Python numpy 模块,rad2deg() 实例源码


项目:deep-prior    作者:moberweger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transformImg(self, img, t):
        imgT = img.transform((int(img.size[0]*t[3]),int(img.size[1]*t[3])), Image.EXTENT, (0,0,img.size[0],img.size[1]), Image.BILINEAR)
        imgT = imgT.rotate(numpy.rad2deg(t[0]), Image.BILINEAR, expand=1)
        if t[4] == 1.:
            imgT = imgT.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)

        # crop only valid part
        if self.crop:
            imgT = imgT.crop(self.getInscribedRectangle(t[0], (img.size[0]*t[3], img.size[1]*t[3])))

        # crop from translation
        imgT = imgT.resize((int(self.imgSize[0]*1.1), int(self.imgSize[1]*1.1)), Image.BILINEAR)
        xstart = int((imgT.size[0] // 2 - t[1]) - self.imgSize[0] // 2)
        ystart = int((imgT.size[1] // 2 - t[2]) - self.imgSize[1] // 2)
        assert xstart >= 0 and ystart >= 0
        return imgT.crop((xstart, ystart, xstart+self.imgSize[0], ystart+self.imgSize[1]))
项目:astromalign    作者:dstndstn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getApproxRotation(self):
        # do an SVD to express T as a rotation matrix.
        M = np.array([[self.T[0]+1., self.T[1]], [self.T[2], self.T[3]+1.]])
        U,S,V = np.linalg.svd(M)
        print 'approx rotation:'
        print 'M='
        print M
        print 'U='
        print U
        print 'V='
        print V
        print 'S='
        print S
        r1 = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(U[0,1], U[0,0]))
        r2 = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(V[0,1], V[0,0]))
        print 'r1', r1
        print 'r2', r2
        print 'rotation', r1-r2
        return r1-r2
项目:KRPC    作者:BevoLJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def azimuth(_lAz_data):
        _inc = _lAz_data[0]
        _lat = _lAz_data[1]
        velocity_eq = _lAz_data[2]

        def _az_calc():
            inert_az = np.arcsin(max(min(np.cos(np.deg2rad(_inc)) / np.cos(np.deg2rad(_lat)), 1), -1))
            _VXRot = _lAz_data[3] * np.sin(inert_az) - velocity_eq * np.cos(np.deg2rad(_lat))
            _VYRot = _lAz_data[3] * np.cos(inert_az)

            return np.rad2deg(np.fmod(np.arctan2(_VXRot, _VYRot) + (2 * pi), (2 * pi)))
        _az = _az_calc()

        if _lAz_data[4] == "Ascending": return _az

        if _lAz_data[4] == "Descending":
            if _az <= 90: return 180 - _az
            elif _az >= 270: return 540 - _az
项目:KRPC    作者:BevoLJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insertion_pitch(self):
        _circ_dv = self.circ_dv()
        _t_ap_dv = self.target_apoapsis_speed_dv()
        _m = np.rad2deg(self.mean_anomaly())
        _burn_time = self.maneuver_burn_time(self.circ_dv())

        def pitch_calcs_low():
                return (_t_ap_dv * (_circ_dv / 1000)) + (_m - (180 - (_burn_time / 12)))

        def pitch_calcs_high():
                return (_t_ap_dv * (_circ_dv / 1000)) + (_m - 180)

        if self.parking_orbit_alt <= 300000: return pitch_calcs_low()
        else: return pitch_calcs_high()
项目:KRPC    作者:BevoLJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def azimuth(_lAz_data):
        _inc = _lAz_data[0]
        _lat = _lAz_data[1]
        velocity_eq = _lAz_data[2]

        def _az_calc():
            inert_az = np.arcsin(max(min(np.cos(np.deg2rad(_inc)) / np.cos(np.deg2rad(_lat)), 1), -1))
            _VXRot = _lAz_data[3] * np.sin(inert_az) - velocity_eq * np.cos(np.deg2rad(_lat))
            _VYRot = _lAz_data[3] * np.cos(inert_az)

            return np.rad2deg(np.fmod(np.arctan2(_VXRot, _VYRot) + (2 * pi), (2 * pi)))
        _az = _az_calc()

        if _lAz_data[4] == "Ascending": return _az

        if _lAz_data[4] == "Descending":
            if _az <= 90: return 180 - _az
            elif _az >= 270: return 540 - _az
项目:KRPC    作者:BevoLJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def azimuth(_lAz_data):
        _inc = _lAz_data[0]
        _lat = _lAz_data[1]
        velocity_eq = _lAz_data[2]

        def _az_calc():
            inert_az = np.arcsin(max(min(np.cos(np.deg2rad(_inc)) / np.cos(np.deg2rad(_lat)), 1), -1))
            _VXRot = _lAz_data[3] * np.sin(inert_az) - velocity_eq * np.cos(np.deg2rad(_lat))
            _VYRot = _lAz_data[3] * np.cos(inert_az)

