Java 类org.lwjgl.BufferChecks 实例源码

项目:Wolf_game    文件   
 * Constructs a new Cursor, with the given parameters. Mouse must have been created before you can create
 * Cursor objects. Cursor images are in ARGB format, but only one bit transparancy is guaranteed to be supported.
 * So to maximize portability, lwjgl applications should only create cursor images with 0x00 or 0xff as alpha values.
 * The constructor will copy the images and delays, so there's no need to keep them around.
 * @param width cursor image width
 * @param height cursor image height
 * @param xHotspot the x coordinate of the cursor hotspot
 * @param yHotspot the y coordinate of the cursor hotspot
 * @param numImages number of cursor images specified. Must be 1 if animations are not supported.
 * @param images A buffer containing the images. The origin is at the lower left corner, like OpenGL.
 * @param delays An int buffer of animation frame delays, if numImages is greater than 1, else null
 * @throws LWJGLException if the cursor could not be created for any reason
public Cursor(int width, int height, int xHotspot, int yHotspot, int numImages, IntBuffer images, IntBuffer delays) throws LWJGLException {
    synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) {
        if ((getCapabilities() & CURSOR_ONE_BIT_TRANSPARENCY) == 0)
            throw new LWJGLException("Native cursors not supported");
        BufferChecks.checkBufferSize(images, width*height*numImages);
        if (delays != null)
            BufferChecks.checkBufferSize(delays, numImages);
        if (!Mouse.isCreated())
            throw new IllegalStateException("Mouse must be created before creating cursor objects");
        if (width*height*numImages > images.remaining())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("width*height*numImages > images.remaining()");
        if (xHotspot >= width || xHotspot < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("xHotspot > width || xHotspot < 0");
        if (yHotspot >= height || yHotspot < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("yHotspot > height || yHotspot < 0");


        // Hmm
        yHotspot = height - 1 - yHotspot;

        // create cursor (or cursors if multiple images supplied)
        cursors = createCursors(width, height, xHotspot, yHotspot, numImages, images, delays);
项目:Wolf_game    文件   
 * Returns the available EGLConfigs on the speficied display. The number of available EGLConfigs
 * is returned in the num_config parameter. The configs array may be null. If it is null, a new
 * array will be allocated, with size equal to the result of {@link #eglGetConfigsNum(EGLDisplay)}  eglGetConfigsNum}.
 * If it is not null, no more than {@code configs.length} EGLConfigs will be returned. If the array is bigger
 * than the number of available EGLConfigs, the remaining array elements will not be affected.
 * @param dpy        the EGLDisplay
 * @param configs    the EGLConfigs array
 * @param num_config the number of available EGLConfigs returned
 * @return the available EGLConfigs
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
static EGLConfig[] eglGetConfigs(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig[] configs, IntBuffer num_config) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(num_config, 1);

    if ( configs == null ) {
        if ( !neglGetConfigs(dpy.getPointer(), 0L, 0, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
            throwEGLError("Failed to get number of available EGL configs.");

        configs = new EGLConfig[num_config.get(num_config.position())];

    final PointerBuffer configs_buffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(configs.length);
    if ( !neglGetConfigs(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddress0(configs_buffer), configs.length, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to get EGL configs.");

    final int config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    for ( int i = 0; i < config_size; i++ )
        configs[i] = new EGLConfig(dpy, configs_buffer.get(i));

    return configs;
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Constructs a new Cursor, with the given parameters. Mouse must have been created before you can create
 * Cursor objects. Cursor images are in ARGB format, but only one bit transparancy is guaranteed to be supported.
 * So to maximize portability, lwjgl applications should only create cursor images with 0x00 or 0xff as alpha values.
 * The constructor will copy the images and delays, so there's no need to keep them around.
 * @param width cursor image width
 * @param height cursor image height
 * @param xHotspot the x coordinate of the cursor hotspot
 * @param yHotspot the y coordinate of the cursor hotspot
 * @param numImages number of cursor images specified. Must be 1 if animations are not supported.
 * @param images A buffer containing the images. The origin is at the lower left corner, like OpenGL.
 * @param delays An int buffer of animation frame delays, if numImages is greater than 1, else null
 * @throws LWJGLException if the cursor could not be created for any reason
public Cursor(int width, int height, int xHotspot, int yHotspot, int numImages, IntBuffer images, IntBuffer delays) throws LWJGLException {
    synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) {
        if ((getCapabilities() & CURSOR_ONE_BIT_TRANSPARENCY) == 0)
            throw new LWJGLException("Native cursors not supported");
        BufferChecks.checkBufferSize(images, width*height*numImages);
        if (delays != null)
            BufferChecks.checkBufferSize(delays, numImages);
        if (!Mouse.isCreated())
            throw new IllegalStateException("Mouse must be created before creating cursor objects");
        if (width*height*numImages > images.remaining())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("width*height*numImages > images.remaining()");
        if (xHotspot >= width || xHotspot < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("xHotspot > width || xHotspot < 0");
        if (yHotspot >= height || yHotspot < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("yHotspot > height || yHotspot < 0");


        // Hmm
        yHotspot = height - 1 - yHotspot;

