Python scipy.sparse 模块,identity() 实例源码


项目:qcqp    作者:cvxgrp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def suggest(self, method=s.RANDOM, eps=1e-8, *args, **kwargs):
        if method not in s.suggest_methods:
            raise Exception("Unknown suggest method: %s\n", method)
        if method == s.RANDOM:
            x = np.random.randn(self.n)
        elif method == s.SPECTRAL:
            if self.spectral_sol is None:
                self.spectral_sol, self.spectral_bound = solve_spectral(self.qcqp_form, *args, **kwargs)
                if self.maximize_flag:
                    self.spectral_bound *= -1
            x = self.spectral_sol
        elif method == s.SDR:
            if self.sdr_sol is None:
                self.sdr_sol, self.sdr_bound = solve_sdr(self.qcqp_form, *args, **kwargs)
                if self.maximize_flag:
                    self.sdr_bound *= -1
       = np.asarray(self.sdr_sol[:-1, -1]).flatten()
                self.Sigma = self.sdr_sol[:-1, :-1] -* + eps*sp.identity(self.n)
            x = np.random.multivariate_normal(, self.Sigma)

        assign_vars(self.prob.variables(), x)
        f0 = self.qcqp_form.f0.eval(x)
        if self.maximize_flag: f0 *= -1
        return (f0, max(self.qcqp_form.violations(x)))
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def edgeCurl(self):
        """The edgeCurl property."""
        if self.nCy > 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Edge curl not yet implemented for '
                                      'nCy > 1')
        if getattr(self, '_edgeCurl', None) is None:
            # 1D Difference matricies
            dr = sp.spdiags((np.ones((self.nCx+1, 1))*[-1, 1]).T, [-1, 0],
                            self.nCx, self.nCx, format="csr")
            dz = sp.spdiags((np.ones((self.nCz+1, 1))*[-1, 1]).T, [0, 1],
                            self.nCz, self.nCz+1, format="csr")

            # 2D Difference matricies
            Dr = sp.kron(sp.identity(self.nNz), dr)
            Dz = -sp.kron(dz, sp.identity(self.nCx))

            A = self.area
            E = self.edge
            # Edge curl operator
            self._edgeCurl = (utils.sdiag(1/A)*sp.vstack((Dz, Dr)) *
        return self._edgeCurl
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_invXXXBlockDiagonal(self):
        a = [np.random.rand(5, 1) for i in range(4)]

        B = inv2X2BlockDiagonal(*a)

        A = sp.vstack((sp.hstack((sdiag(a[0]), sdiag(a[1]))),
                       sp.hstack((sdiag(a[2]), sdiag(a[3])))))

        Z2 = B*A - sp.identity(10)
        self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(Z2.todense().ravel(), 2) < TOL)

        a = [np.random.rand(5, 1) for i in range(9)]
        B = inv3X3BlockDiagonal(*a)

        A = sp.vstack((sp.hstack((sdiag(a[0]), sdiag(a[1]),  sdiag(a[2]))),
                       sp.hstack((sdiag(a[3]), sdiag(a[4]),  sdiag(a[5]))),
                       sp.hstack((sdiag(a[6]), sdiag(a[7]),  sdiag(a[8])))))

        Z3 = B*A - sp.identity(15)

        self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(Z3.todense().ravel(), 2) < TOL)
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_invPropertyTensor2D(self):
        M = discretize.TensorMesh([6, 6])
        a1 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a2 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a3 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        prop1 = a1
        prop2 = np.c_[a1, a2]
        prop3 = np.c_[a1, a2, a3]

        for prop in [4, prop1, prop2, prop3]:
            b = invPropertyTensor(M, prop)
            A = makePropertyTensor(M, prop)
            B1 = makePropertyTensor(M, b)
            B2 = invPropertyTensor(M, prop, returnMatrix=True)

            Z = B1*A - sp.identity(M.nC*2)
            self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(Z.todense().ravel(), 2) < TOL)
            Z = B2*A - sp.identity(M.nC*2)
            self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(Z.todense().ravel(), 2) < TOL)
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_invPropertyTensor3D(self):
        M = discretize.TensorMesh([6, 6, 6])
        a1 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a2 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a3 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a4 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a5 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a6 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        prop1 = a1
        prop2 = np.c_[a1, a2, a3]
        prop3 = np.c_[a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6]

        for prop in [4, prop1, prop2, prop3]:
            b = invPropertyTensor(M, prop)
            A = makePropertyTensor(M, prop)
            B1 = makePropertyTensor(M, b)
            B2 = invPropertyTensor(M, prop, returnMatrix=True)