            return np.rad2deg(np.fmod(np.arctan2(_VXRot, _VYRot) + (2 * pi), (2 * pi)))
        _az = _az_calc()

        if _lAz_data[4] == "Ascending": return _az

        if _lAz_data[4] == "Descending":
            if _az <= 90: return 180 - _az
            elif _az >= 270: return 540 - _az
项目:KRPC    作者:BevoLJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insertion_pitch(self):
        _circ_dv = self.circ_dv()
        _t_ap_dv = self.target_apoapsis_speed_dv()
        _m = np.rad2deg(self.mean_anomaly())
        _burn_time = self.maneuver_burn_time(self.circ_dv())

        def pitch_calcs_low():
                return (_t_ap_dv * (_circ_dv / 1000)) + (_m - (180 - (_burn_time / 12)))

        def pitch_calcs_high():
                return (_t_ap_dv * (_circ_dv / 1000)) + (_m - 180)

        if self.target_orbit_alt <= 250000: return pitch_calcs_low()
        else: return pitch_calcs_high()
项目:KRPC    作者:BevoLJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def azimuth(_lAz_data):
        _inc = _lAz_data[0]
        _lat = _lAz_data[1]
        velocity_eq = _lAz_data[2]

        def _az_calc():
            inert_az = np.arcsin(max(min(np.cos(np.deg2rad(_inc)) / np.cos(np.deg2rad(_lat)), 1), -1))
            _VXRot = _lAz_data[3] * np.sin(inert_az) - velocity_eq * np.cos(np.deg2rad(_lat))
            _VYRot = _lAz_data[3] * np.cos(inert_az)

            return np.rad2deg(np.fmod(np.arctan2(_VXRot, _VYRot) + 360, 360))
        _az = _az_calc()

        if _lAz_data[4] == "Ascending": return _az

        if _lAz_data[4] == "Descending":
            if _az <= 90: return 180 - _az
            elif _az >= 270: return 540 - _az
项目:neural-chessboard    作者:maciejczyzewski    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def SortByAngle(kNearestPoints, currentPoint, prevPoint):
    ''' Sorts the k nearest points given by angle '''
    angles = np.zeros(kNearestPoints.shape[0])
    i = 0
    for NearestPoint in kNearestPoints:
        # calculate the angle
        angle = np.arctan2(NearestPoint[1]-currentPoint[1],
                NearestPoint[0]-currentPoint[0]) - \
        angle = np.rad2deg(angle)
        # only positive angles
        angle = np.mod(angle+360,360)
        #print NearestPoint[0], NearestPoint[1], angle
        angles[i] = angle
    return kNearestPoints[np.argsort(angles)]
项目:DW-POSSUM    作者:marksgraham    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_motion_level(directory,translation_threshold=2.5,rotation_threshold=2.5):
  '''Roughly classify the amount of motion per slice for calculating likelihood of signal dropouts - 1 = severe motion, 2 = moderate motion'''
  motion_path = os.path.join(directory,'motion')
  motion = np.loadtxt(motion_path)
  max_motion = np.max(motion[:,1:],axis=0)
  min_motion = np.min(motion[:,1:],axis=0)
  diff_motion = np.abs(max_motion-min_motion)
  diff_motion[:3] = diff_motion[:3]*1000
  diff_motion[3:] = np.rad2deg(diff_motion[3:])

  if np.any( diff_motion[:3] > translation_threshold):
      return 1    
  elif np.any(diff_motion[3:] > rotation_threshold):
      return 1
  elif np.any( diff_motion[:3] > 1):
      return 2    
  elif np.any(diff_motion[3:] > 1):
      return 2
      return 0
项目:fg21sim    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_Tb(self, freq):
        Calculate the surface brightness  temperature of the point sources.

        freq: `~astropy.units.Quantity`
             Frequency, e.g., `1.0*au.MHz`

        Tb_list: list
             Point sources brightness temperature
        # Tb_list
        num_ps = self.ps_catalog.shape[0]
        Tb_list = np.zeros((num_ps,))
        sr_to_arcsec2 = (np.rad2deg(1) * 3600) ** 2  # [sr] -> [arcsec^2]
        # Iteratively calculate Tb
        for i in range(num_ps):
            ps_area = self.ps_catalog['Area (sr)'][i]  # [sr]
            area = ps_area * sr_to_arcsec2
            Tb_list[i] = self.calc_single_Tb(area, freq)

        return Tb_list
项目:fg21sim    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_Tb(self, freq):
        Calculate the surface brightness  temperature of the point sources.

        freq: `~astropy.units.Quantity`
             Frequency, e.g., `1.0*au.MHz`

        Tb_list: list
             Point sources brightness temperature
        # Tb_list
        num_ps = self.ps_catalog.shape[0]
        Tb_list = np.zeros((num_ps, 3))
        sr_to_arcsec2 = (np.rad2deg(1) * 3600) ** 2  # [sr] -> [arcsec^2]
        # Iteratively calculate Tb
        for i in range(num_ps):
            ps_area = self.ps_catalog['Area (sr)'][i]  # [sr]
            area = ps_area * sr_to_arcsec2
            Tb_list[i, :] = self.calc_single_Tb(area, freq)

        return Tb_list
项目:fg21sim    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_Tb(self, freq):
        Calculate the surface brightness  temperature of the point sources.

