Java 类javax.vecmath.Vector2d 实例源码

项目:Pogamut3    文件   
/**Returns true, if the agent overstepped the border of the nextLocation.*/
private boolean getBehindBorder() {
    /* Vektory startA a endA (agent) určují úsečku "A" od previousLocation k lokaci agenta.*/
    Vector2d startA = new Vector2d(previousLocation.x, previousLocation.y);
    Vector2d endA = new Vector2d(botself.getLocation().x, botself.getLocation().y);
    Vector2d directionA = new Vector2d(endA.x - startA.x, endA.y - startA.y);

    /* Vektory startB a endB (border) určují přímku "B" prochízející nextLocation mající směr kolmý na spojnici nextLocation a previousLocation. Je to tedy jakási hranice
     * a my zkoumáme, zda se agent dostal za tuto hranici.*/
    Vector2d startB = new Vector2d(nextLocation.x, nextLocation.y);
    Vector2d normalDirectionB = new Vector2d(nextLocation.x - previousLocation.x, nextLocation.y - previousLocation.y);
    Vector2d directionB = new Vector2d(-normalDirectionB.y, normalDirectionB.x);
    //Vector2d endB = new Vector2d(startB.x + directionB.x, startB.y + directionB.y);

    Vector2d intersection = SteeringTools.getIntersection(startA, directionA, startB, directionB, SteeringTools.LineType.ABSCISSA, SteeringTools.LineType.STRAIGHT_LINE);
    /*Pokud úsečka "A" protíná přímku "B" (intersection není null), agent se dostal za hranici a je třeba posunout následující bod na cestě.*/
    if (SteeringManager.DEBUG) System.out.println("Jsme za hranicí "+(intersection != null)+" průsečík: "+intersection);
    return (intersection != null);
项目:chordatlas    文件   
public double adjacentDist(Line l, Point2d pt) {

        Vector2d v1 = new Vector2d(l.end);
        Vector2d v2 = new Vector2d(pt);
        double param = / v1.length();

        if ( param < 0 || param > v1.length() )
            return Double.MAX_VALUE;

        v1.scale( param );
        v1.add( l.start );

        return new Point2d (v1).distance(pt);
项目:chordatlas    文件   
public List<Point2d> gen(Vector2d left, Vector2d right) {

    Point2d overhang = new Point2d(right);

    Line l = new Line(new Point2d(), new Point2d(left));
    Point2d r = l.project(overhang, false);

    List<Point2d> out = new ArrayList<>();

    out.add(new Point2d());

    return out;
项目:chordatlas    文件   
public static Point2d project(Line l, Point2d pt) {

    Vector2d v1 = new Vector2d(l.end);
    Vector2d v2 = new Vector2d(pt);
    double param = / v1.length();

    if (param < 0 || param > v1.length())
        return null;


    return new Point2d(v1);
项目:geoxygene    文件   
private static Vector2d computeNormal(final Point2d prev, final Point2d current, final Point2d next, final Vector2d prevNormal) {
    Vector2d normal = new Vector2d();
    if (prev == null) {
        normal.x = current.y - next.y;
        normal.y = next.x - current.x;
    } else if (next == null) {
        normal.x = -current.y + prev.y;
        normal.y = -prev.x + current.x;
    } else {
        normal.x = prev.y - next.y;
        normal.y = next.x - prev.x;
    // normalization if not null (Vector2d.normalize() method returns NaN if norm is 0!
    double norm = Math.sqrt(normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y);
    if (norm > 1.E-6) {
        normal.x /= norm;
        normal.y /= norm;
    return normal;
项目:ProceduralTerrain    文件   
private void finishEdge(Parabola n) {
    if (n.isLeaf) {
    double mx;
    if (n.edge.direction.x > 0) {
        mx = Math.max(width, n.edge.start.x + 10);
    } else {
        mx = Math.min(0, n.edge.start.x - 10);
    Vector2d end = new Vector2d(mx, mx*n.edge.f + n.edge.g);
    n.edge.end = end;