            Z = B1*A - sp.identity(M.nC*3)
            self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(Z.todense().ravel(), 2) < TOL)
            Z = B2*A - sp.identity(M.nC*3)
            self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(Z.todense().ravel(), 2) < TOL)
项目:Movie-Recommendation-System    作者:turq84    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_item_representations(self, features=None):
        Get the latent representations for items given model and features.
        features: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_items, n_item_features], optional
             Each row contains that item's weights over features.
             An identity matrix will be used if not supplied.
        (item_biases, item_embeddings):
                (np.float32 array of shape n_items,
                 np.float32 array of shape [n_items, num_components]
            Biases and latent representations for items.


        if features is None:
            return self.item_biases, self.item_embeddings

        features = sp.csr_matrix(features, dtype=CYTHON_DTYPE)

        return features * self.item_biases, features * self.item_embeddings
项目:Movie-Recommendation-System    作者:turq84    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_user_representations(self, features=None):
        Get the latent representations for users given model and features.
        features: np.float32 csr_matrix of shape [n_users, n_user_features], optional
             Each row contains that user's weights over features.
             An identity matrix will be used if not supplied.
        (user_biases, user_embeddings):
                (np.float32 array of shape n_users
                 np.float32 array of shape [n_users, num_components]
            Biases and latent representations for users.


        if features is None:
            return self.user_biases, self.user_embeddings

        features = sp.csr_matrix(features, dtype=CYTHON_DTYPE)

        return features * self.user_biases, features * self.user_embeddings
项目:dcnn    作者:jcatw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def A_to_diffusion_kernel(A, k):
    Computes [A**0, A**1, ..., A**k]

    :param A: 2d numpy array
    :param k: integer, degree of series
    :return: 3d numpy array [A**0, A**1, ..., A**k]
    assert k >= 0

    Apow = [np.identity(A.shape[0])]

    if k > 0:
        d = A.sum(0)

        Apow.append(A / (d + 1.0))

        for i in range(2, k + 1):
            Apow.append( / (d + 1.0), Apow[-1]))

    return np.transpose(np.asarray(Apow, dtype='float32'), (1, 0, 2))
项目:dcnn    作者:jcatw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sparse_A_to_diffusion_kernel(A, k):
    assert k >= 0

    num_nodes = A.shape[0]

    Apow = [sp.identity(num_nodes)]

    if k > 0:
        d = A.sum(0)

        Apow.append(A / (d + 1.0))

        for i in range(2, k + 1):
            Apow.append((A / (d + 1.0)).dot(Apow[-1]))

    return Apow
项目:qcqp    作者:cvxgrp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dc_split(self, use_eigen_split=False):
        n = self.P.shape[0]

        if self.P.nnz == 0: # P is zero
            P1, P2 = sp.csr_matrix((n, n)), sp.csr_matrix((n, n))
        if use_eigen_split:
            lmb, Q = LA.eigh(self.P.todense())
            P1 = sum([Q[:, i]*lmb[i]*Q[:, i].T for i in range(n) if lmb[i] > 0])
            P2 = sum([-Q[:, i]*lmb[i]*Q[:, i].T for i in range(n) if lmb[i] < 0])
            assert abs(np.sum(P1 - P2 - self.P)) < 1e-8
            lmb_min = np.min(LA.eigh(self.P.todense())[0])
            if lmb_min < 0:
                P1 = self.P + (1-lmb_min)*sp.identity(n)
                P2 = (1-lmb_min)*sp.identity(n)
                P1 = self.P
                P2 = sp.csr_matrix((n, n))
        f1 = QuadraticFunction(P1, self.q, self.r)
        f2 = QuadraticFunction(P2, sp.csc_matrix((n, 1)), 0)
        return (f1, f2)

    # Returns the one-variable function when regarding f(x)
    # as a quadratic expression in x[k].
    # f is an instance of QuadraticFunction
    # return value is an instance of OneVarQuadraticFunction
    # TODO: speedup
项目:qcqp    作者:cvxgrp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def admm_phase2(x0, prob, rho, tol=1e-2, num_iters=1000, viol_lim=1e4):"Starting ADMM phase 2 with rho %.3f", rho)

    bestx = np.copy(x0)

    z = np.copy(x0)
    xs = [np.copy(x0) for i in range(prob.m)]
    us = [np.zeros(prob.n) for i in range(prob.m)]

    if prob.rho != rho:
        prob.rho = rho
        zlhs = 2*(prob.f0.P + rho*prob.m*sp.identity(prob.n)).tocsc()
        prob.z_solver = SLA.factorized(zlhs)

    last_z = None
    for t in range(num_iters):
        rhs = 2*rho*(sum(xs)-sum(us)) - prob.f0.qarray
        z = prob.z_solver(rhs)

