def parse_filters(self, filters, doc_class): index_name = None filter_expression_list = [] query_params = {} for idx, filter in enumerate(filters): prop_name, prop_value = filter.split(':')[3:5] if idx == 0: prop = doc_class()._base_properties[prop_name] index_name = prop.kwargs.get(self.index_field_name, None) or \ self.default_index_name.format(prop_name) query_params['KeyConditionExpression'] = Key(prop_name).eq(prop_value) else: filter_expression_list.append(Attr(prop_name).eq(prop_value)) if len(filter_expression_list) > 1: query_params['FilterExpression'] = And(*filter_expression_list) elif len(filter_expression_list) == 1: query_params['FilterExpression'] = filter_expression_list[0] if index_name != '_id': query_params['IndexName'] = index_name return query_params
def get_waiting_tasks(self, concurrency_key): """ Returns list of waiting tasks with the specified concurrency key :param concurrency_key: concurrency key of the tasks :return: concurrency_key: list of waiting tasks """ args = { "IndexName": "WaitForExecutionTasks", "Select": "ALL_ATTRIBUTES", "KeyConditionExpression": Key(TASK_TR_CONCURRENCY_ID).eq(concurrency_key), "FilterExpression": Attr(TASK_TR_STATUS).eq(STATUS_WAITING) } waiting_list = [] while True: resp = self._action_table.query_with_retries(**args) waiting_list += resp.get("Items", []) last = resp.get("LastEvaluatedKey") if last is not None: args["ExclusiveStartKey"] = last else: break return waiting_list
def remove_peer_from_info_hash_dynamo( info_hash, peer_id, ): ensure_torrent_exists(info_hash) # Update the torrents list with the new information result = table.update_item( Key={ 'info_hash': info_hash, }, UpdateExpression="REMOVE peers.#s", ExpressionAttributeNames={ '#s': peer_id, }, ReturnValues="UPDATED_NEW" ) if result['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200 and 'Attributes' in result: return True return False
def increment_completed_dynamo(info_hash): """ Atomic increment completed for a torrent. """ ensure_torrent_exists(info_hash) # Update the torrents list with the new information result = table.update_item( Key={ 'info_hash': info_hash, }, UpdateExpression="SET completed = completed + :incr", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':incr': 1, }, ReturnValues="UPDATED_NEW" ) if result['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200 and 'Attributes' in result: return True return False
def get_item(self, data): """Method to get an item Args: data (dict): A dictionary of attributes to put Returns: (dict) """ try: response = self.table.get_item(Key=data, ConsistentRead=True) except ClientError as err: raise IOError("Error getting item: {}".format(err.message)) if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] != 200: raise IOError("Error getting item: {}".format(response['ResponseMetadata'])) if "Item" in response: return response["Item"] else: return None
def delete_item(self, data): """Method to get an item Args: data (dict): A dictionary of attributes to access an item (hash and sort keys) Returns: None """ try: response = self.table.delete_item(Key=data) except ClientError as err: raise IOError("Error deleting item: {}".format(err.message)) if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] != 200: raise IOError("Error deleting item: {}".format(response['ResponseMetadata']))
def update_attribute(self, key_dict, attribute_name, attribute_value): """Method to update a single attribute in a record Args: key_dict (dict): A dictionary containing the keys/values to query on. Supports simple and compound keys attribute_name (str): attribute_value (str): Returns: None """ response = self.table.update_item(Key=key_dict, UpdateExpression="SET {} = :updated".format(attribute_name), ExpressionAttributeValues={':updated': '{}'.format(attribute_value)}) if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] != 200: raise Exception("Error getting item: {}".format(response['ResponseMetadata'])) # TODO: Check if any sort of validation on a update should done. DynamoDB seems lax here. #if "Attributes" in response: # if len(response["Attributes"]) == 0: # raise ValueError("Specified key does not exist. Update failed.") #else: # raise ValueError("Specified key does not exist. Update failed.")
