Python maya.cmds 模块,sets() 实例源码


项目:maya-capture-gui    作者:Colorbleed    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_outputs(self):
        Retrieve all settings of each available sub widgets

        inputs = self.get_inputs(as_preset=False)
        outputs = dict()
        outputs['off_screen'] = inputs['off_screen']

        import capture_gui.lib

        # Get isolate view members of the active panel
        if inputs['isolate_view']:
            panel = capture_gui.lib.get_active_editor()
            filter_set = mc.modelEditor(panel, query=True, viewObjects=True)
            isolate = mc.sets(filter_set, query=True) if filter_set else None
            outputs['isolate'] = isolate

        return outputs
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def copyShader(src = "", tgts = [], *args):
    gets the shader from the src and assigns it to the tgt objs

        src (string): the object we're getting the shader FROM
        tgts (list[strings]): the objects we're setting the shaders TO
    confirm = confirmDialog("Should I copy shaders?")
    if confirm == "Yes":
        for tgt in tgts:
            shp = cmds.listRelatives(src, s=True)[0]
            sg = cmds.listConnections(shp, t="shadingEngine")[0]
            tshp = cmds.listRelatives(tgt, s=True)[0]
            cmds.sets(tshp, e=True, forceElement=sg)
        print "Copy shader assignment cancelled"
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def copySkinComponents(source, destinationVerts):

    if not mc.listRelatives(source, shapes=True):
        raise RuntimeError('Source object must be geometry.')

    sourceSkin = getSkinCluster(source)

    if not sourceSkin:
        raise RuntimeError("Source mesh doesn't have a skinCluster to copy from.")

    destMesh =[0], o=True)[0]
    destMesh = mc.listRelatives(destMesh, parent=True)[0]
    destSkin = copySkinInfluences(source, destMesh)

    tempSet = mc.sets(destinationVerts), tempSet)


项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_shaders(relationships, namespace=None):
    """Given a dictionary of `relationships`, apply shaders to meshes

        relationships (avalon-core:shaders-1.0): A dictionary of
            shaders and how they relate to meshes.


    if namespace is not None:
        # Append namespace to shader group identifier.
        # E.g. `blinn1SG` -> `Bruce_:blinn1SG`
        relationships = {
            "%s:%s" % (namespace, shader): relationships[shader]
            for shader in relationships

    for shader, ids in relationships.items():
        print("Looking for '%s'.." % shader)
        shader = next(iter(, None)
        assert shader, "Associated shader not part of asset, this is a bug"

        for id_ in ids:
            mesh, faces = (id_.rsplit(".", 1) + [""])[:2]

            # Find all meshes matching this particular ID
            # Convert IDs to mesh + id, e.g. "nameOfNode.f[1:100]"
            meshes = list(
                ".".join([mesh, faces])
                for mesh in avalon.maya.lib.lsattr("mbID", value=mesh)

            if not meshes:

            print("Assigning '%s' to '%s'" % (shader, ", ".join(meshes)))
            cmds.sets(meshes, forceElement=shader)
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_ncloth(input_mesh):
    """Replace Create nCloth menu item

    This performs the identical option of nCloth -> Create nCloth
    with the following changes.

    1. Input mesh not made intermediate
    2. Current mesh and shape named "currentMesh"

        input_mesh (str): Path to shape


    assert cmds.nodeType(input_mesh) == "mesh", (
        "%s was not of type mesh" % input_mesh)

    nucleus = cmds.createNode("nucleus", name="nucleus1")
    ncloth = cmds.createNode("nCloth", name="nClothShape1")
    current_mesh = cmds.createNode("mesh", name="currentMesh")

    cmds.connectAttr(input_mesh + ".worldMesh[0]", ncloth + ".inputMesh")
    cmds.connectAttr(ncloth + ".outputMesh", current_mesh + ".inMesh")
    cmds.connectAttr("time1.outTime", nucleus + ".currentTime")
    cmds.connectAttr("time1.outTime", ncloth + ".currentTime")
    cmds.connectAttr(ncloth + ".currentState", nucleus + ".inputActive[0]")
    cmds.connectAttr(ncloth + ".startState", nucleus + ".inputActiveStart[0]")
    cmds.connectAttr(nucleus + ".outputObjects[0]", ncloth + ".nextState")
    cmds.connectAttr(nucleus + ".startFrame", ncloth + ".startFrame")

