Python os.path 模块,index() 实例源码


项目:node-ninja    作者:CodeJockey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def FindEnclosingBracketGroup(input_str):
  stack = []
  start = -1
  for index, char in enumerate(input_str):
    if char in LBRACKETS:
      if start == -1:
        start = index
    elif char in BRACKETS:
      if not stack:
        return (-1, -1)
      if stack.pop() != BRACKETS[char]:
        return (-1, -1)
      if not stack:
        return (start, index + 1)
  return (-1, -1)
项目:node-ninja    作者:CodeJockey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def FindCycles(self):
    Returns a list of cycles in the graph, where each cycle is its own list.
    results = []
    visited = set()

    def Visit(node, path):
      for child in node.dependents:
        if child in path:
          results.append([child] + path[:path.index(child) + 1])
        elif not child in visited:
          Visit(child, [child] + path)

    Visit(self, [self])

    return results
项目:sublime-bem-create    作者:bem-tools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def FindEnclosingBracketGroup(input_str):
  stack = []
  start = -1
  for index, char in enumerate(input_str):
    if char in LBRACKETS:
      if start == -1:
        start = index
    elif char in BRACKETS:
      if not stack:
        return (-1, -1)
      if stack.pop() != BRACKETS[char]:
        return (-1, -1)
      if not stack:
        return (start, index + 1)
  return (-1, -1)
项目:sublime-bem-create    作者:bem-tools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def FindCycles(self):
    Returns a list of cycles in the graph, where each cycle is its own list.
    results = []
    visited = set()

    def Visit(node, path):
      for child in node.dependents:
        if child in path:
          results.append([child] + path[:path.index(child) + 1])
        elif not child in visited:
          Visit(child, [child] + path)

    Visit(self, [self])

    return results
项目:gyp    作者:electron    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def FindEnclosingBracketGroup(input_str):
  stack = []
  start = -1
  for index, char in enumerate(input_str):
    if char in LBRACKETS:
      if start == -1:
        start = index
    elif char in BRACKETS:
      if not stack:
        return (-1, -1)
      if stack.pop() != BRACKETS[char]:
        return (-1, -1)
      if not stack:
        return (start, index + 1)
  return (-1, -1)
项目:gyp    作者:electron    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def FindCycles(self):
    Returns a list of cycles in the graph, where each cycle is its own list.
    results = []
    visited = set()

    def Visit(node, path):
      for child in node.dependents:
        if child in path:
          results.append([child] + path[:path.index(child) + 1])
        elif not child in visited:
          Visit(child, [child] + path)

    Visit(self, [self])

    return results
项目:node-ninja    作者:CodeJockey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CheckNode(node, keypath):
  if isinstance(node, Dict):
    c = node.getChildren()
    dict = {}
    for n in range(0, len(c), 2):
      assert isinstance(c[n], Const)
      key = c[n].getChildren()[0]
      if key in dict:
        raise GypError("Key '" + key + "' repeated at level " +
              repr(len(keypath) + 1) + " with key path '" +
              '.'.join(keypath) + "'")
      kp = list(keypath)  # Make a copy of the list for descending this node.
      dict[key] = CheckNode(c[n + 1], kp)
    return dict
  elif isinstance(node, List):
    c = node.getChildren()
    children = []
    for index, child in enumerate(c):
      kp = list(keypath)  # Copy list.
      children.append(CheckNode(child, kp))
    return children
  elif isinstance(node, Const):
    return node.getChildren()[0]
    raise TypeError("Unknown AST node at key path '" + '.'.join(keypath) +
         "': " + repr(node))
项目:node-ninja    作者:CodeJockey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ProcessVariablesAndConditionsInList(the_list, phase, variables,
  # Iterate using an index so that new values can be assigned into the_list.
  index = 0
  while index < len(the_list):
    item = the_list[index]
    if type(item) is dict:
      # Make a copy of the variables dict so that it won't influence anything
      # outside of its own scope.
      ProcessVariablesAndConditionsInDict(item, phase, variables, build_file)
    elif type(item) is list:
      ProcessVariablesAndConditionsInList(item, phase, variables, build_file)
    elif type(item) is str:
      expanded = ExpandVariables(item, phase, variables, build_file)
      if type(expanded) in (str, int):
        the_list[index] = expanded
      elif type(expanded) is list:
        the_list[index:index+1] = expanded
        index += len(expanded)