        freq: `~astropy.units.Quantity`
             Frequency, e.g., `1.0*au.MHz`

        Tb_list: list
             Point sources brightness temperature
        # Tb_list
        num_ps = self.ps_catalog.shape[0]
        Tb_list = np.zeros((num_ps,))
        sr_to_arcsec2 = (np.rad2deg(1) * 3600) ** 2  # [sr] -> [arcsec^2]
        # Iteratively calculate Tb
        for i in range(num_ps):
            ps_area = self.ps_catalog['Area (sr)'][i]  # [sr]
            area = ps_area * sr_to_arcsec2
            Tb_list[i] = self.calc_single_Tb(area, freq)

        return Tb_list
项目:fg21sim    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_Tb(self, freq):
        Calculate the surface brightness  temperature of the point sources.

        freq: `~astropy.units.Quantity`
             Frequency, e.g., `1.0*au.MHz`

        Tb_list: list
             Point sources brightness temperature
        # Tb_list
        num_ps = self.ps_catalog.shape[0]
        Tb_list = np.zeros((num_ps,))
        sr_to_arcsec2 = (np.rad2deg(1) * 3600) ** 2  # [sr] -> [arcsec^2]
        # Iteratively calculate Tb
        for i in range(num_ps):
            ps_area = self.ps_catalog['Area (sr)'][i]  # [sr]
            area = ps_area * sr_to_arcsec2
            Tb_list[i] = self.calc_single_Tb(area, freq)

        return Tb_list
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insertion_pitch(self):
        _circ_dv = self.circ_dv()
        _t_ap_dv = self.target_apoapsis_speed_dv()
        _m = np.rad2deg(self.mean_anomaly())
        _burn_time = self.maneuver_burn_time(self.circ_dv())

        def pitch_calcs_low():
                return (_t_ap_dv * (_circ_dv / 1000)) + (_m - (180 - (_burn_time / 12)))

        def pitch_calcs_high():
                return (_t_ap_dv * (_circ_dv / 1000)) + (_m - 180)

        if self.parking_orbit_alt <= 300000: return pitch_calcs_low()
        else: return pitch_calcs_high()
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def azimuth(_lAz_data):
        _inc = _lAz_data[0]
        _lat = _lAz_data[1]
        velocity_eq = _lAz_data[2]

        def _az_calc():
            inert_az = np.arcsin(max(min(np.cos(np.deg2rad(_inc)) / np.cos(np.deg2rad(_lat)), 1), -1))
            _VXRot = _lAz_data[3] * np.sin(inert_az) - velocity_eq * np.cos(np.deg2rad(_lat))
            _VYRot = _lAz_data[3] * np.cos(inert_az)

            return np.rad2deg(np.fmod(np.arctan2(_VXRot, _VYRot) + (2 * pi), (2 * pi)))
        _az = _az_calc()

        if _lAz_data[4] == "Ascending": return _az

        if _lAz_data[4] == "Descending":
            if _az <= 90: return 180 - _az
            elif _az >= 270: return 540 - _az
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insertion_pitch(self):
        _circ_dv = self.circ_dv()
        _t_ap_dv = self.target_apoapsis_speed_dv()
        _m = np.rad2deg(self.mean_anomaly())
        _burn_time = self.maneuver_burn_time(self.circ_dv())

        def pitch_calcs_low():
                return (_t_ap_dv * (_circ_dv / 1000)) + (_m - (180 - (_burn_time / 12)))

        def pitch_calcs_high():
                return (_t_ap_dv * (_circ_dv / 1000)) + (_m - 180)

        if self.target_orbit_alt <= 250000: 
            self.pitchMode = "INS LOW"
            return pitch_calcs_low()
            self.pitchMode = "INS HIGH"
            return pitch_calcs_high()
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def azimuth(_lAz_data):
        _inc = _lAz_data[0]
        _lat = _lAz_data[1]
        velocity_eq = _lAz_data[2]

        def _az_calc():
            inert_az = np.arcsin(max(min(np.cos(np.deg2rad(_inc)) / np.cos(np.deg2rad(_lat)), 1), -1))
            _VXRot = _lAz_data[3] * np.sin(inert_az) - velocity_eq * np.cos(np.deg2rad(_lat))
            _VYRot = _lAz_data[3] * np.cos(inert_az)

            return np.rad2deg(np.fmod(np.arctan2(_VXRot, _VYRot) + 360, 360))
        _az = _az_calc()

        if _lAz_data[4] == "Ascending": return _az

        if _lAz_data[4] == "Descending":
            if _az <= 90: return 180 - _az
            elif _az >= 270: return 540 - _az
项目:GY-91_and_PiCamera_RaspberryPi    作者:mikechan0731    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def magic3(self):
        time_end = 5123

        real_hofong_fix_pts = pd.read_csv('20161012_HoFong/control_points_coodination.csv').sort(ascending=False)
        real_hofong_fix_pts['N'] = real_hofong_fix_pts['N'] - real_hofong_fix_pts['N'][129]
        real_hofong_fix_pts['E'] = real_hofong_fix_pts['E'] - real_hofong_fix_pts['E'][129] # last data name=2717, index=129

