Python scipy.optimize 模块,fminbound() 实例源码


项目:skboost    作者:hbldh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_estimator_weight(self, y, dv_pre, y_pred):
        """Make line search to determine estimator weights."""
        with warnings.catch_warnings():

            def optimization_function(alpha):
                p_ij = self._estimate_instance_probabilities(dv_pre + alpha * y_pred)
                p_i = self._estimate_bag_probabilites(p_ij)
                return self._negative_log_likelihood(p_i)

            # TODO: Add option to choose optimization method.

            alpha, fval, err, n_func = fminbound(optimization_function, 0.0, 5.0, full_output=True, disp=1)
            if self.learning_rate < 1.0:
                alpha *= self.learning_rate
        return alpha, fval
项目:SiteResponseTool    作者:GEMScienceTools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def QwlApproxSolver(hl, vs, dn, fr):
  This function solves the quarter-wavelength problem
  (Boore 2003) and return the frequency-dependent
  depth, velocity, density and amplification factor.

  Input parameters:

    hl = vector of n thickness (m)
    vs = vector of n S-wave velocites (m/s)
    dn = vector of n densities (gr/m3)
    fr = vector of discrete frequencies (Hz)


    qwhl = vector of quarter-wavelength depths
    qwvs = vector of quarter-wavelength velocities
    qwdn = vector of quarter-wavelength densities

  # Initialisation
  fnum = len(fr)
  lnum = len(hl)

  hl = _np.array(hl)
  vs = _np.array(vs)
  dn = _np.array(dn)

  qwhl = _np.zeros(fnum)
  qwvs = _np.zeros(fnum)
  qwdn = _np.zeros(fnum)

  for nf in range(fnum):

    # Upper depth bound for the search
    ubnd = _np.max(vs)/(4.*fr[nf])

    # Search for quarter-wavelength depth
    qwhl[nf] = _spo.fminbound(QwlFitFunc, 0., ubnd,

    # Computing average velocity (note: slowness is used)
    qwvs[nf] = 1./DepthAverage(lnum, hl, 1./vs, qwhl[nf])

    # Computing average density (for amplification function)
    qwdn[nf] = DepthAverage(lnum, hl, dn, qwhl[nf])

  return qwhl, qwvs, qwdn

项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bellman_operator(V, cp, return_policy=False):
    The approximate Bellman operator, which computes and returns the
    updated value function TV (or the V-greedy policy c if
    return_policy is True).

    V : array_like(float)
        A NumPy array of dim len(cp.asset_grid) times len(cp.z_vals)
    cp : ConsumerProblem
        An instance of ConsumerProblem that stores primitives
    return_policy : bool, optional(default=False)
        Indicates whether to return the greed policy given V or the
        updated value function TV.  Default is TV.

        Returns either the greed policy given V or the updated value
        function TV.

    # === Simplify names, set up arrays === #
    R, ?, ?, u, b = cp.R, cp.?, cp.?, cp.u, cp.b
    asset_grid, z_vals = cp.asset_grid, cp.z_vals
    new_V = np.empty(V.shape)
    new_c = np.empty(V.shape)
    z_idx = list(range(len(z_vals)))

    # === Linear interpolation of V along the asset grid === #
    vf = lambda a, i_z: np.interp(a, asset_grid, V[:, i_z])

    # === Solve r.h.s. of Bellman equation === #
    for i_a, a in enumerate(asset_grid):
        for i_z, z in enumerate(z_vals):
            def obj(c):  # objective function to be *minimized*
                y = sum(vf(R * a + z - c, j) * ?[i_z, j] for j in z_idx)
                return - u(c) - ? * y
            c_star = fminbound(obj, 1e-8, R * a + z + b)
            new_c[i_a, i_z], new_V[i_a, i_z] = c_star, -obj(c_star)

    if return_policy:
        return new_c
        return new_V
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bellman_operator(w, grid, ?, u, f, shocks, Tw=None, compute_policy=0):
    The approximate Bellman operator, which computes and returns the
    updated value function Tw on the grid points.  An array to store
    the new set of values Tw is optionally supplied (to avoid having to
    allocate new arrays at each iteration).  If supplied, any existing data in 
    Tw will be overwritten.

    w : array_like(float, ndim=1)
        The value of the input function on different grid points
    grid : array_like(float, ndim=1)
        The set of grid points
    ? : scalar
        The discount factor
    u : function
        The utility function
    f : function
        The production function
    shocks : numpy array
        An array of draws from the shock, for Monte Carlo integration (to
        compute expectations).
    Tw : array_like(float, ndim=1) optional (default=None)
        Array to write output values to
    compute_policy : Boolean, optional (default=False)
        Whether or not to compute policy function

    # === Apply linear interpolation to w === #
    w_func = lambda x: np.interp(x, grid, w)

    # == Initialize Tw if necessary == #
    if Tw is None:
        Tw = np.empty_like(w)

    if compute_policy:
        ? = np.empty_like(w)

    # == set Tw[i] = max_c { u(c) + ? E w(f(y  - c) z)} == #
    for i, y in enumerate(grid):
        def objective(c):
            return - u(c) - ? * np.mean(w_func(f(y - c) * shocks))
        c_star = fminbound(objective, 1e-10, y)
        if compute_policy:
            ?[i] = c_star
        Tw[i] = - objective(c_star)

    if compute_policy:
        return Tw, ?
        return Tw
项目:treetime    作者:neherlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def optimal_t_compressed(self, seq_pair, multiplicity):
        Find the optimal distance between the two sequences

        def _neg_prob(t, seq_pair, multiplicity):
            Probability to observe child given the the parent state, transition
            matrix and the time of evolution (branch length).


             t : double
                Branch length (time between sequences)

             parent :  numpy.array
                Parent sequence

             child : numpy.array
                Child sequence

             tm :  GTR
                Model of evolution


             prob : double
                Negative probability of the two given sequences
                to be separated by the time t.
            return -1.0*self.prob_t_compressed(seq_pair, multiplicity,t, return_log=True)

            from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
            opt = minimize_scalar(_neg_prob,
                    args=(seq_pair, multiplicity), options={'xatol':1e-8})
            new_len = opt["x"]
            import scipy
            print('legacy scipy', scipy.__version__)
            from scipy.optimize import fminbound
            new_len = fminbound(_neg_prob,
                    args=(seq_pair, multiplicity))

        if new_len > .9 * ttconf.MAX_BRANCH_LENGTH:
            self.logger("WARNING: GTR.optimal_t_compressed -- The branch length seems to be very long!", 4, warn=True)

        if opt["success"] != True:
            # return hamming distance: number of state pairs where state differs/all pairs
            new_len =  np.sum(multiplicity[seq_pair[:,1]!=seq_pair[:,0]])/np.sum(multiplicity)

        return new_len