Java 类org.springframework.web.util.ExpressionEvaluationUtils 实例源码

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 * Returns the message translation for a code, in the {@link Locale} of the
 * current request.
 * @param pageContext of the current request.
 * @param code to get the message
 * @return the translated message
 * @throws JspException if there is an error getting the message
public String resolveMessage(PageContext pageContext, String code)
        throws JspException {
    RequestContext requestContext = getRequestContext(pageContext);
    if (requestContext == null) {
        throw new JspTagException("No corresponding RequestContext found");
    MessageSource messageSource = requestContext.getMessageSource();
    if (messageSource == null) {
        throw new JspTagException("No corresponding MessageSource found");

    String resolvedCode = ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateString("code",
            code, pageContext);

    if (resolvedCode != null) {
        // We have no fallback text to consider.
        try {
            return messageSource.getMessage(resolvedCode, null,
        catch (NoSuchMessageException e) {
            LOG.warn("Unable to get message with code " + resolvedCode, e);

    return resolvedCode;
项目:class-guard    文件   
protected final int doStartTagInternal() throws Exception {
    String resolvedPath = ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateString("path", getPath(), pageContext);

    if (!isIgnoreNestedPath()) {
        String nestedPath = (String) pageContext.getAttribute(
                NestedPathTag.NESTED_PATH_VARIABLE_NAME, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
        // only prepend if not already an absolute path
        if (nestedPath != null && !resolvedPath.startsWith(nestedPath) &&
                !resolvedPath.equals(nestedPath.substring(0, nestedPath.length() - 1))) {
            resolvedPath = nestedPath + resolvedPath;

    try {
        this.status = new BindStatus(getRequestContext(), resolvedPath, isHtmlEscape());
    catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
        throw new JspTagException(ex.getMessage());

    // Save previous status values, for re-exposure at the end of this tag.
    this.previousPageStatus = pageContext.getAttribute(STATUS_VARIABLE_NAME, PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
    this.previousRequestStatus = pageContext.getAttribute(STATUS_VARIABLE_NAME, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);

    // Expose this tag's status object as PageContext attribute,
    // making it available for JSP EL.
    pageContext.removeAttribute(STATUS_VARIABLE_NAME, PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
    pageContext.setAttribute(STATUS_VARIABLE_NAME, this.status, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);

项目:class-guard    文件   
public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
    String resolvedPath = ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateString("path", getPath(), pageContext);

    // Save previous nestedPath value, build and expose current nestedPath value.
    // Use request scope to expose nestedPath to included pages too.
    this.previousNestedPath =
            (String) pageContext.getAttribute(NESTED_PATH_VARIABLE_NAME, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
    String nestedPath =
            (this.previousNestedPath != null ? this.previousNestedPath + resolvedPath : resolvedPath);
    pageContext.setAttribute(NESTED_PATH_VARIABLE_NAME, nestedPath, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);

项目:class-guard    文件   
protected int doStartTagInternal() throws JspException {
    boolean resolvedDefaultHtmlEscape =
            ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateBoolean("defaultHtmlEscape", this.defaultHtmlEscape, pageContext);
项目:class-guard    文件   
 * Evaluate the supplied value for the supplied attribute name. If the supplied value
 * is {@code null} then {@code null} is returned, otherwise evaluation is
 * handled using {@link ExpressionEvaluationUtils#evaluate(String, String, javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext)}.
protected Object evaluate(String attributeName, Object value) throws JspException {
    if (value instanceof String) {
        return ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluate(attributeName, (String) value, this.pageContext);
    else {
        return value;
项目:class-guard    文件   
 * Resolves the message, escapes it if demanded,
 * and writes it to the page (or exposes it as variable).
 * @see #resolveMessage()
 * @see org.springframework.web.util.HtmlUtils#htmlEscape(String)
 * @see org.springframework.web.util.JavaScriptUtils#javaScriptEscape(String)
 * @see #writeMessage(String)
protected final int doStartTagInternal() throws JspException, IOException {
    try {
        // Resolve the unescaped message.
        String msg = resolveMessage();

        // HTML and/or JavaScript escape, if demanded.
        msg = isHtmlEscape() ? HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(msg) : msg;
        msg = this.javaScriptEscape ? JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape(msg) : msg;

        // Expose as variable, if demanded, else write to the page.
        String resolvedVar = ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateString("var", this.var, pageContext);
        if (resolvedVar != null) {
            String resolvedScope = ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateString("scope", this.scope, pageContext);
            pageContext.setAttribute(resolvedVar, msg, TagUtils.getScope(resolvedScope));
        else {

        return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
    catch (NoSuchMessageException ex) {
        throw new JspTagException(getNoSuchMessageExceptionDescription(ex));
项目:class-guard    文件   
 * Resolve the given arguments Object into an arguments array.
 * @param arguments the specified arguments Object
 * @return the resolved arguments as array
 * @throws JspException if argument conversion failed
 * @see #setArguments
protected Object[] resolveArguments(Object arguments) throws JspException {
    if (arguments instanceof String) {
        String[] stringArray =
                StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray((String) arguments, this.argumentSeparator);
        if (stringArray.length == 1) {
            Object argument = ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluate("argument", stringArray[0], pageContext);
            if (argument != null && argument.getClass().isArray()) {
                return ObjectUtils.toObjectArray(argument);
            else {
                return new Object[] {argument};
        else {
            Object[] argumentsArray = new Object[stringArray.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < stringArray.length; i++) {
                argumentsArray[i] =
                        ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluate("argument[" + i + "]", stringArray[i], pageContext);
            return argumentsArray;
    else if (arguments instanceof Object[]) {
        return (Object[]) arguments;
    else if (arguments instanceof Collection) {
        return ((Collection) arguments).toArray();
    else if (arguments != null) {
        // Assume a single argument object.
        return new Object[] {arguments};
    else {
        return null;
项目:class-guard    文件   
protected final int doStartTagInternal() throws ServletException, JspException {
    String resolvedName = ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateString("name",, pageContext);
    this.errors = getRequestContext().getErrors(resolvedName, isHtmlEscape());