    # Assign default shader
    cmds.sets(current_mesh, addElement="initialShadingGroup")

    return current_mesh
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process(self, name, namespace, context, data):
        from maya import cmds

        self[:] = cmds.file(
            groupName=namespace + ":" + name

        # Assign default shader to meshes
        meshes =, type="mesh")
        cmds.sets(meshes, forceElement="initialShadingGroup")
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process(self, instance):
        from maya import cmds

        missing = list()

        for member in ("controls_SET",
            if member not in instance:

        assert not missing, "\"%s\" is missing members: %s" % (
            instance, ", ".join("\"" + member + "\"" for member in missing))

        # Ensure all output has IDs.
        # As user may inadvertently add to the out_SET without
        # realising, and some of the new members may be non-meshes,
        # or meshes without and ID
        missing = list()

        for node in cmds.sets("out_SET", query=True) or list():

            # Only check transforms with shapes that are meshes
            shapes = cmds.listRelatives(node, shapes=True) or list()
            meshes =, type="mesh")

            if not meshes:

      "Checking '%s'" % node)
                cmds.getAttr(node + ".mbID")
            except ValueError:

        assert not missing, ("Missing ID attribute on: %s"
                             % ", ".join(missing))
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process(self, instance):
        import os
        from maya import cmds

        # Resources are optional
        if "resources_SEL" not in instance:

        resources = dict()
        for resource in cmds.sets("resources_SEL", query=True):
            if cmds.nodeType(resource) == "reference":
                path = cmds.referenceQuery(resource,

            elif cmds.nodeType(resource) == "AlembicNode":
                path = cmds.getAttr(resource + ".abc_File")

                # Unsupported
                path = None

            resources[resource] = path

        # All resources were resolved
        assert all(resources.values()), (
            "Unsupported resource(s): " +
            ", ".join("'%s': '%s'" % (resource, path)
                      for resource, path in resources.items()
                      if path is not None)

        # No resource contains an absolute path
        assert not any(os.path.isabs(fname) for fname in resources), (
            "Some resources are absolute: " +
            ", ".join(resources)
项目:pyblish-starter    作者:pyblish    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process(self, instance):
        import os
        from maya import cmds

        # Resources are optional
        if "resources_SEL" not in instance:

        resources = dict()
        for resource in cmds.sets("resources_SEL", query=True):
            if cmds.nodeType(resource) == "reference":
                path = cmds.referenceQuery(resource,

            elif cmds.nodeType(resource) == "AlembicNode":
                path = cmds.getAttr(resource + ".abc_File")

                # Unsupported
                path = None

            resources[resource] = path

        # All resources were resolved
        assert all(resources.values()), (
            "Unsupported resource(s): " +
            ", ".join("'%s': '%s'" % (resource, path)
                      for resource, path in resources.items()
                      if path is not None)

        # No resource contains an absolute path
        assert not any(os.path.isabs(fname) for fname in resources), (
            "Some resources are absolute: " +
            ", ".join(resources)
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assignShaderList(self, *args):
        #assign the list of shaders to the geo in the new scene
        #check about namespaces, etc. How to deal with that? type in a namespace?
        #select the top node then use the | to split split the names of the objects
        #check-top node replaces top node, then replace on each object the first bit with selection, then other bits with SEL|thenRest . . .

        # #use this code to assign shadingGrp "sg" to object "obj"
        # cmds.sets(obj, fe=sg)

项目:core    作者:getavalon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process(self):
        nodes = list()

        if (self.options or {}).get("useSelection"):
            nodes =

        instance = cmds.sets(nodes,

        return instance
项目:core    作者:getavalon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_shaders(relationships, namespace=None):
    """Given a dictionary of `relationships`, apply shaders to meshes

        relationships (avalon-core:shaders-1.0): A dictionary of
            shaders and how they relate to meshes.


    if namespace is not None:
        # Append namespace to shader group identifier.
        # E.g. `blinn1SG` -> `Bruce_:blinn1SG`
        relationships = {
            "%s:%s" % (namespace, shader): relationships[shader]
            for shader in relationships

    for shader, ids in relationships.items():
        print("Looking for '%s'.." % shader)
        shader = next(iter(, None)
        assert shader, "Associated shader not part of asset, this is a bug"

        for id_ in ids:
            mesh, faces = (id_.rsplit(".", 1) + [""])[:2]

