@Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { LOG.info("STARTING " + getName()); // set the snap count to something low so that we force log rollover // and verify that is working as part of the epoch rollover. SyncRequestProcessor.setSnapCount(7); qu = new QuorumUtil(1); startAll(); for (int i = 0; i < zkClients.length; i++) { zkClientWatchers[i] = new CountdownWatcher(); PeerStruct peer = qu.getPeer(i + 1); zkClients[i] = new ZooKeeper( "" + peer.clientPort, ClientTest.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, zkClientWatchers[i]); } waitForClientsConnected(); }
/** * Tests a situation when client firstly connects to a read-only server and * then connects to a majority server. Transition should be transparent for * the user. */ @Test(timeout = 90000) public void testSessionEstablishment() throws Exception { qu.shutdown(2); CountdownWatcher watcher = new CountdownWatcher(); ZooKeeper zk = new ZooKeeper(qu.getConnString(), CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher, true); watcher.waitForConnected(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); Assert.assertSame("should be in r/o mode", States.CONNECTEDREADONLY, zk .getState()); long fakeId = zk.getSessionId(); watcher.reset(); qu.start(2); Assert.assertTrue("waiting for server up", ClientBase.waitForServerUp( "" + qu.getPeer(2).clientPort, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)); watcher.waitForConnected(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); zk.create("/test", "test".getBytes(), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); Assert.assertFalse("fake session and real session have same id", zk .getSessionId() == fakeId); zk.close(); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { System.setProperty("zookeeper.admin.enableServer", "false"); // set the snap count to something low so that we force log rollover // and verify that is working as part of the epoch rollover. SyncRequestProcessor.setSnapCount(7); qu = new QuorumUtil(1); startAll(); for (int i = 0; i < zkClients.length; i++) { zkClientWatchers[i] = new CountdownWatcher(); PeerStruct peer = qu.getPeer(i + 1); zkClients[i] = new ZooKeeper( "" + peer.clientPort, ClientTest.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, zkClientWatchers[i]); } waitForClientsConnected(); }
/** * Test to verify that servers are able to form quorum. * peer0 -> quorum.auth.enableSasl=true, quorum.auth.learnerRequireSasl=true, quorum.auth.serverRequireSasl=true * peer1 -> quorum.auth.enableSasl=true, quorum.auth.learnerRequireSasl=true, quorum.auth.serverRequireSasl=true */ @Test(timeout = 30000) public void testAuthLearnerServer() throws Exception { Map<String, String> authConfigs = new HashMap<String, String>(); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_SASL_AUTH_ENABLED, "true"); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_SERVER_SASL_AUTH_REQUIRED, "true"); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_LEARNER_SASL_AUTH_REQUIRED, "true"); String connectStr = startQuorum(2, authConfigs, 2, false); CountdownWatcher watcher = new CountdownWatcher(); ZooKeeper zk = new ZooKeeper(connectStr, ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher); watcher.waitForConnected(ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); zk.create("/foo", new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); zk.close(); }
/** * Test to verify that server is able to start with valid credentials */ @Test(timeout = 30000) public void testValidCredentials() throws Exception { Map<String, String> authConfigs = new HashMap<String, String>(); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_SASL_AUTH_ENABLED, "true"); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_SERVER_SASL_AUTH_REQUIRED, "true"); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_LEARNER_SASL_AUTH_REQUIRED, "true"); String connectStr = startQuorum(3, authConfigs, 3, false); CountdownWatcher watcher = new CountdownWatcher(); zk = new ZooKeeper(connectStr, ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher); watcher.waitForConnected(ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { zk.create("/" + i, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); } }
/** * Test to verify that server is able to start with invalid credentials if * the configuration is set to quorum.auth.serverRequireSasl=false. * Quorum will talk each other even if the authentication is not succeeded */ @Test(timeout = 30000) public void testSaslNotRequiredWithInvalidCredentials() throws Exception { Map<String, String> authConfigs = new HashMap<String, String>(); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_LEARNER_SASL_LOGIN_CONTEXT, "QuorumLearnerInvalid"); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_SASL_AUTH_ENABLED, "false"); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_SERVER_SASL_AUTH_REQUIRED, "false"); String connectStr = startQuorum(3, authConfigs, 3, false); CountdownWatcher watcher = new CountdownWatcher(); zk = new ZooKeeper(connectStr, ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher); watcher.waitForConnected(ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { zk.create("/" + i, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); } }