        N_diff = np.diff(real_hofong_fix_pts['N'])
        E_diff = np.diff(real_hofong_fix_pts['E'])

        hofong_deg = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(N_diff, E_diff))
        hofong_deg = hofong_deg - hofong_deg[0]
        hofong_deg_diff = np.cumsum(np.diff(hofong_deg))

        interp_hofong = np.interp(np.arange(100), np.arange(hofong_deg_diff.size), hofong_deg_diff)

        #plt.plot(hofong_deg, label='hahaxd')
        #plt.plot(hofong_deg_diff, label='hehexd')
项目:srcsim2017    作者:ZarjRobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def segment_angle(line1, line2):
        """ Angle between two segments """
        vector_a = np.array([line1[0][0]-line1[1][0],
        vector_b = np.array([line2[0][0]-line2[1][0],
        # Get dot prod
        dot_prod =, vector_b)
        # Get magnitudes
        magnitude_a =, vector_a)**0.5
        magnitude_b =, vector_b)**0.5
        # Get angle in radians and then convert to degrees
        angle = np.arccos(dot_prod/magnitude_b/magnitude_a)
        # Basically doing angle <- angle mod 360
        ang_deg = np.rad2deg(angle)%360

        if ang_deg-180 >= 0:
            # As in if statement
            return 360 - ang_deg
            return ang_deg
项目:py-NnK    作者:FMassin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sphere2basemap(map, azimuthangle_polarangle_radialdistance):

    ## PT axis should not be givien to this, not same convention!

    azimuth = -1* (360 - (450. - np.rad2deg(azimuthangle_polarangle_radialdistance[0]))) # 450-
    takeoff =  90. - np.rad2deg(azimuthangle_polarangle_radialdistance[1]) #90. -
    #radius = azimuthangle_polarangle_radialdistance[2]

    while len(takeoff[takeoff>90.])>0 or len(takeoff[takeoff<-90.])>0 :

        azimuth[takeoff <-90.] += 180.
        takeoff[takeoff <-90.] = -180 - takeoff[takeoff <-90.]

        azimuth[takeoff  >90.] += 180.
        takeoff[takeoff  >90.] = 180 - takeoff[takeoff >90.]

    while len(azimuth[azimuth>360.])>0 or len(azimuth[azimuth<0.])>0 :

        azimuth[azimuth   <0.] += 360.
        azimuth[azimuth >360.] -= 360.

    return map( azimuth, takeoff )
项目:py-NnK    作者:FMassin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mt_diff( mt1, mt2):

    fps = np.deg2rad([mt1.get_fps(), mt2.get_fps()])
    diff = [999999999, 999999999]
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):

            test = haversine(lon1=fps[0][i][0], phi1=fps[0][i][1], lon2=fps[1][j][0], phi2=fps[1][j][1], radius=1.)

            while test>np.pi/2:
                test -= np.pi/2

            if test < diff[i]:
                diff[i] = test

    return np.rad2deg(np.mean(diff))
项目:pyins    作者:nmayorov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _correct(self, x):
        i = self.traj.shape[0] - 1
        d_lat = x[1] / earth.R0
        d_lon = x[0] / (earth.R0 * np.cos(self.lat_arr[i]))
        self.lat_arr[i] -= d_lat
        self.lon_arr[i] -= d_lon

        phi = x[4:7]
        phi[2] += d_lon * np.sin(self.lat_arr[i])

        VE_new = self.VE_arr[i] - x[2]
        VN_new = self.VN_arr[i] - x[3]

        self.VE_arr[i] = VE_new - phi[2] * VN_new
        self.VN_arr[i] = VN_new + phi[2] * VE_new

        self.Cnb_arr[i] = dcm.from_rv(phi).dot(self.Cnb_arr[i])
        h, p, r = dcm.to_hpr(self.Cnb_arr[i])

        self.traj.iloc[-1] = [np.rad2deg(self.lat_arr[i]),
                              self.VE_arr[i], self.VN_arr[i], h, p, r]
项目:satpy    作者:pytroll    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info,
                 prologue, epilogue):
        """Initialize the reader."""
        super(HRITGOMSFileHandler, self).__init__(filename, filename_info,
        self.prologue = prologue.prologue
        self.epilogue = epilogue.epilogue
        self.chid = self.mda['spectral_channel_id']
        sublon = self.epilogue['GeometricProcessing']['TGeomNormInfo']['SubLon']
        sublon = sublon[self.chid]
        self.mda['projection_parameters']['SSP_longitude'] = np.rad2deg(sublon)