            # Find all meshes matching this particular ID
            # Convert IDs to mesh + id, e.g. "nameOfNode.f[1:100]"
            meshes = list(".".join([mesh, faces])
                          for mesh in lsattr("mbID", value=mesh))

            if not meshes:

            print("Assigning '%s' to '%s'" % (shader, ", ".join(meshes)))
            cmds.sets(meshes, forceElement=shader)
项目:core    作者:getavalon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove(container):
    """Remove an existing `container` from Maya scene

    Deprecated; this functionality is replaced by `api.remove()`

        container (avalon-core:container-1.0): Which container
            to remove from scene.


    node = container["objectName"]

    # Assume asset has been referenced
    reference_node = next((node for node in cmds.sets(node, query=True)
                          if cmds.nodeType(node) == "reference"), None)

    assert reference_node, ("Imported container not supported; "
                            "container must be referenced.")"Removing '%s' from Maya.." % container["name"])

    namespace = cmds.referenceQuery(reference_node, namespace=True)
    fname = cmds.referenceQuery(reference_node, filename=True)
    cmds.file(fname, removeReference=True)

    except ValueError:
        # Already implicitly deleted by Maya upon removing reference

        # If container is not automatically cleaned up by May (issue #118)
        cmds.namespace(removeNamespace=namespace, deleteNamespaceContent=True)
    except RuntimeError:
项目:3D_Software_and_Python    作者:p4vv37    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_object(verts_pos, face_verts):

    Function creates an object with mesh given by vertice and face data.

    :type face_verts: Python list
    :type verts_pos: Python list

    shark_mesh = om.MObject()
    points = om.MFloatPointArray() # An array that is storing positions od vertices. Do not include id of vertices

    for vert in verts_pos:  # add every point to Maya float points array
        p = om.MFloatPoint(vert[0], vert[2], -vert[1])

    face_connects = om.MIntArray()  # an array for vertice numbers per face.
    face_counts = om.MIntArray()  # an array for total number of vertices per face
    for verts in face_verts:
        # In Maya mesh is created on a base of two arrays: list of vertice numbers and list of numbers of vertices
        # of faces. Vertice numbers from the first list are not grouped by faces, this is just a one dimmension array.
        # Based on this list only it would be impossible to recreate mesh, becouse number of vertices in faces may vary
        # (in this example every face have 3 vertices, but this is not obligatory).
        #  The second array stores the number of vertices of faces. From this list Mata gets a number of vertices of a
        # face, let's call it N, then assigns next N vertices to this face. The process is repeated for every face.

        face_connects.append(verts[0])  # Append vertices of face.
        face_counts.append(len(verts))  # append the number of vertices for this face
    mesh_fs = om.MFnMesh()
    mesh_fs.create(points, face_counts, face_connects, parent=shark_mesh)
    node_name =
    cmds.polySoftEdge(node_name, a=30, ch=1) # Automatically soften the edges of the mesh

    # assign new mesh to default shading group
    cmds.sets(node_name, e=True, fe='initialShadingGroup')
    return cmds.listRelatives(node_name, fullPath=True, parent=True) # node name stores a name of Shape node.
    #  Most functions need a Transform node. Ths line returns it.
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clone(shape, worldspace=False):
    """Clone `shape`

        shape (str): Absolute path to shape
        worldspace (bool, optional): Whether or not to consider worldspace

        node (str): Newly created clone


    type = cmds.nodeType(shape)
    assert type in ("mesh", "nurbsSurface", "nurbsCurve"), (
        "clone() works on polygonal and nurbs surfaces")

    src, dst = {
        "mesh": (".outMesh", ".inMesh"),
        "nurbsSurface": (".local", ".create"),
        "nurbsCurve": (".local", ".create"),

    nodetype = cmds.nodeType(shape)

    name = lib.unique(name=shape.rsplit("|")[-1])
    clone = cmds.createNode(nodetype, name=name)

    cmds.connectAttr(shape + src, clone + dst, force=True)

    if worldspace:
        transform = cmds.createNode("transformGeometry",
                                    name=name + "_transformGeometry")

        cmds.connectAttr(shape + src,
                         transform + ".inputGeometry", force=True)
        cmds.connectAttr(shape + ".worldMatrix[0]",
                         transform + ".transform", force=True)
        cmds.connectAttr(transform + ".outputGeometry",
                         clone + dst, force=True)

    # Assign default shader
    cmds.sets(clone, addElement="initialShadingGroup")

    return clone
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def auto_connect_assets(src, dst):
    """Attempt to automatically two assets

        src (str): Name of source reference node
        dst (str): Name of destination reference node

