Python astropy.units 模块,arcsec() 实例源码


项目:atoolbox    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_beam_size(header):
    Calculate the beam/PSF size using the 'WSCNORMF' keyword recorded by
    the WSClean imager, which applies to the natural-weighted image, and
    is more accurate than the fitted beam (stored as 'BMAJ' and 'BMIN'.)
        weight = header["WSCWEIGH"]
        normf = header["WSCNORMF"]
        print("WSCWEIGH: %s" % weight)
        print("WSCNORMF: %.1f" % normf)
    except KeyError:
        raise RuntimeError("NO necessary WSC* keyword; switch to " +
                           "--use-fitted-beam instead")
    if weight.upper() != "NATURAL":
        print("WARNING: weighting scheme is '%s' != natural!" % weight)
    width = header["NAXIS1"]
    height = header["NAXIS2"]
    pixelsize = np.abs(header["CDELT1"]) * 3600  # [arcsec]
    print("Image: %dx%d, %.1f [arcsec/pixel]" % (width, height, pixelsize))
    beam_size = (width*height * pixelsize**2) / normf
    return beam_size
项目:atoolbox    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, image, freq, pixelsize, ra0, dec0,
                 minvalue=1e-4, maxvalue=np.inf, mask=None,
        self.image = image  # [K] (brightness temperature)
        self.freq = freq  # [MHz]
        self.pixelsize = pixelsize  # [arcsec]
        self.ra0 = ra0  # [deg]
        self.dec0 = dec0  # [deg]
        self.minvalue = minvalue
        self.maxvalue = maxvalue
        self.mask = mask
        self.projection = projection"SkyModel: Loaded image @ %.2f [MHz], " % freq +
                    "%.1f [arcsec/pixel]" % pixelsize)"Image size: %dx%d" % self.shape)"FoV size: %.2fx%.2f [deg^2]" % self.fov)
项目:cav_gcnn    作者:myinxd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_rate(redshift):
    """Calculate the rate, kpc/px."""
    # Init
    # Hubble constant at z = 0
    H0 = 71.0
    # Omega0, total matter density
    Om0 = 0.27
    # Cosmo
    cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Om0)
    # Angular diameter distance, [Mpc]
    dA = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(redshift)
    # Resolution of Chandra
    rate_px = 0.492 * au.arcsec  # [arcmin/px]
    rate_px_rad =
    # rate
    rate = dA.value * rate_px_rad.value  # [Mpc/px]

    return rate
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parser(options=None):

    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='specdb_meta script v0.1')
    parser.add_argument("coord", type=str, help="Coordinates, e.g. J081240.7+320809 or 122.223,-23.2322 or 07:45:00.47,34:17:31.1")
    parser.add_argument("dbase", type=str, help="Database [igmspec,uvqs,all,priv]")
    parser.add_argument("--tol", default=5., type=float, help="Maximum offset in arcsec [default=5.]")
    parser.add_argument("-g", "--group", help="Restrict on Group (e.g. BOSS_DR12)")
    parser.add_argument("--db_file", help="Full path of db_file")

    if options is None:
        args = parser.parse_args()
        args = parser.parse_args(options)
    return args
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parser(options=None):

    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='specdb_plot script v0.3')
    parser.add_argument("coord", type=str, help="Coordinates, e.g. J081240.7+320809 or 122.223,-23.2322 or 07:45:00.47,34:17:31.1")
    parser.add_argument("dbase", type=str, help="Database [igmspec,uvqs,all,priv]")
    parser.add_argument("--tol", default=5., type=float, help="Maximum offset in arcsec [default=5.]")
    #parser.add_argument("--meta", default=True, help="Show meta data? [default: True]", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("-g", "--group", help="Restrict on Group (e.g. BOSS_DR12)")
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--select", default=0, type=int, help="Index of spectrum to plot (when multiple exist)")
    parser.add_argument("--mplot", default=False, help="Use simple matplotlib plot [default: False]")
    parser.add_argument("--db_file", help="Full path of db_file")

