Java 类kafka.consumer.TopicFilter 实例源码

项目:opentsdb-rpc-kafka    文件   
public void runNoData() throws Exception {

  final KafkaRpcPluginThread writer = Mockito.spy(
      new KafkaRpcPluginThread(group, 1, TOPICS));;
  verify(tsdb, never()).addPoint(anyString(), anyLong(), anyLong(), anyMap());
  verify(tsdb, never()).addHistogramPoint(anyString(), anyLong(), 
      any(byte[].class), anyMap());
  verify(tsdb, never()).addAggregatePoint(anyString(), anyLong(), anyLong(), 
      anyMap(), anyBoolean(), anyString(), anyString(), anyString());
  verify(consumer_connector, times(1))
    .createMessageStreamsByFilter(any(TopicFilter.class), anyInt());
  verify(writer, times(1)).shutdown();
  verify(consumer_connector, times(1)).shutdown();
项目:opentsdb-rpc-kafka    文件   
public void runNoDataRestart() throws Exception {

  final KafkaRpcPluginThread writer = Mockito.spy(
      new KafkaRpcPluginThread(group, 1, TOPICS));;;
  verify(tsdb, never()).addPoint(anyString(), anyLong(), anyLong(), anyMap());
  verify(tsdb, never()).addHistogramPoint(anyString(), anyLong(), 
      any(byte[].class), anyMap());
  verify(tsdb, never()).addAggregatePoint(anyString(), anyLong(), anyLong(), 
      anyMap(), anyBoolean(), anyString(), anyString(), anyString());
  verify(consumer_connector, times(2))
    .createMessageStreamsByFilter(any(TopicFilter.class), anyInt());
  verify(writer, times(2)).shutdown();
  verify(consumer_connector, times(2)).shutdown();
项目:opentsdb-rpc-kafka    文件   
public void runNoStreams() throws Exception {
          .thenThrow(new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException());

  KafkaRpcPluginThread writer = Mockito.spy(
      new KafkaRpcPluginThread(group, 1, TOPICS));;
  verify(tsdb, never()).addPoint(anyString(), anyLong(), anyLong(), anyMap());
  verify(tsdb, never()).addHistogramPoint(anyString(), anyLong(), 
      any(byte[].class), anyMap());
  verify(tsdb, never()).addAggregatePoint(anyString(), anyLong(), anyLong(), 
      anyMap(), anyBoolean(), anyString(), anyString(), anyString());
  verify(consumer_connector, times(1))
    .createMessageStreamsByFilter(any(TopicFilter.class), anyInt());
  verify(writer, times(1)).shutdown();
  verify(consumer_connector, times(1)).shutdown();
项目:opentsdb-rpc-kafka    文件   
private void verifyMessageRead(final KafkaRpcPluginThread writer,
                               final boolean requeued) {
  verify(writer, times(1)).shutdown();
  verify(consumer_connector, times(1)).shutdown();
  verify(consumer_connector, times(1))
    .createMessageStreamsByFilter(any(TopicFilter.class), anyInt());
  verify(iterator, times(2)).hasNext();
  if (requeued) {
    verify(requeue, times(1)).handleError( 
        any(IncomingDataPoint.class), any(Exception.class));
  } else {
    verify(requeue, never()).handleError(
        any(IncomingDataPoint.class), any(Exception.class));
  if (data != null) {
    verify(rate_limiter, times(1)).acquire();
项目:debezium-proto    文件   
protected void onStart(DbzNode node) {
    logger.debug("DATABASES: Starting and subscribing to '{}'...", Topic.SCHEMA_UPDATES);
    // Add a single-threaded consumer that will read the "schema-updates" topic to get all database schema updates.
    // We use a unique group ID so that we get *all* the messages on this topic.
    int numThreads = 1;
    String groupId = "databases-" +; // unique so that all clients see all messages
    TopicFilter topicFilter = Topics.anyOf(Topic.SCHEMA_UPDATES);
    node.subscribe(groupId, topicFilter, numThreads, (topic, partition, offset, key, msg) -> {
        Document updatedSchema = Message.getAfter(msg);
        DatabaseId dbId = Identifier.parseDatabaseId(key);
        activeDatabases.put(dbId.asString(), new ActiveDatabase(dbId, updatedSchema));
        logger.debug("DATABASES: Cached active database '{}'...", dbId);
        return true;
项目:secor    文件   
public MessageReader(SecorConfig config, OffsetTracker offsetTracker) throws
        UnknownHostException {
    mConfig = config;
    mOffsetTracker = offsetTracker;

    mConsumerConnector = Consumer.createJavaConsumerConnector(createConsumerConfig());

