Python matplotlib.colors 模块,cnames() 实例源码


项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_standard_colors_all(self):
        import matplotlib.colors as colors

        # multiple colors like mediumaquamarine
        for c in colors.cnames:
            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=1, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=1, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=3, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=3, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)

        # single letter colors like k
        for c in colors.ColorConverter.colors:
            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=1, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=1, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=3, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=3, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)
项目:hylaa    作者:stanleybak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_colors(self):
        'initialize all_colors'

        self.all_colors = []

        # remove any colors with 'white' or 'yellow in the name
        skip_colors_substrings = ['white', 'yellow']
        skip_colors_exact = ['black', 'red', 'blue']

        for col in colors.cnames:
            skip = False

            for col_substring in skip_colors_substrings:
                if col_substring in col:
                    skip = True

            if not skip and not col in skip_colors_exact:

        # we'll re-add these later; remove them before shuffling
        first_colors = ['lime', 'cyan', 'orange', 'magenta', 'green']

        for col in first_colors:

        # deterministic shuffle of all remaining colors

        # prepend first_colors so they get used first
        self.all_colors = first_colors + self.all_colors
项目:Factory_Planning    作者:dimgold    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_chart(Size,R,w1,xr,xl,yu,yd,xc,yc,totx,toty,name,prints,doc):
    # build layout sketch, name = filename to build, prints = binary variable - print all values in the file?,
    # doc - binary variable - create layout sketch file and text file with model results?
    Area = [ (xr[i]-xl[i])*(yu[i]-yd[i]) for i in range(len(Size))]
    if doc: fi = open('txt\\'+name+'.txt','w')  #open xls file as given
    colors = list(six.iteritems(cols.cnames))
    m = max(totx,toty)*1.1 #size of square
    fig1 = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal')
            patches.Rectangle( #create rectangle
                (0, 0),   # (x,y)
                totx/m,          # width
                toty/m,          # height
                facecolor = 'w'
    for i in range(len(xr)): #draw each dep acording to its cordintes
                (xl[i]/m, yd[i]/m),   # (x,y)
                xr[i]/m-xl[i]/m,          # width
                yu[i]/m-yd[i]/m,          # height
                facecolor =  colors[i%len(colors)][1]
        if i+1 in [1,19,29]:
        else: c='black'
        plt.text((xl[i]+xc[i])/(2*m), (yc[i]+yd[i])/(2*m), str(i+1), fontsize = 8, color = c) # print dep number
        if prints: # print all results
            print i+1,'(',round(xc[i],2),',',round(yc[i],2),') m2:',round(max((xr[i]-xl[i])/(yu[i]-yd[i]),(yu[i]-yd[i])/(xr[i]-xl[i])),2), 'Area:', round(Area[i],2), '(',round((xr[i]-xl[i]),2),'x',round((yu[i]-yd[i]),2),')',round(Area[i]*100/Size[i],2),'% of wanted'
        if doc: #write all data into txt file
            fi.write(str(i+1)+' ('+str(round(xc[i],2))+','+str(round(yc[i],2))+') m2:'+str(round(max((xr[i]-xl[i])/(yu[i]-yd[i]),(yu[i]-yd[i])/(xr[i]-xl[i])),2))+ ' Area:'+str(round(Area[i],2))+ ' ('+str(round((xr[i]-xl[i]),2))+'x'+str(round((yu[i]-yd[i]),2))+') '+str(round(Area[i]*100/Size[i],2))+'% of wanted \n')
        if Area[i]/Size[i]<0.9:
            print '************** Size Error ***************' #show layout sketch
    if doc:  #write all data into txt file
        fig1.savefig('png\\'+name+'.png', dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')
        res =  result(Size,R,w1,xr,xl,yu,yd,xc,yc,totx,toty)
        fi.write( 'Score:'+str(res[0])+ ' Dist:'+str(res[1])+' Area:'+str(res[2])+' ('+str(totx)+'x'+str(toty)+') w1:'+str(w1)+'\n')