    if options is None:
        args = parser.parse_args()
        args = parser.parse_args(options)
    return args
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_meta_from_position(igmsp):
    # One match
    meta = igmsp.meta_from_position((0.0019,17.7737), 1*u.arcsec)
    assert len(meta) == 1
    # Blank
    meta2 = igmsp.meta_from_position((10.038604,55.298477), 1*u.arcsec)
    assert meta2 is None
    # Multiple sources (insure rank order)
    meta3 = igmsp.meta_from_position((0.0055,-1.5), 1*u.deg)
    assert len(meta3) == 2
    assert np.isclose(meta3['R'][0],meta3['R'][1])
    # Multiple meta entries (GGG)
    meta4 = igmsp.meta_from_position('001115.23+144601.8', 1*u.arcsec)
    assert len(meta4) == 2
    assert meta4['R'][0] != meta4['R'][1]
    # Multiple but grab closest source
    meta5 = igmsp.meta_from_position((0.0055,-1.5), 1*u.deg, max_match=1)
    assert len(meta5) == 1
    # Groups
    meta = igmsp.meta_from_position((2.813500,14.767200), 20*u.deg, groups=['GGG','HD-LLS_DR1'])
    for group in meta['GROUP'].data:
        assert group in ['GGG', 'HD-LLS_DR1']
    # Physical separation
    meta6 = igmsp.meta_from_position('001115.23+144601.8', 300*u.kpc)
    assert len(meta6) == 2
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_query_position(igmsp):
    # One match
    _, _, idx = igmsp.qcat.query_position((0.0019,17.7737), 1*u.arcsec)
    assert idx >= 0
    # Blank
    _, _, idx = igmsp.qcat.query_position((10.038604,55.298477), 1*u.arcsec)
    assert len(idx) == 0
    # Multiple (insure rank order)
    icoord = SkyCoord(ra=0.0055, dec=-1.5, unit='deg')
    _, subcat, _ = igmsp.qcat.query_position(icoord, 1*u.deg)
    # Test
    coord = SkyCoord(ra=subcat['RA'], dec=subcat['DEC'], unit='deg')
    sep = icoord.separation(coord)
    isrt = np.argsort(sep)
    assert isrt[0] == 0
    assert isrt[-1] == len(subcat)-1
    # Multiple but grab only 1
    _, _, idxs = igmsp.qcat.query_position(icoord, 1*u.deg, max_match=1)
    assert len(idxs) == 1
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_spectra_from_meta(igmsp):  # Base level operation
    # One match
    meta = igmsp.meta_from_position((0.0019,17.7737), 1*u.arcsec)
    spec = igmsp.spectra_from_meta(meta)
    # Two sources, one meta entry each
    meta2 = igmsp.meta_from_position((0.0055,-1.5), 1*u.deg)
    spec2 = igmsp.spectra_from_meta(meta2)
    assert spec2.nspec == 2
    # Many sources and meta entries;  groups separated
    meta3 = igmsp.meta_from_position((2.813500,14.767200), 20*u.deg)#, groups=['GGG','HD-LLS_DR1'])
    spec3 = igmsp.spectra_from_meta(meta3)
    assert spec3.nspec == 15
    # Many sources and meta entries;  groups scrambled
    idx = np.arange(15).astype(int)
    idx[1] = 13
    idx[13] = 1
    meta4 = meta3[idx]
    spec4 = igmsp.spectra_from_meta(meta4)#, debug=True) = 1
    assert np.isclose(meta4['WV_MIN'][1], spec4.wvmin.value)
项目:Panacea    作者:grzeimann    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def match_to_database(source_list, image_list, cat, Ast, imscale, thresh=8.):
    RA, Decdetection catalogs and vizier (astroquery) match?  vo conesearch?    
    matches = []
    for sources, image in zip(source_list, image_list):
        ifuslot = sources[1]
        Ast.get_ifuslot_projection(ifuslot, imscale, image.shape[1]/2.,
        for source in sources[0]:
            ra, dec = Ast.tp_ifuslot.wcs.wcs_pix2world(source['xcentroid'], 
            c = SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit=(,
            idx, d2d, d3d = match_coordinates_sky(c, cat, nthneighbor=1) 
            if d2d.arcsec[0] < thresh:
                dra =  cat.ra[idx].deg - float(ra)
                ddec = cat.dec[idx].deg - float(dec)
                                float(ra), float(dec), 
                                cat.dec[idx].deg, dra, ddec,
    return matches
项目:synthesizAR    作者:wtbarnes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def peek(self, figsize=(10, 10), color='b', alpha=0.75,
             print_to_file=None, **kwargs):
        Show extracted fieldlines overlaid on HMI image.
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
        ax = fig.gca(projection=self.hmi_map)
        for stream, _ in self.streamlines:
            ax.plot(self._convert_angle_to_length(stream[:, 0]*,
                    self._convert_angle_to_length(stream[:, 1]*,
                    alpha=alpha, color=color, transform=ax.get_transform('world'))

