Java 类 实例源码

项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
public EntityLiving(World worldIn)
    this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null);
    this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null);
    this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this);
    this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this);
    this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this);
    this.bodyHelper = new EntityBodyHelper(this);
    this.navigator = this.getNewNavigator(worldIn);
    this.senses = new EntitySenses(this);

    for (int i = 0; i < this.equipmentDropChances.length; ++i)
        this.equipmentDropChances[i] = 0.085F;
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
public EntityLiving(World worldIn)
    this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null);
    this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null);
    this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this);
    this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this);
    this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this);
    this.bodyHelper = new EntityBodyHelper(this);
    this.navigator = this.getNewNavigator(worldIn);
    this.senses = new EntitySenses(this);

    for (int i = 0; i < this.equipmentDropChances.length; ++i)
        this.equipmentDropChances[i] = 0.085F;
项目:BaseClient    文件   
public EntityLiving(World worldIn)
    this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null);
    this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null);
    this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this);
    this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this);
    this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this);
    this.bodyHelper = new EntityBodyHelper(this);
    this.navigator = this.getNewNavigator(worldIn);
    this.senses = new EntitySenses(this);

    for (int i = 0; i < this.equipmentDropChances.length; ++i)
        this.equipmentDropChances[i] = 0.085F;

    UUID uuid = this.getUniqueID();
    long j = uuid.getLeastSignificantBits();
    this.randomMobsId = (int)(j & 2147483647L);
项目:BaseClient    文件   
public EntityLiving(World worldIn)
    this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null);
    this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null);
    this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this);
    this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this);
    this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this);
    this.bodyHelper = new EntityBodyHelper(this);
    this.navigator = this.getNewNavigator(worldIn);
    this.senses = new EntitySenses(this);

    for (int i = 0; i < this.equipmentDropChances.length; ++i)
        this.equipmentDropChances[i] = 0.085F;

    UUID uuid = this.getUniqueID();
    long j = uuid.getLeastSignificantBits();
    this.randomMobsId = (int)(j & 2147483647L);
项目:Backmemed    文件   
public EntityLiving(World worldIn)
    this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null);
    this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null);
    this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this);
    this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this);
    this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this);
    this.bodyHelper = this.createBodyHelper();
    this.navigator = this.getNewNavigator(worldIn);
    this.senses = new EntitySenses(this);
    Arrays.fill(this.inventoryArmorDropChances, 0.085F);
    Arrays.fill(this.inventoryHandsDropChances, 0.085F);

    if (worldIn != null && !worldIn.isRemote)

    UUID uuid = this.getUniqueID();
    long i = uuid.getLeastSignificantBits();
    this.randomMobsId = (int)(i & 2147483647L);
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
public EntityLiving(World worldIn)
    this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null);
    this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null);
    this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this);
    this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this);
    this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this);
    this.bodyHelper = this.createBodyHelper();
    this.navigator = this.getNewNavigator(worldIn);
    this.senses = new EntitySenses(this);
    Arrays.fill(this.inventoryArmorDropChances, 0.085F);
    Arrays.fill(this.inventoryHandsDropChances, 0.085F);

    if (worldIn != null && !worldIn.isRemote)
项目:Resilience-Client-Source    文件   
public EntityLiving(World par1World)
    this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(par1World != null && par1World.theProfiler != null ? par1World.theProfiler : null);
    this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(par1World != null && par1World.theProfiler != null ? par1World.theProfiler : null);
    this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this);
    this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this);
    this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this);
    this.bodyHelper = new EntityBodyHelper(this);
    this.navigator = new PathNavigate(this, par1World);
    this.senses = new EntitySenses(this);

    for (int var2 = 0; var2 < this.equipmentDropChances.length; ++var2)
        this.equipmentDropChances[var2] = 0.085F;
项目:ExpandedRailsMod    文件   
public EntityLiving(World worldIn)
    this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null);
    this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(worldIn != null && worldIn.theProfiler != null ? worldIn.theProfiler : null);
    this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this);
    this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this);
    this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this);
    this.bodyHelper = this.createBodyHelper();
    this.navigator = this.getNewNavigator(worldIn);
    this.senses = new EntitySenses(this);
    Arrays.fill(this.inventoryArmorDropChances, 0.085F);
    Arrays.fill(this.inventoryHandsDropChances, 0.085F);

