Java 类 实例源码

项目:NYBC    文件   
public void testReadBytes() throws Exception {
  MyBufferedIndexInput input = new MyBufferedIndexInput();
  runReadBytes(input, BufferedIndexInput.BUFFER_SIZE, random());

  // This tests the workaround code for LUCENE-1566 where readBytesInternal
  // provides a workaround for a JVM Bug that incorrectly raises a OOM Error
  // when a large byte buffer is passed to a file read.
  // NOTE: this does only test the chunked reads and NOT if the Bug is triggered.
  //final int tmpFileSize = 1024 * 1024 * 5;
  final int inputBufferSize = 128;
  File tmpInputFile = _TestUtil.createTempFile("IndexInput", "tmpFile", TEMP_DIR);
  writeBytes(tmpInputFile, TEST_FILE_LENGTH);

  // run test with chunk size of 10 bytes
  runReadBytesAndClose(new SimpleFSIndexInput("SimpleFSIndexInput(path=\"" + tmpInputFile + "\")", tmpInputFile,
      newIOContext(random()), 10), inputBufferSize, random());

  // run test with chunk size of 10 bytes
  runReadBytesAndClose(new NIOFSIndexInput(tmpInputFile,
      newIOContext(random()), 10), inputBufferSize, random());