        if print_to_file is not None:
            plt.savefig(print_to_file, **kwargs)
项目:synthesizAR    作者:wtbarnes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_angle_to_length(hmi_map, angle_or_length, working_units=u.meter):
    Helper for easily converting between angle and length units. If converting to length, returned 
    units will be ``. If converting to angle, the returned units will be 
    observed_distance = (hmi_map.dsun - hmi_map.rsun_meters)
    radian_length = [(u.radian, u.meter, lambda x: observed_distance*x, lambda x: x/observed_distance)]
    converted = solarbextrapolation.utilities.decompose_ang_len(angle_or_length,

    if working_units == u.meter:
项目:TDOSE    作者:kasperschmidt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_simpleDS9region(outputfile,ralist,declist,color='red',circlesize=0.5,textlist=None,clobber=False):
    Generate a basic DS9 region file with circles around a list of coordinates

    --- INPUT ---
    outputfile   Path and name of file to store reigion file to
    ralist       List of R.A. to position circles at
    declist      List of Dec. to position circles at
    color        Color of circles
    size         Size of circles (radius in arcsec)
    text         Text string for each circle
    clobber      Overwrite existing files?


    if not clobber:
        if os.path.isfile(outputfile):
            sys.exit('File already exists and clobber = False --> ABORTING')
    fout = open(outputfile,'w')

    fout.write("# Region file format: DS9 version 4.1 \nfk5\n")

    for rr, ra in enumerate(ralist):
        string = 'circle('+str(ra)+','+str(declist[rr])+','+str(circlesize)+'") # color='+color+' width=3 '

        if textlist is not None:
            string = string+' font="times 10 bold roman" text={'+textlist[rr]+'}'

        fout.write(string+' \n')

# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
项目:atoolbox    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def wcs(self):
        WCS for the given image slice.
        shape = self.image.shape
        delta = self.pixelsize / 3600.0  # [arcsec] -> [deg]
        wcs_ = WCS(naxis=2)
        wcs_.wcs.ctype = ["RA---"+self.projection, "DEC--"+self.projection]
        wcs_.wcs.crval = np.array([self.ra0, self.dec0])
        wcs_.wcs.crpix = np.array([shape[1], shape[0]]) / 2.0 + 1
        wcs_.wcs.cdelt = np.array([delta, delta])
        return wcs_
项目:atoolbox    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fits_header(self):
        header = self.wcs.to_header()
        header["BUNIT"] = ("Jy/pixel", "Brightness unit")
        header["FREQ"] = (self.freq, "Frequency [MHz]")
        header["RA0"] = (self.ra0, "Center R.A. [deg]")
        header["DEC0"] = (self.dec0, "Center Dec. [deg]")
        header["PixSize"] = (self.pixelsize, "Pixel size [arcsec]")
        header["K2JyPix"] = (self.factor_K2JyPixel, "[K] -> [Jy/pixel]")
        header["MINVALUE"] = (self.minvalue, "[K] minimum threshold")
        if np.isfinite(self.maxvalue):
            header["MAXVALUE"] = (self.maxvalue, "[K] maximum threshold")
        return header
项目:atoolbox    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def factor_K2JyPixel(self):
        Conversion factor from [K] to [Jy/pixel]
        pixarea = (self.pixelsize * au.arcsec) ** 2
        freq = self.freq * au.MHz
        equiv = au.brightness_temperature(pixarea, freq)
        factor =, equivalencies=equiv)
        return factor
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main(args, unit_test=False, **kwargs):
    """ Run
    import numpy as np
    from astropy import units as u
    from specdb.utils import load_db
    from specdb import group_utils
    from linetools.scripts.utils import coord_arg_to_coord

