def evaluate_block_users(self): employees = get_list_or_404(Employee) for employee in employees: if employee.yesterday_given > config.MAX_STARS_GIVEN_DAY: employee.is_blocked = True if employee.yesterday_received > config.MAX_STARS_RECEIVED_DAY: employee.is_blocked = True if employee.current_month_given > config.MAX_STARS_GIVEN_MONTHLY: employee.is_blocked = True if employee.current_month_score > config.MAX_STARS_RECEIVED_MONTHLY: employee.is_blocked = True employee.save() try: if employee.is_blocked: subject = config.USER_BLOCKED_NOTIFICATION_SUBJECT message = config.USER_BLOCKED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE % (employee.username) send_email = EmailMessage(subject, message, to=[employee.email]) send_email.send() except Exception as e: print(e)
def send_order_email_confirmation(sender, instance, **kwargs): """ Send email to customer with order details. """ order = instance message = get_template("emails/order_conf.html").render(Context({ 'order': order.get_serialized_data() })) mail = EmailMessage( subject="Order confirmation", body=message, from_email=EMAIL_ADMIN, to=[order.email], reply_to=[EMAIL_ADMIN], ) mail.content_subtype = "html" return mail.send()
def send_html_mail(tolist, subject, html_content, fromer=None, cclist=None, bcclist=None): ''' ??html?? ''' if fromer: _fromer = '%s<%s>' % (fromer, settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER) else: _fromer = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER msg = EmailMessage(subject, html_content, _fromer, tolist) msg.content_subtype = "html" if cclist: msg.cc = cclist if bcclist: msg.bcc = bcclist ret = msg.send(fail_silently=True) if ret == 1: ret = True else: ret = False return ret
def email_to_string(e): # type: (EmailMessage) -> str def n(x): x or 'Not specified' return """ From: {} To: {} Subject: {} Reply-To: {} CC: {} BCC: {} Body: {} Attachments: {} """.format( n(e.from_email), n(e.to), n(e.subject), n(e.reply_to), n(e.cc), n(e.bcc), n(e.body), n(str(e.attachments)))
def send_access(self): if self.sent_email_data: can_send = timezone.now() - self.sent_email_data > datetime.timedelta(minutes=settings.SEND_ACCESS_INTERVAL) else: can_send = True if can_send: self.sent_email_data = timezone.now() self.save() if settings.SEND_EMAILS: message = render_to_string('application/email/draft.txt', {'uuid': self.uuid, 'email': self.email,}) email = EmailMessage( subject='OpenCon 2016 Draft Application', body=message, from_email=settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, to=[self.email], ) email.content_subtype = "html" email.send(fail_silently=True) return True return False
def create_mail(subject, message, from_email, recipient, message_html=None, attachments=None, rfc2822_headers=None): headers = {'Message-ID': make_msgid()} if rfc2822_headers: headers.update(rfc2822_headers) if message is None: # make text version out of html if text version is missing message = html2text(message_html) if message_html: msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, message, from_email, [recipient], headers=headers) msg.attach_alternative(message_html, "text/html") else: msg = EmailMessage(subject, message, from_email, [recipient], headers=headers) if attachments: for filename, content, mimetype in attachments: msg.attach(filename, content, mimetype) return msg
def apply(self, item, policies_list): subscription_url = get_app_url(organization=item.get_owner()) if 'BounceCheck' in policies_list: return_path = 'subscription-bounce+{uuid}@{fqdn}'.format( uuid=item.uuid, fqdn=settings.RETURNPATH_DOMAIN) else: return_path = settings.SERVICE_MSG_FROM_EMAIL confirmation_link = urljoin( subscription_url, reverse('confirmation', kwargs={'uuid': item.uuid})) message = EmailMessage( subject='Votre inscription', body=render_to_string( 'contacts/double_opt_in_confirmation.txt', {'contact': item, 'confirmation_link': confirmation_link}), to=(item.address, ), from_email='{} <{}>'.format( settings.SERVICE_MSG_FROM_NAME, settings.SERVICE_MSG_FROM_EMAIL), headers={ 'Auto-Submitted': 'auto-generated', 'Return-Path': return_path}) message.send()
def apply(self, item, policies_list): # if double opt-in is set up, we use the validation mail to check # bounce if 'DoubleOptIn' not in policies_list: return_path = 'subscription-bounce+{uuid}@{fqdn}'.format( uuid=item.uuid, fqdn=settings.RETURNPATH_DOMAIN) message = EmailMessage( subject='Votre inscription', body=render_to_string( 'contacts/bounce_check_confirmation.txt', {'contact': item}), to=(item.address, ), from_email='{} <{}>'.format( settings.SERVICE_MSG_FROM_NAME, settings.SERVICE_MSG_FROM_EMAIL), headers={ 'Auto-Submitted': 'auto-generated', 'Return-Path': return_path}) message.send()