    if (worldIn != null && !worldIn.isRemote)
项目:Cauldron    文件   
public EntityLiving(World p_i1595_1_)
    this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(p_i1595_1_ != null && p_i1595_1_.theProfiler != null ? p_i1595_1_.theProfiler : null);
    this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(p_i1595_1_ != null && p_i1595_1_.theProfiler != null ? p_i1595_1_.theProfiler : null);
    this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this);
    this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this);
    this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this);
    this.bodyHelper = new EntityBodyHelper(this);
    this.navigator = new PathNavigate(this, p_i1595_1_);
    this.senses = new EntitySenses(this);

    for (int i = 0; i < this.equipmentDropChances.length; ++i)
        this.equipmentDropChances[i] = 0.085F;
项目:Cauldron    文件   
public EntityLiving(World p_i1595_1_)
    this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(p_i1595_1_ != null && p_i1595_1_.theProfiler != null ? p_i1595_1_.theProfiler : null);
    this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(p_i1595_1_ != null && p_i1595_1_.theProfiler != null ? p_i1595_1_.theProfiler : null);
    this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this);
    this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this);
    this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this);
    this.bodyHelper = new EntityBodyHelper(this);
    this.navigator = new PathNavigate(this, p_i1595_1_);
    this.senses = new EntitySenses(this);

    for (int i = 0; i < this.equipmentDropChances.length; ++i)
        this.equipmentDropChances[i] = 0.085F;
项目:RuneCraftery    文件   
public EntityLiving(World p_i1595_1_) {
   this.field_70714_bg = new EntityAITasks(p_i1595_1_ != null && p_i1595_1_.field_72984_F != null?p_i1595_1_.field_72984_F:null);
   this.field_70715_bh = new EntityAITasks(p_i1595_1_ != null && p_i1595_1_.field_72984_F != null?p_i1595_1_.field_72984_F:null);
   this.field_70749_g = new EntityLookHelper(this);
   this.field_70765_h = new EntityMoveHelper(this);
   this.field_70767_i = new EntityJumpHelper(this);
   this.field_70762_j = new EntityBodyHelper(this);
   this.field_70699_by = new PathNavigate(this, p_i1595_1_);
   this.field_70723_bA = new EntitySenses(this);

   for(int var2 = 0; var2 < this.field_82174_bp.length; ++var2) {
      this.field_82174_bp[var2] = 0.085F;

项目:RuneCraftery    文件   
public EntityLiving(World par1World)
    this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(par1World != null && par1World.theProfiler != null ? par1World.theProfiler : null);
    this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(par1World != null && par1World.theProfiler != null ? par1World.theProfiler : null);
    this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this);
    this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this);
    this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this);
    this.bodyHelper = new EntityBodyHelper(this);
    this.navigator = new PathNavigate(this, par1World);
    this.senses = new EntitySenses(this);

    for (int i = 0; i < this.equipmentDropChances.length; ++i)
        this.equipmentDropChances[i] = 0.085F;
项目:BetterNutritionMod    文件   
public EntityLiving(World par1World)
    this.tasks = new EntityAITasks(par1World != null && par1World.theProfiler != null ? par1World.theProfiler : null);
    this.targetTasks = new EntityAITasks(par1World != null && par1World.theProfiler != null ? par1World.theProfiler : null);
    this.lookHelper = new EntityLookHelper(this);
    this.moveHelper = new EntityMoveHelper(this);
    this.jumpHelper = new EntityJumpHelper(this);
    this.bodyHelper = new EntityBodyHelper(this);
    this.navigator = new PathNavigate(this, par1World);
    this.senses = new EntitySenses(this);