项目:ct-sim    文件   
 * Prueft, ob ein Punkt ueber einem Loch liegt
 * @param pos
 * @return true, wenn der Bot ueber dem loch steht
public boolean checkHole(Point3d pos) {
    if ((pos.x < 0) || (pos.y < 0) || (pos.x > dimX * blockSizeInM) || (pos.y > dimY * blockSizeInM)) {
        return true;

    Iterator it = holes.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Vector2f min = new Vector2f((Vector2d);

        Vector2f max = new Vector2f(min);
        max.add(new Vector2f(blockSizeInM, blockSizeInM));

        if ((pos.x > min.x) && (pos.x < max.x) && (pos.y > min.y) && (pos.y < max.y)) {
            return true;

    return false;
项目:SafariBowl    文件   
public void drawChoiceAPI(Graphics2D g, Player[] playerChoices) {
    if(playerChoices != null) {
        Player hoveringPlayer = getGameCanvas().getPitchMouseLogic().getHoveringPlayer();

        for(Player player: playerChoices) {
            Vector2d playerPos = player.getPos();
            if(playerPos != null) {
                if(hoveringPlayer != null && playerPos.equals(hoveringPlayer.getPos())) {
                    highlightField(g, playerPos.x, playerPos.y, SBColor.BLUE_BRIGHT_80);
                    drawBeacon(g, playerPos.x, playerPos.y, SBColor.BLUE_BRIGHT);
                } else {
                    highlightField(g, playerPos.x, playerPos.y, SBColor.YELLOW_80);

项目:SafariBowl    文件   
public void drawFieldAPI(Graphics2D g, Vector2d[] fieldChoices) {
    if(fieldChoices != null) {
        for(Vector2d field: fieldChoices) {
            double[] hoveringFieldCoords = getGameCanvas().getPitchMouseLogic().getMXY();
            Vector2d hoveringField = new Vector2d(hoveringFieldCoords[0], hoveringFieldCoords[1]);

            if(field != null) {
                if(field.equals(hoveringField)) {
                    highlightField(g, field.x, field.y, SBColor.BLUE_BRIGHT_80);
                    drawBeacon(g, field.x, field.y, SBColor.BLUE_BRIGHT);
                } else {
                    highlightField(g, field.x, field.y, SBColor.YELLOW_80);