        // create cursor (or cursors if multiple images supplied)
        cursors = createCursors(width, height, xHotspot, yHotspot, numImages, images, delays);
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Returns the available EGLConfigs on the speficied display. The number of available EGLConfigs
 * is returned in the num_config parameter. The configs array may be null. If it is null, a new
 * array will be allocated, with size equal to the result of {@link #eglGetConfigsNum(EGLDisplay)}  eglGetConfigsNum}.
 * If it is not null, no more than {@code configs.length} EGLConfigs will be returned. If the array is bigger
 * than the number of available EGLConfigs, the remaining array elements will not be affected.
 * @param dpy        the EGLDisplay
 * @param configs    the EGLConfigs array
 * @param num_config the number of available EGLConfigs returned
 * @return the available EGLConfigs
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
static EGLConfig[] eglGetConfigs(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig[] configs, IntBuffer num_config) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(num_config, 1);

    if ( configs == null ) {
        if ( !neglGetConfigs(dpy.getPointer(), 0L, 0, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
            throwEGLError("Failed to get number of available EGL configs.");

        configs = new EGLConfig[num_config.get(num_config.position())];

    final PointerBuffer configs_buffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(configs.length);
    if ( !neglGetConfigs(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddress0(configs_buffer), configs.length, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to get EGL configs.");

    final int config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    for ( int i = 0; i < config_size; i++ )
        configs[i] = new EGLConfig(dpy, configs_buffer.get(i));

    return configs;
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Constructs a new Cursor, with the given parameters. Mouse must have been created before you can create
 * Cursor objects. Cursor images are in ARGB format, but only one bit transparancy is guaranteed to be supported.
 * So to maximize portability, lwjgl applications should only create cursor images with 0x00 or 0xff as alpha values.
 * The constructor will copy the images and delays, so there's no need to keep them around.
 * @param width cursor image width
 * @param height cursor image height
 * @param xHotspot the x coordinate of the cursor hotspot
 * @param yHotspot the y coordinate of the cursor hotspot
 * @param numImages number of cursor images specified. Must be 1 if animations are not supported.
 * @param images A buffer containing the images. The origin is at the lower left corner, like OpenGL.
 * @param delays An int buffer of animation frame delays, if numImages is greater than 1, else null
 * @throws LWJGLException if the cursor could not be created for any reason
public Cursor(int width, int height, int xHotspot, int yHotspot, int numImages, IntBuffer images, IntBuffer delays) throws LWJGLException {
    synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) {
        if ((getCapabilities() & CURSOR_ONE_BIT_TRANSPARENCY) == 0)
            throw new LWJGLException("Native cursors not supported");
        BufferChecks.checkBufferSize(images, width*height*numImages);
        if (delays != null)
            BufferChecks.checkBufferSize(delays, numImages);
        if (!Mouse.isCreated())
            throw new IllegalStateException("Mouse must be created before creating cursor objects");
        if (width*height*numImages > images.remaining())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("width*height*numImages > images.remaining()");
        if (xHotspot >= width || xHotspot < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("xHotspot > width || xHotspot < 0");
        if (yHotspot >= height || yHotspot < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("yHotspot > height || yHotspot < 0");


        // Hmm
        yHotspot = height - 1 - yHotspot;

        // create cursor (or cursors if multiple images supplied)
        cursors = createCursors(width, height, xHotspot, yHotspot, numImages, images, delays);
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Returns the available EGLConfigs on the speficied display. The number of available EGLConfigs
 * is returned in the num_config parameter. The configs array may be null. If it is null, a new
 * array will be allocated, with size equal to the result of {@link #eglGetConfigsNum(EGLDisplay)}  eglGetConfigsNum}.
 * If it is not null, no more than {@code configs.length} EGLConfigs will be returned. If the array is bigger
 * than the number of available EGLConfigs, the remaining array elements will not be affected.
 * @param dpy        the EGLDisplay
 * @param configs    the EGLConfigs array
 * @param num_config the number of available EGLConfigs returned
 * @return the available EGLConfigs
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
static EGLConfig[] eglGetConfigs(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig[] configs, IntBuffer num_config) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(num_config, 1);

    if ( configs == null ) {
        if ( !neglGetConfigs(dpy.getPointer(), 0L, 0, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
            throwEGLError("Failed to get number of available EGL configs.");

        configs = new EGLConfig[num_config.get(num_config.position())];

    final PointerBuffer configs_buffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(configs.length);
    if ( !neglGetConfigs(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddress0(configs_buffer), configs.length, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to get EGL configs.");

    final int config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    for ( int i = 0; i < config_size; i++ )
        configs[i] = new EGLConfig(dpy, configs_buffer.get(i));