        # index now identifies the next item to examine.  Continue right now
        # without falling into the index increment below.
        raise ValueError(
              'Variable expansion in this context permits strings and ' + \
              'lists only, found ' + expanded.__class__.__name__ + ' at ' + \
    elif type(item) is not int:
      raise TypeError('Unknown type ' + item.__class__.__name__ + \
                      ' at index ' + index)
    index = index + 1
项目:node-ninja    作者:CodeJockey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def QualifyDependencies(targets):
  """Make dependency links fully-qualified relative to the current directory.

  |targets| is a dict mapping fully-qualified target names to their target
  dicts.  For each target in this dict, keys known to contain dependency
  links are examined, and any dependencies referenced will be rewritten
  so that they are fully-qualified and relative to the current directory.
  All rewritten dependencies are suitable for use as keys to |targets| or a
  similar dict.

  all_dependency_sections = [dep + op
                             for dep in dependency_sections
                             for op in ('', '!', '/')]

  for target, target_dict in targets.iteritems():
    target_build_file = gyp.common.BuildFile(target)
    toolset = target_dict['toolset']
    for dependency_key in all_dependency_sections:
      dependencies = target_dict.get(dependency_key, [])
      for index in xrange(0, len(dependencies)):
        dep_file, dep_target, dep_toolset = gyp.common.ResolveTarget(
            target_build_file, dependencies[index], toolset)
        if not multiple_toolsets:
          # Ignore toolset specification in the dependency if it is specified.
          dep_toolset = toolset
        dependency = gyp.common.QualifiedTarget(dep_file,
        dependencies[index] = dependency

        # Make sure anything appearing in a list other than "dependencies" also
        # appears in the "dependencies" list.
        if dependency_key != 'dependencies' and \
           dependency not in target_dict['dependencies']:
          raise GypError('Found ' + dependency + ' in ' + dependency_key +
                         ' of ' + target + ', but not in dependencies')
项目:node-ninja    作者:CodeJockey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def TurnIntIntoStrInList(the_list):
  """Given list the_list, recursively converts all integers into strings.
  for index in xrange(0, len(the_list)):
    item = the_list[index]
    if type(item) is int:
      the_list[index] = str(item)
    elif type(item) is dict:
    elif type(item) is list:
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_py3_data(path):
    if PY3:
        for item in _PY3_DATA_UPDATES:
            if item in str(path) and "/PY3" not in str(path):
                pos = path.index(item) + len(item)
                if path[pos:pos + 4] == ".zip":
                    pos += 4
                path = path[:pos] + "/PY3" + path[pos:]
    return path

# for use in adding /PY3 to the second (filename) argument
# of the file pointers in
项目:sublime-bem-create    作者:bem-tools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CheckNode(node, keypath):
  if isinstance(node, Dict):
    c = node.getChildren()
    dict = {}
    for n in range(0, len(c), 2):
      assert isinstance(c[n], Const)
      key = c[n].getChildren()[0]
      if key in dict:
        raise GypError("Key '" + key + "' repeated at level " +
              repr(len(keypath) + 1) + " with key path '" +
              '.'.join(keypath) + "'")
      kp = list(keypath)  # Make a copy of the list for descending this node.
      dict[key] = CheckNode(c[n + 1], kp)
    return dict
  elif isinstance(node, List):
    c = node.getChildren()
    children = []
    for index, child in enumerate(c):
      kp = list(keypath)  # Copy list.
      children.append(CheckNode(child, kp))
    return children
  elif isinstance(node, Const):
    return node.getChildren()[0]
    raise TypeError("Unknown AST node at key path '" + '.'.join(keypath) +
         "': " + repr(node))
项目:sublime-bem-create    作者:bem-tools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ProcessVariablesAndConditionsInList(the_list, phase, variables,
  # Iterate using an index so that new values can be assigned into the_list.
  index = 0
  while index < len(the_list):
    item = the_list[index]
    if type(item) is dict:
      # Make a copy of the variables dict so that it won't influence anything
      # outside of its own scope.
      ProcessVariablesAndConditionsInDict(item, phase, variables, build_file)
    elif type(item) is list:
      ProcessVariablesAndConditionsInList(item, phase, variables, build_file)
    elif type(item) is str:
      expanded = ExpandVariables(item, phase, variables, build_file)
      if type(expanded) in (str, int):
        the_list[index] = expanded
      elif type(expanded) is list:
        the_list[index:index+1] = expanded
        index += len(expanded)