        satellite_id = self.prologue['SatelliteStatus']['SatelliteID']
        self.platform_name = SPACECRAFTS[satellite_id]
项目:satpy    作者:pytroll    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _lonlat_from_geos_angle(x, y, geos_area):
    """Get lons and lats from x, y in projection coordinates."""
    h = (geos_area.proj_dict['h'] + geos_area.proj_dict['a']) / 1000
    b__ = (geos_area.proj_dict['a'] / geos_area.proj_dict['b']) ** 2

    sd = np.sqrt((h * np.cos(x) * np.cos(y)) ** 2 -
                 (np.cos(y)**2 + b__ * np.sin(y)**2) *
                 (h**2 - (geos_area.proj_dict['a'] / 1000)**2))
    #sd = 0

    sn = (h * np.cos(x) * np.cos(y) - sd) / (np.cos(y)**2 + b__ * np.sin(y)**2)
    s1 = h - sn * np.cos(x) * np.cos(y)
    s2 = sn * np.sin(x) * np.cos(y)
    s3 = -sn * np.sin(y)
    sxy = np.sqrt(s1**2 + s2**2)

    lons = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(s2, s1)) + geos_area.proj_dict.get('lon_0', 0)
    lats = np.rad2deg(-np.arctan2(b__ * s3, sxy))

    return lons, lats
项目:scikit-discovery    作者:MITHaystack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def xyzToSpherical(x,y,z):
    Convert x,y,z to spherical coordinates

    @param x: Cartesian coordinate x
    @param y: Cartesian coordinate y
    @param z: Cartesian coordinate z

    @return numpy array of latitude,longitude, and radius
    radius = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
    theta = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(y,x))
    phi = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(z/radius))
    # lon = (theta + 180) % 360 - 180
    # lon = (theta + 360) % 360
    lon = theta
    lat = 90 - phi

    return np.array([lat,lon,radius]).T
项目:chemcoord    作者:mcocdawc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _calculate_zmat_values(self, construction_table):
        c_table = construction_table
        if not isinstance(c_table, pd.DataFrame):
            if isinstance(c_table, pd.Series):
                c_table = pd.DataFrame(c_table).T
                c_table = np.array(c_table)
                if len(c_table.shape) == 1:
                    c_table = c_table[None, :]
                c_table = pd.DataFrame(
                    data=c_table[:, 1:], index=c_table[:, 0],
                    columns=['b', 'a', 'd'])
        c_table = c_table.replace(constants.int_label).astype('i8')
        c_table.index = c_table.index.astype('i8')

        new_index = c_table.index.append(self.index.difference(c_table.index))
        X = self.loc[new_index, ['x', 'y', 'z']].values.astype('f8').T
        c_table = c_table.replace(dict(zip(new_index, range(len(self)))))
        c_table = c_table.values.T

        err, C = transformation.get_C(X, c_table)
        if err == ERR_CODE_OK:
            C[[1, 2], :] = np.rad2deg(C[[1, 2], :])
            return C.T
项目:kite    作者:pyrocko    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def orientArrow(self):
        phi = num.median(self.model.scene.phi)
        theta = num.median(self.model.scene.theta)

        angle = -num.rad2deg(phi)
        theta_f = theta / (num.pi/2)

        tipAngle = 30. + theta_f * 20.
        tailLen = 15 + theta_f * 15.

项目:pyImageClassification    作者:tyiannak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getCornerFeatures(img):
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    corners = skimage.feature.corner_peaks(skimage.feature.corner_fast(gray, 14), min_distance=1)
    orientations = skimage.feature.corner_orientations(gray, corners, octagon(3, 2))
    corners = np.rad2deg(orientations)

    corners = np.array(corners)
    AngleBins = np.arange(0,360,45);
    AngleBinsOrientation = np.array([0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1])
    OrientationHist = np.zeros((3,1))
    for a in corners:
        OrientationHist[AngleBinsOrientation[np.argmin(np.abs(a-AngleBins))]] += 1  

    if OrientationHist.sum()>0:
        OrientationHist = OrientationHist / OrientationHist.sum()
        OrientationHist = - 0.01*np.ones((3,1))

    F = []
    F.append(100.0*float(len(corners)) / ( gray.shape[0] * gray.shape[1] ) )
    Fnames = ["Corners-Hor", "Corners-Diag", "Corners-Ver", "Corners-Percent"]
    return (F, Fnames)
项目:empymod    作者:empymod    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, realpart, imagpart=None):
        """Create a new EMArray."""