        StopIteration on missing in_SET


    in_set = None

    for node in cmds.referenceQuery(dst, nodes=True):
        if node.endswith("in_SET"):
            in_set = node

    for input_transform in cmds.sets(in_set, query=True):
        mbid = cmds.getAttr(input_transform + ".mbID")
        input_shape = cmds.listRelatives(input_transform, shapes=True)[0]

        for output_transform in lib.lsattr("mbID", value=mbid):

            ref = cmds.referenceQuery(output_transform, referenceNode=True)
            if ref != src:

            print("Connecting %s -> %s" % (output_transform, input_transform))
            output_shape = cmds.listRelatives(output_transform, shapes=True)[0]

                auto_connect(output_transform, input_transform)
            except RuntimeError:
                # Already connected

                auto_connect(output_shape, input_shape)
            except RuntimeError:
                # Already connected
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process(self, context):
        from maya import cmds

        for objset in"*.id",
                              long=True,            # Produce full names
                              type="objectSet",     # Only consider objectSets
                              recursive=True,       # Include namespace
                              objectsOnly=True):    # Return objectSet, rather
                                                    # than its members

            is_empty = cmds.sets(objset, query=True) is None
            if is_empty:
      "%s skipped, it was empty." % objset)

            if not cmds.objExists(objset + ".id"):

            if cmds.getAttr(objset + ".id") not in (

                    # Backwards compatibility


            # The developer is responsible for specifying
            # the family of each instance.
            assert cmds.objExists(objset + ".family"), (
                "\"%s\" was missing a family" % objset)

            data = dict()

            # Apply each user defined attribute as data
            for attr in cmds.listAttr(objset, userDefined=True) or list():
                    value = cmds.getAttr(objset + "." + attr)
                except Exception:
                    # Some attributes cannot be read directly,
                    # such as mesh and color attributes. These
                    # are considered non-essential to this
                    # particular publishing pipeline.
                    value = None

                data[attr] = value

            name =, long=False)[0]  # Use short name
            instance = context.create_instance(data.get("name", name))
            instance[:] = cmds.sets(objset, query=True) or list()

            # Produce diagnostic message for any graphical
            # user interface interested in visualising it.
  "Found: \"%s\" " %["name"])
项目:pyblish-starter    作者:pyblish    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create(name, family):
    """Create new instance

    Associate nodes with a name and family. These nodes are later
    validated, according to their `family`, and integrated into the
    shared environment, relative their `name`.

    Data relative each family, along with default data, are imprinted
    into the resulting objectSet. This data is later used by extractors
    and finally asset browsers to help identify the origin of the asset.

        name (str): Name of instance
        family (str): Name of family

        NameError on `name` already exists
        KeyError on invalid dynamic property
        RuntimeError on host error


    for item in api.registered_families():
        if item["name"] == family:

    assert item is not None, "{0} is not a valid family".format(family)

    data = api.registered_data() + item.get("data", [])

    # Convert to dictionary
    data = dict((i["key"], i["value"]) for i in data)

    instance = "%s_SEL" % name

    if cmds.objExists(instance):
        raise NameError("\"%s\" already exists." % instance)

    instance = cmds.sets(name=instance)

    # Resolve template
    for key, value in data.items():
            data[key] = value.format(
        except KeyError as e:
            raise KeyError("Invalid dynamic property: %s" % e)

    lib.imprint(instance, data), noExpand=True)

    return instance
项目:pyblish-starter    作者:pyblish    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process(self, context):
        from maya import cmds

            # Assertion also made in pyblish_starter.install()
            # but as plug-ins can be used vanilla, the check
            # must also be made here.
            import pyblish_maya
            assert pyblish_maya.is_setup()

        except (ImportError, AssertionError):
            raise RuntimeError("pyblish-starter requires pyblish-maya "
                               "to have been setup.")

        for objset in"*.id",
                              long=True,            # Produce full names
                              type="objectSet",     # Only consider objectSets
                              recursive=True,       # Include namespace
                              objectsOnly=True):    # Return objectSet, rather
                                                    # than its members

            if not cmds.objExists(objset + ".id"):

            if not cmds.getAttr(objset + ".id") == "pyblish.starter.instance":

            # The developer is responsible for specifying
            # the family of each instance.
            assert cmds.objExists(objset + ".family"), (
                "\"%s\" was missing a family" % objset)

            name =, long=False)[0]  # Use short name
            instance = context.create_instance(name)
            instance[:] = cmds.sets(objset, query=True) or list()