/** * Test to verify that Observer server is able to join quorum. */ @Test(timeout = 30000) public void testObserverWithValidCredentials() throws Exception { Map<String, String> authConfigs = new HashMap<String, String>(); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_SASL_AUTH_ENABLED, "true"); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_SERVER_SASL_AUTH_REQUIRED, "true"); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_LEARNER_SASL_AUTH_REQUIRED, "true"); // Starting auth enabled 5-node cluster. 3-Participants and 2-Observers. int totalServerCount = 5; int observerCount = 2; String connectStr = startQuorum(totalServerCount, observerCount, authConfigs, totalServerCount); CountdownWatcher watcher = new CountdownWatcher(); zk = new ZooKeeper(connectStr.toString(), ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher); watcher.waitForConnected(ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); zk.create("/myTestRoot", new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); }
/** * Test to verify that server is able to start with valid credentials */ @Test(timeout = 120000) public void testValidCredentials() throws Exception { String serverPrincipal = hostServerPrincipal.substring(0, hostServerPrincipal.lastIndexOf("@")); Map<String, String> authConfigs = new HashMap<String, String>(); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_SASL_AUTH_ENABLED, "true"); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_SERVER_SASL_AUTH_REQUIRED, "true"); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_LEARNER_SASL_AUTH_REQUIRED, "true"); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL, serverPrincipal); String connectStr = startQuorum(3, authConfigs, 3, true); CountdownWatcher watcher = new CountdownWatcher(); ZooKeeper zk = new ZooKeeper(connectStr, ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher); watcher.waitForConnected(ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { zk.create("/" + i, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); } zk.close(); }
/** * Test to verify that server is able to start with valid credentials */ @Test(timeout = 120000) public void testValidCredentials() throws Exception { String serverPrincipal = KerberosTestUtils.getServerPrincipal(); serverPrincipal = serverPrincipal.substring(0, serverPrincipal.lastIndexOf("@")); Map<String, String> authConfigs = new HashMap<String, String>(); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_SASL_AUTH_ENABLED, "true"); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_SERVER_SASL_AUTH_REQUIRED, "true"); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_LEARNER_SASL_AUTH_REQUIRED, "true"); authConfigs.put(QuorumAuth.QUORUM_KERBEROS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL, serverPrincipal); String connectStr = startQuorum(3, authConfigs, 3, true); CountdownWatcher watcher = new CountdownWatcher(); ZooKeeper zk = new ZooKeeper(connectStr, ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher); watcher.waitForConnected(ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { zk.create("/" + i, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); } zk.close(); }
/** * Tests a situation when client firstly connects to a read-only server and * then connects to a majority server. Transition should be transparent for * the user. */ @Test public void testSessionEstablishment() throws Exception { qu.shutdown(2); CountdownWatcher watcher = new CountdownWatcher(); ZooKeeper zk = new ZooKeeper(qu.getConnString(), CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher, true); watcher.waitForConnected(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); Assert.assertSame("should be in r/o mode", States.CONNECTEDREADONLY, zk .getState()); long fakeId = zk.getSessionId(); watcher.reset(); qu.start(2); Assert.assertTrue("waiting for server up", ClientBase.waitForServerUp( "" + qu.getPeer(2).clientPort, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)); watcher.waitForConnected(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); zk.create("/test", "test".getBytes(), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); Assert.assertFalse("fake session and real session have same id", zk .getSessionId() == fakeId); zk.close(); }
@Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { LOG.info("STARTING " + getName()); // set the snap count to something low so that we force log rollover // and verify that is working as part of the epoch rollover. SyncRequestProcessor.setSnapCount(7); qu = new QuorumUtil(1); startAll(); for (int i = 0; i < zkClients.length; i++) { zkClientWatchers[i] = new CountdownWatcher(); int followerPort = qu.getPeer(i+1).peer.getClientPort(); zkClients[i] = new ZooKeeper( "" + followerPort, ClientTest.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, zkClientWatchers[i]); } waitForClients(); }
private static DisconnectableZooKeeper createClient(int port, CountdownWatcher watcher) throws IOException, TimeoutException, InterruptedException { DisconnectableZooKeeper zk = new DisconnectableZooKeeper( "" + port, ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher); watcher.waitForConnected(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); return zk; }
private static TestableZooKeeper createTestableClient( CountdownWatcher watcher, String hp) throws IOException, TimeoutException, InterruptedException { TestableZooKeeper zk = new TestableZooKeeper( hp, ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher); watcher.waitForConnected(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); return zk; }
/** * Test write operations using multi request. */ @Test(timeout = 90000) public void testMultiTransaction() throws Exception { CountdownWatcher watcher = new CountdownWatcher(); ZooKeeper zk = new ZooKeeper(qu.getConnString(), CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher, true); watcher.waitForConnected(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); // ensure zk got connected final String data = "Data to be read in RO mode"; final String node1 = "/tnode1"; final String node2 = "/tnode2"; zk.create(node1, data.getBytes(), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); watcher.reset(); qu.shutdown(2); watcher.waitForConnected(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); Assert.assertEquals("Should be in r-o mode", States.CONNECTEDREADONLY, zk.getState()); // read operation during r/o mode String remoteData = new String(zk.getData(node1, false, null)); Assert.assertEquals("Failed to read data in r-o mode", data, remoteData); try { Transaction transaction = zk.transaction(); transaction.setData(node1, "no way".getBytes(), -1); transaction.create(node2, data.getBytes(), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); transaction.commit(); Assert.fail("Write operation using multi-transaction" + " api has succeeded during RO mode"); } catch (NotReadOnlyException e) { // ok } Assert.assertNull("Should have created the znode:" + node2, zk.exists(node2, false)); }
/** * Basic test of read-only client functionality. Tries to read and write * during read-only mode, then regains a quorum and tries to write again. */ @Test(timeout = 90000) public void testReadOnlyClient() throws Exception { CountdownWatcher watcher = new CountdownWatcher(); ZooKeeper zk = new ZooKeeper(qu.getConnString(), CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher, true); watcher.waitForConnected(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); // ensure zk got connected final String data = "Data to be read in RO mode"; final String node = "/tnode"; zk.create(node, data.getBytes(), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); watcher.reset(); qu.shutdown(2); watcher.waitForConnected(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); // read operation during r/o mode String remoteData = new String(zk.getData(node, false, null)); Assert.assertEquals(data, remoteData); try { zk.setData(node, "no way".getBytes(), -1); Assert.fail("Write operation has succeeded during RO mode"); } catch (NotReadOnlyException e) { // ok } watcher.reset(); qu.start(2); Assert.assertTrue("waiting for server up", ClientBase.waitForServerUp( "" + qu.getPeer(2).clientPort, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)); watcher.waitForConnected(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); zk.setData(node, "We're in the quorum now".getBytes(), -1); zk.close(); }
/** * See ZOOKEEPER-790 for details * */ @Test public void testFollowersStartAfterLeader() throws Exception { QuorumUtil qu = new QuorumUtil(1); CountdownWatcher watcher = new CountdownWatcher(); qu.startQuorum(); int index = 1; while(qu.getPeer(index).peer.leader == null) { index++; } ZooKeeper zk = new ZooKeeper( "" + qu.getPeer((index == 1)?2:1).peer.getClientPort(), ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher); watcher.waitForConnected(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); // break the quorum qu.shutdown(index); // Wait until we disconnect to proceed watcher.waitForDisconnected(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); // try to reestablish the quorum qu.start(index); try{ watcher.waitForConnected(30000); } catch(TimeoutException e) { Assert.fail("client could not connect to reestablished quorum: giving up after 30+ seconds."); } zk.close(); qu.tearDown(); }