        # TODO: parallel x/u-updates
        for i in range(prob.m):
            xs[i] = onecons_qcqp(z + us[i],
        for i in range(prob.m):
            us[i] += z - xs[i]

        # TODO: termination condition
        if last_z is not None and LA.norm(last_z - z) < tol:
        last_z = z

        maxviol = max(prob.violations(z))"Iteration %d, violation %.3f", t, maxviol)

        if maxviol > viol_lim: break
        bestx = np.copy(prob.better(z, bestx))

    return bestx
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def permuteCC(self):
        # TODO: cache these?
        P  = SortGrid(self.gridCC)
        return sp.identity(self.nC).tocsr()[P,:]
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def permuteF(self):
        # TODO: cache these?
        P = SortGrid(self.gridFx)
        P += SortGrid(self.gridFy, offset=self.nFx)
        if self.dim == 3:
            P += SortGrid(self.gridFz, offset=self.nFx+self.nFy)
        return sp.identity(self.nF).tocsr()[P,:]
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def permuteE(self):
        # TODO: cache these?
        if self.dim == 2:
            P = SortGrid(self.gridFy)
            P += SortGrid(self.gridFx, offset=self.nEx)
            return sp.identity(self.nE).tocsr()[P, :]
        if self.dim == 3:
            P = SortGrid(self.gridEx)
            P += SortGrid(self.gridEy, offset=self.nEx)
            P += SortGrid(self.gridEz, offset=self.nEx+self.nEy)
            return sp.identity(self.nE).tocsr()[P, :]
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def speye(n):
    """Sparse identity"""
    return sp.identity(n, format="csr")
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _getInnerProductProjectionMatrices(self, projType, tensorType):
        :param str projType: 'F' for faces 'E' for edges
        :param TensorType tensorType: type of the tensor: TensorType(mesh, sigma)
        assert isinstance(tensorType, TensorType), 'tensorType must be an instance of TensorType.'
        assert projType in ['F', 'E'], "projType must be 'F' for faces or 'E' for edges"

        d = self.dim
        # We will multiply by sqrt on each side to keep symmetry
        V = sp.kron(sp.identity(d), sdiag(np.sqrt((2**(-d))*self.vol)))

        nodes = ['000', '100', '010', '110', '001', '101', '011',  '111'][:2**d]

        if projType == 'F':
            locs = {
                    '000': [('fXm',), ('fXm', 'fYm'), ('fXm', 'fYm', 'fZm')],
                    '100': [('fXp',), ('fXp', 'fYm'), ('fXp', 'fYm', 'fZm')],
                    '010': [  None  , ('fXm', 'fYp'), ('fXm', 'fYp', 'fZm')],
                    '110': [  None  , ('fXp', 'fYp'), ('fXp', 'fYp', 'fZm')],
                    '001': [  None  ,      None     , ('fXm', 'fYm', 'fZp')],
                    '101': [  None  ,      None     , ('fXp', 'fYm', 'fZp')],
                    '011': [  None  ,      None     , ('fXm', 'fYp', 'fZp')],
                    '111': [  None  ,      None     , ('fXp', 'fYp', 'fZp')]
            proj = getattr(self, '_getFaceP' + ('x'*d))()

        elif projType == 'E':
            locs = {
                    '000': [('eX0',), ('eX0', 'eY0'), ('eX0', 'eY0', 'eZ0')],
                    '100': [('eX0',), ('eX0', 'eY1'), ('eX0', 'eY1', 'eZ1')],
                    '010': [  None  , ('eX1', 'eY0'), ('eX1', 'eY0', 'eZ2')],
                    '110': [  None  , ('eX1', 'eY1'), ('eX1', 'eY1', 'eZ3')],
                    '001': [  None  ,      None     , ('eX2', 'eY2', 'eZ0')],
                    '101': [  None  ,      None     , ('eX2', 'eY3', 'eZ1')],
                    '011': [  None  ,      None     , ('eX3', 'eY2', 'eZ2')],
                    '111': [  None  ,      None     , ('eX3', 'eY3', 'eZ3')]
            proj = getattr(self, '_getEdgeP' + ('x'*d))()

        return [V*proj(*locs[node][d-1]) for node in nodes]
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _getEdgePx(M):
        """Returns a function for creating projection matrices"""
        def Px(xEdge):
            assert xEdge == 'eX0', 'xEdge = {0!s}, not eX0'.format(xEdge)
            return sp.identity(M.nC)
        return Px
项目:triflow    作者:locie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, t, fields, dt, pars,
        """Perform a step of the solver: took a time and a system state as a
          triflow Fields container and return the next time step with updated

          t : float
              actual time step
          fields : triflow.Fields
              actual system state in a triflow Fields container
          dt : float
              temporal step-size
          pars : dict
              physical parameters of the model
          hook : callable, optional
              any callable taking the actual time, fields and parameters and return modified fields and parameters. Will be called every internal time step and can be used to include time dependent or conditionnal parameters, boundary conditions...