def increment_attribute(self, key_dict, attribute_name, increment_value): """Method to increment a single attribute in a record Args: key_dict (dict): A dictionary containing the keys/values to query on. Supports simple and compound keys attribute_name (str): The attribute to increment increment_value (int): The amount to increment the attribute by Returns: None """ response = self.table.update_item(Key=key_dict, UpdateExpression="SET {} = {} + :increment".format(attribute_name, attribute_name), ExpressionAttributeValues={':increment': increment_value}, ReturnValues="UPDATED_NEW") if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] != 200: raise Exception("Error getting item: {}".format(response['ResponseMetadata']))
def set_message_read(user_id, msg_id): try: r=get_history_table(new_session=True).update_item( Key={'userId':user_id, 'messageId':msg_id}, UpdateExpression="set is_read = :a", ExpressionAttributeValues={':a': 1}, ConditionExpression="is_read <> :a") LOGGER.info("Read-receipted user_id={0} message_id={1}".format(user_id,msg_id)) return True except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ConditionalCheckFailedException': LOGGER.info("Message already read user_id={0}, msg_id={1}".format(user_id,msg_id)) return False else: LOGGER.exception("Eror updating read setting for user_id={0}, msg_id={1}".format(user_id,msg_id)) return False
def _analyze_table(self): # First check the Key Schema if len(self.table.key_schema) != 1: LOG.info('cruddy does not support RANGE keys') else: self._indexes[self.table.key_schema[0]['AttributeName']] = None # Now process any GSI's if self.table.global_secondary_indexes: for gsi in self.table.global_secondary_indexes: # find HASH of GSI, that's all we support for now # if the GSI has a RANGE, we ignore it for now if len(gsi['KeySchema']) == 1: gsi_hash = gsi['KeySchema'][0]['AttributeName'] self._indexes[gsi_hash] = gsi['IndexName'] # Because the Boto3 DynamoDB client turns all numeric types into Decimals # (which is actually the right thing to do) we need to convert those # Decimal values back into integers or floats before serializing to JSON.
def increment_counter(self, id, counter_name, increment=1, id_name='id', **kwargs): """ Atomically increments a counter attribute in the item identified by ``id``. You must specify the name of the attribute as ``counter_name`` and, optionally, the ``increment`` which defaults to ``1``. """ response = self._new_response() if self._check_supported_op('increment_counter', response): params = { 'Key': {id_name: id}, 'UpdateExpression': 'set #ctr = #ctr + :val', 'ExpressionAttributeNames': {"#ctr": counter_name}, 'ExpressionAttributeValues': { ':val': decimal.Decimal(increment)}, 'ReturnValues': 'UPDATED_NEW' } self._call_ddb_method(self.table.update_item, params, response) if response.status == 'success': if 'Attributes' in response.raw_response: self._replace_decimals(response.raw_response) attr = response.raw_response['Attributes'][counter_name] response.data = attr response.prepare() return response
def list_ids(context, installed_region, aws_account_id=None): """Retrieve configuration from DynamoDB and return array of dictionary objects""" found_configurations = {} if aws_account_id is None: aws_account_id = utils.get_owner_id(context)[0] dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name=installed_region) table = dynamodb.Table('ebs_snapshot_configuration') results = table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('aws_account_id').eq(aws_account_id) ) for item in results.get('Items', []): str_item = item.get('configuration', None) found_configurations[str_item] = item['id'] return found_configurations.values()
def list_configurations(context, installed_region, aws_account_id=None): """Retrieve configuration from DynamoDB and return array of dictionary objects""" found_configurations = {} if aws_account_id is None: aws_account_id = utils.get_owner_id(context)[0] dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name=installed_region) table = dynamodb.Table('ebs_snapshot_configuration') results = table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('aws_account_id').eq(aws_account_id) ) for item in results.get('Items', []): str_item = item.get('configuration', None) try: json_item = json.loads(str_item) found_configurations[str_item] = json_item except Exception as e: raise EbsSnapperError('error loading configuration', e) return found_configurations.values()