    for (int i = 0; i < this.equipmentDropChances.length; ++i)
        this.equipmentDropChances[i] = 0.085F;
项目:Inhuman-Resources    文件   
public void updateTask()
    if (this.slime.getRNG().nextFloat() < 0.8F)
    MobSlime.SlimeMoveHelper moveHelper = (MobSlime.SlimeMoveHelper) this.slime.getMoveHelper();
    EntityLookHelper lookHelper = this.slime.getLookHelper();
    float yaw = (float) MathHelper.atan2(lookHelper.getLookPosZ(), lookHelper.getLookPosX());
    moveHelper.setDirection(yaw, false);
项目:N-API    文件   
public EventEntityLivingInit(EntityLiving entity, World world, EntityAITasks tasks, EntityAITasks targetTasks, EntityLookHelper lookHelper, EntityMoveHelper moveHelper, EntityJumpHelper jumpHelper, EntityBodyHelper bodyHelper, PathNavigate navigator, EntitySenses senses)
    this.entity = entity; = world;
    this.tasks = tasks;
    this.targetTasks = targetTasks;
    this.lookHelper = lookHelper;
    this.jumpHelper = jumpHelper;
    this.moveHelper = moveHelper;
    this.bodyHelper = bodyHelper;
    this.navigator = navigator;
    this.senses = senses;
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
public EntityLookHelper getLookHelper()
    return this.lookHelper;
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
public void onUpdateMoveHelper()
    if (this.update && !this.entityGuardian.getNavigator().noPath())
        double d0 = this.posX - this.entityGuardian.posX;
        double d1 = this.posY - this.entityGuardian.posY;
        double d2 = this.posZ - this.entityGuardian.posZ;
        double d3 = d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2;
        d3 = (double)MathHelper.sqrt_double(d3);
        d1 = d1 / d3;
        float f = (float)(MathHelper.func_181159_b(d2, d0) * 180.0D / Math.PI) - 90.0F;
        this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw = this.limitAngle(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw, f, 30.0F);
        this.entityGuardian.renderYawOffset = this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw;
        float f1 = (float)(this.speed * this.entityGuardian.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.movementSpeed).getAttributeValue());
        this.entityGuardian.setAIMoveSpeed(this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed() + (f1 - this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed()) * 0.125F);
        double d4 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.ticksExisted + this.entityGuardian.getEntityId()) * 0.5D) * 0.05D;
        double d5 = Math.cos((double)(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw * (float)Math.PI / 180.0F));
        double d6 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw * (float)Math.PI / 180.0F));
        this.entityGuardian.motionX += d4 * d5;
        this.entityGuardian.motionZ += d4 * d6;
        d4 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.ticksExisted + this.entityGuardian.getEntityId()) * 0.75D) * 0.05D;
        this.entityGuardian.motionY += d4 * (d6 + d5) * 0.25D;
        this.entityGuardian.motionY += (double)this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed() * d1 * 0.1D;
        EntityLookHelper entitylookhelper = this.entityGuardian.getLookHelper();
        double d7 = this.entityGuardian.posX + d0 / d3 * 2.0D;
        double d8 = (double)this.entityGuardian.getEyeHeight() + this.entityGuardian.posY + d1 / d3 * 1.0D;
        double d9 = this.entityGuardian.posZ + d2 / d3 * 2.0D;
        double d10 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosX();
        double d11 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosY();
        double d12 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosZ();

        if (!entitylookhelper.getIsLooking())
            d10 = d7;
            d11 = d8;
            d12 = d9;

        this.entityGuardian.getLookHelper().setLookPosition(d10 + (d7 - d10) * 0.125D, d11 + (d8 - d11) * 0.125D, d12 + (d9 - d12) * 0.125D, 10.0F, 40.0F);
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
public EntityLookHelper getLookHelper()
    return this.lookHelper;
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
public void onUpdateMoveHelper()
    if (this.update && !this.entityGuardian.getNavigator().noPath())
        double d0 = this.posX - this.entityGuardian.posX;
        double d1 = this.posY - this.entityGuardian.posY;
        double d2 = this.posZ - this.entityGuardian.posZ;
        double d3 = d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2;
        d3 = (double)MathHelper.sqrt_double(d3);
        d1 = d1 / d3;
        float f = (float)(MathHelper.func_181159_b(d2, d0) * 180.0D / Math.PI) - 90.0F;
        this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw = this.limitAngle(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw, f, 30.0F);
        this.entityGuardian.renderYawOffset = this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw;
        float f1 = (float)(this.speed * this.entityGuardian.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.movementSpeed).getAttributeValue());
        this.entityGuardian.setAIMoveSpeed(this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed() + (f1 - this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed()) * 0.125F);
        double d4 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.ticksExisted + this.entityGuardian.getEntityId()) * 0.5D) * 0.05D;
        double d5 = Math.cos((double)(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw * (float)Math.PI / 180.0F));
        double d6 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw * (float)Math.PI / 180.0F));
        this.entityGuardian.motionX += d4 * d5;
        this.entityGuardian.motionZ += d4 * d6;
        d4 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.ticksExisted + this.entityGuardian.getEntityId()) * 0.75D) * 0.05D;
        this.entityGuardian.motionY += d4 * (d6 + d5) * 0.25D;
        this.entityGuardian.motionY += (double)this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed() * d1 * 0.1D;
        EntityLookHelper entitylookhelper = this.entityGuardian.getLookHelper();
        double d7 = this.entityGuardian.posX + d0 / d3 * 2.0D;
        double d8 = (double)this.entityGuardian.getEyeHeight() + this.entityGuardian.posY + d1 / d3 * 1.0D;
        double d9 = this.entityGuardian.posZ + d2 / d3 * 2.0D;
        double d10 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosX();
        double d11 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosY();
        double d12 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosZ();