          tuple : t, fields
              updated time and fields container
          """  # noqa

        fields = fields.copy()
        fields, pars = hook(t, fields, pars)
        F = self._model.F(fields, pars)
        J = self._model.J(fields, pars)
        U = fields.uflat
        B = dt * (F - self._theta * J @ U) + U
        J = (sps.identity(U.size,
                          format='csc') -
             self._theta * dt * J)
        fields.fill(self._solver(J, B))
        fields, _ = hook(t + dt, fields, pars)
        return t + dt, fields
项目:Movie-Recommendation-System    作者:turq84    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _construct_feature_matrices(self, n_users, n_items, user_features,

        if user_features is None:
            user_features = sp.identity(n_users,
            user_features = user_features.tocsr()

        if item_features is None:
            item_features = sp.identity(n_items,
            item_features = item_features.tocsr()

        if n_users > user_features.shape[0]:
            raise Exception('Number of user feature rows does not equal '
                            'the number of users')

        if n_items > item_features.shape[0]:
            raise Exception('Number of item feature rows does not equal '
                            'the number of items')

        # If we already have embeddings, verify that
        # we have them for all the supplied features
        if self.user_embeddings is not None:
            assert self.user_embeddings.shape[0] >= user_features.shape[1]

        if self.item_embeddings is not None:
            assert self.item_embeddings.shape[0] >= item_features.shape[1]

        user_features = self._to_cython_dtype(user_features)
        item_features = self._to_cython_dtype(item_features)

        return user_features, item_features
项目:dcnn    作者:jcatw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def A_to_pre_sparse_diffusion_kernel(A, k, threshold):
    Apow = [np.identity(A.shape[0])]

    if k > 0:
        d = A.sum(0)

        Apow.append(A / (d + 1.0))

        Apow[-1][Apow[-1] <= threshold] = 0.0

        for i in range(2, k + 1):
            Apow.append( / (d + 1.0), Apow[-1]))

    return np.transpose(np.asarray(Apow, dtype='float32'), (1, 0, 2))
项目:Parallel-SGD    作者:angadgill    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_OPinv_matvec(A, M, sigma, symmetric=False, tol=0):
    if sigma == 0:
        return get_inv_matvec(A, symmetric=symmetric, tol=tol)

    if M is None:
        # M is the identity matrix
        if isdense(A):
            if (np.issubdtype(A.dtype, np.complexfloating) or
               np.imag(sigma) == 0):
                A = np.copy(A)
                A = A + 0j
            A.flat[::A.shape[1] + 1] -= sigma
            return LuInv(A).matvec
        elif isspmatrix(A):
            A = A - sigma * identity(A.shape[0])
            if symmetric and isspmatrix_csr(A):
                A = A.T
            return SpLuInv(A.tocsc()).matvec
            return IterOpInv(_aslinearoperator_with_dtype(A),
                             M, sigma, tol=tol).matvec
        if ((not isdense(A) and not isspmatrix(A)) or
                (not isdense(M) and not isspmatrix(M))):
            return IterOpInv(_aslinearoperator_with_dtype(A),
                             sigma, tol=tol).matvec
        elif isdense(A) or isdense(M):
            return LuInv(A - sigma * M).matvec
            OP = A - sigma * M
            if symmetric and isspmatrix_csr(OP):
                OP = OP.T
            return SpLuInv(OP.tocsc()).matvec
项目:tensorrec    作者:jfkirk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_movielens_100k(min_positive_score=4):
    movielens_100k_dict = datasets.fetch_movielens(indicator_features=True, genre_features=True)

    def flip_ratings(ratings_matrix): = np.array([1 if rating >= min_positive_score else -1 for rating in])
        return ratings_matrix

    test_interactions = flip_ratings(movielens_100k_dict['test'])
    train_interactions = flip_ratings(movielens_100k_dict['train'])

    # Create indicator features for all users
    num_users = train_interactions.shape[0]
    user_features = sp.identity(num_users)

    return train_interactions, test_interactions, user_features, movielens_100k_dict['item_features']