            # Apply each user defined attribute as data
            for attr in cmds.listAttr(objset, userDefined=True) or list():
                    value = cmds.getAttr(objset + "." + attr)
                    # Some attributes cannot be read directly,
                    # such as mesh and color attributes. These
                    # are considered non-essential to this
                    # particular publishing pipeline.
                    value = None

      [attr] = value

            # Produce diagnostic message for any graphical
            # user interface interested in visualising it.
  "Found: \"%s\" " %["name"])
项目:core    作者:getavalon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def containerise(name,
    """Bundle `nodes` into an assembly and imprint it with metadata

    Containerisation enables a tracking of version, author and origin
    for loaded assets.

        name (str): Name of resulting assembly
        namespace (str): Namespace under which to host container
        nodes (list): Long names of nodes to containerise
        context (dict): Asset information
        loader (str, optional): Name of loader used to produce this container.
        suffix (str, optional): Suffix of container, defaults to `_CON`.

        container (str): Name of container assembly

    container = cmds.sets(nodes, name="%s_%s_%s" % (namespace, name, suffix))

    data = [
        ("schema", "avalon-core:container-2.0"),
        ("id", "pyblish.avalon.container"),
        ("name", name),
        ("namespace", namespace),
        ("loader", str(loader)),
        ("representation", context["representation"]["_id"]),

    for key, value in data:
        if not value:

        if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
            cmds.addAttr(container, longName=key, attributeType="short")
            cmds.setAttr(container + "." + key, value)

            cmds.addAttr(container, longName=key, dataType="string")
            cmds.setAttr(container + "." + key, value, type="string")

    main_container =, type="objectSet")
    if not main_container:
        main_container = cmds.sets(empty=True, name=AVALON_CONTAINERS)
        main_container = main_container[0]

    cmds.sets(container, addElement=main_container)

    return container
项目:3D_Software_and_Python    作者:p4vv37    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prepare_scene(path):
    The function sets the basic parameters of the scene: time range and render settings.

    :param path: string - The directory with necessary files

    cmds.playbackOptions(min=0, max=260)  # Set the animation range

    cmds.autoKeyframe(state=False)  # Make sure, that the AutoKey button is disabled

    plugins_dirs = mel.getenv("MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH") # Mental Ray plugin is necessaryfor this script to run propperly.
    # Next lines check if the plugin is avaible and installs it or displays an allert window.
    # The plugins are accualy files placed in "MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH" directories, so this script gets those paths
    # and checks if there is a mental ray plugin file.

    for plugins_dir in plugins_dirs.split(';'):
        for filename in glob.glob(plugins_dir + '/*'): # For every filename in every directory of MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH
            if 'Mayatomr.mll' in filename: # if there is a mental ray plugin file then make sure it is loaded
                if not cmds.pluginInfo('Mayatomr', query=True, loaded=True):
                    cmds.loadPlugin('Mayatomr', quiet=True)
                cmds.setAttr('', 'mentalRay', type='string') # Set the render engine to MR
                # Next lines are a workaround for some bugs. The first one is that the render settings window has to be
                # opened before setting attributes of the render. If it would not be, thhen Maya would display an error
                # saying that such options do not exist.
                # The second bug is that after running this scrpt the window was blank and it was impossible to set
                # parameters. This is a common bug and it can be repaired by closing this window with
                # cmds.deleteUI('unifiedRenderGlobalsWindow') command

                cmds.setAttr('miDefaultOptions.finalGather', 1)
                cmds.setAttr('miDefaultOptions.miSamplesQualityR', 1)
                cmds.setAttr('miDefaultOptions.lightImportanceSamplingQuality', 2)
                cmds.setAttr('miDefaultOptions.finalGather', 1)
        print("Mental Ray plugin is not avaible. It can be found on the Autodesk website: ",
        alert_box =  QtGui.QMessageBox()
        alert_box.setText("Mental Ray plugin is not avaible. It can be found on the Autodesk website: " +
              "" +

    cam ="RenderCamera", focusDistance=35, position=[-224.354, 79.508, 3.569],
                      rotation=[-19.999,-90,0])  # create camera to set background (imageplane)
    # Set Image Plane for camera background
    cmds.imagePlane([1], fileName=(path.replace("\\", "/") + '/bg.bmp'))
    cmds.setAttr("imagePlaneShape1.depth", 400)
    cmds.setAttr("", 4)