    if (!mConfig.getKafkaTopicBlacklist().isEmpty() && !mConfig.getKafkaTopicFilter().isEmpty()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Topic filter and blacklist cannot be both specified.");
    TopicFilter topicFilter = !mConfig.getKafkaTopicBlacklist().isEmpty()? new Blacklist(mConfig.getKafkaTopicBlacklist()):
            new Whitelist(mConfig.getKafkaTopicFilter());
    LOG.debug("Use TopicFilter {}({})", topicFilter.getClass(), topicFilter);
    List<KafkaStream<byte[], byte[]>> streams =
    KafkaStream<byte[], byte[]> stream = streams.get(0);
    mIterator = stream.iterator();
    mLastAccessTime = new HashMap<TopicPartition, Long>();
    StatsUtil.setLabel("", IdUtil.getConsumerId());
    mTopicPartitionForgetSeconds = mConfig.getTopicPartitionForgetSeconds();
    mCheckMessagesPerSecond = mConfig.getMessagesPerSecond() / mConfig.getConsumerThreads();
    mKafkaMessageTimestampFactory = new KafkaMessageTimestampFactory(mConfig.getKafkaMessageTimestampClass());
项目:opentsdb-rpc-kafka    文件   
public void runConsumerRuntimeException() throws Exception {
      (TopicFilter) any(), anyInt())).thenThrow(
          new RuntimeException("Foobar"));
  KafkaRpcPluginThread writer = Mockito.spy(
      new KafkaRpcPluginThread(group, 1, TOPICS));;

  verify(writer, times(1)).shutdown();
  verify(consumer_connector, times(1)).shutdown();
项目:opentsdb-rpc-kafka    文件   
@Test(expected = Exception.class)
public void runConsumerException() throws Exception {
      (TopicFilter) any(), anyInt())).thenThrow(
          new Exception("Foobar"));
  KafkaRpcPluginThread writer = Mockito.spy(
      new KafkaRpcPluginThread(group, 1, TOPICS));;

  verify(writer, times(1)).shutdown();
  verify(consumer_connector, times(1)).shutdown();
项目:chaperone    文件   
private void init() {
  // register kafka offset lag metrics, one Gauge is for per consumer level granularity
  MetricRegistry registry = Metrics.getRegistry();
  try {
    fetchedMsgCounter = registry.meter("kafkaIngesterConsumer." + this.getName() + "-msgFetchRate");
    failedToIngestCounter = registry.meter("kafkaIngesterConsumer." + this.getName() + "-failedToIngest");
    kafkaOffsetLagGauge =
        registry.register("kafkaIngesterConsumer." + this.getName() + "-kafkaOffsetLag", new JmxAttributeGauge(
            new ObjectName(maxLagMetricName), "Value"));
  } catch (MalformedObjectNameException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
    logger.error("Register failure for metrics of KafkaIngesterConsumer", e);

  TopicFilter topicFilter = new Whitelist(AuditConfig.AUDIT_TOPIC_NAME);"{}: Topic filter is {}", getName(), AuditConfig.AUDIT_TOPIC_NAME);
  this.consumer = Consumer.createJavaConsumerConnector(createConsumerConfig());
  KafkaStream<byte[], byte[]> stream = consumer.createMessageStreamsByFilter(topicFilter, 1).get(0);
  iterator = stream.iterator();"KafkaIngesterConsumer thread {} is initialized successfully", getName());

  if (AuditConfig.INGESTER_ENABLE_DEDUP) {
    deduplicator =
        new Deduplicator(threadId, AuditConfig.INGESTER_REDIS_HOST, AuditConfig.INGESTER_REDIS_PORT,
  } else {
    deduplicator = null;
项目:druid-kafka-ext    文件   
public WildcardTopicCount(ZKConnector<?> zkClient, String consumerIdString,
        TopicFilter topicFilter, Integer numStreams) {
    this.consumerIdString = consumerIdString;
    this.numStreams = numStreams;
    this.topicFilter = topicFilter;
    this.zkClient = zkClient;
项目:debezium-proto    文件   
public static TopicFilter anyOf( String...topics) {
    StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(",");
    for ( String topic : topics ) {
    return new Whitelist(joiner.toString());
项目:debezium-proto    文件   
public static TopicFilter noneOf( String...topics) {
    StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(",");
    for ( String topic : topics ) {
    return new Blacklist(joiner.toString());
项目:debezium-proto    文件   
public Subscriber(String groupId, TopicFilter topicFilter, int numThreads, Deserializer<KeyType> keyDecoder,
                  Deserializer<MessageType> messageDecoder, MessageConsumer<KeyType, MessageType> consumer) {
    this.topicFilter = topicFilter;
    this.keyDecoder = keyDecoder;
    this.messageDecoder = messageDecoder;
    this.consumer = consumer;
项目:opentsdb-rpc-kafka    文件   
public void before() throws Exception {
  tsdb = PowerMockito.mock(TSDB.class);
  config = new KafkaRpcPluginConfig(new Config(false));
  group = mock(KafkaRpcPluginGroup.class);
  message = mock(MessageAndMetadata.class);
  rate_limiter = mock(RateLimiter.class);
  requeue = mock(KafkaStorageExceptionHandler.class);
  counters = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Map<String, AtomicLong>>();
  deserializer = new JSONDeserializer();

  consumer_connector = mock(ConsumerConnector.class);

  when(Consumer.createJavaConsumerConnector((ConsumerConfig) any()))


  parent = mock(KafkaRpcPlugin.class);