        # index now identifies the next item to examine.  Continue right now
        # without falling into the index increment below.
        raise ValueError(
              'Variable expansion in this context permits strings and ' + \
              'lists only, found ' + expanded.__class__.__name__ + ' at ' + \
    elif type(item) is not int:
      raise TypeError('Unknown type ' + item.__class__.__name__ + \
                      ' at index ' + index)
    index = index + 1
项目:sublime-bem-create    作者:bem-tools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def QualifyDependencies(targets):
  """Make dependency links fully-qualified relative to the current directory.

  |targets| is a dict mapping fully-qualified target names to their target
  dicts.  For each target in this dict, keys known to contain dependency
  links are examined, and any dependencies referenced will be rewritten
  so that they are fully-qualified and relative to the current directory.
  All rewritten dependencies are suitable for use as keys to |targets| or a
  similar dict.

  all_dependency_sections = [dep + op
                             for dep in dependency_sections
                             for op in ('', '!', '/')]

  for target, target_dict in targets.iteritems():
    target_build_file = gyp.common.BuildFile(target)
    toolset = target_dict['toolset']
    for dependency_key in all_dependency_sections:
      dependencies = target_dict.get(dependency_key, [])
      for index in xrange(0, len(dependencies)):
        dep_file, dep_target, dep_toolset = gyp.common.ResolveTarget(
            target_build_file, dependencies[index], toolset)
        if not multiple_toolsets:
          # Ignore toolset specification in the dependency if it is specified.
          dep_toolset = toolset
        dependency = gyp.common.QualifiedTarget(dep_file,
        dependencies[index] = dependency

        # Make sure anything appearing in a list other than "dependencies" also
        # appears in the "dependencies" list.
        if dependency_key != 'dependencies' and \
           dependency not in target_dict['dependencies']:
          raise GypError('Found ' + dependency + ' in ' + dependency_key +
                         ' of ' + target + ', but not in dependencies')
项目:sublime-bem-create    作者:bem-tools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def TurnIntIntoStrInList(the_list):
  """Given list the_list, recursively converts all integers into strings.
  for index in xrange(0, len(the_list)):
    item = the_list[index]
    if type(item) is int:
      the_list[index] = str(item)
    elif type(item) is dict:
    elif type(item) is list:
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_py3_data(path):
    if PY3:
        for item in _PY3_DATA_UPDATES:
            if item in str(path) and "/PY3" not in str(path):
                pos = path.index(item) + len(item)
                if path[pos:pos + 4] == ".zip":
                    pos += 4
                path = path[:pos] + "/PY3" + path[pos:]
    return path

# for use in adding /PY3 to the second (filename) argument
# of the file pointers in
项目:hate-to-hugs    作者:sdoran35    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_py3_data(path):
    if PY3:
        for item in _PY3_DATA_UPDATES:
            if item in str(path) and "/PY3" not in str(path):
                pos = path.index(item) + len(item)
                if path[pos:pos + 4] == ".zip":
                    pos += 4
                path = path[:pos] + "/PY3" + path[pos:]
    return path

# for use in adding /PY3 to the second (filename) argument
# of the file pointers in
项目:beepboop    作者:nicolehe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_py3_data(path):
    if PY3:
        for item in _PY3_DATA_UPDATES:
            if item in str(path) and "/PY3" not in str(path):
                pos = path.index(item) + len(item)
                if path[pos:pos + 4] == ".zip":
                    pos += 4
                path = path[:pos] + "/PY3" + path[pos:]
    return path

# for use in adding /PY3 to the second (filename) argument
# of the file pointers in
项目:kind2anki    作者:prz3m    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_py3_data(path):
    if PY3:
        for item in _PY3_DATA_UPDATES:
            if item in str(path) and "/PY3" not in str(path):
                pos = path.index(item) + len(item)
                if path[pos:pos + 4] == ".zip":
                    pos += 4
                path = path[:pos] + "/PY3" + path[pos:]
    return path