def get_configuration(context, installed_region, object_id, aws_account_id=None): """Retrieve configuration from DynamoDB and return single object""" if aws_account_id is None: aws_account_id = utils.get_owner_id(context)[0] dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name=installed_region) table = dynamodb.Table('ebs_snapshot_configuration') expr = Key('aws_account_id').eq(aws_account_id) & Key('id').eq(object_id) results = table.query(KeyConditionExpression=expr) for item in results.get('Items', []): str_item = item.get('configuration', None) try: json_item = json.loads(str_item) return json_item except Exception as e: raise EbsSnapperError('error loading configuration', e) return None
def write_meta(self, lookup_key, key, value): """ Write the meta data to dyanmodb Args: lookup_key: Key for the object requested key: Meta data key value: Metadata value Returns: """ response = self.table.put_item( Item={ 'lookup_key': lookup_key, 'key': key, 'metavalue': value, } ) return response
def get_meta(self, lookup_key, key): """ Retrieve the meta data for a given key Args: lookup_key: Key for the object requested key: Metadata key Returns: """ response = self.table.get_item( Key={ 'lookup_key': lookup_key, 'key': key, } ) if 'Item' in response: return response['Item'] else: return None
def update_meta(self, lookup_key, key, new_value): """ Update the Value for the given key Args: lookup_key: Key for the object requested key: Metadata key new_value: New meta data value Returns: """ response = self.table.update_item( Key={ 'lookup_key': lookup_key, 'key': key, }, UpdateExpression='SET metavalue = :val1', ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':val1': new_value }, ReturnValues='UPDATED_NEW' ) return response
def get_meta_list(self, lookup_key): """ Retrieve all the meta data for a given object using the lookupley Args: lookup_key: Key for the object requested Returns: """ response = self.table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('lookup_key').eq(lookup_key) ) if 'Items' in response: return response['Items'] else: return None
def lambda_handler(event, context): wotd = table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('language').eq(event['request']['intent']['slots']["Language"]["value"].lower()) & Key('id').gt(0), FilterExpression=Attr('isActive').eq(True) ) print(wotd['Items']) item = wotd["Items"] print(item) parsed = '<speak>The ' + event["request"]["intent"]["slots"]["Language"]["value"] + ' word of the day is <audio src="' + item[0]["word_sound"] + \ '"/> which means ' + item[0]["word_translation"] + \ '. Here is the word used in a sentence. <audio src="' + item[0]["sentence_sound"] + \ '"/> which means ' + item[0]["sentence_translation"] + '</speak>' response = { 'version': '1.0', 'response': { 'outputSpeech': { 'type': 'SSML', 'ssml' : parsed } } } return response
def query_with_limit_and_filter_by_boto3(): table = dynamodb.Table('Movies') print("Movies from 1992 - titles A-L, with genres and lead actor") try: response = table.query( ProjectionExpression="#yr, title, info.genres, info.actors[0]", ExpressionAttributeNames={"#yr": "year"}, # Expression Attribute Names for Projection Expression only. KeyConditionExpression=Key('year').eq(1992) & Key('title').between('A', 'L'), FilterExpression=Attr('rating').lt(decimal.Decimal(str('7.0'))), Limit=10, ) except ClientError as e: print(e.response['Error']['Message']) else: items = response['Items'] for i in items: print(i['year'], ":", i['title'])
def updatePasswordForEmailAndResetId(email, password, resetPasswordId, dbInstance): res = None user = getUserByEmail(email, dbInstance) if user is not None: storedResetPasswordId = user.get('resetPasswordId', None) if storedResetPasswordId == resetPasswordId: table = dbUtils.getTable('users', dbInstance) if table is not None: hashedPassword = hashPassword(password) jsonData = { 'Key': {'email': email}, 'UpdateExpression': 'SET password = :a REMOVE resetPasswordId', 'ExpressionAttributeValues': { ':a': hashedPassword }, 'ReturnValues' : 'UPDATED_NEW' } res = dbUtils.updateItem(jsonData, table) return res