def send_error_report(url, exception, trace): """Send email when an error occurs.""" if settings.DEBUG is False: email_context = { 'site': url, 'exception': exception, 'traceback': trace } message = get_template('scheduler_core/error_report_parsing.html').render(email_context) error_email = EmailMessage('[MovieScheduler] Parsing Error Report', message, settings.SERVER_EMAIL, settings.ADMINS) error_email.content_subtype = 'html' error_email.send(fail_silently=False) else: print("Exception: " + str(exception)) print("Traceback: ") print(trace)
def send_mail(self): # need to ensure address is minimally valid email sent_emails = ['', None] for key in self._recipients: reg_id = key address = self._recipients[key]['email'] salutation = self._recipients[key]['salutation'] email_body = self._message if address not in sent_emails: if salutation not in ('', None): email_body = 'Dear ' + salutation + ':<br/><br/>' + \ self._message if self._msg_type == 'docs': email_body = self._insert_passwords(email_body, key) email = EmailMessage( subject = self._subject, body = email_body, to = [address] ) email.content_subtype = 'html' email.send() sent_emails.append(address) time.sleep(0.5)
def send_email_task(email, name): email_value = email.split('@')[0].encode('utf-8') # ??? ?? url? ???? @ ???? base64 ???? ??? encoded_email = base64.b64encode(email_value) # ??? from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER # ?? ?? ?? - settings ??? ??(?? ??) subject = '{} ? ???? ??'.format(name) # ?? ?? refined_email = str(encoded_email)[1:].strip("'") # ??? ??? ? b'c2F6MDU0OQ==' -> c2F6MDU0OQ==? ??. html_content = """<h1>{0}? ??? ?????.</h1> <p>?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??????</p> <a href='{1}/'>{2}/</a> """.format(name, refined_email, refined_email) msg = EmailMessage( subject, html_content, from_email, [email]) msg.content_subtype = "html" msg.send()
def EnviarEmail(request, remetente, destinatario, oferta): msg = EmailMessage( 'Bolsa: ' + oferta.titulo, remetente.nome + ' Candidatou-se a ' + oferta.titulo + '<br>' + 'Dados: <br>' + 'Nome: ' + remetente.nome + '<br>' + 'Email: ' + request.user.email + '<br>' + 'Telefone: ' + remetente.telefone + '<br>' + 'Nascimento: ' + remetente.nascimento + '<br>' + 'Estado Civil: ' + remetente.estadoCivil + '<br>' + 'Curso: ' + remetente.curso + '<br>' + 'Periodo: ' + remetente.periodo + '<br>' + 'CRA: ' + remetente.CRA + '<br>' + 'Objetivo: ' + remetente.objetivo + '<br>' + 'Formação: ' + remetente.formacao + '<br>' + 'Experiência: ' + remetente.experiencia + '<br>' + 'Habilidade: ' + remetente.habilidade + '<br>', request.user.email, [destinatario.email] ) msg.content_subtype = "html" msg.send()
def handle(self, form): """ Handle method Sends an email to the specified recipients :param form: Valid form instance :type form: django.forms.Form """ message = EmailMessage( self.subject, self._render_template(form.cleaned_data), settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, self.recipients.split(',') ) for file_object in self.get_files(form): message.attach(file_object.name, file_object.read(), file_object.content_type) message.send()
def signup(request): if request.user.is_authenticated(): return redirect('view_profile') else: if request.method == 'POST': form = SignupForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): user = form.save(commit=False) user.is_active = False user.save() current_site = get_current_site(request) subject = 'Activate your account on Janani Care.' message = render_to_string('accounts/activation_email.html', { 'user':user, 'domain':current_site.domain, 'uid': urlsafe_base64_encode(force_bytes(user.pk)), 'token': account_activation_token.make_token(user), }) toemail = form.cleaned_data.get('email') email = EmailMessage(subject, message, to=[toemail]) email.send() return render(request, 'accounts/activation_pending.html') else: form = SignupForm() return render(request, 'accounts/signup.html', {'form': form})
def organization_signup(request): if request.user.is_authenticated(): return redirect('view_profile') else: if request.method == 'POST': form = OrganizationSignupForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): user = form.save(commit=False) user.is_active = False user.save() current_site = get_current_site(request) subject = 'Activate your organization account on Janani Care.' message = render_to_string('accounts/organization_activation_email.html', { 'user':user, 'domain':current_site.domain, 'uid': urlsafe_base64_encode(force_bytes(user.pk)), 'token': account_activation_token.make_token(user), }) toemail = form.cleaned_data.get('email') email = EmailMessage(subject, message, to=[toemail]) email.send() return render(request, 'accounts/activation_pending.html') else: form = OrganizationSignupForm() return render(request, 'accounts/organization_signup.html', {'form': form})