      + "zookeeper.connect", ZKS);

  stream_list = mock(List.class);
      (TopicFilter) any(), anyInt())).thenReturn(stream_list);

  final KafkaStream<byte[], byte[]> stream = mock(KafkaStream.class);

  iterator = mock(ConsumerIterator.class);



项目:druid-kafka-ext    文件   
public static TopicCount constructTopicCount(ZKConnector<?> zkClient, String group,
        String consumerId) {
    KafkaZKData.ZKGroupDirs dirs = new KafkaZKData.ZKGroupDirs(group);
    String subscriptionPattern = null;
    Map<String, Integer> topMap = null;
    try {
        String topicCountString = zkClient.readData(dirs.consumerRegistryDir() + "/" + consumerId);
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        TypeReference<Map<String, Object>> typeMap = new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>() {
        Map<String, Object> jsonObj = mapper.reader(typeMap).readValue(
        if (jsonObj == null)
            throw new KafkaZKException("error constructing TopicCount : "
                    + topicCountString);
        Object pattern = jsonObj.get("pattern");
        if (pattern == null)
            throw new KafkaZKException("error constructing TopicCount : "
                    + topicCountString);
        subscriptionPattern = (String) pattern;
        Object sub = jsonObj.get("subscription");
        if (sub == null)
            throw new KafkaZKException("error constructing TopicCount : "
                    + topicCountString);
        topMap = (Map<String, Integer>) sub;

    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw new KafkaZKException(t);

    boolean hasWhiteList = whiteListPattern.equals(subscriptionPattern);
    boolean hasBlackList = blackListPattern.equals(subscriptionPattern);

    if (topMap.isEmpty() || !(hasWhiteList || hasBlackList)) {
        return new StaticTopicCount(consumerId, topMap);
    } else {
        String regex = null;
        Integer numStreams = -1;
        for (Entry<String, Integer> entity : topMap.entrySet()) {
            regex = entity.getKey();
            numStreams = entity.getValue();
        TopicFilter filter = hasWhiteList ? new Whitelist(regex)
                : new Blacklist(regex);

        return new WildcardTopicCount(zkClient, consumerId, filter,

项目:druid-kafka-ext    文件   
public static TopicCount constructTopicCount(ZKConnector<?> zkClient,
        String consumerIdString, TopicFilter filter, int numStreams) {
    return new WildcardTopicCount(zkClient, consumerIdString, filter,
项目:debezium-proto    文件   
public static TopicFilter of( String topic ) {
    return new Whitelist(topic);
项目:debezium-proto    文件   
public <KeyType, MessageType> void subscribe(String groupId, TopicFilter topicFilter, int numThreads, Deserializer<KeyType> keyDecoder,
                                             Deserializer<MessageType> messageDecoder, MessageConsumer<KeyType, MessageType> consumer) {
    if (!running) throw new IllegalStateException("Kafka client is no longer running");
    if (numThreads < 1) return;

    // Create the config for this consumer ...
    final boolean autoCommit = true;
    final boolean debug = logger.isDebugEnabled();
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put("", groupId);