    return configs;
项目:SpaceStationAlpha    文件   
 * Constructs a new Cursor, with the given parameters. Mouse must have been created before you can create
 * Cursor objects. Cursor images are in ARGB format, but only one bit transparancy is guaranteed to be supported.
 * So to maximize portability, lwjgl applications should only create cursor images with 0x00 or 0xff as alpha values.
 * The constructor will copy the images and delays, so there's no need to keep them around.
 * @param width cursor image width
 * @param height cursor image height
 * @param xHotspot the x coordinate of the cursor hotspot
 * @param yHotspot the y coordinate of the cursor hotspot
 * @param numImages number of cursor images specified. Must be 1 if animations are not supported.
 * @param images A buffer containing the images. The origin is at the lower left corner, like OpenGL.
 * @param delays An int buffer of animation frame delays, if numImages is greater than 1, else null
 * @throws LWJGLException if the cursor could not be created for any reason
public Cursor(int width, int height, int xHotspot, int yHotspot, int numImages, IntBuffer images, IntBuffer delays) throws LWJGLException {
    synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) {
        if ((getCapabilities() & CURSOR_ONE_BIT_TRANSPARENCY) == 0)
            throw new LWJGLException("Native cursors not supported");
        BufferChecks.checkBufferSize(images, width*height*numImages);
        if (delays != null)
            BufferChecks.checkBufferSize(delays, numImages);
        if (!Mouse.isCreated())
            throw new IllegalStateException("Mouse must be created before creating cursor objects");
        if (width*height*numImages > images.remaining())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("width*height*numImages > images.remaining()");
        if (xHotspot >= width || xHotspot < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("xHotspot > width || xHotspot < 0");
        if (yHotspot >= height || yHotspot < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("yHotspot > height || yHotspot < 0");


        // Hmm
        yHotspot = height - 1 - yHotspot;

        // create cursor (or cursors if multiple images supplied)
        cursors = createCursors(width, height, xHotspot, yHotspot, numImages, images, delays);
项目:SpaceStationAlpha    文件   
 * Returns the available EGLConfigs on the speficied display. The number of available EGLConfigs
 * is returned in the num_config parameter. The configs array may be null. If it is null, a new
 * array will be allocated, with size equal to the result of {@link #eglGetConfigsNum(EGLDisplay)}  eglGetConfigsNum}.
 * If it is not null, no more than {@code configs.length} EGLConfigs will be returned. If the array is bigger
 * than the number of available EGLConfigs, the remaining array elements will not be affected.
 * @param dpy        the EGLDisplay
 * @param configs    the EGLConfigs array
 * @param num_config the number of available EGLConfigs returned
 * @return the available EGLConfigs
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
static EGLConfig[] eglGetConfigs(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig[] configs, IntBuffer num_config) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(num_config, 1);

    if ( configs == null ) {
        if ( !neglGetConfigs(dpy.getPointer(), 0L, 0, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
            throwEGLError("Failed to get number of available EGL configs.");

        configs = new EGLConfig[num_config.get(num_config.position())];

    final PointerBuffer configs_buffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(configs.length);
    if ( !neglGetConfigs(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddress0(configs_buffer), configs.length, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to get EGL configs.");

    final int config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    for ( int i = 0; i < config_size; i++ )
        configs[i] = new EGLConfig(dpy, configs_buffer.get(i));

    return configs;
项目:TeacherSmash    文件   
 * Constructs a new Cursor, with the given parameters. Mouse must have been created before you can create
 * Cursor objects. Cursor images are in ARGB format, but only one bit transparancy is guaranteed to be supported.
 * So to maximize portability, lwjgl applications should only create cursor images with 0x00 or 0xff as alpha values.
 * The constructor will copy the images and delays, so there's no need to keep them around.
 * @param width cursor image width
 * @param height cursor image height
 * @param xHotspot the x coordinate of the cursor hotspot
 * @param yHotspot the y coordinate of the cursor hotspot
 * @param numImages number of cursor images specified. Must be 1 if animations are not supported.
 * @param images A buffer containing the images. The origin is at the lower left corner, like OpenGL.
 * @param delays An int buffer of animation frame delays, if numImages is greater than 1, else null
 * @throws LWJGLException if the cursor could not be created for any reason
public Cursor(int width, int height, int xHotspot, int yHotspot, int numImages, IntBuffer images, IntBuffer delays) throws LWJGLException {
    synchronized (OpenGLPackageAccess.global_lock) {
        if ((getCapabilities() & CURSOR_ONE_BIT_TRANSPARENCY) == 0)
            throw new LWJGLException("Native cursors not supported");
        BufferChecks.checkBufferSize(images, width*height*numImages);
        if (delays != null)
            BufferChecks.checkBufferSize(delays, numImages);
        if (!Mouse.isCreated())
            throw new IllegalStateException("Mouse must be created before creating cursor objects");
        if (width*height*numImages > images.remaining())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("width*height*numImages > images.remaining()");
        if (xHotspot >= width || xHotspot < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("xHotspot > width || xHotspot < 0");
        if (yHotspot >= height || yHotspot < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("yHotspot > height || yHotspot < 0");


        // Hmm
        yHotspot = height - 1 - yHotspot;