    # init
    Specdb = load_db(args.dbase, db_file=args.db_file, **kwargs)

    # Grab
    icoord = coord_arg_to_coord(args.coord)
    if is not None:
        groups = None
    meta = Specdb.meta_from_position(icoord, args.tol*u.arcsec, groups=groups)
    if unit_test:
        return meta

    # Outcome
    if meta is None:
        print("No source found, try another location or a larger tolerance.")
        group_utils.show_group_meta(meta, idkey=Specdb.idkey, show_all_keys=False)
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cat_from_coords(self, coords, toler=0.5*u.arcsec, **kwargs):
        """ Return a cut-out of the catalog matched to input coordinates
        within a tolerance.  Ordered by the input coordinate list.
        Entries without a match are Null with ID<0.

        coords : SkyCoord
          Single or array
        toler : Angle, optional
        verbose : bool, optional

        matched_cat : Table

        # Generate the dummy table
        if len(coords.shape) == 0:
            ncoord = 1
            ncoord = coords.shape[0]
        matched_cat = Table(np.repeat(np.zeros_like([0]), ncoord))
        # Grab IDs
        IDs = self.match_coord(coords, toler=toler, **kwargs)

        # Find rows in catalog
        rows = match_ids(IDs,[self.idkey], require_in_match=False)
        # Fill
        gd_rows = rows >= 0
        matched_cat[np.where(gd_rows)] =[rows[gd_rows]]
        # Null the rest
        matched_cat[self.idkey][np.where(~gd_rows)] = IDs[~gd_rows]
        # Return
        return matched_cat
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pairs(self, sep, dv):
        """ Generate a pair catalog
        sep : Angle or Quantity
        dv : Quantity
          Offset in velocity.  Positive for projected pairs (i.e. dz > input value)


        # Checks
        if not isinstance(sep, (Angle, Quantity)):
            raise IOError("Input radius must be an Angle type, e.g. 10.*u.arcsec")
        if not isinstance(dv, (Quantity)):
            raise IOError("Input velocity must be a quantity, e.g.")
        # Match
        idx, d2d, d3d = match_coordinates_sky(self.coords, self.coords, nthneighbor=2)
        close = d2d < sep
        # Cut on redshift
        if dv > 0.:  # Desire projected pairs
            zem1 =['zem'][close]
            zem2 =['zem'][idx[close]]
            dv12 = ltu.dv_from_z(zem1,zem2)
            gdz = np.abs(dv12) > dv
            # f/g and b/g
            izfg = dv12[gdz] < 0*
            ID_fg =[self.idkey][close][gdz][izfg]
            ID_bg =[self.idkey][idx[close]][gdz][izfg]
        # Reload
        return ID_fg, ID_bg
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def spectra_from_coord(self, inp, tol=0.5*u.arcsec, **kwargs):
        """ Return spectra and meta data from an input coordinate
        Radial search at that location within a small tolerance
        Returns closet source if multiple are found

        Warning: Only returns meta entires that have corresponding spectra

        inp : str, tuple, SkyCoord
          See linetools.utils.radec_to_coord
          Only one coord may be input
        tol : Angle or Quantity, optional
          Search radius
        kwargs :
          fed to grab_specmeta

        spec : XSpectrum1D
          All spectra corresponding to the closest source within tolerance
        meta : Table
          Meta data describing to spec