        if (!entitylookhelper.getIsLooking())
            d10 = d7;
            d11 = d8;
            d12 = d9;

        this.entityGuardian.getLookHelper().setLookPosition(d10 + (d7 - d10) * 0.125D, d11 + (d8 - d11) * 0.125D, d12 + (d9 - d12) * 0.125D, 10.0F, 40.0F);
项目:BaseClient    文件   
public EntityLookHelper getLookHelper()
    return this.lookHelper;
项目:BaseClient    文件   
public void onUpdateMoveHelper()
    if (this.update && !this.entityGuardian.getNavigator().noPath())
        double d0 = this.posX - this.entityGuardian.posX;
        double d1 = this.posY - this.entityGuardian.posY;
        double d2 = this.posZ - this.entityGuardian.posZ;
        double d3 = d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2;
        d3 = (double)MathHelper.sqrt_double(d3);
        d1 = d1 / d3;
        float f = (float)(MathHelper.func_181159_b(d2, d0) * 180.0D / Math.PI) - 90.0F;
        this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw = this.limitAngle(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw, f, 30.0F);
        this.entityGuardian.renderYawOffset = this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw;
        float f1 = (float)(this.speed * this.entityGuardian.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.movementSpeed).getAttributeValue());
        this.entityGuardian.setAIMoveSpeed(this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed() + (f1 - this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed()) * 0.125F);
        double d4 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.ticksExisted + this.entityGuardian.getEntityId()) * 0.5D) * 0.05D;
        double d5 = Math.cos((double)(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw * (float)Math.PI / 180.0F));
        double d6 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw * (float)Math.PI / 180.0F));
        this.entityGuardian.motionX += d4 * d5;
        this.entityGuardian.motionZ += d4 * d6;
        d4 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.ticksExisted + this.entityGuardian.getEntityId()) * 0.75D) * 0.05D;
        this.entityGuardian.motionY += d4 * (d6 + d5) * 0.25D;
        this.entityGuardian.motionY += (double)this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed() * d1 * 0.1D;
        EntityLookHelper entitylookhelper = this.entityGuardian.getLookHelper();
        double d7 = this.entityGuardian.posX + d0 / d3 * 2.0D;
        double d8 = (double)this.entityGuardian.getEyeHeight() + this.entityGuardian.posY + d1 / d3 * 1.0D;
        double d9 = this.entityGuardian.posZ + d2 / d3 * 2.0D;
        double d10 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosX();
        double d11 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosY();
        double d12 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosZ();

        if (!entitylookhelper.getIsLooking())
            d10 = d7;
            d11 = d8;
            d12 = d9;