def joinClass(jsonData, dynamoDBInstance, email=None, userRole=None): response = ControllerResponse() #g will be not be available during testing #and email will need to be passed to the function if g: # pragma: no cover email = g.authenticatedUser['email'] userRole = g.authenticatedUser['userRole'] if 'code' not in jsonData.keys() or not jsonData['code']: response.addError('Key Missing Error', 'class code missing from data') elif userRole == 'teacher' or userRole == 'admin': if class_ctrl.isCodeInTaughtList(jsonData, dynamoDBInstance, email): response.addError('Role Error', 'Teachers cannot join their taught class as a student') else: classCode = jsonData['code'] addDataToClassAndUser(classCode, email, response, dynamoDBInstance) else: classCode = jsonData['code'] addDataToClassAndUser(classCode, email, response, dynamoDBInstance) return response
def addClassCodeToStudent(email, classCode, dynamoDBInstance): userTable = dbUtils.getTable('users', dynamoDBInstance) if userTable: codeSet = set([classCode]) addClassToUser = { 'Key': {'email': email}, 'UpdateExpression': 'ADD classCodes :i', 'ExpressionAttributeValues': { ':i': codeSet }, 'ReturnValues' : 'UPDATED_NEW' } res = dbUtils.updateItem(addClassToUser, userTable) if ( res and 'Attributes' in res and 'classCodes' in res['Attributes'] and classCode in res['Attributes']['classCodes'] ): return res['Attributes']['classCodes'] return None
def addStudentToClass(classCode, email, dynamoDBInstance): classTable = dbUtils.getTable('classes', dynamoDBInstance) if classTable: emailSet = set([email]) addUserToClass = { 'Key': {'code': classCode}, 'UpdateExpression': 'ADD students :i', 'ExpressionAttributeValues': { ':i': emailSet }, 'ReturnValues' : 'ALL_NEW' } res = dbUtils.updateItem(addUserToClass, classTable) if ( res and 'Attributes' in res and 'students' in res['Attributes'] and email in res['Attributes']['students'] and 'title' in res['Attributes'] ): return res['Attributes'] return None
def getActiveClassList(dynamoDBInstance, email=None): response = ControllerResponse() usersTable = dbUtils.getTable('users', dynamoDBInstance) classTable = dbUtils.getTable('classes', dynamoDBInstance) if usersTable is None or classTable is None: response.addError( 'Get Active Class List Failed', 'Unable to access users and/or classes') else : if email is None: # pragma: no cover email = g.authenticatedUser['email'] classes = [] classCodes = getClassCodesFromUser(dynamoDBInstance, email) for code in classCodes: request = {'Key': {'code': code}} res = dbUtils.getItem(request, classTable) if res is not None and 'Item' in res: classes.append(res['Item']) response.addToPayload('classes', classes) return response
def getClassCodesFromUser(dynamoDBInstance, email=None): classCodes = set() if email is None: # pragma: no cover email = g.authenticatedUser['email'] usersTable = dbUtils.getTable('users', dynamoDBInstance) if usersTable is None: MentiiLogging.getLogger().error('Unable to get users table in getClassCodesFromUser') else: #An active class list is the list of class codes that # a user has in the user table. request = {"Key" : {"email": email}, "ProjectionExpression": "classCodes"} res = dbUtils.getItem(request, usersTable) #Get the class codes for the user. if res is None or 'Item' not in res or 'classCodes' not in res['Item']: MentiiLogging.getLogger().error('Unable to get user data in getClassCodesFromUser') else: classCodes = res['Item']['classCodes'] return classCodes
def getTaughtClassCodesFromUser(dynamoDBInstance, email=None): classCodes = None if email is None: # pragma: no cover email = g.authenticatedUser['email'] usersTable = dbUtils.getTable('users', dynamoDBInstance) if usersTable is None: MentiiLogging.getLogger().error('Unable to get users table in getTaughtClassCodesFromUser') else: #An active class list is the list of class codes that # a user has in the user table. request = {'Key' : {'email': email}, 'ProjectionExpression': 'teaching'} res = dbUtils.getItem(request, usersTable) #Get the class codes for the user. if res is not None and 'Item' in res: classCodes = res['Item'].get('teaching', []) return classCodes
def buildUpdateJsonData(keyName, keyValue, attributeName, attributeValue): jsonData = {} if len(attributeValue) == 0: #remove attribute jsonData = { 'Key': {keyName : keyValue}, 'UpdateExpression': 'REMOVE '+ attributeName, 'ReturnValues' : 'UPDATED_NEW' } else: #update attribute jsonData = { 'Key': {keyName : keyValue}, 'UpdateExpression': 'SET ' + attributeName + ' = :v', 'ExpressionAttributeValues': { ':v': attributeValue }, 'ReturnValues' : 'UPDATED_NEW' } return jsonData