        # Grab meta
        meta = self.meta_from_position(inp, tol, max_match=1, **kwargs)
        if meta is None:
            return None, None
        # Grab spec and return
        return self.spectra_from_meta(meta, subset=True)
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_cat_dict():
    """ Definitions for the catalog

    cdict = dict(match_toler=2*u.arcsec)
    return cdict
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def slit_width(slitname, req_long=True):
    """ Slit width

    slitname : str
    req_long : bool, optional
      Require long in slit name.  If not present return 1.0

    sdict : dict
      Translates slit mask name to slit with in arcsec or pixels

    sdict = {'long_1.0': 1.0,
             'long_1.5': 1.5,
             '1.0x180': 1.0,  # MMT
             'LS5x60x0.6': 0.6,  # MODS
             '0.30 arcsec': 0.3,  # GNIRS
             'f6-4pix_G5212': 4., # NIRI
             '42x0.570': 0.57, # NIRSPEC
             'LONGSLIT-46x0.7': 0.7, # MOSFIRE
             'slit 1.5 arcsec': 1.5, # RCS (kp4m)
        swidth = sdict[slitname]
    except KeyError:
            swidth = float(slitname)
        except ValueError:
            if ('long' not in slitname) & req_long:
                    swidth = 1.
    return swidth
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def zem_from_radec(ra, dec, catalog, toler=2*u.arcsec, debug=False):
    """ Parse input catalog (e.g. Myers) for zem

    ra : list or array
      RA in deg
    dec : list or array
      DEC in deg
    catalog : Table
      Must contain RA,DEC,ZEM,ZEM_SOURCE
    debug : bool, optional

    zem : array
    zsource : array
      str array of sources
    # Generate coordinates
    icoord = SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit='deg')
    # Quasar catalog
    qcoord = SkyCoord(ra=catalog['RA'], dec=catalog['DEC'], unit='deg')
    # Match
    idx, d2d, d3d = match_coordinates_sky(icoord, qcoord, nthneighbor=1)
    good = d2d < toler
    if debug:
    # Finish
    zem = np.zeros(len(ra))
        zem[good] = catalog['ZEM'][idx[good]]
    except IndexError:
    zsource = np.array([str('NONENONE')]*len(ra))
    zsource[good] = catalog['ZEM_SOURCE'][idx[good]]

    # Return
    return zem, zsource
项目:chandra-acis-analysis    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kpc_per_arcsec(self, z):
        Calculate the transversal length (unit: kpc) corresponding to
        1 arcsec at the *angular diameter distance* of z.
        dist_kpc = self.angular_diameter_distance(z, unit="kpc")
        return dist_kpc *
项目:chandra-acis-analysis    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kpc_per_pix(self, z):
        Calculate the transversal length (unit: kpc) corresponding to
        1 ACIS pixel (i.e., 0.492 arcsec) at the *angular diameter distance*
        of z.
        pix = ACIS.pixel2arcsec * au.arcsec
        dist_kpc = self.angular_diameter_distance(z, unit="kpc")
        return dist_kpc *
项目:chandra-acis-analysis    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cm_per_pix(self, z):
        Calculate the transversal length (unit: cm) corresponding to
        1 ACIS pixel (i.e., 0.492 arcsec) at the *angular diameter distance*
        of z.
        return self.kpc_per_pix(z) *
项目:bates_galaxies_lab    作者:aleksds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, name, z, x, y): = name
        self.z = z
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.lDcm = cosmo.luminosity_distance(self.z)* / u.Mpc
        self.radToKpc = conv.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(self.z)*0.05/u.arcsec*u.kpc
# setting up final xl file
项目:bates_galaxies_lab    作者:aleksds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, name, z, x, y): = name
        self.z = z
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.lDcm = cosmo.luminosity_distance(self.z)* / u.Mpc
        self.radToKpc = conv.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(self.z)*0.05/u.arcsec*u.kpc
# We grab our galaxy data and make a list of galaxy objects
项目:bates_galaxies_lab    作者:aleksds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, name, z, x, y): = name
        self.z = z
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.lDcm = cosmo.luminosity_distance(self.z)* / u.Mpc
        self.radToKpc = conv.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(self.z)*0.05/u.arcsec*u.kpc

# Grabbing and filling galaxy data
项目:bates_galaxies_lab    作者:aleksds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, name, z, x, y): = name
        self.z = z
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.lDcm = cosmo.luminosity_distance(self.z)* / u.Mpc
        self.radToKpc = conv.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(self.z)*0.05/u.arcsec*u.kpc
# We grab our galaxy data and make a list of galaxy objects
项目:bates_galaxies_lab    作者:aleksds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, name, z, x, y): = name
        self.z = z
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.lDcm = cosmo.luminosity_distance(self.z)* / u.Mpc
        self.radToKpc = conv.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(self.z)*0.05/u.arcsec*u.kpc
# setting up final xl file
项目:bates_galaxies_lab    作者:aleksds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, name, z, x, y): = name
        self.z = z
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.lDcm = cosmo.luminosity_distance(self.z)* / u.Mpc
        self.radToKpc = conv.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(self.z)*0.05/u.arcsec*u.kpc