        this.entityGuardian.getLookHelper().setLookPosition(d10 + (d7 - d10) * 0.125D, d11 + (d8 - d11) * 0.125D, d12 + (d9 - d12) * 0.125D, 10.0F, 40.0F);
项目:BaseClient    文件   
public EntityLookHelper getLookHelper()
    return this.lookHelper;
项目:BaseClient    文件   
public void onUpdateMoveHelper()
    if (this.update && !this.entityGuardian.getNavigator().noPath())
        double d0 = this.posX - this.entityGuardian.posX;
        double d1 = this.posY - this.entityGuardian.posY;
        double d2 = this.posZ - this.entityGuardian.posZ;
        double d3 = d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2;
        d3 = (double)MathHelper.sqrt_double(d3);
        d1 = d1 / d3;
        float f = (float)(MathHelper.func_181159_b(d2, d0) * 180.0D / Math.PI) - 90.0F;
        this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw = this.limitAngle(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw, f, 30.0F);
        this.entityGuardian.renderYawOffset = this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw;
        float f1 = (float)(this.speed * this.entityGuardian.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.movementSpeed).getAttributeValue());
        this.entityGuardian.setAIMoveSpeed(this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed() + (f1 - this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed()) * 0.125F);
        double d4 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.ticksExisted + this.entityGuardian.getEntityId()) * 0.5D) * 0.05D;
        double d5 = Math.cos((double)(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw * (float)Math.PI / 180.0F));
        double d6 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw * (float)Math.PI / 180.0F));
        this.entityGuardian.motionX += d4 * d5;
        this.entityGuardian.motionZ += d4 * d6;
        d4 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.ticksExisted + this.entityGuardian.getEntityId()) * 0.75D) * 0.05D;
        this.entityGuardian.motionY += d4 * (d6 + d5) * 0.25D;
        this.entityGuardian.motionY += (double)this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed() * d1 * 0.1D;
        EntityLookHelper entitylookhelper = this.entityGuardian.getLookHelper();
        double d7 = this.entityGuardian.posX + d0 / d3 * 2.0D;
        double d8 = (double)this.entityGuardian.getEyeHeight() + this.entityGuardian.posY + d1 / d3 * 1.0D;
        double d9 = this.entityGuardian.posZ + d2 / d3 * 2.0D;
        double d10 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosX();
        double d11 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosY();
        double d12 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosZ();

        if (!entitylookhelper.getIsLooking())
            d10 = d7;
            d11 = d8;
            d12 = d9;

        this.entityGuardian.getLookHelper().setLookPosition(d10 + (d7 - d10) * 0.125D, d11 + (d8 - d11) * 0.125D, d12 + (d9 - d12) * 0.125D, 10.0F, 40.0F);
项目:Backmemed    文件   
public EntityLookHelper getLookHelper()
    return this.lookHelper;
项目:Backmemed    文件   
public void onUpdateMoveHelper()
    if (this.action == EntityMoveHelper.Action.MOVE_TO && !this.entityGuardian.getNavigator().noPath())
        double d0 = this.posX - this.entityGuardian.posX;
        double d1 = this.posY - this.entityGuardian.posY;
        double d2 = this.posZ - this.entityGuardian.posZ;
        double d3 = (double)MathHelper.sqrt(d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2);
        d1 = d1 / d3;
        float f = (float)(MathHelper.atan2(d2, d0) * (180D / Math.PI)) - 90.0F;
        this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw = this.limitAngle(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw, f, 90.0F);
        this.entityGuardian.renderYawOffset = this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw;
        float f1 = (float)(this.speed * this.entityGuardian.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED).getAttributeValue());
        this.entityGuardian.setAIMoveSpeed(this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed() + (f1 - this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed()) * 0.125F);
        double d4 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.ticksExisted + this.entityGuardian.getEntityId()) * 0.5D) * 0.05D;
        double d5 = Math.cos((double)(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw * 0.017453292F));
        double d6 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw * 0.017453292F));
        this.entityGuardian.motionX += d4 * d5;
        this.entityGuardian.motionZ += d4 * d6;
        d4 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.ticksExisted + this.entityGuardian.getEntityId()) * 0.75D) * 0.05D;
        this.entityGuardian.motionY += d4 * (d6 + d5) * 0.25D;
        this.entityGuardian.motionY += (double)this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed() * d1 * 0.1D;
        EntityLookHelper entitylookhelper = this.entityGuardian.getLookHelper();
        double d7 = this.entityGuardian.posX + d0 / d3 * 2.0D;
        double d8 = (double)this.entityGuardian.getEyeHeight() + this.entityGuardian.posY + d1 / d3;
        double d9 = this.entityGuardian.posZ + d2 / d3 * 2.0D;
        double d10 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosX();
        double d11 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosY();
        double d12 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosZ();

        if (!entitylookhelper.getIsLooking())
            d10 = d7;
            d11 = d8;
            d12 = d9;