def getItem(jsonData, table): if (type(jsonData) == str): data = json.loads(jsonData) else: data = jsonData projection_expression = data.get("ProjectionExpression") key = data.get("Key") if key is None: message = "Unable to get item. Missing Key" logger.error(message) return None if projection_expression is not None: response = table.get_item(Key=key,ProjectionExpression=projection_expression) else: response = table.get_item(Key=key) return response
def update_ticket(form): table = get_tickets_table() limit_type = form.limit_type.data table.update_item( Key={ "display_id": form.display_id.data, }, AttributeUpdates={ 'limit_type': { 'Value': limit_type, 'Action': 'PUT', }, 'limit_value': { 'Value': form.limit_value.data, 'Action': 'PUT', }, }) update_limit_value(limit_type)
def lookupWorkloadSpecification(self, partitionTargetValue): try: dynamodbItem=self.dynDBC.get_item( TableName=self.workloadSpecificationTableName, Key={ self.workloadSpecificationPartitionKey : { "S" : partitionTargetValue } }, ConsistentRead=False, ReturnConsumedCapacity="TOTAL", ) except ClientError as e: self.logger.error('lookupWorkloadSpecification()' + e.response['Error']['Message']) else: # Get the dynamoDB Item from the result resultItem=dynamodbItem['Item'] for attributeName in resultItem: # Validate the attributes entered into DynamoDB are valid. If not, spit out individual warning messages if( attributeName in self.workloadSpecificationValidAttributeList ): attributeValue=resultItem[attributeName].values()[0] self.logger.info('Workload Attribute [%s maps to %s]' % (attributeName, attributeValue)) self.workloadSpecificationDict[attributeName]=attributeValue else: self.logger.warning('Invalid dynamoDB attribute specified->'+str(attributeName)+'<- will be ignored')
def purge_expired_peers(): """ Removes peers who haven't announced in the last internval. Should be set as a recurring event source in your Zappa config. """ if DATASTORE == "DynamoDB": # This is a costly operation, but I think it has to be done. # Optimizations (pagination? queries? batching?) welcomed. all_torrents = table.scan() for torrent in all_torrents['Items']: for peer_id in torrent['peers']: peer_last_announce = int(torrent['peers'][peer_id][0]['last_announce']) window = datetime.now() - timedelta(seconds=ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL) window_unix = int(time.mktime(window.timetuple())) if peer_last_announce < window_unix: remove_peer_from_info_hash(torrent['info_hash'], peer_id) else: # There must be a better way to do this. # Also, it should probably be done as a recurring function and cache, # not dynamically every time. for key in s3_client.list_objects(Bucket=BUCKET_NAME)['Contents']: if 'peers.json' in key['Key']: remote_object = s3.Object(BUCKET_NAME, key['Key']).get() content = remote_object['Body'].read().decode('utf-8') torrent = json.loads(content) for peer_id in torrent['peers']: peer_last_announce = int(torrent['peers'][peer_id]['last_announce']) window = datetime.now() - timedelta(seconds=ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL) window_unix = int(time.mktime(window.timetuple())) if peer_last_announce < window_unix: remove_peer_from_info_hash(torrent['info_hash'], peer_id) return ## # Database ##
def get_peers_for_info_hash_dynamodb( info_hash, limit=50 ): """ Get current peers """ response = table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('info_hash').eq(info_hash) ) if response['Count'] == 0: return [] else: return response['Items'][0]['peers']
def get_all_items(): """ Get all items """ if DATASTORE == "DynamoDB": response = table.scan() if response['Count'] == 0: return [] else: return response['Items'] else: # We want info_hash, peers, and completed. items = [] # There must be a better way to do this. # Also, it should probably be done as a recurring function and cache, # not dynamically every time. for key in s3_client.list_objects(Bucket=BUCKET_NAME)['Contents']: if 'peers.json' in key['Key']: remote_object = s3.Object(BUCKET_NAME, key['Key']).get() content = remote_object['Body'].read().decode('utf-8') torrent_info = json.loads(content) item = { 'info_hash': torrent_info['info_hash'], 'peers': torrent_info['peers'], 'completed': torrent_info['completed'] } items.append(item) return items ### # Utility ### # Helper class to convert a DynamoDB item to JSON.