# Grabbing and filling galaxy data
项目:bates_galaxies_lab    作者:aleksds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, name, z, x, y): = name
        self.z = z
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.lDcm = cosmo.luminosity_distance(self.z)* / u.Mpc
        self.radToKpc = conv.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(self.z)*0.05/u.arcsec*u.kpc

# Grabbing and filling galaxy data
项目:PyMUSE    作者:ismaelpessa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def determinate_seeing_from_white(self, xc, yc, halfsize):
        Function used to estimate the observation seeing of an exposure, fitting a gaussian to  a brigth source of the  image
        :param xc: x coordinate in pixels of a bright source
        :param yc: y coordinate  in pixels of a bright source
        :param halfsize: the radius of the area to fit the gaussian
        :return: seeing: float
                         the observational seeing of the image defined as the FWHM of the gaussian
        hdulist = self.hdulist_white
        data = hdulist[1].data
        matrix_data = np.array(self.get_mini_image([xc, yc], halfsize=halfsize))
        x = np.arange(0, matrix_data.shape[0], 1)
        y = np.arange(0, matrix_data.shape[1], 1)
        matrix_x, matrix_y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
        amp_init = np.matrix(matrix_data).max()
        stdev_init = 0.33 * halfsize

        def tie_stddev(model):  # we need this for tying x_std and y_std
            xstddev = model.x_stddev
            return xstddev

        g_init = models.Gaussian2D(x_mean=halfsize + 0.5, y_mean=halfsize + 0.5, x_stddev=stdev_init,
                                   y_stddev=stdev_init, amplitude=amp_init, tied={'y_stddev': tie_stddev})

        fit_g = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()
        g = fit_g(g_init, matrix_x, matrix_y, matrix_data)
        if (g.y_stddev < 0) or (g.y_stddev > halfsize):
            raise ValueError('Cannot trust the model, please try other imput parameters.')

        seeing = 2.355 * g.y_stddev *'arcsec')  # in arcsecs
        print('stddev from the 2D gaussian = {:.3f}'.format(g.y_stddev *'arcsec')))
        return seeing
项目:PyMUSE    作者:ismaelpessa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def determinate_seeing_from_white(self, xc, yc, halfsize):
        Function used to estimate the observation seeing of an exposure, fitting a gaussian to  a brigth source of the  image
        :param xc: x coordinate in pixels of a bright source
        :param yc: y coordinate  in pixels of a bright source
        :param halfsize: the radius of the area to fit the gaussian
        :return: seeing: float
                         the observational seeing of the image defined as the FWHM of the gaussian
        matrix_data = np.array(self.get_mini_image([xc, yc], halfsize=halfsize))
        x = np.arange(0, matrix_data.shape[0], 1)
        y = np.arange(0, matrix_data.shape[1], 1)
        matrix_x, matrix_y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
        amp_init = np.matrix(matrix_data).max()
        stdev_init = 0.33 * halfsize

        def tie_stddev(model):  # we need this for tying x_std and y_std
            xstddev = model.x_stddev
            return xstddev

        g_init = models.Gaussian2D(x_mean=halfsize + 0.5, y_mean=halfsize + 0.5, x_stddev=stdev_init,
                                   y_stddev=stdev_init, amplitude=amp_init, tied={'y_stddev': tie_stddev})

        fit_g = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()
        g = fit_g(g_init, matrix_x, matrix_y, matrix_data)
        if (g.y_stddev < 0) or (g.y_stddev > halfsize):
            raise ValueError('Cannot trust the model, please try other imput parameters.')

