Python idc 模块,GetFunctionAttr() 实例源码


项目:polichombr    作者:ANSSI-FR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def postprocess(self):
                if self.cmdname == "MakeFunction":
                    if idc.GetFunctionAttr(self.addr, 0) is not None:
                        # Push "MakeFunction" change
                elif self.cmdname == "DeclareStructVar":
                    g_logger.error("Fixme : declare Struct variable")
                elif self.cmdname == "SetType":
                    newtype = idc.GetType(self.addr)
                    if newtype is None:
                        newtype = ""
                        newtype = SkelUtils.prepare_parse_type(
                            newtype, self.addr)
                        self.skel_conn.push_type(int(self.addr), newtype)
                elif self.cmdname == "OpStructOffset":
                    g_logger.debug("A struct member is typed to struct offset")
            except KeyError:
                g_logger.debug("Got unimplemented ops %s", self.cmdname)
            return 0
项目:functions-plus    作者:ax330d    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.addr = None
        self.flags = None
        self.names = [
            'Function name', 'Address', 'Segment', 'Length', 'Locals',
            'Arguments', 'R', 'F', 'L', 'S', 'B', 'T', '='
        self.handlers = {
            0: lambda: None,
            1: lambda: self.ptr().format(self.addr),
            2: lambda: '{}'.format(idc.SegName(self.addr)),
            3: lambda: self.halfptr().format(idc.GetFunctionAttr(
                self.addr, idc.FUNCATTR_END) - self.addr),
            4: lambda: self.set_if_true(idc.GetFunctionAttr(
                self.addr, idc.FUNCATTR_FRSIZE)),
            5: lambda: self.set_if_true(idc.GetFunctionAttr(
                self.addr, idc.FUNCATTR_ARGSIZE)),
            6: lambda: self.is_true(not self.flags & idc.FUNC_NORET, 'R'),
            7: lambda: self.is_true(self.flags & idc.FUNC_FAR, 'F'),
            8: lambda: self.is_true(self.flags & idc.FUNC_LIB, 'L'),
            9: lambda: self.is_true(self.flags & idc.FUNC_STATIC, 'S'),
            10: lambda: self.is_true(self.flags & idc.FUNC_FRAME, 'B'),
            11: lambda: self.is_true(idc.GetType(self.addr), 'T'),
            12: lambda: self.is_true(self.flags & idc.FUNC_BOTTOMBP, '=')
项目:devirtualize    作者:ALSchwalm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _refs_to_tablegroup(self):
        from itertools import chain

        if self.tablegroup is None:
            return []

        candidates = []

        # For now just use the first table array
        primary_table = self.tablegroup.primary_table()

        # When debug symbols are present, the decompile will usually
        # refer to the function table as an offset from the start
        # of the vtable, so also allow references to that.
        references = chain(idautils.XrefsTo(primary_table.address_point),

        for ref in references:
            start = as_signed(idc.GetFunctionAttr(ref.frm, idc.FUNCATTR_START),
            if start == -1:
        return candidates
项目:bap-ida-python    作者:BinaryAnalysisPlatform    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def output_symbols(out):
    """Dump symbols."""
        from idaapi import get_func_name2 as get_func_name
        # Since get_func_name is deprecated (at least from IDA 6.9)
    except ImportError:
        from idaapi import get_func_name
        # Older versions of IDA don't have get_func_name2
        # so we just use the older name get_func_name

    def func_name_propagate_thunk(ea):
        current_name = get_func_name(ea)
        if current_name[0].isalpha():
            return current_name
        func = idaapi.get_func(ea)
        temp_ptr = idaapi.ea_pointer()
        ea_new = idaapi.BADADDR
        if func.flags & idaapi.FUNC_THUNK == idaapi.FUNC_THUNK:
            ea_new = idaapi.calc_thunk_func_target(func, temp_ptr.cast())
        if ea_new != idaapi.BADADDR:
            ea = ea_new
        propagated_name = get_func_name(ea) or ''  # Ensure it is not `None`
        if len(current_name) > len(propagated_name) > 0:
            return propagated_name
            return current_name
            # Fallback to non-propagated name for weird times that IDA gives
            #     a 0 length name, or finds a longer import name

    for ea in idautils.Segments():
        fs = idautils.Functions(idc.SegStart(ea), idc.SegEnd(ea))
        for f in fs:
            out.write('("%s" 0x%x 0x%x)\n' % (
                idc.GetFunctionAttr(f, idc.FUNCATTR_START),
                idc.GetFunctionAttr(f, idc.FUNCATTR_END)))
项目:idapython    作者:mr-tz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_user_functions():
    user_functions = []
    for fva in idautils.Functions():
        f_attr = idc.GetFunctionAttr(fva, idc.FUNCATTR_FLAGS)
        if not f_attr & idc.FUNC_LIB and not f_attr & idc.FUNC_THUNK:
    return user_functions
项目:idascripts    作者:ctfhacker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getMinorDispatchTableAddress(ea):
    """find address of last lea in function"""
    start = idc.GetFunctionAttr(ea, idc.FUNCATTR_START)
    end = idc.PrevHead( idc.GetFunctionAttr(ea, idc.FUNCATTR_END), start)
    res = prevMnemonic(end, 'lea', start)
    assert res != idc.BADADDR
    return idc.GetOperandValue(res, 1)
项目:idascripts    作者:ctfhacker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getMajorDispatchTableAddress():
    """find quicktime major dispatch table"""
    res = idc.LocByName('theQuickTimeDispatcher')
    res = nextMnemonic(res, 'lea', idc.GetFunctionAttr(res, idc.FUNCATTR_END))
    assert res != idc.BADADDR
    return idc.GetOperandValue(res, 1)
项目:HexRaysPyTools    作者:igogo-x86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def activate(self, ctx):
        hx_view = idaapi.get_tform_vdui(ctx.form)
        address = hx_view.cfunc.entry_ea

        xref_ea = idaapi.get_first_cref_to(address)
        xrefs = set()
        while xref_ea != idaapi.BADADDR:
            xref_func_ea = idc.GetFunctionAttr(xref_ea, idc.FUNCATTR_START)
            if xref_func_ea != idaapi.BADADDR:
                print "[Warning] Function not found at 0x{0:08X}".format(xref_ea)
            xref_ea = idaapi.get_next_cref_to(address, xref_ea)

        for func_ea in xrefs:
            visitor = VariableLookupVisitor(address)

                cfunc = idaapi.decompile(func_ea)
                if cfunc:
                    visitor.apply_to(cfunc.body, None)
                    for idx in visitor.result:
                        scanner = DeepSearchVisitor(cfunc, 0, idx)
                        for field in scanner.candidates:

            except idaapi.DecompilationFailure:
                print "[Warning] Failed to decompile function at 0x{0:08X}".format(xref_ea)