    if (this.errors != null && this.errors.hasErrors()) {
        this.pageContext.setAttribute(ERRORS_VARIABLE_NAME, this.errors, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
        return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
    else {
        return SKIP_BODY;
项目:gvnix    文件   
 * Returns the message translation for a code, in the {@link Locale} of the
 * current request.
 * @param pageContext of the current request.
 * @param code to get the message
 * @return the translated message
 * @throws JspException if there is an error getting the message
public String resolveMessage(PageContext pageContext, String code)
        throws JspException {
    RequestContext requestContext = getRequestContext(pageContext);
    if (requestContext == null) {
        throw new JspTagException("No corresponding RequestContext found");
    MessageSource messageSource = requestContext.getMessageSource();
    if (messageSource == null) {
        throw new JspTagException("No corresponding MessageSource found");

    String resolvedCode = ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateString("code",
            code, pageContext);

    if (resolvedCode != null) {
        // We have no fallback text to consider.
        try {
            return messageSource.getMessage(resolvedCode, null,
        catch (NoSuchMessageException e) {
            LOG.warn("Unable to get message with code " + resolvedCode, e);

    return resolvedCode;
项目:gvnix1    文件   
 * Set JavaScript escaping for this tag, as boolean value. Default is
 * "false".
public void setJavaScriptEscape(String javaScriptEscape)
        throws JspException {
    this.javaScriptEscape = ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateBoolean(
            "javaScriptEscape", javaScriptEscape, pageContext);
项目:class-guard    文件   
 * Set JavaScript escaping for this tag, as boolean value.
 * Default is "false".
public void setJavaScriptEscape(String javaScriptEscape) throws JspException {
    this.javaScriptEscape =
            ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateBoolean("javaScriptEscape", javaScriptEscape, pageContext);
项目:class-guard    文件   
 * Set JavaScript escaping for this tag, as boolean value.
 * Default is "false".
public void setJavaScriptEscape(String javaScriptEscape) throws JspException {
    this.javaScriptEscape =
            ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateBoolean("javaScriptEscape", javaScriptEscape, pageContext);
项目:class-guard    文件   
 * Set JavaScript escaping for this tag, as boolean value.
 * Default is "false".
public void setJavaScriptEscape(String javaScriptEscape) throws JspException {
    this.javaScriptEscape =
            ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateBoolean("javaScriptEscape", javaScriptEscape, this.pageContext);
项目:class-guard    文件   
 * Set JavaScript escaping for this tag, as boolean value.
 * Default is "false".
public void setJavaScriptEscape(String javaScriptEscape) throws JspException {
    this.javaScriptEscape =
            ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateBoolean("javaScriptEscape", javaScriptEscape, pageContext);
项目:class-guard    文件   
protected final int doStartTagInternal() throws JspException {
    Object resolvedValue = this.value;
    if (this.value instanceof String) {
        String strValue = (String) this.value;
        resolvedValue = ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluate("value", strValue, pageContext);

    if (resolvedValue != null) {
        // Find the containing EditorAwareTag (e.g. BindTag), if applicable.
        EditorAwareTag tag = (EditorAwareTag) TagSupport.findAncestorWithClass(this, EditorAwareTag.class);
        if (tag == null) {
            throw new JspException("TransformTag can only be used within EditorAwareTag (e.g. BindTag)");

        // OK, let's obtain the editor...
        String result = null;
        PropertyEditor editor = tag.getEditor();
        if (editor != null) {
            // If an editor was found, edit the value.
            result = editor.getAsText();
        else {
            // Else, just do a toString.
            result = resolvedValue.toString();
        result = isHtmlEscape() ? HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(result) : result;
        String resolvedVar = ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateString("var", this.var, pageContext);
        if (resolvedVar != null) {
            String resolvedScope = ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateString("scope", this.scope, pageContext);
            pageContext.setAttribute(resolvedVar, result, TagUtils.getScope(resolvedScope));
        else {
            try {
                // Else, just print it out.
            catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new JspException(ex);

    return SKIP_BODY;
项目:gvnix1    文件   
 * Set HTML/XML escaping for this tag, as boolean value. Overrides the
 * default HTML escaping setting for the current page.
 * @see HtmlEscapeTag#setDefaultHtmlEscape
public void setHtmlEscape(String htmlEscape) throws JspException {
    this.htmlEscape = ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateBoolean(
            "htmlEscape", htmlEscape, pageContext);
项目:class-guard    文件   
 * Evaluate the supplied value for the supplied attribute name. If the supplied value
 * is {@code null} then {@code false} is returned, otherwise evaluation is
 * handled using {@link ExpressionEvaluationUtils#evaluate(String, String, javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext)},
 * with subsequent matching against {@code Boolean.TRUE} and {@code Boolean.valueOf}.
protected boolean evaluateBoolean(String attributeName, String value) throws JspException {
    Object evaluated = ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluate(attributeName, value, this.pageContext);
    return (Boolean.TRUE.equals(evaluated) ||
            (evaluated instanceof String && Boolean.valueOf((String) evaluated)));
项目:class-guard    文件   
 * Set HTML escaping for this tag, as boolean value.
 * Overrides the default HTML escaping setting for the current page.
 * @see HtmlEscapeTag#setDefaultHtmlEscape
public void setHtmlEscape(String htmlEscape) throws JspException {
    this.htmlEscape = ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateBoolean("htmlEscape", htmlEscape, pageContext);