项目:SafariBowl    文件   
private void drawBeacon(Graphics2D g2D, double x, double y, Color color, int a) {
            new Color(color.getRed(),
                    (int) (a + 20 * Math.cos((double) getGameCanvas().timer * 3 /180*Math.PI)))
    Vector2d pXYleft = posToDisp(new Vector2d(x * getPW() + getPW()/4, y * getPW() + getPW()/2)),
            pXYright = posToDisp(new Vector2d(x * getPW() + 3*getPW()/4, y * getPW() + getPW()/2));
    GeneralPath beacon = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD, 4);
    beacon.moveTo((pXYleft.x + pXYright.x) / 2, pXYleft.y - 1000);
    beacon.lineTo(pXYright.x, pXYright.y);
    beacon.lineTo(pXYleft.x, pXYleft.y);
项目:SafariBowl    文件   
void setMXY(MouseEvent e) {
    double  xNew = e.getX(), yNew = e.getY();
    Vector2d mXYNew = getGameCanvas().getGameRenderer().dispToPos(new Vector2d(xNew, yNew));
    double  mXNewTemp = mXYNew.x / getpW(),
            mYNewTemp = mXYNew.y / getpH();
    if(mXNewTemp < 0) mXNewTemp -= 1; // fix negative coordinates rounding error
    if(mYNewTemp < 0) mYNewTemp -= 1; //                   "
    int     mXNew = (int) mXNewTemp,
            mYNew = (int) mYNewTemp;
    mXOld = mX;
    mYOld = mY;
    if(mXNew >= 0 && mXNew < Pitch.PITCH_LENGTH && mYNew >= 0 && mYNew < Pitch.PITCH_WIDTH) {
        mX = mXNew;
        mY = mYNew;
    } else {
项目:SafariBowl    文件   
private void halfTime() {
    Vector<Player> playersOnThePitch = findPlayersOnThePitch();
    getPitch().adjustBallPos(new Vector2d(-1, -1));
    teamsSet[0] = false;
    teamsSet[1] = false;
    gamePhase = 1;
    if(roundCount >= NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS_IN_GAME){
项目:SafariBowl    文件   
 * Checks whether two field-positions are adjacent
 * @param pos1 Position of the first Field (as a Vector 2d)
 * @param pos2 Position of the second Field (as a Vector 2d)
 * @return Boolean which is true if the two fields are adjacent and false if not
public boolean isAdjacent(Vector2d pos1, Vector2d pos2){
        if(!(isOnField(pos1)) || !(isOnField(pos2))){
            throw new SBOutOfFieldException("given position is not on the pitch");
            for(PitchField f: getNeighbours(pos2)){
                if(fields[(int)pos1.x][(int)pos1.y] == f){
                    return true;
            return false;
    }catch(SBOutOfFieldException e){
    return false;
项目:SafariBowl    文件   
public void refereeTriesToKeepSurvey(SBProtocolMessage message){
    int refereeThrow1 = actor.getMatch().d6.throwDie();
    int refereeThrow2 = actor.getMatch().d6.throwDie();
    if(refereeThrow1 == refereeThrow2){
            Vector2d newBallPos = new Vector2d(actor.getPos());
        int actingUserIndex = -1;
        if(actor.getMatch().getTeam(0) == actor.getTeam()){
            actingUserIndex = 0;
        }else if(actor.getMatch().getTeam(1) == actor.getTeam()){
            actingUserIndex = 1;
        sendMessageShowMe(actor.toString(), "This stupid referee sent me of the pitch!");
        returnSuccessMessage(message, SBProtocolMessage.WORKD_PLAYER_HAS_BEEN_SENT_OFF_THE_PITCH_BY_REFEREE);
项目:SafariBowl    文件   
protected boolean beingTackled(SBProtocolMessage message, int i, PitchField... path){
    if (actor.isHoldingBall()) {
        returnSuccessMessage(message, SBProtocolMessage.WORKD_YOU_HAVE_LOST_YOUR_BALLS);
    //player gets tackled, he falls down and its no longer your turn
    sendMessageShowMe(actor.toString(), "Dammit, I was tackled!");
    ((RuleBlock) actor.getRule(1)).playerDown(message, actor, RuleBlock.YOU_SUCK);
    returnSuccessMessage(message, SBProtocolMessage.WORKD_YOU_ARE_TACKLED);
        Vector2d newBallPos = new Vector2d(actor.getMatch().getPitch().getBallPos());
    return false;
项目:SafariBowl    文件   
 * the actual throw
 * @param message the message that initiated the throw
 * @param destinationField where to throw
 * @param problems how difficult it is to throw
protected void throwBall(SBProtocolMessage message, Vector2d destinationField, int problems){
        successfulThrow(message, destinationField);
        notWellThrown(destinationField, message);
    if(((ServerMatch)actor.getMatch()).findTeamHoldingTheBall() != actor.getMatch().findUserIndex(message)){
项目:SafariBowl    文件   
protected Vector<Player> findPossibleInterceptors(Player thrower, Vector2d b){
    int teamIndex = -1;
    if(thrower.getTeam() == getMatch().getTeam(0)){
        teamIndex = 0;
    }else if(thrower.getTeam() == getMatch().getTeam(1)){
        teamIndex = 1;
        return null;
    Vector<Player> possibleInterceptors = new Vector<Player>();
    for(PitchField field: findInterceptPositions(thrower.getPos(), b)){
        if(field.getPlayer() != null){
            if(field.getPlayer().getTeam() != getMatch().getTeam(teamIndex) && field.getPlayer().invokeGetPlayerCondition() == PlayerCondition.FINE){
    return possibleInterceptors;
项目:SafariBowl    文件   
protected void askForInterception(SBProtocolMessage message, Vector2d destinationField, int throwModificator) {
    Vector<Player> possibleInterceptors = findPossibleInterceptors(actor, destinationField);
    if(possibleInterceptors.size() == 0){
        throwBall(message, destinationField, throwModificator);
        Vector<String> parameters = new Vector<String>();
        for(Player player:possibleInterceptors){
            if(player.getTeam() == getMatch().getTeam(0)){
                parameters.add((player.getId()-1) + "");
            }else if(player.getTeam() == getMatch().getTeam(1)){
                parameters.add((player.getId()-1) + "");
        String[] parameterArray = parameters.toArray(new String[parameters.size()]);
        sendMessage(getMatch().getOpponent(actor.getTeam().getCoach()), SBProtocolCommand.EVENT, parameterArray);
项目:SafariBowl    文件   
 * waits until the user decided if he should follow and then executes his decision
 * @param defenderField the destination field on which you can follow
 * @param message SBProtocolMessage
 * @param answer SBProtocolMessage
public boolean follow(Vector2d defenderField, SBProtocolMessage message, SBProtocolMessage answer){
    int decision;
        decision = Integer.parseInt(answer.getParameterContent(2));
    } catch(NumberFormatException e){
        returnFailureMessage(message, SBProtocolMessage.FAILD_RECEIVED_WRONG_GAME_DATA);
        return false;