def freeprefix(nipap_deamon_ip, account_cb_alias, account_iam_alias, vpc_network, vpc_prefix): # Lookup nipap daemon password cipher nipapCfn = dynamodb.Table(os.environ['TAILOR_TABLENAME_NIPAPCFN']) getNipapCfn = nipapCfn.get_item( Key={ 'nipapAlias': account_cb_alias } ) # Decrypt nipap daemon password nipapDaemonPasswordCipherBlob = getNipapCfn['Item']['nipapDaemonPasswordCipherBlob'] nipapDeamonPassword = bytes(kms.decrypt(CiphertextBlob=b64decode(nipapDaemonPasswordCipherBlob))['Plaintext']) # Look up free CIDR block pynipap.xmlrpc_uri = "http://tailor:" + nipapDeamonPassword.rstrip() + "@" + nipap_deamon_ip + ":1337" a = pynipap.AuthOptions({ 'authoritative_source': 'tailor_nipap_client' }) # Allocate first available new_prefix = Prefix() new_prefix.description = account_iam_alias new_prefix.type = "assignment" # Save will communicate with the backend and ask for the next available desired prefix size new_prefix.save({'from-prefix': [vpc_network], 'prefix_length': vpc_prefix}) # Read the assigned prefix from the new_prefix object print("VPC Cidr is: ", new_prefix.prefix) return new_prefix.prefix
def add_dhcp_optionset(la_credentials, la_vpc_id, dns_server_1, dns_server_2, region): # Initiate linked account ec2 client laEc2 = boto3.client( 'ec2', region_name=region, aws_access_key_id=la_credentials[0], aws_secret_access_key=la_credentials[1], aws_session_token=la_credentials[2], ) if region == 'us-east-1': domainName = 'ec2.internal' else: domainName = region + '.compute.internal' dhcpOptionsset = laEc2.create_dhcp_options( DhcpConfigurations=[ { 'Key': 'domain-name-servers', 'Values': [dns_server_1, dns_server_2, 'AmazonProvidedDNS'] }, { 'Key': 'domain-name', 'Values': [domainName] }, ], ) laEc2.associate_dhcp_options( DhcpOptionsId=dhcpOptionsset['DhcpOptions']['DhcpOptionsId'], VpcId=la_vpc_id, ) return
def _search(self, search_terms, begins_with=None): """ Returns a list of Archive id's in the table on Dynamo """ kwargs = dict( ProjectionExpression='#id', ExpressionAttributeNames={"#id": "_id"}) if len(search_terms) > 0: kwargs['FilterExpression'] = reduce( lambda x, y: x & y, [Attr('tags').contains(arg) for arg in search_terms]) if begins_with: if 'FilterExpression' in kwargs: kwargs['FilterExpression'] = kwargs[ 'FilterExpression'] & Key('_id').begins_with(begins_with) else: kwargs['FilterExpression'] = Key( '_id').begins_with(begins_with) while True: res = self._table.scan(**kwargs) for r in res['Items']: yield r['_id'] if 'LastEvaluatedKey' in res: kwargs['ExclusiveStartKey'] = res['LastEvaluatedKey'] else: break
def _update(self, archive_name, version_metadata): ''' Updates the version specific metadata attribute in DynamoDB In DynamoDB this is simply a list append on this attribute value Parameters ---------- archive_name: str unique '_id' primary key version_metadata: dict dictionary of version metadata values Returns ------- dict list of dictionaries of version_history ''' command = "SET version_history = list_append(version_history, :v)" self._table.update_item( Key={'_id': archive_name}, UpdateExpression=command, ExpressionAttributeValues={':v': [version_metadata]}, ReturnValues='ALL_NEW')
def _update_spec_config(self, document_name, spec): ''' Dynamo implementation of project specific metadata spec ''' # add the updated archive_metadata object to Dynamo self._spec_table.update_item( Key={'_id': '{}'.format(document_name)}, UpdateExpression="SET config = :v", ExpressionAttributeValues={':v': spec}, ReturnValues='ALL_NEW')
def _update_metadata(self, archive_name, archive_metadata): """ Appends the updated_metada dict to the Metadata Attribute list Parameters ---------- archive_name: str ID of archive to update updated_metadata: dict dictionary of metadata keys and values to update. If the value for a particular key is `None`, the key is removed. """ archive_metadata_current = self._get_archive_metadata(archive_name) archive_metadata_current.update(archive_metadata) for k, v in archive_metadata_current.items(): if v is None: del archive_metadata_current[k] # add the updated archive_metadata object to Dynamo self._table.update_item( Key={'_id': archive_name}, UpdateExpression="SET archive_metadata = :v", ExpressionAttributeValues={':v': archive_metadata_current}, ReturnValues='ALL_NEW')
def _get_archive_listing(self, archive_name): ''' Return full document for ``{_id:'archive_name'}`` .. note:: DynamoDB specific results - do not expose to user ''' return self._table.get_item(Key={'_id': archive_name})['Item']
