def parse_fallback(fallback, currency): if currency == 'bc' or currency == 'tb': wver = fallback[0:5].uint if wver == 17: addr=base58.b58encode_check(bytes([base58_prefix_map[currency][0]]) + fallback[5:].tobytes()) elif wver == 18: addr=base58.b58encode_check(bytes([base58_prefix_map[currency][1]]) + fallback[5:].tobytes()) elif wver <= 16: addr=bech32_encode(currency, bitarray_to_u5(fallback)) else: return None else: addr=fallback.tobytes() return addr # Map of classical and witness address prefixes
def address(self, compressed=True, testnet=False): """ Address property that returns the Base58Check encoded version of the HASH160. Args: compressed (bool): Whether or not the compressed key should be used. testnet (bool): Whether or not the key is intended for testnet usage. False indicates mainnet usage. Returns: bytes: Base58Check encoded string """ # Put the version byte in front, 0x00 for Mainnet, 0x6F for testnet version = bytes([self.TESTNET_VERSION]) if testnet else bytes([self.MAINNET_VERSION]) return base58.b58encode_check(version + self.hash160(compressed))
def key_hash_to_address(hash160, version=0x0): """Convert RIPEMD-160 hash to bitcoin address. Args: hash160 (bytes/str): bitcoin hash160 to decode version (int): The version prefix Returns: (bitcoin address): base58 encoded bitcoin address """ if isinstance(hash160, str): # if 0x in string, strip it if "0x" in hash160: h160 = hex_str_to_bytes(hash160[2:]) else: h160 = hex_str_to_bytes(hash160) elif isinstance(hash160, bytes): h160 = hash160 address = base58.b58encode_check(bytes([version]) + h160) return address
def address(self, compressed=True, testnet=False): """ Address property that returns the Base58Check encoded version of the HASH160. Args: compressed (bool): Whether or not the compressed key should be used. testnet (bool): Whether or not the key is intended for testnet usage. False indicates mainnet usage. Returns: bytes: Base58Check encoded string """ version = '0x' return version + encode_hex(self.keccak[12:]) # Put the version byte in front, 0x00 for Mainnet, 0x6F for testnet # version = bytes([self.TESTNET_VERSION]) if testnet else bytes([self.MAINNET_VERSION]) # return base58.b58encode_check(version + self.hash160(compressed))
def pubkey_to_address(pubkey: bytes) -> str: if 'ripemd160' not in hashlib.algorithms_available: raise RuntimeError('missing ripemd160 hash algorithm') sha = hashlib.sha256(pubkey).digest() ripe = hashlib.new('ripemd160', sha).digest() return b58encode_check(b'\x00' + ripe)
def address(self, testnet=False): """ Returns the Base58Check encoded version of the HASH160. Args: testnet (bool): Whether or not the key is intended for testnet usage. False indicates mainnet usage. Returns: bytes: Base58Check encoded string """ rv = "" prefix = bytes([self.P2SH_TESTNET_VERSION if testnet else self.P2SH_MAINNET_VERSION]) rv = base58.b58encode_check(prefix + self.hash160()) return rv
def to_b58check(self, testnet=False): """ Generates a Base58Check encoding of this private key. Returns: str: A Base58Check encoded string representing the key. """ version = self.TESTNET_VERSION if testnet else self.MAINNET_VERSION return base58.b58encode_check(bytes([version]) + bytes(self))
def to_b58check(self, testnet=False): """ Generates a Base58Check encoding of this key. Args: testnet (bool): True if the key is to be used with testnet, False otherwise. Returns: str: A Base58Check encoded string representing the key. """ b = self.testnet_bytes if testnet else bytes(self) return base58.b58encode_check(b)
def b58xprv(parent_fingerprint, private_key, chain, depth, childnr): raw = ('\x04\x88\xad\xe4' + chr(depth) + parent_fingerprint + int_to_string(childnr, 4) + chain + '\x00' + private_key) return b58encode_check(raw)
def b58xpub(parent_fingerprint, public_key, chain, depth, childnr): raw = ('\x04\x88\xb2\x1e' + chr(depth) + parent_fingerprint + int_to_string(childnr, 4) + chain + public_key) return b58encode_check(raw)
def ExportNEP2(self, passphrase): """ Export the encrypted private key in NEP-2 format. Args: passphrase (str): The password to encrypt the private key with, as unicode string Returns: str: The NEP-2 encrypted private key """ if len(passphrase) < 2: raise ValueError("Passphrase must have a minimum of 2 characters") # Hash address twice, then only use the first 4 bytes address_hash_tmp = hashlib.sha256(self.GetAddress().encode('utf-8')).digest() address_hash_tmp2 = hashlib.sha256(address_hash_tmp).digest() address_hash = address_hash_tmp2[:4] # Normalize password and run scrypt over it with the address_hash pwd_normalized = bytes(unicodedata.normalize('NFC', passphrase), 'utf-8') derived = scrypt.hash(pwd_normalized, address_hash, N=SCRYPT_ITERATIONS, r=SCRYPT_BLOCKSIZE, p=SCRYPT_PARALLEL_FACTOR, buflen=SCRYPT_KEY_LEN_BYTES) # Split the scrypt-result into two parts derived1 = derived[:32] derived2 = derived[32:] # Run XOR and encrypt the derived parts with AES xor_ed = xor_bytes(bytes(self.PrivateKey), derived1) cipher = AES.new(derived2, AES.MODE_ECB) encrypted = cipher.encrypt(xor_ed) # Assemble the final result assembled = bytearray() assembled.extend(NEP_HEADER) assembled.extend(NEP_FLAG) assembled.extend(address_hash) assembled.extend(encrypted) # Finally, encode with Base58Check encrypted_key_nep2 = base58.b58encode_check(bytes(assembled)) return encrypted_key_nep2