    // Create the consumer and iterate over the streams and create a thread to process each one ...
    ConsumerConnector connector = getOrCreateConnector(props);
    connector.createMessageStreamsByFilter(topicFilter, numThreads, DEFAULT_DECODER, DEFAULT_DECODER)
             .forEach(stream -> {
                 this.executor.get().execute(() -> {
                     final ConsumerIterator<byte[], byte[]> iter = stream.iterator();
                     boolean success = false;
                     while (true) {
                         try {
                             while (running && iter.hasNext()) {
                                 // Determine if we're still running after we've received a message ...
                                 if ( running ) {
                                     MessageAndMetadata<byte[], byte[]> msg =;
                                     if (debug) {
                                         logger.debug("Consuming next message on topic '{}', partition {}, offset {}",
                                                      msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset());
                                     success = consumer.consume(msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset(),
                                     logger.debug("Consume message: {}", success);
                                     if (success && autoCommit) {
                                         logger.debug("Committing offsets");
                         } catch (ConsumerTimeoutException e) {
                             logger.debug("Consumer timed out and continuing");
                             // Keep going ...
项目:debezium-proto    文件   
public <KeyType, MessageType> void subscribe(String groupId, TopicFilter topicFilter, int numThreads, Deserializer<KeyType> keyDecoder,
                                             Deserializer<MessageType> messageDecoder, MessageConsumer<KeyType, MessageType> consumer) {
    subscribers.add(new Subscriber<>(groupId, topicFilter, numThreads, keyDecoder, messageDecoder, consumer));
项目:kafka-    文件   
 *  Create a list of MessageAndTopicStreams containing messages of type T.
 *  @param topicFilter a TopicFilter that specifies which topics to
 *                    subscribe to (encapsulates a whitelist or a blacklist).
 *  @param numStreams the number of message streams to return.
 *  @param keyDecoder a decoder that decodes the message key
 *  @param valueDecoder a decoder that decodes the message itself
 *  @return a list of KafkaStream. Each stream supports an
 *          iterator over its MessageAndMetadata elements.
public <K, V> List<KafkaStream<K, V>>
    createMessageStreamsByFilter(TopicFilter topicFilter, int numStreams, Decoder<K> keyDecoder, Decoder<V> valueDecoder);
项目:debezium-proto    文件   
 * Subscribe to one or more topics.
 * @param groupId the identifier of the consumer's group; may not be null
 * @param topicFilter the filter for the topics; may not be null
 * @param numThreads the number of threads on which consumers should be called
 * @param messageDecoder the decoder that should be used to convert the {@code byte[]} message into an object form expected by
 *            the consumer
 * @param consumer the consumer, which should be threadsafe if {@code numThreads} is more than 1
public <MessageType> void subscribe(String groupId, TopicFilter topicFilter, int numThreads, Deserializer<MessageType> messageDecoder,
                                    MessageConsumer<String, MessageType> consumer) {
    subscribe(groupId, topicFilter, numThreads, Serdes.stringDeserializer(), messageDecoder, consumer);
项目:debezium-proto    文件   
 * Subscribe to one or more topics.
 * @param groupId the identifier of the consumer's group; may not be null
 * @param topicFilter the filter for the topics; may not be null
 * @param numThreads the number of threads on which consumers should be called
 * @param consumer the consumer, which should be threadsafe if {@code numThreads} is more than 1
public void subscribe(String groupId, TopicFilter topicFilter, int numThreads, MessageConsumer<String, Document> consumer) {
    subscribe(groupId, topicFilter, numThreads, Serdes.stringDeserializer(), Serdes.document(), consumer);
项目:debezium-proto    文件   
 * Subscribe to one or more topics.
 * @param groupId the identifier of the consumer's group; may not be null
 * @param topicFilter the filter for the topics; may not be null
 * @param numThreads the number of threads on which consumers should be called
 * @param keyDecoder the decoder that should be used to convert the {@code byte[]} key into an object form expected by the
 *            consumer
 * @param messageDecoder the decoder that should be used to convert the {@code byte[]} message into an object form expected by
 *            the consumer
 * @param consumer the consumer, which should be threadsafe if {@code numThreads} is more than 1
public <KeyType, MessageType> void subscribe(String groupId, TopicFilter topicFilter, int numThreads, Deserializer<KeyType> keyDecoder,
                                             Deserializer<MessageType> messageDecoder, MessageConsumer<KeyType, MessageType> consumer) {
    logger.debug("NODE: subscribing {} in group '{}' to topics {}",consumer,groupId,topicFilter);
    messageBus.get().subscribe(groupId, topicFilter, numThreads, keyDecoder, messageDecoder, consumer);
项目:debezium-proto    文件   
 * Subscribe to one or more topics.
 * @param groupId the identifier of the consumer's group; may not be null
 * @param topicFilter the filter for the topics; may not be null
 * @param numThreads the number of threads on which consumers should be called
 * @param keyDeserializer the deserializer that should be used to convert the {@code byte[]} key into an object form expected
 *            by the consumer
 * @param messageDeserializer the deserializer that should be used to convert the {@code byte[]} message into an object form
 *            expected by the consumer
 * @param consumer the consumer, which should be threadsafe if {@code numThreads} is more than 1
public <KeyType, MessageType> void subscribe(String groupId, TopicFilter topicFilter, int numThreads,
                                             Deserializer<KeyType> keyDeserializer,
                                             Deserializer<MessageType> messageDeserializer,
                                             MessageConsumer<KeyType, MessageType> consumer);
项目:kafka-    文件   
public List<KafkaStream<byte[], byte[]>> createMessageStreamsByFilter(TopicFilter topicFilter, int numStreams);
项目:kafka-    文件   
public List<KafkaStream<byte[], byte[]>> createMessageStreamsByFilter(TopicFilter topicFilter);