def send_general_email(customer_id, to_address, subject, body): customer_obj = Customer.objects.get(pk=customer_id) from_address = config('EMAIL_HOST_USER') email = EmailMessage(subject, body, from_address, [to_address]) # Attempt to send email try: response = email.send() except Exception: response = 0 # Log email in DB email_log_entry = { 'to_address': to_address, 'subject': subject, 'body': body, 'successful': response, 'customer_id': customer_obj.id } log_email(**email_log_entry) return response
def forgot_password(request): request = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) eMail = request["email"] empId = request["loginid"] emp = Employee.objects.filter(instructor_id=empId) if eMail == "" or emp[0].email != eMail: res = {"error":'true'} return JsonResponse(res, safe=False) pwd = "Password for Faculty Data Acquisition System : " + emp[0].password email = EmailMessage('Password For FDA System',pwd,to=[eMail]) try: email.send() except Exception as e: res = { "error":'true' } res = { 'success': 'true' } return JsonResponse(res, safe=False)
def notify_registration(profile): """send message by email""" notification_email = getattr(settings, 'BALAFON_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL', '') if notification_email: from_email = getattr(settings, 'DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL') data = { 'contact': profile.contact, 'site': getattr(settings, 'COOP_CMS_SITE_PREFIX', None), } t = get_template('Profile/registration_notification_email.txt') content = t.render(Context(data)) email = EmailMessage( _(u"New registration"), content, from_email, [notification_email], headers={'Reply-To': profile.contact.email}) try: email.send() except Exception: logger.exception("notify_registration")
def notify_due_actions(user, actions): """send message by email""" notification_email = user.email from_email = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL data = { 'user': user, 'actions': actions, 'site': settings.COOP_CMS_SITE_PREFIX, } template = get_template('Users/due_actions_notification_email.txt') content = template.render(Context(data)) email = EmailMessage( _(u"Balafon: You have due actions"), content, from_email, [notification_email] ) try: email.send() except Exception: #pylint: disable=broad-except logger.exception("notify_due_actions")
def employee_reset_password(request, employee_email): """ This endpoint send an email to employee, with confirmation reset password url. --- responseMessages: - code: 404 message: Not found - code: 406 message: Request not acceptable """ if request.method == 'GET': employee = get_object_or_404(Employee, email=employee_email) # Generate random uuid and save in employee employee.generate_reset_password_code() # Send email with reset password confirmation url subject = config.EMPLOYEE_RESET_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION_SUBJECT current_site = Site.objects.get_current() employee_reset_password_api = reverse('employees:employee_reset_password', args=[employee.email]) url = current_site.domain + employee_reset_password_api + employee.reset_password_code message = config.EMPLOYEE_RESET_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE % (url) try: send_email = EmailMessage(subject, message, to=[employee.email]) send_email.send() except Exception as e: print(e) content = {'detail': config.EMAIL_SERVICE_ERROR} return Response(content, status=status.HTTP_406_NOT_ACCEPTABLE) content = {'detail': 'Confirmation email sent.', 'email': employee.email, 'reset_password_code': employee.reset_password_code} return Response(content, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
def employee_reset_password_confirmation(request, employee_email, employee_uuid): """ This endpoint reset employee with random password and send an email to employee with it. --- responseMessages: - code: 404 message: Not found - code: 406 message: Request not acceptable """ if request.method == 'GET': employee = get_object_or_404(Employee, email=employee_email, reset_password_code=employee_uuid) random_password = Employee.objects.make_random_password(length=4, allowed_chars='beatrx23456789') employee.set_password(random_password) employee.is_password_reset_required = True employee.save() # Send confirmation email subject = config.EMPLOYEE_RESET_PASSWORD_SUCCESSFULLY_SUBJECT message = config.EMPLOYEE_RESET_PASSWORD_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE % (random_password) try: send_email = EmailMessage(subject, message, to=[employee.email]) send_email.send() except Exception as e: print(e) data = "<h1>%s</h1>" % config.EMAIL_SERVICE_ERROR return Response(data) data = "<h1>%s</h1>" % config.USER_SUCCESSFULLY_RESET_PASSWORD return Response(data)
