Java 类org.apache.cordova.CordovaDialogsHelper 实例源码

项目:COB    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:cordova-vuetify    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:x5webview-cordova-plugin    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:cordova-plugin-x5-webview    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:keemob    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:keemob    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:cordova-plugin-x5-tbs    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * <p>
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
  // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
  String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
  if (handledRet != null) {
  } else {
    dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
      public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
        if (success) {
        } else {
  return true;
项目:alerta-fraude    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:localcloud_fe    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:localcloud_fe    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:siiMobilityAppKit    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:cordova.plugins.X5WebView    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:DinningShare    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:resin-configurator-client    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:react-native-web-utf8map    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:HybridAppReduxVsIonic    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * <p/>
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(XWalkView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue,
                           final XWalkJavascriptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {

    return true;
项目:cordova-photosphere-example    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * <p/>
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(XWalkView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue,
                           final XWalkJavascriptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {

    return true;
项目:cordova-photosphere-example    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:cordova-photosphere-example    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * <p/>
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(XWalkView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue,
                           final XWalkJavascriptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {

    return true;
项目:ShaPaoZi-Mobile    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * <p/>
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(XWalkView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue,
                           final XWalkJavascriptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {

    return true;
项目:ShaPaoZi-Mobile    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:kitchen-tracker    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:ShaPaoZi-Mobile    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * <p/>
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(XWalkView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue,
                           final XWalkJavascriptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {

    return true;
项目:location-phonegap    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:medicineReminder    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:smart-mirror-app    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:cordova-plugin-x5engine-webview    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:Clickers    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:PhoneChat    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:amam-cordova    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:Notepad    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:Socket.IO-Cordova-Chat    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:api-recipe    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:cordova-plugin-pause-resume-download-demo    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:GroceryGroup    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a prompt dialog to the user.
 * If the client returns true, WebView will assume that the client will
 * handle the prompt dialog and call the appropriate JsPromptResult method.
 * Since we are hacking prompts for our own purposes, we should not be using them for
 * this purpose, perhaps we should hack console.log to do this instead!
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String origin, String message, String defaultValue, final JsPromptResult result) {
    // Unlike the @JavascriptInterface bridge, this method is always called on the UI thread.
    String handledRet = parentEngine.bridge.promptOnJsPrompt(origin, message, defaultValue);
    if (handledRet != null) {
    } else {
        dialogsHelper.showPrompt(message, defaultValue, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
            public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
                if (success) {
                } else {
    return true;
项目:COB    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a javascript alert dialog.
public boolean onJsAlert(WebView view, String url, String message, final JsResult result) {
    dialogsHelper.showAlert(message, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
        @Override public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
            if (success) {
            } else {
    return true;
项目:COB    文件   
 * Tell the client to display a confirm dialog to the user.
public boolean onJsConfirm(WebView view, String url, String message, final JsResult result) {
    dialogsHelper.showConfirm(message, new CordovaDialogsHelper.Result() {
        public void gotResult(boolean success, String value) {
            if (success) {
            } else {
    return true;