        # Create complex obj
        if np.any(imagpart):
            obj = np.real(realpart) + 1j*np.real(imagpart)
            obj = np.asarray(realpart, dtype=complex)

        # Ensure its at least a 1D-Array, view cls
        obj = np.atleast_1d(obj).view(cls)

        # Store amplitude
        obj.amp = np.abs(obj)

        # Calculate phase, unwrap it, transform to degrees
        obj.pha = np.rad2deg(np.unwrap(np.angle(obj.real + 1j*obj.imag)))

        return obj

# 2. Input parameter checks for modelling

# 2.a <Check>s (alphabetically)
项目:Robo-Plot    作者:JackBuck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _estimate_current_anticlockwise_degrees_using_minarearect(self, spot_xy) -> float:
        # Find the minimum area rectangle around the number
        nearby_contour_groups = contour_tools.extract_contour_groups_close_to(
            self.contour_groups, target_point_xy=spot_xy, delta=self._min_pixels_between_contour_groups)
        nearby_contours = [c for grp in nearby_contour_groups for c in grp]
        box = cv2.minAreaRect(np.row_stack(nearby_contours))
        corners_xy = cv2.boxPoints(box).astype(np.int32)
        self._log_contours_on_current_image([corners_xy], name="Minimum area rectangle")

        # Construct a vector which, once correctly rotated, goes from the bottom right corner up & left at 135 degrees
        sorted_corners = sorted(corners_xy, key=lambda pt: np.linalg.norm(spot_xy - pt))
        bottom_right_corner = sorted_corners[0]  # The closest corner to the spot
        adjacent_corners = sorted_corners[1:3]  # The next two closest corners

        unit_vectors_along_box_edge = misc.normalised(adjacent_corners - bottom_right_corner)
        up_left_diagonal = unit_vectors_along_box_edge.sum(axis=0)

        degrees_of_up_left_diagonal = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(-up_left_diagonal[1], up_left_diagonal[0]))
        return degrees_of_up_left_diagonal - 135
项目:Robo-Plot    作者:JackBuck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_rotated_sub_image(image, centre, search_width, angle_rad):
    # Rotation transform requires x then y.
    M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((centre[1], centre[0]), np.rad2deg(angle_rad), 1.0)

    w = image.shape[1]
    h = centre[0] + int((image.shape[0] - centre[0]) * abs(math.sin(angle_rad)))
    rotated = cv2.warpAffine(image, M, (w, h))

    # Centre the last white centroid into the centre of the image.
    half_sub_image_width = int(min(min(search_width, centre[1]),
                                   min(rotated.shape[1] - centre[1], search_width)))

    sub_image = rotated[centre[0]:,
                centre[1] - half_sub_image_width: centre[1] + half_sub_image_width]

    return sub_image
项目:isambard    作者:woolfson-group    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rotate_monomers(self, angle, radians=False):
        """ Rotates each Residue in the Polypeptide.

        Each monomer is rotated about the axis formed between its
        corresponding primitive `PseudoAtom` and that of the 
        subsequent `Monomer`.

        angle : float
            Angle by which to rotate each monomer.
        radians : bool
            Indicates whether angle is in radians or degrees.
        if radians:
            angle = numpy.rad2deg(angle)
        for i in range(len(self.primitive) - 1):
            axis = self.primitive[i + 1]['CA'] - self.primitive[i]['CA']
            point = self.primitive[i]['CA']._vector
            self[i].rotate(angle=angle, axis=axis, point=point)
项目:vrep-env    作者:ycps    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def obj_get_joint_angle(self, handle):
        angle = self.RAPI_rc(vrep.simxGetJointPosition( self.cID,handle,
        return -np.rad2deg(angle[0])
项目:atoolbox    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cart2pol(x, y):
        rho = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
        phi = 180 + np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(y, x))  # 0-360 [deg]
        return (rho, phi)
项目:esys-pbi    作者:fsxfreak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def max_distance_deg(self):
        return np.rad2deg(self.max_distance)
项目:tea    作者:antorsae    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_lidar_csv_file(filename):
    with open(filename) as csvfile:
        reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)

        csv_rows = [row for row in reader]
        print "%s lidar records" % len(csv_rows)

        n_limit_rows = 1000000

        lidar_obss = []
        bbox_obss = [[],[],[]]

        for i, row in enumerate(csv_rows):
            if i > n_limit_rows - 1:

            time_ns = int(row['time'])
            x, y, z, yaw = float(row['x']), float(row['y']), float(row['z']), float(row['yaw'])
            l, w, h = float(row['l']), float(row['w']), float(row['h'])

            obs = LidarObservation(time_ns * 1e-9, x, y, z, yaw)


        yaw = [np.rad2deg(o.yaw) for o in lidar_obss]
        print np.std(yaw)

        return lidar_obss, bbox_obss
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def phase(z):
    val = np.angle(z)
    # val = np.rad2deg(np.unwrap(np.angle((z))))
    return val
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getReflectionandTransmission(sig1, sig2, f, theta_i, eps1=epsilon_0, eps2=epsilon_0, mu1=mu_0, mu2=mu_0,dtype="TE"):
    Compute reflection and refraction coefficient of plane waves
    theta_i = np.deg2rad(theta_i)
    omega = 2*np.pi*f

    k1 = np.sqrt(omega**2*mu1*eps1-1j*omega*mu1*sig1)
    k2 = np.sqrt(omega**2*mu2*eps2-1j*omega*mu2*sig2)