        // create cursor (or cursors if multiple images supplied)
        cursors = createCursors(width, height, xHotspot, yHotspot, numImages, images, delays);
项目:TeacherSmash    文件   
 * Returns the available EGLConfigs on the speficied display. The number of available EGLConfigs
 * is returned in the num_config parameter. The configs array may be null. If it is null, a new
 * array will be allocated, with size equal to the result of {@link #eglGetConfigsNum(EGLDisplay)}  eglGetConfigsNum}.
 * If it is not null, no more than {@code configs.length} EGLConfigs will be returned. If the array is bigger
 * than the number of available EGLConfigs, the remaining array elements will not be affected.
 * @param dpy        the EGLDisplay
 * @param configs    the EGLConfigs array
 * @param num_config the number of available EGLConfigs returned
 * @return the available EGLConfigs
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
static EGLConfig[] eglGetConfigs(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig[] configs, IntBuffer num_config) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(num_config, 1);

    if ( configs == null ) {
        if ( !neglGetConfigs(dpy.getPointer(), 0L, 0, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
            throwEGLError("Failed to get number of available EGL configs.");

        configs = new EGLConfig[num_config.get(num_config.position())];

    final PointerBuffer configs_buffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(configs.length);
    if ( !neglGetConfigs(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddress0(configs_buffer), configs.length, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to get EGL configs.");

    final int config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    for ( int i = 0; i < config_size; i++ )
        configs[i] = new EGLConfig(dpy, configs_buffer.get(i));

    return configs;
项目:3d-Demo    文件   
 * Returns the available EGLConfigs on the speficied display. The number of available EGLConfigs
 * is returned in the num_config parameter. The configs array may be null. If it is null, a new
 * array will be allocated, with size equal to the result of {@link #eglGetConfigsNum(EGLDisplay)}  eglGetConfigsNum}.
 * If it is not null, no more than {@code configs.length} EGLConfigs will be returned. If the array is bigger
 * than the number of available EGLConfigs, the remaining array elements will not be affected.
 * @param dpy        the EGLDisplay
 * @param configs    the EGLConfigs array
 * @param num_config the number of available EGLConfigs returned
 * @return the available EGLConfigs
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
static EGLConfig[] eglGetConfigs(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig[] configs, IntBuffer num_config) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(num_config, 1);

    if ( configs == null ) {
        if ( !neglGetConfigs(dpy.getPointer(), 0L, 0, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
            throwEGLError("Failed to get number of available EGL configs.");

        configs = new EGLConfig[num_config.get(num_config.position())];

    final PointerBuffer configs_buffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(configs.length);
    if ( !neglGetConfigs(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddress0(configs_buffer), configs.length, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to get EGL configs.");

    final int config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    for ( int i = 0; i < config_size; i++ )
        configs[i] = new EGLConfig(dpy, configs_buffer.get(i));

    return configs;
项目:Wolf_game    文件   
 * Queries an attribute associated with the current context. This method is the cross-platform
 * equivalent of glXQueryContext and wglQueryCurrentContextNV.
 * @param attrib the attribute to query
 * @param value  the buffer to store the value in
public static boolean glQueryContextNV(int attrib, IntBuffer value) {

    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(value, 1);
    ContextGL ctx = ContextGL.getCurrentContext();
    return nglQueryContextNV(ctx.getPeerInfo().getHandle(), ctx.getHandle(), attrib, value, value.position());
项目:Wolf_game    文件   
 * Returns the available EGLConfigs on the speficied display that satisfy the specified list of attributes.
 * The number of available EGLConfigs is returned in the num_config parameter. The configs array may be null.
 * If it is null, a new array will be allocated, with size equal to the result of {@link #eglGetConfigsNum(EGLDisplay)}  eglGetConfigsNum}.
 * If it is not null, no more than {@code configs.length} EGLConfigs will be returned. If the array is bigger
 * than the number of available EGLConfigs, the remaining array elements will not be affected.
 * @param dpy         the EGLDisplay
 * @param attrib_list the attribute list (may be null)
 * @param configs     the EGLConfigs array
 * @param num_config  the number of available EGLConfigs returned
 * @return the available EGLConfigs that satisfy the attribute list
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
static EGLConfig[] eglChooseConfig(EGLDisplay dpy, IntBuffer attrib_list, EGLConfig[] configs, IntBuffer num_config) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(num_config, 1);

    int config_size;
    if ( configs == null ) {
        if ( !neglChooseConfig(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddressSafe(attrib_list), 0L, 0, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
            throwEGLError("Failed to get number of available EGL configs.");

        config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    } else
        config_size = configs.length;

    //LWJGLUtil.log("config_size = " + config_size);
    PointerBuffer configs_buffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(config_size);
    if ( !neglChooseConfig(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddressSafe(attrib_list), MemoryUtil.getAddress0(configs_buffer), config_size, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to choose EGL config.");

    // Get the true number of configurations (the first neglChooseConfig call may return more than the second)
    config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    if ( configs == null )
        configs = new EGLConfig[config_size];
    for ( int i = 0; i < config_size; i++ )
        configs[i] = new EGLConfig(dpy, configs_buffer.get(i));

    return configs;
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Queries an attribute associated with the current context. This method is the cross-platform
 * equivalent of glXQueryContext and wglQueryCurrentContextNV.
 * @param attrib the attribute to query
 * @param value  the buffer to store the value in
public static boolean glQueryContextNV(int attrib, IntBuffer value) {