        seeing = 2.355 * g.y_stddev *'arcsec')  # in arcsecs
        print('stddev from the 2D gaussian = {:.3f}'.format(g.y_stddev *'arcsec')))
        return seeing
项目:goodman    作者:soar-telescope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, args, data_container):
        """Init method for ImageProcessor class

            args (object): argparse instance
            data_container (object): Contains relevant information of the night
                and the data itself.
        # TODO (simon): Check how inheritance could be used here.
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.args = args
        self.instrument = data_container.instrument
        self.technique = data_container.technique
        self.bias = data_container.bias
        self.day_flats = data_container.day_flats
        self.dome_flats = data_container.dome_flats
        self.sky_flats = data_container.sky_flats
        self.data_groups = data_container.data_groups
        self.sun_set = data_container.sun_set_time
        self.sun_rise = data_container.sun_rise_time
        self.morning_twilight = data_container.morning_twilight
        self.evening_twilight = data_container.evening_twilight
        self.pixel_scale = 0.15 * u.arcsec
        self.queue = None
        self.trim_section = self.define_trim_section(technique=self.technique)
        self.overscan_region = self.get_overscan_region()
        self.spec_mode = SpectroscopicMode()
        self.master_bias = None
        self.master_bias_name = None
        self.out_prefix = None
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_rho_as_angle():
    # arctan(100 km, 1 au) * 206264.806 = 0.13787950659645942
    rho = rho_as_angle(100 *, {'delta': 1 *})
    assert np.isclose(, 0.13787950659645942)
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_rho_as_length():
    # 1 au * tan(1") = 725.2709438078363
    rho = rho_as_length(1 * u.arcsec, {'delta': 1 *})
    assert np.isclose(, 725.2709438078363)
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_rho_roundtrip():
    a = 10 * u.arcsec
    eph = {'delta': 1 *}
    b = rho_as_angle(rho_as_length(a, eph), eph)
    assert np.isclose(a.value,
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_str(self):
        assert str(CircularAperture(1 * u.arcsec)) == 'Circular aperture, radius 1.0 arcsec'
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_coma_equivalent_radius(self):
        r = 1 * u.arcsec
        aper = CircularAperture(r)
        assert aper.coma_equivalent_radius() == 1 * u.arcsec
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_str(self):
        assert str(AnnularAperture([1, 2] * u.arcsec)) == 'Annular aperture, radii 1.0–2.0 arcsec'
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_coma_equivalent_radius(self):
        shape = [1, 2] * u.arcsec
        aper = AnnularAperture(shape)
        assert aper.coma_equivalent_radius() == 1 * u.arcsec
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_as_length(self):
        shape = [1, 2] * u.arcsec
        aper = AnnularAperture(shape)
        eph = {'delta': 1 *}
        assert all(aper.as_length(eph).dim == rho_as_length(shape, eph))
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_str(self):
        assert str(RectangularAperture([1, 2] * u.arcsec)) == 'Rectangular aperture, dimensions 1.0×2.0 arcsec'
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_coma_equivalent_radius(self):
        shape = (0.8, 2) * u.arcsec
        aper = RectangularAperture(shape)
        r = aper.coma_equivalent_radius()
        assert np.isclose(r.value, 0.66776816346357259)
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_str(self):
        assert str(GaussianAperture(1 * u.arcsec)) == 'Gaussian aperture, 1-? width 1.0 arcsec'
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_coma_equivalent_radius(self):
        sigma = 1 * u.arcsec
        aper = GaussianAperture(sigma)
        assert aper.coma_equivalent_radius() == np.sqrt(np.pi / 2) * u.arcsec
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_as_length(self):
        sig = 1 * u.arcsec
        aper = GaussianAperture(sig)
        eph = {'delta': 1 *}
        assert aper.as_length(eph).dim == rho_as_length(sig, eph)
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_call(self):
        aper = GaussianAperture(1 * u.arcsec)
        assert np.isclose(aper(1 * u.arcsec), 0.6065306597126334)
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_from_flam(self):
        fluxd = 6.730018324465526e-14 * u.W / u.m**2 /
        aper = 1 * u.arcsec
        eph = dict(rh=1.5 *, delta=1.0 *
        S = 1869 * u.W / u.m**2 /
        afrho = Afrho.from_fluxd(None, fluxd, aper, eph, S=S)
        assert np.isclose(, 1000)