        this.entityGuardian.getLookHelper().setLookPosition(d10 + (d7 - d10) * 0.125D, d11 + (d8 - d11) * 0.125D, d12 + (d9 - d12) * 0.125D, 10.0F, 40.0F);
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
public EntityLookHelper getLookHelper()
    return this.lookHelper;
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
public void onUpdateMoveHelper()
    if (this.action == EntityMoveHelper.Action.MOVE_TO && !this.entityGuardian.getNavigator().noPath())
        double d0 = this.posX - this.entityGuardian.posX;
        double d1 = this.posY - this.entityGuardian.posY;
        double d2 = this.posZ - this.entityGuardian.posZ;
        double d3 = d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2;
        d3 = (double)MathHelper.sqrt_double(d3);
        d1 = d1 / d3;
        float f = (float)(MathHelper.atan2(d2, d0) * (180D / Math.PI)) - 90.0F;
        this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw = this.limitAngle(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw, f, 90.0F);
        this.entityGuardian.renderYawOffset = this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw;
        float f1 = (float)(this.speed * this.entityGuardian.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED).getAttributeValue());
        this.entityGuardian.setAIMoveSpeed(this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed() + (f1 - this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed()) * 0.125F);
        double d4 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.ticksExisted + this.entityGuardian.getEntityId()) * 0.5D) * 0.05D;
        double d5 = Math.cos((double)(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw * 0.017453292F));
        double d6 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw * 0.017453292F));
        this.entityGuardian.motionX += d4 * d5;
        this.entityGuardian.motionZ += d4 * d6;
        d4 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.ticksExisted + this.entityGuardian.getEntityId()) * 0.75D) * 0.05D;
        this.entityGuardian.motionY += d4 * (d6 + d5) * 0.25D;
        this.entityGuardian.motionY += (double)this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed() * d1 * 0.1D;
        EntityLookHelper entitylookhelper = this.entityGuardian.getLookHelper();
        double d7 = this.entityGuardian.posX + d0 / d3 * 2.0D;
        double d8 = (double)this.entityGuardian.getEyeHeight() + this.entityGuardian.posY + d1 / d3;
        double d9 = this.entityGuardian.posZ + d2 / d3 * 2.0D;
        double d10 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosX();
        double d11 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosY();
        double d12 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosZ();

        if (!entitylookhelper.getIsLooking())
            d10 = d7;
            d11 = d8;
            d12 = d9;

        this.entityGuardian.getLookHelper().setLookPosition(d10 + (d7 - d10) * 0.125D, d11 + (d8 - d11) * 0.125D, d12 + (d9 - d12) * 0.125D, 10.0F, 40.0F);
项目:Resilience-Client-Source    文件   
public EntityLookHelper getLookHelper()
    return this.lookHelper;
项目:Gadomancy    文件   
public EntityLookHelper getLookHelper() {
    return golem.getLookHelper();
项目:ExpandedRailsMod    文件   
public EntityLookHelper getLookHelper()
    return this.lookHelper;
项目:ExpandedRailsMod    文件   
public void onUpdateMoveHelper()
    if (this.action == EntityMoveHelper.Action.MOVE_TO && !this.entityGuardian.getNavigator().noPath())
        double d0 = this.posX - this.entityGuardian.posX;
        double d1 = this.posY - this.entityGuardian.posY;
        double d2 = this.posZ - this.entityGuardian.posZ;
        double d3 = d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2;
        d3 = (double)MathHelper.sqrt_double(d3);
        d1 = d1 / d3;
        float f = (float)(MathHelper.atan2(d2, d0) * (180D / Math.PI)) - 90.0F;
        this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw = this.limitAngle(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw, f, 90.0F);
        this.entityGuardian.renderYawOffset = this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw;
        float f1 = (float)(this.speed * this.entityGuardian.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED).getAttributeValue());
        this.entityGuardian.setAIMoveSpeed(this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed() + (f1 - this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed()) * 0.125F);
        double d4 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.ticksExisted + this.entityGuardian.getEntityId()) * 0.5D) * 0.05D;
        double d5 = Math.cos((double)(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw * 0.017453292F));
        double d6 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.rotationYaw * 0.017453292F));
        this.entityGuardian.motionX += d4 * d5;
        this.entityGuardian.motionZ += d4 * d6;
        d4 = Math.sin((double)(this.entityGuardian.ticksExisted + this.entityGuardian.getEntityId()) * 0.75D) * 0.05D;
        this.entityGuardian.motionY += d4 * (d6 + d5) * 0.25D;
        this.entityGuardian.motionY += (double)this.entityGuardian.getAIMoveSpeed() * d1 * 0.1D;
        EntityLookHelper entitylookhelper = this.entityGuardian.getLookHelper();
        double d7 = this.entityGuardian.posX + d0 / d3 * 2.0D;
        double d8 = (double)this.entityGuardian.getEyeHeight() + this.entityGuardian.posY + d1 / d3;
        double d9 = this.entityGuardian.posZ + d2 / d3 * 2.0D;
        double d10 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosX();
        double d11 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosY();
        double d12 = entitylookhelper.getLookPosZ();