    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(value, 1);
    ContextGL ctx = ContextGL.getCurrentContext();
    return nglQueryContextNV(ctx.getPeerInfo().getHandle(), ctx.getHandle(), attrib, value, value.position());
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Returns the available EGLConfigs on the speficied display that satisfy the specified list of attributes.
 * The number of available EGLConfigs is returned in the num_config parameter. The configs array may be null.
 * If it is null, a new array will be allocated, with size equal to the result of {@link #eglGetConfigsNum(EGLDisplay)}  eglGetConfigsNum}.
 * If it is not null, no more than {@code configs.length} EGLConfigs will be returned. If the array is bigger
 * than the number of available EGLConfigs, the remaining array elements will not be affected.
 * @param dpy         the EGLDisplay
 * @param attrib_list the attribute list (may be null)
 * @param configs     the EGLConfigs array
 * @param num_config  the number of available EGLConfigs returned
 * @return the available EGLConfigs that satisfy the attribute list
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
static EGLConfig[] eglChooseConfig(EGLDisplay dpy, IntBuffer attrib_list, EGLConfig[] configs, IntBuffer num_config) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(num_config, 1);

    int config_size;
    if ( configs == null ) {
        if ( !neglChooseConfig(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddressSafe(attrib_list), 0L, 0, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
            throwEGLError("Failed to get number of available EGL configs.");

        config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    } else
        config_size = configs.length;

    //LWJGLUtil.log("config_size = " + config_size);
    PointerBuffer configs_buffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(config_size);
    if ( !neglChooseConfig(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddressSafe(attrib_list), MemoryUtil.getAddress0(configs_buffer), config_size, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to choose EGL config.");

    // Get the true number of configurations (the first neglChooseConfig call may return more than the second)
    config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    if ( configs == null )
        configs = new EGLConfig[config_size];
    for ( int i = 0; i < config_size; i++ )
        configs[i] = new EGLConfig(dpy, configs_buffer.get(i));

    return configs;
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Queries an attribute associated with the current context. This method is the cross-platform
 * equivalent of glXQueryContext and wglQueryCurrentContextNV.
 * @param attrib the attribute to query
 * @param value  the buffer to store the value in
public static boolean glQueryContextNV(int attrib, IntBuffer value) {

    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(value, 1);
    ContextGL ctx = ContextGL.getCurrentContext();
    return nglQueryContextNV(ctx.getPeerInfo().getHandle(), ctx.getHandle(), attrib, value, value.position());
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Returns the available EGLConfigs on the speficied display that satisfy the specified list of attributes.
 * The number of available EGLConfigs is returned in the num_config parameter. The configs array may be null.
 * If it is null, a new array will be allocated, with size equal to the result of {@link #eglGetConfigsNum(EGLDisplay)}  eglGetConfigsNum}.
 * If it is not null, no more than {@code configs.length} EGLConfigs will be returned. If the array is bigger
 * than the number of available EGLConfigs, the remaining array elements will not be affected.
 * @param dpy         the EGLDisplay
 * @param attrib_list the attribute list (may be null)
 * @param configs     the EGLConfigs array
 * @param num_config  the number of available EGLConfigs returned
 * @return the available EGLConfigs that satisfy the attribute list
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
static EGLConfig[] eglChooseConfig(EGLDisplay dpy, IntBuffer attrib_list, EGLConfig[] configs, IntBuffer num_config) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(num_config, 1);

    int config_size;
    if ( configs == null ) {
        if ( !neglChooseConfig(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddressSafe(attrib_list), 0L, 0, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
            throwEGLError("Failed to get number of available EGL configs.");

        config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    } else
        config_size = configs.length;

    //LWJGLUtil.log("config_size = " + config_size);
    PointerBuffer configs_buffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(config_size);
    if ( !neglChooseConfig(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddressSafe(attrib_list), MemoryUtil.getAddress0(configs_buffer), config_size, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to choose EGL config.");

    // Get the true number of configurations (the first neglChooseConfig call may return more than the second)
    config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    if ( configs == null )
        configs = new EGLConfig[config_size];
    for ( int i = 0; i < config_size; i++ )
        configs[i] = new EGLConfig(dpy, configs_buffer.get(i));

    return configs;
项目:SpaceStationAlpha    文件   
 * Queries an attribute associated with the current context. This method is the cross-platform
 * equivalent of glXQueryContext and wglQueryCurrentContextNV.
 * @param attrib the attribute to query
 * @param value  the buffer to store the value in
public static boolean glQueryContextNV(int attrib, IntBuffer value) {

    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(value, 1);
    ContextGL ctx = ContextGL.getCurrentContext();
    return nglQueryContextNV(ctx.getPeerInfo().getHandle(), ctx.getHandle(), attrib, value, value.position());
项目:SpaceStationAlpha    文件   
 * Returns the available EGLConfigs on the speficied display that satisfy the specified list of attributes.
 * The number of available EGLConfigs is returned in the num_config parameter. The configs array may be null.
 * If it is null, a new array will be allocated, with size equal to the result of {@link #eglGetConfigsNum(EGLDisplay)}  eglGetConfigsNum}.
 * If it is not null, no more than {@code configs.length} EGLConfigs will be returned. If the array is bigger
 * than the number of available EGLConfigs, the remaining array elements will not be affected.
 * @param dpy         the EGLDisplay
 * @param attrib_list the attribute list (may be null)
 * @param configs     the EGLConfigs array
 * @param num_config  the number of available EGLConfigs returned
 * @return the available EGLConfigs that satisfy the attribute list
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
static EGLConfig[] eglChooseConfig(EGLDisplay dpy, IntBuffer attrib_list, EGLConfig[] configs, IntBuffer num_config) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(num_config, 1);

    int config_size;
    if ( configs == null ) {
        if ( !neglChooseConfig(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddressSafe(attrib_list), 0L, 0, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
            throwEGLError("Failed to get number of available EGL configs.");

        config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    } else
        config_size = configs.length;