    if(decision == 1){
        returnSuccessMessage(message, SBProtocolMessage.WORKD_FOLLOWED);
    else if(decision ==0){
        returnSuccessMessage(message, SBProtocolMessage.WORKD_NOTFOLLOWED);
        returnFailureMessage(message, SBProtocolMessage.FAILD_CANT_BACKUP_FOR_SOME_ODD_REASON);
        return false;
    return true;
项目:Pogamut3    文件   
/**If it's really the front collision, the "mirror vector" is returned. Otherwise the unchanged parameter normal is returned.*/
private Vector3d computeTreeCollisionVector(Vector3d normal) {        
    Vector3d av = botself.getVelocity().getVector3d();
    /* Jestliže signalizuje pravý přední paprsek a ne levý přední -
     * a navíc jde normálová síla v místě kolize stejným směrem jako jde paprsek, tedy doleva ==> pak by se neměla přičítat tato normála, ale spíše síla na durhou stranu.
     * Značí to situaci, kdy jsme narazili na úzkou překážku (strom) a levý přední paprsek prošel levým krajem překážky.
     * Bez tohoto ošetření by nás to stočilo doleva, což nechceme.*/
    /* Pro pravou stranu je to naopak. *//* Jestliže signalizuje levý přední paprsek a ne pravý přední -
     * a navíc jde normálová síla v místě kolize stejným směrem jako jde paprsek, tedy doleva ==> pak by se neměla přičítat tato normála, ale spíše síla na durhou stranu.
     * Značí to situaci, kdy jsme narazili na úzkou překážku (strom) a levý přední paprsek prošel levým krajem překážky.
     * Bez tohoto ošetření by nás to stočilo doleva, což nechceme.*/

    Vector2d start = new Vector2d(botself.getLocation().x, botself.getLocation().y);
    Vector2d end = new Vector2d(start.x-av.x, start.y-av.y);
    Vector2d point = new Vector2d(start.x + normal.x, start.y + normal.y);
    Vector2d pata = SteeringTools.getNearestPoint(start, end, point, false);
    Vector2d pointToPata = new Vector2d(pata.x - point.x, pata.y - point.y);
    Vector2d mirrorPoint = new Vector2d(point.x + pointToPata.x, point.y + pointToPata.y);

    Vector3d result = new Vector3d(mirrorPoint.x - start.x, mirrorPoint.y - start.y, 0);

    if (SteeringManager.DEBUG) {
        System.out.println("Obstacle avoidance tree collision. " + result.length());
    return result;
项目:Pogamut3    文件   
/**Gets the intersection of the half-lines A and B (line has the start point and its direction.
 * If there isn't the intersection of the half-lines, or the direction is the same, we return null.*/
public static boolean haveSameDirection(Vector2d sA, Vector2d dA, Vector2d sB, Vector2d dB) {        
    if (dA.equals(dB)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
项目:SoaringCoach    文件   
 * @param t
 * @return
private ArrayList<Vector2d> getCartesianVectorsList(Thermal t) {
    ArrayList<Vector2d> driftVectorsCartesian = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Circle c : t.circles) {
        if (c.drift_vector != null) {
            Vector2d driftCartesian = vectorPolarToCartesian(c);