        if (!entitylookhelper.getIsLooking())
            d10 = d7;
            d11 = d8;
            d12 = d9;

        this.entityGuardian.getLookHelper().setLookPosition(d10 + (d7 - d10) * 0.125D, d11 + (d8 - d11) * 0.125D, d12 + (d9 - d12) * 0.125D, 10.0F, 40.0F);
项目:Cauldron    文件   
public EntityLookHelper getLookHelper()
    return this.lookHelper;
项目:Cauldron    文件   
public EntityLookHelper getLookHelper()
    return this.lookHelper;
项目:RuneCraftery    文件   
public EntityLookHelper func_70671_ap() {
   return this.field_70749_g;
项目:RuneCraftery    文件   
public EntityLookHelper getLookHelper()
    return this.lookHelper;
项目:EnderZoo    文件   
public void onUpdateMoveHelper() {

  if (!entity.getNavigator().noPath()) {
    double xDelta = posX - entity.posX;
    double yDelta = posY - entity.posY;
    double zDelta = posZ - entity.posZ;

    float moveFactor = 1;
    float moveSpeed = (float) (speed * entity.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED).getAttributeValue());
    entity.setAIMoveSpeed(entity.getAIMoveSpeed() + (moveSpeed - entity.getAIMoveSpeed()) * moveFactor);

    double distSq = xDelta * xDelta + yDelta * yDelta + zDelta * zDelta;
    double dist = MathHelper.sqrt(distSq);
    yDelta = yDelta / dist;
    if (yDelta > 0) {
      // Ensure enough lift to get up to the target
      yDelta = Math.max(0.1, yDelta);
    double yMove = entity.getAIMoveSpeed() * yDelta * mob.getMaxClimbRate();
    entity.motionY += yMove;
    // Limit max downward speed
    if (!entity.isDead && !entity.onGround && entity.motionY < -maxDescentSpeed) {
      entity.motionY = -maxDescentSpeed;

    // Limit crazy spinning when going straight down
    float tr = mob.getMaxTurnRate();
    if (yMove < -0.12) {
      tr = 10;
    float yawAngle = (float) (MathHelper.atan2(zDelta, xDelta) * 180.0D / Math.PI) - 90.0F;
    entity.rotationYaw = limitAngle(entity.rotationYaw, yawAngle, tr);
    entity.renderYawOffset = entity.rotationYaw;

    // Look
    double d7 = entity.posX + (xDelta / dist * 2.0D);
    double d8 = entity.getEyeHeight() + entity.posY + (yDelta / dist * 1.0D);
    double d9 = entity.posZ + (zDelta / dist * 2.0D);

    EntityLookHelper entitylookhelper = entity.getLookHelper();
    double lookX = entitylookhelper.getLookPosX();
    double lookY = entitylookhelper.getLookPosY();
    double lookZ = entitylookhelper.getLookPosZ();

    if (!entitylookhelper.getIsLooking()) {
      lookX = d7;
      lookY = d8;
      lookZ = d9;
    entity.getLookHelper().setLookPosition(lookX + (d7 - lookX) * 0.125D, lookY + (d8 - lookY) * 0.125D, lookZ + (d9 - lookZ) * 0.125D, 10.0F, 40.0F);
  } else {
项目:BetterNutritionMod    文件   
public EntityLookHelper getLookHelper()
    return this.lookHelper;