoubleStream iterate(final double seed, final DoubleUnaryOperator f) {
    final PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble iterator = new PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble() {
        double t = seed;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return true;

        public double nextDouble() {
            double v = t;
            t = f.applyAsDouble(t);
            return v;
    return StreamSupport.doubleStream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(
            Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.IMMUTABLE | Spliterator.NONNULL), false);
项目:lookaside_java-1.8.0-openjdk    文件   
public final DoubleStream map(DoubleUnaryOperator mapper) {
    return new StatelessOp<Double>(this, StreamShape.DOUBLE_VALUE,
                                   StreamOpFlag.NOT_SORTED | StreamOpFlag.NOT_DISTINCT) {
        Sink<Double> opWrapSink(int flags, Sink<Double> sink) {
            return new Sink.ChainedDouble<Double>(sink) {
                public void accept(double t) {
项目:lookaside_java-1.8.0-openjdk    文件   
 * Returns an infinite sequential ordered {@code DoubleStream} produced by iterative
 * application of a function {@code f} to an initial element {@code seed},
 * producing a {@code Stream} consisting of {@code seed}, {@code f(seed)},
 * {@code f(f(seed))}, etc.
 * <p>The first element (position {@code 0}) in the {@code DoubleStream}
 * will be the provided {@code seed}.  For {@code n > 0}, the element at
 * position {@code n}, will be the result of applying the function {@code f}
 *  to the element at position {@code n - 1}.
 * @param seed the initial element
 * @param f a function to be applied to to the previous element to produce
 *          a new element
 * @return a new sequential {@code DoubleStream}
public static DoubleStream iterate(final double seed, final DoubleUnaryOperator f) {
    final PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble iterator = new PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble() {
        double t = seed;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return true;

        public double nextDouble() {
            double v = t;
            t = f.applyAsDouble(t);
            return v;
    return StreamSupport.doubleStream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(
            Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.IMMUTABLE | Spliterator.NONNULL), false);
项目    文件   
public void shouldRequireNonNullCache() {
    // given
    final ConcurrentMap<Double, Double> cache = null;
    final DoubleUnaryOperator operator = input -> input;
    final DoubleFunction<Double> keyFunction = Double::valueOf;

    // when
    thrown.expectMessage("Provide an empty map instead of NULL.");

    // then
    new ConcurrentMapBasedDoubleUnaryOperatorMemoizer<>(cache, keyFunction, operator);
项目    文件   
public void shouldRequireNonNullOperator() {
    // given
    final ConcurrentMap<Double, Double> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    final DoubleUnaryOperator operator = null;
    final DoubleFunction<Double> keyFunction = Double::valueOf;

    // when
            "Cannot memoize a NULL DoubleUnaryOperator - provide an actual DoubleUnaryOperator to fix this.");

    // then
    new ConcurrentMapBasedDoubleUnaryOperatorMemoizer<>(cache, keyFunction, operator);
项目    文件   
public void shouldUseSetCacheKeyAndValue() {
    // given
    final ConcurrentMap<Double, Double> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    final DoubleUnaryOperator operator = input -> input;
    final DoubleFunction<Double> keyFunction = Double::valueOf;

    // when
    final ConcurrentMapBasedDoubleUnaryOperatorMemoizer<Double> memoizer = new ConcurrentMapBasedDoubleUnaryOperatorMemoizer<>(
            cache, keyFunction, operator);

    // then
    Assert.assertFalse("Cache is still empty after memoization", memoizer.viewCacheForTest().isEmpty());
    Assert.assertEquals("Memoization key does not match expectations", 123D,
            memoizer.viewCacheForTest().keySet().iterator().next().doubleValue(), 0.0D);
    Assert.assertEquals("Memoization value does not match expectations", 123D,
            memoizer.viewCacheForTest().values().iterator().next().doubleValue(), 0.0D);
项目    文件   
public void shouldUseCallWrappedOperator() {
    // given
    final ConcurrentMap<Double, Double> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    final DoubleUnaryOperator operator = Mockito.mock(DoubleUnaryOperator.class);
    final DoubleFunction<Double> keyFunction = Double::valueOf;

    // when
    final ConcurrentMapBasedDoubleUnaryOperatorMemoizer<Double> memoizer = new ConcurrentMapBasedDoubleUnaryOperatorMemoizer<>(
            cache, keyFunction, operator);

