Python numpy 模块,tril_indices_from() 实例源码


项目:graynet    作者:raamana    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_adjacency_matrix(out_dir, sid, expt_id):
    "Returns the adjacency matrix"

    vec_path = pjoin(out_dir, sid, '{}_graynet.csv'.format(expt_id))
    edge_vec = np.genfromtxt(vec_path)

    matrix_size = np.int64( (1.0 + np.sqrt(1.0+8.0*len(edge_vec)))/2.0 )
    edge_mat = np.zeros([matrix_size, matrix_size])

    # making this symmetric as required by nilearn's plot_connectome (stupid)
    # upper tri; diag +1; # lower tri; diag -1
    upper_tri = np.triu_indices_from(edge_mat, +1)
    lower_tri = np.tril_indices_from(edge_mat, -1)
    edge_mat[upper_tri] = edge_vec
    edge_mat[lower_tri] = edge_mat.T[lower_tri]

    return edge_mat
项目:pymake    作者:dtrckd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _data_iter_ma(self, data, randomize):
        if data is None:
            data_ma = self.frontend.data_ma
            data_ma = data

        order = np.arange(data_ma.size).reshape(data_ma.shape)
        masked = order[data_ma.mask]

        if self._is_symmetric:
            tril = np.tril_indices_from(data_ma, -1)
            tril = order[tril]
            masked =  np.append(masked, tril)

        # Remove masked value to the iteration list
        order = np.delete(order, masked)
        # Get the indexes of nodes (i,j) for each observed interactions
        order = list(zip(*np.unravel_index(order, data_ma.shape)))

        if randomize is True:
        return order
项目:pymake    作者:dtrckd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_iter(self, randomize=True):
        if not hasattr(self, '_order'):
            order = np.arange(self.data_ma.size).reshape(self.data_ma.shape)
            masked = order[self.data_ma.mask]

            if self._symmetric:
                tril = np.tril_indices_from(self.data_ma, -1)
                tril = order[tril]
                masked =  np.append(masked, tril)

            # Remove masked value to the iteration list
            order = np.delete(order, masked)
            # Get the indexes of nodes (i,j) for each observed interactions
            order = list(zip(*np.unravel_index(order, self.data_ma.shape)))
            self._order = order
            order = self._order

        if randomize is True:
        return order

    # @debug: symmetric matrix ?
项目:gamtools    作者:pombo-lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_triangular(filepath):
    """Open Pi matrix output from SLICE.

    All matrix opening functions return first the
    genomic windows corresponding to the axes of the
    proximity matrix, then the proximity matrix itself.
    Since SLICE output matrices do not embed the genomic
    locations of the windows, the first return value is

    :param str filepath: Path to the SLICE output file
    :returns: (None, SLICE Pi matrix)

    with open(filepath) as in_data:
        arr = [[float(i) for i in line.split()] for line in in_data]
    size = len(arr[-1])
    proximity_matrix = np.zeros((size, size))
    lower_i = np.tril_indices_from(proximity_matrix)
    upper_i = np.triu_indices_from(proximity_matrix)
    proximity_matrix[:] = np.NAN
    proximity_matrix[lower_i] = list(itertools.chain(*arr))
    proximity_matrix[upper_i] = proximity_matrix.T[upper_i]
    proximity_matrix[proximity_matrix > 1.] = np.NAN

    return None, proximity_matrix