    //LWJGLUtil.log("config_size = " + config_size);
    PointerBuffer configs_buffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(config_size);
    if ( !neglChooseConfig(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddressSafe(attrib_list), MemoryUtil.getAddress0(configs_buffer), config_size, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to choose EGL config.");

    // Get the true number of configurations (the first neglChooseConfig call may return more than the second)
    config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    if ( configs == null )
        configs = new EGLConfig[config_size];
    for ( int i = 0; i < config_size; i++ )
        configs[i] = new EGLConfig(dpy, configs_buffer.get(i));

    return configs;
项目:TeacherSmash    文件   
 * Queries an attribute associated with the current context. This method is the cross-platform
 * equivalent of glXQueryContext and wglQueryCurrentContextNV.
 * @param attrib the attribute to query
 * @param value  the buffer to store the value in
public static boolean glQueryContextNV(int attrib, IntBuffer value) {

    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(value, 1);
    ContextGL ctx = ContextGL.getCurrentContext();
    return nglQueryContextNV(ctx.getPeerInfo().getHandle(), ctx.getHandle(), attrib, value, value.position());
项目:TeacherSmash    文件   
 * Returns the available EGLConfigs on the speficied display that satisfy the specified list of attributes.
 * The number of available EGLConfigs is returned in the num_config parameter. The configs array may be null.
 * If it is null, a new array will be allocated, with size equal to the result of {@link #eglGetConfigsNum(EGLDisplay)}  eglGetConfigsNum}.
 * If it is not null, no more than {@code configs.length} EGLConfigs will be returned. If the array is bigger
 * than the number of available EGLConfigs, the remaining array elements will not be affected.
 * @param dpy         the EGLDisplay
 * @param attrib_list the attribute list (may be null)
 * @param configs     the EGLConfigs array
 * @param num_config  the number of available EGLConfigs returned
 * @return the available EGLConfigs that satisfy the attribute list
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
static EGLConfig[] eglChooseConfig(EGLDisplay dpy, IntBuffer attrib_list, EGLConfig[] configs, IntBuffer num_config) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(num_config, 1);

    int config_size;
    if ( configs == null ) {
        if ( !neglChooseConfig(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddressSafe(attrib_list), 0L, 0, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
            throwEGLError("Failed to get number of available EGL configs.");

        config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    } else
        config_size = configs.length;

    //LWJGLUtil.log("config_size = " + config_size);
    PointerBuffer configs_buffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(config_size);
    if ( !neglChooseConfig(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddressSafe(attrib_list), MemoryUtil.getAddress0(configs_buffer), config_size, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to choose EGL config.");

    // Get the true number of configurations (the first neglChooseConfig call may return more than the second)
    config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    if ( configs == null )
        configs = new EGLConfig[config_size];
    for ( int i = 0; i < config_size; i++ )
        configs[i] = new EGLConfig(dpy, configs_buffer.get(i));

    return configs;
项目:3d-Demo    文件   
 * Queries an attribute associated with the current context. This method is the cross-platform
 * equivalent of glXQueryContext and wglQueryCurrentContextNV.
 * @param attrib the attribute to query
 * @param value  the buffer to store the value in
public static boolean glQueryContextNV(int attrib, IntBuffer value) {

    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(value, 1);
    ContextGL ctx = ContextGL.getCurrentContext();
    return nglQueryContextNV(ctx.getPeerInfo().getHandle(), ctx.getHandle(), attrib, value, value.position());
项目:3d-Demo    文件   
 * Returns the available EGLConfigs on the speficied display that satisfy the specified list of attributes.
 * The number of available EGLConfigs is returned in the num_config parameter. The configs array may be null.
 * If it is null, a new array will be allocated, with size equal to the result of {@link #eglGetConfigsNum(EGLDisplay)}  eglGetConfigsNum}.
 * If it is not null, no more than {@code configs.length} EGLConfigs will be returned. If the array is bigger
 * than the number of available EGLConfigs, the remaining array elements will not be affected.
 * @param dpy         the EGLDisplay
 * @param attrib_list the attribute list (may be null)
 * @param configs     the EGLConfigs array
 * @param num_config  the number of available EGLConfigs returned
 * @return the available EGLConfigs that satisfy the attribute list
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
static EGLConfig[] eglChooseConfig(EGLDisplay dpy, IntBuffer attrib_list, EGLConfig[] configs, IntBuffer num_config) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(num_config, 1);

    int config_size;
    if ( configs == null ) {
        if ( !neglChooseConfig(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddressSafe(attrib_list), 0L, 0, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
            throwEGLError("Failed to get number of available EGL configs.");

        config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    } else
        config_size = configs.length;