    // then
项目:java-xirr    文件   
 * Construct an instance of the NewtonRaphson method for masochists who
 * do not want to use {@link #builder()}.
 * @param func the function
 * @param derivative the derivative of the function
 * @param tolerance the tolerance
 * @param iterations maximum number of iterations
public NewtonRaphson(
    DoubleUnaryOperator func,
    DoubleUnaryOperator derivative,
    double tolerance,
    long iterations) {
    this.func = func;
    this.derivative = derivative;
    this.tolerance = tolerance;
    this.iterations = iterations;
项目:math    文件   
public MuVector2d map(@NonNull final DoubleUnaryOperator operator) {
  this.x = operator.applyAsDouble(this.x);
  this.y = operator.applyAsDouble(this.y);
  return this;
项目:math    文件   
public MuVector3d map(@NonNull final DoubleUnaryOperator operator) {
  this.x = operator.applyAsDouble(this.x);
  this.y = operator.applyAsDouble(this.y);
  this.z = operator.applyAsDouble(this.z);
  return this;
项目:math    文件   
public MuVector4d map(@NonNull final DoubleUnaryOperator operator) {
  this.x = operator.applyAsDouble(this.x);
  this.y = operator.applyAsDouble(this.y);
  this.z = operator.applyAsDouble(this.z);
  this.w = operator.applyAsDouble(this.w);
  return this;
项目:math    文件   
public MuVector4f map(@NonNull final DoubleUnaryOperator operator) {
  this.x = (float) operator.applyAsDouble(this.x);
  this.y = (float) operator.applyAsDouble(this.y);
  this.z = (float) operator.applyAsDouble(this.z);
  this.w = (float) operator.applyAsDouble(this.w);
  return this;
项目:math    文件   
public MuVector3f map(@NonNull final DoubleUnaryOperator operator) {
  this.x = (float) operator.applyAsDouble(this.x);
  this.y = (float) operator.applyAsDouble(this.y);
  this.z = (float) operator.applyAsDouble(this.z);
  return this;
项目:math    文件   
public MuVector2f map(@NonNull final DoubleUnaryOperator operator) {
  this.x = (float) operator.applyAsDouble(this.x);
  this.y = (float) operator.applyAsDouble(this.y);
  return this;
项目:FlexMC    文件   
public void teleport( Location l, boolean onGround ) {
    Location previous = this.location;
    if( l.getY() < 0 ) {
        damage( 2D );