def send_daily_email(self): subject = config.DAILY_EXECUTION_CONFIRMATION_SUBJECT message = config.DAILY_EXECUTION_CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE send_mail = EmailMessage(subject, message, to=[config.DAILY_EXECUTION_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL]) send_mail.send()
def send_blocked_notification_email(self, employee): subject = config.USER_BLOCKED_NOTIFICATION_SUBJECT message = config.USER_BLOCKED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE % employee.username email = EmailMessage(subject, message, to=[employee.email]) email.send()
def create_message(self, ctx: T, from_email=None, to=None, bcc=None, connection=None, attachments=None, headers=None, alternatives=None, cc=None, reply_to=None) -> EmailMessage: ''' Creates and returns a :py:class:`django.core.mail.EmailMessage` which contains the plaintext and HTML versions of the email, using the context specified by ``ctx``. Aside from ``ctx``, arguments to this method are the same as those for :py:class:`~django.core.mail.EmailMessage`. ''' msg = EmailMultiAlternatives( subject=self.render_subject(ctx), body=self.render_body_as_plaintext(ctx), from_email=from_email, to=to, bcc=bcc, connection=connection, attachments=attachments, headers=headers, alternatives=alternatives, cc=cc, reply_to=reply_to, ) msg.attach_alternative(self.render_body_as_html(ctx), 'text/html') return msg
def render_mail(self, template_prefix, email, context): """ Renders an e-mail to `email`. `template_prefix` identifies the e-mail that is to be sent, e.g. "account/email/email_confirmation" """ context = dict(context) context['site'] = self.get_current_site() subject = render_to_string('{0}_subject.txt'.format(template_prefix), context) # remove superfluous line breaks subject = " ".join(subject.splitlines()).strip() subject = self.format_email_subject(subject) from_email = self.get_from_email() bodies = {} for ext in ['html', 'txt']: try: template_name = '{0}_message.{1}'.format(template_prefix, ext) bodies[ext] = self.format_email_body( render_to_string(template_name, context).strip(), ext) except TemplateDoesNotExist: if ext == 'txt' and not bodies: # We need at least one body raise if 'txt' in bodies: msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, bodies['txt'], from_email, [email]) if 'html' in bodies: msg.attach_alternative(bodies['html'], 'text/html') else: msg = EmailMessage(subject, bodies['html'], from_email, [email]) msg.content_subtype = 'html' # Main content is now text/html return msg
def post(self, request): form = self.form_class(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): user = form.save(commit=False) if form.cleaned_data['password'] != form.cleaned_data['confirm_password']: form.add_error("confirm_password", "Passwords do not match") return render(request, "account/signup.html", {"form": form}) user.set_password(form.cleaned_data["password"]) user.is_active = False user.save() current_site = get_current_site(request) message = render_to_string("account/activate_email.html", { 'user': user, 'domain': current_site.domain, 'uid': urlsafe_base64_encode(force_bytes(user.pk)), 'token': account_activation_token.make_token(user) }) mail_subject = "Activate your Quora account" to_email = form.cleaned_data['email'] email = EmailMessage(mail_subject, message, to=[to_email]) email.send() profile = Profile(user=user) profile.save() return HttpResponse("Please activate your account with e-mail") else: return render(request, "account/signup.html", {"form": form})
def render_mail(template_prefix, recipient_email, substitutions, from_email=FROM_EMAIL): """ Renders an e-mail to `email`. `template_prefix` identifies the e-mail that is to be sent, e.g. "account/email/email_confirmation" """ substitutions.update(utils.get_substitutions_templates()) subject = render_to_string('{0}_subject.txt'.format(template_prefix), context=Context(substitutions)) # remove superfluous line breaks subject = " ".join(subject.splitlines()).strip() prefix = '[' + settings.HACKATHON_NAME + ']' subject = prefix + ' ' + subject substitutions.update({'subject': subject}) bodies = {} for ext in ['html', 'txt']: try: template_name = '{0}_message.{1}'.format(template_prefix, ext) bodies[ext] = render_to_string(template_name, Context(substitutions)).strip() except TemplateDoesNotExist: if ext == 'txt' and not bodies: # We need at least one body raise if 'txt' in bodies: msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, bodies['txt'], from_email, [recipient_email]) if 'html' in bodies: msg.attach_alternative(bodies['html'], 'text/html') else: msg = EmailMessage(subject, bodies['html'], from_email, [recipient_email]) msg.content_subtype = 'html' # Main content is now text/html return msg