    return driftVectorsCartesian;
项目:SoaringCoach    文件   
 * @param averageDriftCartesian
 * @return
private PolarVector vectorCartesianToPolar(Vector2d averageDriftCartesian) {
    PolarVector averageDriftPolar;
    double average_drift_bearing = Math.atan2(averageDriftCartesian.y, averageDriftCartesian.x);
    average_drift_bearing = Math.toDegrees(average_drift_bearing);

    double average_drift_size = Math.sqrt(
            averageDriftCartesian.x * averageDriftCartesian.x + 
            averageDriftCartesian.y * averageDriftCartesian.y);

    averageDriftPolar = new PolarVector(average_drift_bearing, average_drift_size);
    return averageDriftPolar;
项目:SoaringCoach    文件   
 * @param c
 * @return
private Vector2d vectorPolarToCartesian(Circle c) {
    double x = c.drift_vector.size * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(c.drift_vector.bearing));
    double y = c.drift_vector.size * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(c.drift_vector.bearing));

    Vector2d driftCartesian = new Vector2d(x, y);
    return driftCartesian;
项目:chordatlas    文件   
private void findNeighbours( List<FRect> list ) {

        for ( FRect a : list )
            for ( Dir d : Dir.values() ) {

                FRect best = null;
                double bestDist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
                Vector2d wDir = d.dir();

                for ( FRect b : list ) {

                    if ( b == a )

                    Vector2d delta = new Vector2d(b.getCenter());
                    delta.sub (a.getCenter());

                    if (wDir.angle( delta ) > Mathz.PI6 )

                    double dist = a.getCenter().distanceSquared( b.getCenter() );

                    if ( dist < bestDist ) {
                        bestDist = dist;
                        best = b;

                a.setAdj( d, best );
项目:chordatlas    文件   
public static void extrude( ObjDump out, LoopL<Point2d> slice, double h1, double h2 ) {

        for (Loop<Point2d> loop : slice) {

            for (Loopable<Point2d> pt : loop.loopableIterator()) {

                List<double[]> pts = new ArrayList<>(),
                        norms = new ArrayList<>();

                Point2d a = pt.get(), b = pt.getNext().get();

                pts.add( new double[] { a.x, h1, a.y} );
                pts.add( new double[] { b.x, h1, b.y} );
                pts.add( new double[] { b.x, h2, b.y} );
                pts.add( new double[] { a.x, h2, a.y} );

                Vector2d d = new Vector2d( b);

                double[] norm = new double[] {-d.y, 0, d.x};
//              double[] norm = new double[] {d.y, 0, -d.x};

                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

                out.addFace(pts.toArray( new double[pts.size()][] ), null, norms.toArray( new double[norms.size()][] ));
项目:geoxygene    文件   
public void checkIntersection(final double p1x, final double p1y, final double v1x, final double v1y, final double p2x, final double p2y,
    final double v2x, final double v2y, final Point2d expected) {
  Point2d inter = MathUtil.intersectionPoint(new Point2d(p1x, p1y), new Vector2d(v1x, v1y), new Point2d(p2x, p2y), new Vector2d(v2x, v2y));
  if (expected == null) {

  } else {
    Assert.assertEquals(expected.x, inter.x, EPSILON);
    Assert.assertEquals(expected.y, inter.y, EPSILON);
项目:geoxygene    文件   
 * Compute the vector which is perpendicular to the p1p2 vector
 * @param p1 first point
 * @param p2 second point
 * @return n unit vector where n scalar p1p2 = 0 
public static Vector2d computeNormal(final Point2d p1, final Point2d p2) {

  Vector2d normal = new Vector2d(p1.y - p2.y, p2.x - p1.x);
  // normalization if not null (Vector2d.normalize() method returns NaN if norm is 0!
  double norm = norm(normal);
  if (norm > 1.E-6) {
    normal.x /= norm;
    normal.y /= norm;
  return normal;