    //LWJGLUtil.log("config_size = " + config_size);
    PointerBuffer configs_buffer = APIUtil.getBufferPointer(config_size);
    if ( !neglChooseConfig(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddressSafe(attrib_list), MemoryUtil.getAddress0(configs_buffer), config_size, MemoryUtil.getAddress(num_config)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to choose EGL config.");

    // Get the true number of configurations (the first neglChooseConfig call may return more than the second)
    config_size = num_config.get(num_config.position());
    if ( configs == null )
        configs = new EGLConfig[config_size];
    for ( int i = 0; i < config_size; i++ )
        configs[i] = new EGLConfig(dpy, configs_buffer.get(i));

    return configs;
项目:Wolf_game    文件   
 * Enumerate the available video output devices. This method is the cross-platform
 * equivalent of glXEnumerateVideoDevicesNV and wglEnumerateVideoDevicesNV. Since they are
 * not really compatible, this method works like the WGL version. That is, you first
 * call it with a null devices buffer, get the number of devices, then call it again
 * with an appropriately sized buffer.
 * @param devices the buffer to store devices in
 * @return the number of available video output devices
public static int glEnumerateVideoDevicesNV(LongBuffer devices) {

    if ( devices != null )
        BufferChecks.checkBuffer(devices, 1);
    return nglEnumerateVideoDevicesNV(getPeerInfo(), devices, devices == null ? 0 : devices.position());
项目:Wolf_game    文件   
 * Binds the video output device specified to one of the context's available video output slots.
 * This method is the cross-platform equivalent of glXBindVideoDeviceNV and wglBindVideoDeviceNV.
 * To release a video device without binding another device to the same slot, call it with
 * video_device set to 0 (will use INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on WGL).
 * @param video_slot   the video slot
 * @param video_device the video device
 * @param attrib_list  the attributes to use
 * @return true if the binding was successful
public static boolean glBindVideoDeviceNV(int video_slot, long video_device, IntBuffer attrib_list) {

    if ( attrib_list != null )
    return nglBindVideoDeviceNV(getPeerInfo(), video_slot, video_device, attrib_list, attrib_list == null ? 0 : attrib_list.position());
项目:Wolf_game    文件   
 * Enumerate the available video capture devices. This method is the cross-platform
 * equivalent of glXEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV and wglEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV.
 * Since they are not really compatible, this method works like the WGL version. That is,
 * you first call it with a null devices buffer, get the number of devices, then call it
 * again with an appropriately sized buffer.
 * @param devices the buffer to store devices in
 * @return the number of available video capture devices
public static int glEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV(LongBuffer devices) {

    if ( devices != null )
        BufferChecks.checkBuffer(devices, 1);
    return nglEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV(getPeerInfo(), devices, devices == null ? 0 : devices.position());
项目:Wolf_game    文件   
 * Use this method to query the unique ID of the physical device backing a
 * video capture device handle.
 * @param device    the device
 * @param attribute the attribute to query
 * @param value     the buffer to store the value in
 * @return true if the query was successful
public static boolean glQueryVideoCaptureDeviceNV(long device, int attribute, IntBuffer value) {

    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(value, 1);
    return nglQueryVideoCaptureDeviceNV(getPeerInfo(), device, attribute, value, value.position());
项目:Wolf_game    文件   
 * Initializes the specified EGL display.
 * @param dpy     the EGL display to initialize
 * @param version the EGL major and minor version will be returned in this buffer.
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
static void eglInitialize(EGLDisplay dpy, IntBuffer version) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(version, 2);
    if ( !neglInitialize(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddress(version)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to initialize EGL display.");
项目:Wolf_game    文件   
 * Returns the value of the specified EGL surface attribute in the value parameter.
 * @param dpy       the EGL display
 * @param surface   the EGL surface
 * @param attribute the surface attribute
 * @param value     the attribute value will be returned here
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
public static void eglQuerySurface(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, int attribute, IntBuffer value) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(value, 1);
    if ( !neglQuerySurface(dpy.getPointer(), surface.getPointer(), attribute, MemoryUtil.getAddress(value)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to query surface attribute.");
项目:Wolf_game    文件   
 * Returns the value of the specified EGL context attribute in the value parameter.
 * @param dpy       the EGL display
 * @param ctx       the EGL context
 * @param attribute the context attribute
 * @param value     the attribute value will be returned here
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
public static void eglQueryContext(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx, int attribute, IntBuffer value) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(value, 1);
    if ( !neglQueryContext(dpy.getPointer(), ctx.getPointer(), attribute, MemoryUtil.getAddress(value)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to query context attribute.");
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Enumerate the available video output devices. This method is the cross-platform
 * equivalent of glXEnumerateVideoDevicesNV and wglEnumerateVideoDevicesNV. Since they are
 * not really compatible, this method works like the WGL version. That is, you first
 * call it with a null devices buffer, get the number of devices, then call it again
 * with an appropriately sized buffer.
 * @param devices the buffer to store devices in
 * @return the number of available video output devices
public static int glEnumerateVideoDevicesNV(LongBuffer devices) {

    if ( devices != null )
        BufferChecks.checkBuffer(devices, 1);
    return nglEnumerateVideoDevicesNV(getPeerInfo(), devices, devices == null ? 0 : devices.position());
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Binds the video output device specified to one of the context's available video output slots.
 * This method is the cross-platform equivalent of glXBindVideoDeviceNV and wglBindVideoDeviceNV.
 * To release a video device without binding another device to the same slot, call it with
 * video_device set to 0 (will use INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on WGL).
 * @param video_slot   the video slot
 * @param video_device the video device
 * @param attrib_list  the attributes to use
 * @return true if the binding was successful
public static boolean glBindVideoDeviceNV(int video_slot, long video_device, IntBuffer attrib_list) {

    if ( attrib_list != null )
    return nglBindVideoDeviceNV(getPeerInfo(), video_slot, video_device, attrib_list, attrib_list == null ? 0 : attrib_list.position());
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Enumerate the available video capture devices. This method is the cross-platform
 * equivalent of glXEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV and wglEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV.
 * Since they are not really compatible, this method works like the WGL version. That is,
 * you first call it with a null devices buffer, get the number of devices, then call it
 * again with an appropriately sized buffer.
 * @param devices the buffer to store devices in
 * @return the number of available video capture devices
public static int glEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV(LongBuffer devices) {

    if ( devices != null )
        BufferChecks.checkBuffer(devices, 1);
    return nglEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV(getPeerInfo(), devices, devices == null ? 0 : devices.position());
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Use this method to query the unique ID of the physical device backing a
 * video capture device handle.
 * @param device    the device
 * @param attribute the attribute to query
 * @param value     the buffer to store the value in
 * @return true if the query was successful
public static boolean glQueryVideoCaptureDeviceNV(long device, int attribute, IntBuffer value) {

    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(value, 1);
    return nglQueryVideoCaptureDeviceNV(getPeerInfo(), device, attribute, value, value.position());
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Initializes the specified EGL display.
 * @param dpy     the EGL display to initialize
 * @param version the EGL major and minor version will be returned in this buffer.
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
static void eglInitialize(EGLDisplay dpy, IntBuffer version) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(version, 2);
    if ( !neglInitialize(dpy.getPointer(), MemoryUtil.getAddress(version)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to initialize EGL display.");
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Returns the value of the specified EGL surface attribute in the value parameter.
 * @param dpy       the EGL display
 * @param surface   the EGL surface
 * @param attribute the surface attribute
 * @param value     the attribute value will be returned here
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
public static void eglQuerySurface(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, int attribute, IntBuffer value) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(value, 1);
    if ( !neglQuerySurface(dpy.getPointer(), surface.getPointer(), attribute, MemoryUtil.getAddress(value)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to query surface attribute.");
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Returns the value of the specified EGL context attribute in the value parameter.
 * @param dpy       the EGL display
 * @param ctx       the EGL context
 * @param attribute the context attribute
 * @param value     the attribute value will be returned here
 * @throws org.lwjgl.LWJGLException if an EGL error occurs
public static void eglQueryContext(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx, int attribute, IntBuffer value) throws LWJGLException {
    BufferChecks.checkBuffer(value, 1);
    if ( !neglQueryContext(dpy.getPointer(), ctx.getPointer(), attribute, MemoryUtil.getAddress(value)) )
        throwEGLError("Failed to query context attribute.");
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Enumerate the available video output devices. This method is the cross-platform
 * equivalent of glXEnumerateVideoDevicesNV and wglEnumerateVideoDevicesNV. Since they are
 * not really compatible, this method works like the WGL version. That is, you first
 * call it with a null devices buffer, get the number of devices, then call it again
 * with an appropriately sized buffer.
 * @param devices the buffer to store devices in
 * @return the number of available video output devices
public static int glEnumerateVideoDevicesNV(LongBuffer devices) {

    if ( devices != null )
        BufferChecks.checkBuffer(devices, 1);
    return nglEnumerateVideoDevicesNV(getPeerInfo(), devices, devices == null ? 0 : devices.position());
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Binds the video output device specified to one of the context's available video output slots.
 * This method is the cross-platform equivalent of glXBindVideoDeviceNV and wglBindVideoDeviceNV.
 * To release a video device without binding another device to the same slot, call it with
 * video_device set to 0 (will use INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on WGL).
 * @param video_slot   the video slot
 * @param video_device the video device
 * @param attrib_list  the attributes to use
 * @return true if the binding was successful
public static boolean glBindVideoDeviceNV(int video_slot, long video_device, IntBuffer attrib_list) {

    if ( attrib_list != null )
    return nglBindVideoDeviceNV(getPeerInfo(), video_slot, video_device, attrib_list, attrib_list == null ? 0 : attrib_list.position());
项目:GPVM    文件   
 * Enumerate the available video capture devices. This method is the cross-platform
 * equivalent of glXEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV and wglEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV.
 * Since they are not really compatible, this method works like the WGL version. That is,
 * you first call it with a null devices buffer, get the number of devices, then call it
 * again with an appropriately sized buffer.
 * @param devices the buffer to store devices in
 * @return the number of available video capture devices
public static int glEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV(LongBuffer devices) {

    if ( devices != null )
        BufferChecks.checkBuffer(devices, 1);
    return nglEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV(getPeerInfo(), devices, devices == null ? 0 : devices.position());