    if dtype == "TE":
        bunmo = mu2*k1*np.cos(theta_i) + mu1*(k2**2-k1**2*np.sin(theta_i)**2)**0.5
        bunja_r = mu2*k1*np.cos(theta_i) - mu1*(k2**2-k1**2*np.sin(theta_i)**2)**0.5
        bunja_t = 2*mu2*k1*np.cos(theta_i)
    elif dtype == "TM":
        bunmo = mu2*k1*(k2**2-k1**2*np.sin(theta_i)**2)**0.5 + mu1*k2**2 * np.cos(theta_i)
        bunja_r = mu2*k1*(k2**2-k1**2*np.sin(theta_i)**2)**0.5 - mu1*k2**2 * np.cos(theta_i)
        bunja_t = 2*mu1*k2**2*np.cos(theta_i)
        raise Exception("XXX")

    r = bunja_r / bunmo
    t = bunja_t / bunmo

    theta_t = np.rad2deg(abs(np.arcsin(k1/k2 * np.sin(theta_i))))
    return r, t, theta_t
项目:wiicop    作者:barnabuskev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rotXYZ(R, unit='deg'):
    """ Compute Euler angles from matrix R using XYZ sequence."""

    angles = np.zeros(3)
    angles[0] = np.arctan2(R[2, 1], R[2, 2])
    angles[1] = np.arctan2(-R[2, 0], np.sqrt(R[0, 0]**2 + R[1, 0]**2))
    angles[2] = np.arctan2(R[1, 0], R[0, 0])

    if unit[:3].lower() == 'deg':  # convert from rad to degree
        angles = np.rad2deg(angles)

    return angles
项目:py_sfm_depth    作者:geojames    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visibility(cam, footprints, targets):
    This function tests is the target points (x,y only) are "visable" (i.e.
    within the photo footprints) and calculates the "r" angle for the refraction 
    \t cam = Pandas dataframe (n x ~6, fields: x,y,z,yaw,pitch,roll)\n
    \t footprints = Pandas dataframe (n x 1) of Matplotlib Path objects\n
    \t targets = Pandas dataframe (n x ~3, fields: x,y,sfm_z...)\n

    RETURNS: r_filt = numpy array (n_points x n_cams) of filtered "r" angles.\n
    Points that are not visable to a camera will have a NaN "r" angle. 

    # Setup boolean array for visability
    vis = np.zeros((targets.shape[0],cam.shape[0])) 

    # for each path objec in footprints, check is the points in targets are
    #   within the path polygon. path.contains_points returns boolean.
    #   the results are accumulated in the vis array.
    for idx in range(footprints.shape[0]):
        path = footprints.fov[idx]
        vis[:,idx] = path.contains_points(np.array([targets.x.values, targets.y.values]).T)

    # calculate the coord. deltas between the cameras and the target
    dx = np.atleast_2d(cam.x.values) - np.atleast_2d(targets.x.values).T
    dy = np.atleast_2d(cam.y.values) - np.atleast_2d(targets.y.values).T
    dz = np.atleast_2d(cam.z.values) - np.atleast_2d(targets.sfm_z).T

    # calc xy distance (d)
    d = np.sqrt((dx)**2+(dy)**2)

    # calc inclination angle (r) from targets to cams
    r = np.rad2deg(np.arctan(d/dz))

    r_filt = r * vis
    r_filt[r_filt == 0] = np.nan

    return r_filt
项目:py_sfm_depth    作者:geojames    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visibility(cam, footprints, targets):
    This function tests is the target points (x,y only) are "visable" (i.e.
    within the photo footprints) and calculates the "r" angle for the refraction 
    \t cam = Pandas dataframe (n x ~6, fields: x,y,z,yaw,pitch,roll)\n
    \t footprints = Pandas dataframe (n x 1) of Matplotlib Path objects\n
    \t targets = Pandas dataframe (n x ~3, fields: x,y,sfm_z...)\n

    RETURNS: r_filt = numpy array (n_points x n_cams) of filtered "r" angles.\n
    Points that are not visable to a camera will have a NaN "r" angle. 

    # Setup boolean array for visability
    vis = np.zeros((targets.shape[0],cam.shape[0])) 

    # for each path objec in footprints, check is the points in targets are
    #   within the path polygon. path.contains_points returns boolean.
    #   the results are accumulated in the vis array.
    for idx in range(footprints.shape[0]):
        path = footprints.fov[idx]
        vis[:,idx] = path.contains_points(np.array([targets.x.values, targets.y.values]).T)

    # calculate the coord. deltas between the cameras and the target
    dx = np.atleast_2d(cam.x.values) - np.atleast_2d(targets.x.values).T
    dy = np.atleast_2d(cam.y.values) - np.atleast_2d(targets.y.values).T
    dz = np.atleast_2d(cam.z.values) - np.atleast_2d(targets.sfm_z).T