项目:geoxygene    文件   
 * Compute the vector which is perpendicular to the v vector
 * @param v vector to find normal
 * @return n unit vector where n scalar v = 0 
public static Vector2d computeNormal(final Vector2d v) {

  Vector2d normal = new Vector2d(-v.y, v.x);
  double norm = norm(normal);
  if (norm > 1.E-6) {
    normal.x /= norm;
    normal.y /= norm;
  return normal;

项目:ProceduralTerrain    文件   
public static List<Site> findSites(List<Vector2d> sites, List<Edge> edges) {
    ArrayList<Site> result = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<Edge> tmpEdges = new ArrayList<>();
    HashSet<Vector2d> tmpCorners = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    //first trivial implementation
    for (Vector2d center : sites) {
        Site site = new Site(); = center;
        //collect bounding edges
        for (Edge e : edges) {
            if (e.getLeft()==center || e.getRight()==center) {
        if (tmpEdges.isEmpty() || tmpCorners.isEmpty()) {
            LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "no edges for point {0} found!", center);
        site.edges = tmpEdges.toArray(new Edge[tmpEdges.size()]);
        site.corners = tmpCorners.toArray(new Vector2d[tmpCorners.size()]);
    return result;
项目:ct-sim    文件   
 * Prueft, ob ein Punkt innerhalb des Zielfeldes liegt
 * @param pos
 * @return true, falls ja
public boolean finishReached(Vector3d pos) {
    for (Vector2d p : finishPositions) {
        double minX = p.x * blockSizeInM;
        double maxX = p.x * blockSizeInM + blockSizeInM;
        double minY = p.y * blockSizeInM;
        double maxY = p.y * blockSizeInM + blockSizeInM;

        if ((pos.x > minX) && (pos.x < maxX) && (pos.y > minY) && (pos.y < maxY)) {
            return true;
    return false;
项目:ProceduralTerrain    文件   
 * For some reason, in some constellation the voronoi algorithm does not
 * produce a correct result. This method checks by a heuristic if this
 * situation is the case.
 * @param edges
 * @param size
 * @return 
public static boolean isValid(List<Edge> edges, float size) {
    float epsilon = 0.2f * size;
    epsilon *= epsilon;
    for (Edge e : edges) {
        Vector2d v = new Vector2d(e.getStart().x - e.getEnd().x, e.getStart().y - e.getEnd().y);
        if (v.lengthSquared() > epsilon) {
            return false;
    return true;
项目:ProceduralTerrain    文件   
 * The first step, compute the cells
private void computeVoronoi() {
    if (!initialized || pointCount==0) {
    }"compute cells");

    //Generate voronoiSites
    voronoiRandom = new Random(seed);
    voronoiScale = 100 * pointCount;
    voronoiSites = new ArrayList<>(pointCount);
    while (true) {
        for (int i=0; i<pointCount; ++i) {
            float x = voronoiRandom.nextFloat() * voronoiScale;
            float y = voronoiRandom.nextFloat() * voronoiScale;
            voronoiSites.add(new Vector2d(x, y));

        //compute voronoi diagram
        voronoiEdges = voronoi.getEdges(voronoiSites, voronoiScale, voronoiScale);
        voronoiEdges = Voronoi.closeEdges(voronoiEdges, voronoiScale, voronoiScale);

        //relax voronoiSites
        for (int i=0; i<relaxationIterations; ++i) {
            voronoiSites = VoronoiUtils.generateRelaxedSites(voronoiSites, voronoiEdges);
            voronoiEdges = voronoi.getEdges(voronoiSites, voronoiScale, voronoiScale);
            voronoiEdges = Voronoi.closeEdges(voronoiEdges, voronoiScale, voronoiScale);