def _set_tags(self, archive_name, updated_tag_list): self._table.update_item( Key={'_id': archive_name}, UpdateExpression="SET tags = :t", ExpressionAttributeValues={':t': updated_tag_list}, ReturnValues='ALL_NEW')
def clear_all(): for i in find_all(): table.delete_item(Key={'Name': i['Name']})
def query_hash(self, hash_name, hash_value, index=None, forward=True, limit=None, projection=None): """Method to query an index Args: data (dict): A dictionary of attributes to put Returns: (dict) """ params = {"ScanIndexForward": forward, "KeyConditionExpression": Key(hash_name).eq(hash_value)} if index: params["IndexName"] = index else: # If primary index, consistent read params["ConsistentRead"] = True if limit: params["Limit"] = limit if projection: params["ProjectionExpression"] = projection response = self.table.query(**params) if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] != 200: raise Exception("Error getting item: {}".format(response['ResponseMetadata'])) return response["Items"]
def query_24hr(self, hash_key, hash_value, sort_key, date_str): """Method to query for a date range for the day provided in the date_str Date_str must be in ISO-8601 This assumes you are "centering" the 24hr block from midnight-midnight EST Args: hash_key (str): Hash key name sort_key (str): Sort key name date_str (str): The date string containing the day to query in UTC time Returns: list """ # Convert ISO time to be EST date_in = arrow.get(date_str) date_in_est = date_in.to('EST') # Compute start date str start_date = date_in_est.replace(hour=0, minute=0) # Compute end date str date_range = start_date.span('day') response = self.table.update_item(Key={hash_key: hash_value}, KeyConditionExpression="{} >= :morning AND {} <= :midnight".format(sort_key, sort_key), ExpressionAttributeValues={':morning': date_range[0].isoformat(), ':midnight': date_range[1].isoformat()}, ReturnValues="UPDATED_NEW") if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] != 200: raise Exception("Error getting item: {}".format(response['ResponseMetadata'])) if "Items" in response: return response["Items"] else: return []
def query_most_recent(self, hash_key, hash_value, sort_key, date_str, limit=1): """Method to query for the record most recently in the past based on the date_str Date_str must be in ISO-8601 Args: hash_key (str): Hash key name sort_key (str): Sort key name date_str (str): The date string containing the day to query in UTC time Returns: dict """ response = self.table.query(KeyConditionExpression=Key(hash_key).eq(hash_value) & Key(sort_key).lte(date_str), Limit=limit, ScanIndexForward=False, Select="ALL_ATTRIBUTES") if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] != 200: raise Exception("Error getting item: {}".format(response['ResponseMetadata'])) if "Items" in response: if response["Items"]: return response["Items"] else: return [] else: return []
def query_biggest(self, hash_key, hash_value, num_items, index=None, forward=False): """Method to query for the largest N records Args: hash_key (str): Hash key name hash_value (str): Hash key value num_items (int): The number of items to return index (str): Name of index if not primary forward (bool): flag indicating sort direction Returns: dict """ params = {"ScanIndexForward": forward, "KeyConditionExpression": Key(hash_key).eq(hash_value), "Select": "ALL_ATTRIBUTES", "Limit": num_items} if index: params["IndexName"] = index params["Select"] = "ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES" else: # If primary index, consistent read params["ConsistentRead"] = True response = self.table.query(**params) if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] != 200: raise Exception("Error getting item: {}".format(response['ResponseMetadata'])) if "Items" in response: if response["Items"]: return response["Items"] else: return [] else: return []
def get_data(event): dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') table = dynamodb.Table(tablename) response = table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key(hashkey).eq(event[hashkey]) \ & Key(rangekey).eq(event[rangekey]) ) for item in response['Items']: objkeypair = ast.literal_eval(item['mappings']) if 'lookup' in event: return objkeypair[event['lookup']] else: return objkeypair
def delete(self, doc_obj): self._indexer.delete_item(Key={'_id': doc_obj._data['_id']})
def get(self, doc_obj, doc_id): response = self._indexer.get_item(Key={'_id': doc_obj.get_doc_id(doc_id)}) doc = response.get('Item', None) if not doc: raise DocNotFoundError return doc_obj(**doc)