    # calc xy distance (d)
    d = np.sqrt((dx)**2+(dy)**2)

    # calc inclination angle (r) from targets to cams
    r = np.rad2deg(np.arctan(d/dz))

    r_filt = r * vis
    r_filt[r_filt == 0] = np.nan

    return r_filt
项目:KRPC    作者:BevoLJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insertion_pitch(self):
        _circ_dv = self.circ_dv()
        _t_ap_dv = self.target_apoapsis_speed_dv()
        _m = np.rad2deg(self.mean_anomaly())
        _burn_time = self.maneuver_burn_time(self.circ_dv())

        def pitch_calcs_low():
                return (_t_ap_dv * (_circ_dv / 1000)) + (_m - (180 - (_burn_time / 6)))

        def pitch_calcs_high():
                return (_t_ap_dv * (_circ_dv / 1000)) + (_m - 180)

        # if self.parking_orbit_alt <= 250000: return pitch_calcs_low()
        # else: return pitch_calcs_high()
        return pitch_calcs_high()
项目:KRPC    作者:BevoLJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test(self):
        # -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
        #             T E S T I N G              #
        # -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#

        while True:
项目:KRPC    作者:BevoLJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transfer(self):
        # -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
        #               L U N A R                #
        #            T R A N S F E R             #
        # -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#

        self.control.rcs = False
        self.control.throttle = 0
        self.ap.reference_frame = self.vessel.orbital_reference_frame
        self.ap.target_direction = (0, 1, 0)

        while self.mode != "Xfered":
            self.injection_ETA = self.xfer_ETA(self.ut() + self.seconds_finder(5, 16, 00),
                                               self.moon_LAN(), self.moon_argument_of_periapsis())

            if self.mode == "Testing":
                self.mode = "Xfered"

            if self.mode == "LEO Cruise":
                self.KSC.warp_to(self.ut() + self.injection_ETA - 140)
                if self.injection_ETA < 130: self.mode = "AoA"; print(self.mode); time.sleep(2)

            if self.mode == "AoA":
                if self.injection_ETA > 170: self.mode = "LEO Cruise"
                if self.injection_ETA > 25: self.fix_aoa(self.injection_ETA)
                elif self.injection_ETA <= 25: self.xfer()

            if self.mode == "Injection":
                if self.vessel.mass < 20: self.mode = "Xfered"; print(self.mode)


项目:evolvingcopter    作者:antocuni    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self, quad):
        Set the new position and rotation of the quadcopter: ``pos`` is a tuple
        (x, y, z), and rpy is a tuple (roll, pitch, yaw) expressed in
        x, y, z = quad.position
        roll, pitch, yaw = np.rad2deg(quad.rpy)
        self.quadplot.translate(x, y, z)
        self.quadplot.rotate(roll, 1, 0, 0, local=True)
        self.quadplot.rotate(pitch, 0, 1, 0, local=True)
        self.quadplot.rotate(yaw, 0, 0, 1, local=True)
        self.label_t.setText('t = %5.2f' % quad.t)
项目:POWER    作者:pennelise    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_to_degspd(u,v):
    """Convert arrays of u,v vectors to arrays of direction (in met.deg) and speed

    u - np array of the u (east) part of the vector
    v - np array of the v (north) part of the vector
    dir_spd = [] 
    wind_direction = (np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(-u,-v))) % 360.0
    wind_speed = np.sqrt(u ** 2 + v ** 2)
    return np.array(dir_spd) #[[list of wind dirs], [list of wind spds]]
项目:VLTPF    作者:avigan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rotate_interp_builtin(array, alpha, center, mode='constant', cval=0):
    Rotation with the built-in rotation function.

    The center of rotation is exactly ((dimx-1) / 2, (dimy-1) / 2),
    whatever the odd/even-ity of the image dimensions

    alpha_rad = -np.deg2rad(alpha)

    # center of rotation: ((dims[1]-1) / 2, (dims[0]-1) / 2)
    rotated = ndimage.interpolation.rotate(array, np.rad2deg(-alpha_rad), reshape=False, order=3, mode=mode, cval=cval)

    return rotated
项目:pymoskito    作者:cklb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_scene(self, x):
        x0 = x[0]
        phi1 = np.rad2deg(x[2])
        phi2 = np.rad2deg(x[4])

        # cart and shaft
        self.cart.set_x(-st.cart_length/2 + x0) = [x0, 0]

        t_phi1 = (mpl.transforms.Affine2D().rotate_deg_around(x0, 0, phi1)
                  + self.axes.transData)
        t_phi2 = (mpl.transforms.Affine2D().rotate_deg_around(x0, 0, phi2)
                  + self.axes.transData)

        # long pendulum
        self.long_pendulum.set_xy([-st.long_pendulum_radius + x0, 0])
                                          + x0, st.long_pendulum_height])

        # short pendulum
        self.short_pendulum.set_xy(np.array([-st.short_pendulum_radius, 0])
                                   + np.array([x0, 0]))
        self.short_pendulum_weight.set_xy([-st.pendulum_weight_radius + x0,

项目:freddie    作者:kunkkakada    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform(self, ppos, pdir, point):
        xr = point[0]-ppos[0]
        yr = point[1]-ppos[1]
        ang = angle_between360(pdir,northvector)
        #print np.rad2deg(ang)
        w = rotate([xr,yr],ang)
        return w+self.midpoint