        //check if valid
        if (VoronoiUtils.isValid(voronoiEdges, voronoiScale)) {
        LOG.warning("voronoi diagram is illegal, try again");
    }"point and edges generated");
    //next step
项目:ProceduralTerrain    文件   
private static boolean isInside(Vector2d v, float w, float h) {
    if (v.x<0 || v.y<0 || v.x>=w || v.y>=h) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;
项目:ProceduralTerrain    文件   
private static Vector2d edgeBoxIntersection(Edge e, float w, float h) {
    double a,b,x,y;
    if (isInside(e.end, w, h)) {
        a = e.end.x;
        b = e.end.y;
        x = e.start.x;
        y = e.start.y;
    } else {
        a = e.start.x;
        b = e.start.y;
        x = e.end.x;
        y = e.end.y;
    double t1 = a/(a-x);
    double t2 = b/(b-y);
    double t3 = (w-a)/(x-a);
    double t4 = (h-b)/(y-b);
    if (t1<0 || t1>1) t1 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    if (t2<0 || t2>1) t2 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    if (t3<0 || t3>1) t3 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    if (t4<0 || t4>1) t4 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    double t = Math.min(Math.min(t1, t2), Math.min(t3, t4));
    if (t == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
        return null;
    return new Vector2d(a + t*(x-a), b + t*(y-b));
项目:ProceduralTerrain    文件   
private double getXOfEdge(Parabola par, double y) {
    Parabola left = Parabola.getLeftChild(par);
    Parabola right = Parabola.getRightChild(par);

    Vector2d p =;
    Vector2d r =;

    double dp = 2 * (p.y - y);
    double a1 = 1/dp;
    double b1 = -2 * p.x / dp;
    double c1 = y + dp/4 + p.x*p.x/dp;
    dp = 2*(r.y-y);
    double a2 = 1/dp;
    double b2 = -2*r.x/dp;
    double c2 = ly + dp/4 + r.x*r.x/dp;

    double a = a1-a2;
    double b = b1-b2;
    double c = c1-c2;

    double disc = b*b - 4*a*c;
    double x1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(disc)) / (2*a);
    double x2 = ((-b - Math.sqrt(disc)) / (2*a));

    double ry;
    if (p.y < r.y) {
        ry = Math.max(x1, x2);
    } else {
        ry = Math.min(x1, x2);
    return ry;
项目:ProceduralTerrain    文件   
private double getY(Vector2d p, double x) {
    double dp = 2*(p.y - ly);
    double a1 = 1/dp;
    double b1 = -2*p.x/dp;
    double c1 = ly+dp/4 + p.x*p.x/dp;
    return a1*x*x + b1*x + c1;
项目:campskeleton    文件   
public void updateMarkers( Bar b )
    for (Marker m : b.mould.getAnchorsReadOnly( b.start, b.end ) )
        Vector2d dir = new Vector2d (b.end);

        dir.scale( Mathz.clamp( weights.get (b), 0.1, 0.9 ) );
        m.set( dir ); = b;
项目:ProceduralTerrain    文件   
Parabola(Vector2d s) {
    site = s;
    isLeaf = true;
    cEvent = null;
    edge = null;
    parent = null;
项目:ProceduralTerrain    文件   
private void generateVoronoi() {
        Random rand = new Random();
        Voronoi voronoi = new Voronoi();
        Set<Vector2d> pointSet = new HashSet<>();
        for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
            float x = (rand.nextFloat() * w * scale);
            float y = (rand.nextFloat() * h * scale);
            pointSet.add(new Vector2d(x, y));
        points = new ArrayList<>(n);

        long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        edges = voronoi.getEdges(points, w*scale, h*scale);
        edges = Voronoi.closeEdges(edges, w*scale, h*scale);
        //relax n times
        int m = 1;
        for (int i=0; i<m; ++i) {
            points = VoronoiUtils.generateRelaxedSites(points, edges);
            edges = voronoi.getEdges(points, w*scale, h*scale);
            edges = Voronoi.closeEdges(edges, w*scale, h*scale);
        long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        for (Iterator<Edge> it = edges.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            Edge e =;
            Vector2d v = new Vector2d(e.getStart().x - e.getEnd().x, e.getEnd().y - e.getEnd().y);
            if (v.length() > 0.05 * w * scale) {
                System.out.println("long edge: "+e);
//              it.remove();

        System.out.println("edges: ("+edges.size()+")");
//      for (Edge e : edges) {
//          System.out.println(" "+e.start+" -- "+e.end);
//      }
        System.out.println("time to compute: "+(time2-time1)+" msec");