/** * Tests if a multiop submitted to a non-leader propagates to the leader properly * (see ZOOKEEPER-1124). * * The test works as follows. It has a client connect to a follower and submit a multiop * to the follower. It then verifies that the multiop successfully gets committed by the leader. * * Without the fix in ZOOKEEPER-1124, this fails with a ConnectionLoss KeeperException. */ @Test public void testMultiToFollower() throws Exception { QuorumUtil qu = new QuorumUtil(1); CountdownWatcher watcher = new CountdownWatcher(); qu.startQuorum(); int index = 1; while(qu.getPeer(index).peer.leader == null) { index++; } ZooKeeper zk = new ZooKeeper( "" + qu.getPeer((index == 1)?2:1).peer.getClientPort(), ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher); watcher.waitForConnected(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); List<OpResult> results = new ArrayList<OpResult>(); results = zk.multi(Arrays.asList( Op.create("/multi0", new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT), Op.create("/multi1", new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT), Op.create("/multi2", new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT) )); zk.getData("/multi0", false, null); zk.getData("/multi1", false, null); zk.getData("/multi2", false, null); zk.close(); qu.tearDown(); }
/** * Test case for * {@link https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZOOKEEPER-2383}. */ @Test(timeout = 30000) public void testClientConnectionRequestDuringStartupWithNIOServerCnxn() throws Exception { tmpDir = ClientBase.createTmpDir(); ClientBase.setupTestEnv(); startSimpleZKServer(startupDelayLatch); SimpleZooKeeperServer simplezks = (SimpleZooKeeperServer) zks; Assert.assertTrue( "Failed to invoke zks#startup() method during server startup", simplezks.waitForStartupInvocation(10)); CountdownWatcher watcher = new CountdownWatcher(); ZooKeeper zkClient = new ZooKeeper(HOSTPORT, ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher); Assert.assertFalse( "Since server is not fully started, zks#createSession() shouldn't be invoked", simplezks.waitForSessionCreation(5)); LOG.info( "Decrements the count of the latch, so that server will proceed with startup"); startupDelayLatch.countDown(); Assert.assertTrue("waiting for server being up ", ClientBase .waitForServerUp(HOSTPORT, ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)); Assert.assertTrue( "Failed to invoke zks#createSession() method during client session creation", simplezks.waitForSessionCreation(5)); watcher.waitForConnected(ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); zkClient.close(); }
/** * See ZOOKEEPER-790 for details * */ @Test public void testFollowersStartAfterLeader() throws Exception { qu = new QuorumUtil(1); CountdownWatcher watcher = new CountdownWatcher(); qu.startQuorum(); int index = 1; while(qu.getPeer(index).peer.leader == null) index++; // break the quorum qu.shutdown(index); // try to reestablish the quorum qu.start(index); // Connect the client after services are restarted (otherwise we would get // SessionExpiredException as the previous local session was not persisted). ZooKeeper zk = new ZooKeeper( "" + qu.getPeer((index == 1)?2:1).peer.getClientPort(), ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher); try{ watcher.waitForConnected(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); } catch(TimeoutException e) { Assert.fail("client could not connect to reestablished quorum: giving up after 30+ seconds."); } zk.close(); }
/** * Tests if a multiop submitted to a non-leader propagates to the leader properly * (see ZOOKEEPER-1124). * * The test works as follows. It has a client connect to a follower and submit a multiop * to the follower. It then verifies that the multiop successfully gets committed by the leader. * * Without the fix in ZOOKEEPER-1124, this fails with a ConnectionLoss KeeperException. */ @Test public void testMultiToFollower() throws Exception { qu = new QuorumUtil(1); CountdownWatcher watcher = new CountdownWatcher(); qu.startQuorum(); int index = 1; while(qu.getPeer(index).peer.leader == null) index++; ZooKeeper zk = new ZooKeeper( "" + qu.getPeer((index == 1)?2:1).peer.getClientPort(), ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, watcher); watcher.waitForConnected(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); zk.multi(Arrays.asList( Op.create("/multi0", new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT), Op.create("/multi1", new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT), Op.create("/multi2", new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT) )); zk.getData("/multi0", false, null); zk.getData("/multi1", false, null); zk.getData("/multi2", false, null); zk.close(); }