    if( previous.getY() > l.getY() ) {
        double tempFallDistance = Math.abs( l.getY() - previous.getY() );
        BlockState state = getWorld().getBlockAt( new Vector3i( l.getBlockX(), ((int) l.getY()) - 1, l.getBlockZ() ) );
        if( state.getTypeId() != 0 || getWorld().getBlockAt( new Vector3i( l.getBlockX(), l.getBlockY(), l.getBlockZ() ) ).getTypeId() != 0 ) {
            fallDistance.updateAndGet( new DoubleUnaryOperator() {
                public double applyAsDouble( double operand ) {
                    double finalFallDistance = operand + tempFallDistance;
                    if( finalFallDistance > 3 ) {
                        damage( finalFallDistance * 0.8 );
                    return 0;
            } );
        } else {
            fallDistance.addAndGet( tempFallDistance );
    } else {
        fallDistance.set( 0D );
    super.teleport( l, onGround );
项目:FlexMC    文件   
public final double updateAndGet( DoubleUnaryOperator updateFunction ) {
    double prev, next;
    do {
        prev = get();
        next = updateFunction.applyAsDouble( prev );
    } while ( !compareAndSet( prev, next ) );
    return next;
项目:FlexMC    文件   
public final double getAndUpdate( DoubleUnaryOperator updateFunction ) {
    double prev, next;
    do {
        prev = get();
        next = updateFunction.applyAsDouble( prev );
    } while ( !compareAndSet( prev, next ) );
    return prev;
项目:pinto    文件   
public static Name makeOperator(String name, DoubleUnaryOperator duo) {
    return new Name(name, toTableConsumer(stack -> {
        stack.replaceAll(c -> {
            return new Column.OfDoubles(inputs -> inputs[0].toString() + " " + name,
                inputs -> range -> ((Column.OfDoubles)inputs[0]).rows().map(duo), c);
    }),"[:]", "Unary double operator " + name);
项目:SOAPgaea    文件   
public static double[] applyToArray(final double[] array, final DoubleUnaryOperator func) {
    Utils.nonNull(func, "function may not be null");
    Utils.nonNull(array, "array may not be null");
    final double[] result = new double[array.length];
    for (int m = 0; m < result.length; m++) {
        result[m] = func.applyAsDouble(array[m]);
    return result;
项目:SOAPgaea    文件   
public static double[] applyToArrayInPlace(final double[] array, final DoubleUnaryOperator func) {
    Utils.nonNull(array, "array may not be null");
    Utils.nonNull(func, "function may not be null");
    for (int m = 0; m < array.length; m++) {
        array[m] = func.applyAsDouble(array[m]);
    return array;
项目:SOAPgaea    文件   
public static double[] applyToArray(final double[] array, final DoubleUnaryOperator func) {
JointCallingUtils.nonNull(func, "function may not be null");
      JointCallingUtils.nonNull(array, "array may not be null");
      final double[] result = new double[array.length];
      for (int m = 0; m < result.length; m++) {
          result[m] = func.applyAsDouble(array[m]);
      return result;
项目:SOAPgaea    文件   
public static double[] applyToArrayInPlace(final double[] array, final DoubleUnaryOperator func) {
JointCallingUtils.nonNull(array, "array may not be null");
      JointCallingUtils.nonNull(func, "function may not be null");
      for (int m = 0; m < array.length; m++) {
          array[m] = func.applyAsDouble(array[m]);
      return array;
项目:metagen-java    文件   
public InterpolatingIntDoubleSampler(DoubleUnaryOperator icdSource, int resolution, boolean hash) {
    this.f = icdSource;
    this.resolution = resolution;
    if (hash) {
        this.hash = new ThreadSafeHash();
    this.lut = precompute();
项目:metagen-java    文件   
public InterpolatingLongDoubleSampler(DoubleUnaryOperator icdSource, int resolution, boolean hash) {
    this.f = icdSource;
    this.resolution = resolution;
    if (hash) {
        this.hash = new ThreadSafeHash();
    this.lut = precompute();
项目:jamocha    文件   
 * Takes a set of rules and a conflict-free set of blocks
 * @param assignmentGraph
 *         assignmentGraph to consider
 * @param blockSet
 *         blocks to consider
 * @return a list of PathRule that the randomizer is content with
public static Collection<PathRule> randomizeSA(final AssignmentGraph assignmentGraph, final ECBlockSet blockSet) {
    final Randomizer randomizer = newRandomizer(assignmentGraph, blockSet);
    final DoubleUnaryOperator cooldown = t -> 0.95 * t;
    /* Gator uses: number of edges in the condition graph */
    /* we just use the number of nodes here !? */
    final long innerLoopOpimizations = 0; // TBD number of fact variables
    final double initialTemp = 2 * randomizer.getBestState().rate();
    return resetPaths(new SimulatedAnnealing(randomizer, cooldown, innerLoopOpimizations, initialTemp).optimize());
项目:jamocha    文件   
 * Takes a set of rules and a conflict-free set of blocks
 * @param assignmentGraph
 *         assignmentGraph to consider
 * @param blockSet
 *         blocks to consider
 * @return a list of PathRule that the randomizer is content with
public static Collection<PathRule> randomizeTPO(final AssignmentGraph assignmentGraph, final ECBlockSet blockSet) {
    final Randomizer randomizer = newRandomizer(assignmentGraph, blockSet);
    // TBD number of fact variables
    final long iiLocalOptimizations = 0;
    final long iiRLocalMinimum = 20;
    final DoubleUnaryOperator saCooldown = t -> 0.95 * t;
    /* Gator uses: number of edges in the condition graph */
    /* we just use the number of nodes here !? */
    // TBD number of fact variables
    final long saInnerLoopOpimizations = 0;
    return resetPaths(new TwoPhaseOptimization(randomizer, iiLocalOptimizations, iiRLocalMinimum, saCooldown,
项目:java_base    文件   
public static void beforeClass() {
    mainClass = TestUtils.getUserClass("Main");

    integrate = TestUtils.getMethod(mainClass,
            new int[]{Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.STATIC},
            DoubleUnaryOperator.class, Double.TYPE, Double.TYPE);
项目:RankSys-DivMF    文件   
public DivHKVFactorizer(double lambdaP, double lambdaQ, double lambdaD, ItemDistanceModel<I> distanceModel,
                        DoubleUnaryOperator confidence, int numIter, boolean useSimilarity) {
    this.lambdaP = lambdaP;
    this.lambdaQ = lambdaQ;
    this.lambdaD = lambdaD;
    this.distanceModel = distanceModel;
    this.confidence = confidence;
    this.useSimilarity = useSimilarity;