# for use in adding /PY3 to the second (filename) argument
# of the file pointers in
项目:but_sentiment    作者:MixedEmotions    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_py3_data(path):
    if PY3:
        for item in _PY3_DATA_UPDATES:
            if item in str(path) and "/PY3" not in str(path):
                pos = path.index(item) + len(item)
                if path[pos:pos + 4] == ".zip":
                    pos += 4
                path = path[:pos] + "/PY3" + path[pos:]
    return path

# for use in adding /PY3 to the second (filename) argument
# of the file pointers in
项目:gyp    作者:electron    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CheckNode(node, keypath):
  if isinstance(node, Dict):
    c = node.getChildren()
    dict = {}
    for n in range(0, len(c), 2):
      assert isinstance(c[n], Const)
      key = c[n].getChildren()[0]
      if key in dict:
        raise GypError("Key '" + key + "' repeated at level " +
              repr(len(keypath) + 1) + " with key path '" +
              '.'.join(keypath) + "'")
      kp = list(keypath)  # Make a copy of the list for descending this node.
      dict[key] = CheckNode(c[n + 1], kp)
    return dict
  elif isinstance(node, List):
    c = node.getChildren()
    children = []
    for index, child in enumerate(c):
      kp = list(keypath)  # Copy list.
      children.append(CheckNode(child, kp))
    return children
  elif isinstance(node, Const):
    return node.getChildren()[0]
    raise TypeError("Unknown AST node at key path '" + '.'.join(keypath) +
         "': " + repr(node))
项目:gyp    作者:electron    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ProcessVariablesAndConditionsInList(the_list, phase, variables,
  # Iterate using an index so that new values can be assigned into the_list.
  index = 0
  while index < len(the_list):
    item = the_list[index]
    if type(item) is dict:
      # Make a copy of the variables dict so that it won't influence anything
      # outside of its own scope.
      ProcessVariablesAndConditionsInDict(item, phase, variables, build_file)
    elif type(item) is list:
      ProcessVariablesAndConditionsInList(item, phase, variables, build_file)
    elif type(item) is str:
      expanded = ExpandVariables(item, phase, variables, build_file)
      if type(expanded) in (str, int):
        the_list[index] = expanded
      elif type(expanded) is list:
        the_list[index:index+1] = expanded
        index += len(expanded)

        # index now identifies the next item to examine.  Continue right now
        # without falling into the index increment below.
        raise ValueError(
              'Variable expansion in this context permits strings and ' + \
              'lists only, found ' + expanded.__class__.__name__ + ' at ' + \
    elif type(item) is not int:
      raise TypeError('Unknown type ' + item.__class__.__name__ + \
                      ' at index ' + index)
    index = index + 1
项目:gyp    作者:electron    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def QualifyDependencies(targets):
  """Make dependency links fully-qualified relative to the current directory.

  |targets| is a dict mapping fully-qualified target names to their target
  dicts.  For each target in this dict, keys known to contain dependency
  links are examined, and any dependencies referenced will be rewritten
  so that they are fully-qualified and relative to the current directory.
  All rewritten dependencies are suitable for use as keys to |targets| or a
  similar dict.

  all_dependency_sections = [dep + op
                             for dep in dependency_sections
                             for op in ('', '!', '/')]

  for target, target_dict in targets.iteritems():
    target_build_file = gyp.common.BuildFile(target)
    toolset = target_dict['toolset']
    for dependency_key in all_dependency_sections:
      dependencies = target_dict.get(dependency_key, [])
      for index in xrange(0, len(dependencies)):
        dep_file, dep_target, dep_toolset = gyp.common.ResolveTarget(
            target_build_file, dependencies[index], toolset)
        if not multiple_toolsets:
          # Ignore toolset specification in the dependency if it is specified.
          dep_toolset = toolset
        dependency = gyp.common.QualifiedTarget(dep_file,
        dependencies[index] = dependency

        # Make sure anything appearing in a list other than "dependencies" also
        # appears in the "dependencies" list.
        if dependency_key != 'dependencies' and \
           dependency not in target_dict['dependencies']:
          raise GypError('Found ' + dependency + ' in ' + dependency_key +
                         ' of ' + target + ', but not in dependencies')
项目:gyp    作者:electron    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def TurnIntIntoStrInList(the_list):
  """Given list the_list, recursively converts all integers into strings.
  for index in xrange(0, len(the_list)):
    item = the_list[index]
    if type(item) is int:
      the_list[index] = str(item)
    elif type(item) is dict:
    elif type(item) is list: