Python six 模块,byte2int() 实例源码


项目:Treehacks    作者:andrewsy97    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_close_args(self, data):
        """ this functions extracts the code, reason from the close body
        if they exists, and if the self.on_close except three arguments """
        import inspect
        # if the on_close callback is "old", just return empty list
        if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
            if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
                return []
            if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getfullargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
                return []

        if data and len(data) >= 2:
            code = 256*six.byte2int(data[0:1]) + six.byte2int(data[1:2])
            reason = data[2:].decode('utf-8')
            return [code, reason]

        return [None, None]
项目:Treehacks    作者:andrewsy97    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_close_args(self, data):
        """ this functions extracts the code, reason from the close body
        if they exists, and if the self.on_close except three arguments """
        import inspect
        # if the on_close callback is "old", just return empty list
        if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
            if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
                return []
            if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getfullargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
                return []

        if data and len(data) >= 2:
            code = 256*six.byte2int(data[0:1]) + six.byte2int(data[1:2])
            reason = data[2:].decode('utf-8')
            return [code, reason]

        return [None, None]
项目:ion-python    作者:amzn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _bytes_text(code_point_iter, quote, prefix=b'', suffix=b''):
    quote_code_point = six.byte2int(quote)
    buf = BytesIO()
    for code_point in code_point_iter:
        if code_point == quote_code_point:
            buf.write(b'\\' + quote)
        elif code_point == six.byte2int(b'\\'):
        elif _is_printable_ascii(code_point):
    return buf.getvalue()
项目:ion-python    作者:amzn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_scalars_binary(scalars_map, preceding_symbols=0):
    for ion_type, values in six.iteritems(scalars_map):
        for native, expected in values:
            native_expected = expected
            has_symbols = False
            if native is None:
                # An un-adorned 'None' doesn't contain enough information to determine its Ion type
                native_expected = b'\x0f'
            elif ion_type is IonType.CLOB:
                # All six.binary_type are treated as BLOBs unless wrapped by an _IonNature
                tid = six.byte2int(expected) + 0x10  # increment upper nibble for clob -> blob; keep lower nibble
                native_expected = bytearray([tid]) + expected[1:]
            elif ion_type is IonType.SYMBOL and native is not None:
                has_symbols = True
            elif ion_type is IonType.STRING:
                # Encode all strings as symbols too.
                symbol_expected = _serialize_symbol(
                    IonEvent(IonEventType.SCALAR, IonType.SYMBOL, SymbolToken(None, 10 + preceding_symbols)))
                yield _Parameter( + ' ' + native,
                                 IonPyText.from_value(IonType.SYMBOL, native), symbol_expected, True)
            yield _Parameter('%s %s' % (, native), native, native_expected, has_symbols)
            wrapper = _FROM_ION_TYPE[ion_type].from_value(ion_type, native)
            yield _Parameter(repr(wrapper), wrapper, expected, has_symbols)
项目:tk-photoshopcc    作者:shotgunsoftware    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_close_args(self, data):
        """ this functions extracts the code, reason from the close body
        if they exists, and if the self.on_close except three arguments """
        import inspect
        # if the on_close callback is "old", just return empty list
        if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
            if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
                return []
            if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getfullargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
                return []

        if data and len(data) >= 2:
            code = 256*six.byte2int(data[0:1]) + six.byte2int(data[1:2])
            reason = data[2:].decode('utf-8')
            return [code, reason]

        return [None, None]
项目:pysport    作者:sportorg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_time(self):
        """Read out stations internal time.
        @return: datetime
        bintime = self._send_command(SIReader.C_GET_TIME, b'')[1]
        year = byte2int(bintime[0])
        month = byte2int(bintime[1])
        day = byte2int(bintime[2])
        am_pm = byte2int(bintime[3]) & 0b1
        second = SIReader._to_int(bintime[4:6])
        hour = am_pm * 12 + second // 3600
        second %= 3600
        minute = second // 60
        second %= 60
        ms = int(round(byte2int(bintime[6]) / 256.0 * 1000000))
            return datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ms)
        except ValueError:
            # return None if the time reported by the station is impossible
            return None
项目:pysport    作者:sportorg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _update_proto_config(self):
        # Read protocol configuration
        ret = self._send_command(SIReader.C_GET_SYS_VAL, SIReader.O_PROTO + b'\x01')
        config_byte = byte2int(ret[1][1])
        self.proto_config = {}
        self.proto_config['ext_proto'] = config_byte & (1 << 0) != 0
        self.proto_config['auto_send'] = config_byte & (1 << 1) != 0
        self.proto_config['handshake'] = config_byte & (1 << 2) != 0
        self.proto_config['pw_access'] = config_byte & (1 << 4) != 0
        self.proto_config['punch_read'] = config_byte & (1 << 7) != 0

        # Read operating mode
        ret = self._send_command(SIReader.C_GET_SYS_VAL, SIReader.O_MODE + b'\x01')
        self.proto_config['mode'] = byte2int(ret[1][1])

        return self.proto_config
项目:cmdchallenge-site    作者:jarv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_close_args(self, data):
        """ this functions extracts the code, reason from the close body
        if they exists, and if the self.on_close except three arguments """
        import inspect
        # if the on_close callback is "old", just return empty list
        if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
            if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
                return []
            if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getfullargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
                return []

        if data and len(data) >= 2:
            code = 256 * six.byte2int(data[0:1]) + six.byte2int(data[1:2])
            reason = data[2:].decode('utf-8')
            return [code, reason]

        return [None, None]
项目:remoteControlPPT    作者:htwenning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode(self, encoded_payload):
        """Decode a transmitted payload."""
        self.packets = []
        while encoded_payload:
            if six.byte2int(encoded_payload[0:1]) <= 1:
                packet_len = 0
                i = 1
                while six.byte2int(encoded_payload[i:i + 1]) != 255:
                    packet_len = packet_len * 10 + six.byte2int(
                        encoded_payload[i:i + 1])
                    i += 1
                    encoded_packet=encoded_payload[i + 1:i + 1 + packet_len]))
                i = encoded_payload.find(b':')
                if i == -1:
                    raise ValueError('invalid payload')
                packet_len = int(encoded_payload[0:i])
                pkt = encoded_payload[i + 1: i + 1 + packet_len]
            encoded_payload = encoded_payload[i + 1 + packet_len:]
项目:cryptocurrency-trader    作者:TobCar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_close_args(self, data):
        """ this functions extracts the code, reason from the close body
        if they exists, and if the self.on_close except three arguments """
        import inspect
        # if the on_close callback is "old", just return empty list
        if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
            if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
                return []
            if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getfullargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
                return []

        if data and len(data) >= 2:
            code = 256 * six.byte2int(data[0:1]) + six.byte2int(data[1:2])
            reason = data[2:].decode('utf-8')
            return [code, reason]

        return [None, None]
项目:Flask-SocketIO    作者:cutedogspark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode(self, encoded_payload):
        """Decode a transmitted payload."""
        self.packets = []
        while encoded_payload:
            if six.byte2int(encoded_payload[0:1]) <= 1:
                packet_len = 0
                i = 1
                while six.byte2int(encoded_payload[i:i + 1]) != 255:
                    packet_len = packet_len * 10 + six.byte2int(
                        encoded_payload[i:i + 1])
                    i += 1
                    encoded_packet=encoded_payload[i + 1:i + 1 + packet_len]))
                i = encoded_payload.find(b':')
                if i == -1:
                    raise ValueError('invalid payload')
                packet_len = int(encoded_payload[0:i])
                pkt = encoded_payload[i + 1: i + 1 + packet_len]
            encoded_payload = encoded_payload[i + 1 + packet_len:]
项目:Flask-SocketIO    作者:cutedogspark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_close_args(self, data):
        """ this functions extracts the code, reason from the close body
        if they exists, and if the self.on_close except three arguments """
        import inspect
        # if the on_close callback is "old", just return empty list
        if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
            if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
                return []
            if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getfullargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
                return []

        if data and len(data) >= 2:
            code = 256*six.byte2int(data[0:1]) + six.byte2int(data[1:2])
            reason = data[2:].decode('utf-8')
            return [code, reason]

        return [None, None]
项目:ropi    作者:ThumbGen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode(self, encoded_payload):
        """Decode a transmitted payload."""
        self.packets = []
        while encoded_payload:
            if six.byte2int(encoded_payload[0:1]) <= 1:
                packet_len = 0
                i = 1
                while six.byte2int(encoded_payload[i:i + 1]) != 255:
                    packet_len = packet_len * 10 + six.byte2int(
                        encoded_payload[i:i + 1])
                    i += 1
                    encoded_packet=encoded_payload[i + 1:i + 1 + packet_len]))
                i = encoded_payload.find(b':')
                if i == -1:
                    raise ValueError('invalid payload')
                packet_len = int(encoded_payload[0:i])
                pkt = encoded_payload[i + 1: i + 1 + packet_len]
            encoded_payload = encoded_payload[i + 1 + packet_len:]
项目:smileybot    作者:sillylyn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_close_args(self, data):
        """ this functions extracts the code, reason from the close body
        if they exists, and if the self.on_close except three arguments """
        import inspect
        # if the on_close callback is "old", just return empty list
        if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
            if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
                return []
            if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getfullargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
                return []

        if data and len(data) >= 2:
            code = 256*six.byte2int(data[0:1]) + six.byte2int(data[1:2])
            reason = data[2:].decode('utf-8')
            return [code, reason]

        return [None, None]
项目:deb-python-websocket-client    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_close_args(self, data):
        """ this functions extracts the code, reason from the close body
        if they exists, and if the self.on_close except three arguments """
        import inspect
        # if the on_close callback is "old", just return empty list
        if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
            if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
                return []
            if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getfullargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
                return []

        if data and len(data) >= 2:
            code = 256 * six.byte2int(data[0:1]) + six.byte2int(data[1:2])
            reason = data[2:].decode('utf-8')
            return [code, reason]

        return [None, None]
项目:Treehacks    作者:andrewsy97    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(self, skip_utf8_validation=False):
        validate the ABNF frame.
        skip_utf8_validation: skip utf8 validation.
        if self.rsv1 or self.rsv2 or self.rsv3:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("rsv is not implemented, yet")

        if self.opcode not in ABNF.OPCODES:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid opcode %r", self.opcode)

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_PING and not self.fin:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid ping frame.")

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE:
            l = len(
            if not l:
            if l == 1 or l >= 126:
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")
            if l > 2 and not skip_utf8_validation and not validate_utf8([2:]):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")

            code = 256*six.byte2int([0:1]) + six.byte2int([1:2])
            if not self._is_valid_close_status(code):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close opcode.")
项目:Treehacks    作者:andrewsy97    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(self, skip_utf8_validation=False):
        validate the ABNF frame.
        skip_utf8_validation: skip utf8 validation.
        if self.rsv1 or self.rsv2 or self.rsv3:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("rsv is not implemented, yet")

        if self.opcode not in ABNF.OPCODES:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid opcode %r", self.opcode)

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_PING and not self.fin:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid ping frame.")

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE:
            l = len(
            if not l:
            if l == 1 or l >= 126:
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")
            if l > 2 and not skip_utf8_validation and not validate_utf8([2:]):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")

            code = 256*six.byte2int([0:1]) + six.byte2int([1:2])
            if not self._is_valid_close_status(code):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close opcode.")
项目:ion-python    作者:amzn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _scalar_event_pairs(data, events, info):
    """Generates event pairs for all scalars.

    Each scalar is represented by a sequence whose first element is the raw data and whose following elements are the
    expected output events.
    first = True
    delimiter, in_container = info
    space_delimited = not (b',' in delimiter)
    for event in events:
        input_event = NEXT
        if first:
            input_event = e_read(data + delimiter)
            if space_delimited and event.value is not None \
                and ((event.ion_type is IonType.SYMBOL) or
                     (event.ion_type is IonType.STRING and
                      six.byte2int(b'"') != six.indexbytes(data, 0))):  # triple-quoted strings
                # Because annotations and field names are symbols, a space delimiter after a symbol isn't enough to
                # generate a symbol event immediately. Similarly, triple-quoted strings may be followed by another
                # triple-quoted string if only delimited by whitespace or comments.
                yield input_event, INC
                if in_container:
                    # Within s-expressions, these types are delimited in these tests by another value - in this case,
                    # int 0 (but it could be anything).
                    yield e_read(b'0' + delimiter), event
                    input_event, event = (NEXT, e_int(0))
                    # This is a top-level value, so it may be flushed with NEXT after INCOMPLETE.
                    input_event, event = (NEXT, event)
            first = False
        yield input_event, event
项目:RealtimePythonChat    作者:quangtqag    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _decode_received(self, msg):
        """Returns either bytes or str, depending on message type."""
        if not isinstance(msg, six.binary_type):
            # already decoded - do nothing
            return msg
        # only decode from utf-8 if message is not binary data
        type = six.byte2int(msg[0:1])
        if type >= 48:  # no binary
            return msg.decode('utf-8')
        # binary message, don't try to decode
        return msg
项目:RealtimePythonChat    作者:quangtqag    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode(self, encoded_packet):
        """Decode a transmitted package."""
        b64 = False
        if not isinstance(encoded_packet, binary_types):
            encoded_packet = encoded_packet.encode('utf-8')
        elif not isinstance(encoded_packet, bytes):
            encoded_packet = bytes(encoded_packet)
        self.packet_type = six.byte2int(encoded_packet[0:1])
        if self.packet_type == 98:  # 'b' --> binary base64 encoded packet
            self.binary = True
            encoded_packet = encoded_packet[1:]
            self.packet_type = six.byte2int(encoded_packet[0:1])
            self.packet_type -= 48
            b64 = True
        elif self.packet_type >= 48:
            self.packet_type -= 48
            self.binary = False
            self.binary = True = None
        if len(encoded_packet) > 1:
            if self.binary:
                if b64:
           = base64.b64decode(encoded_packet[1:])
           = encoded_packet[1:]
           = self.json.loads(
                except ValueError:
           = encoded_packet[1:].decode('utf-8')
项目:py-bson-rpc    作者:seprich    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_message(cls, raw_bytes):
        if len(raw_bytes) < 2:
            return None, raw_bytes
        if six.byte2int(raw_bytes) != 0x1e:
            raise FramingError(
                'Start marker is missing: %s' % raw_bytes)
        if b'\x0a' in raw_bytes:
            b_msg, rest = raw_bytes.split(b'\x0a', 1)
            return b_msg[1:], rest
            if b'\x1e' in raw_bytes[1:]:
                raise FramingError(
                    'End marker is missing: %s' % raw_bytes)
            return None, raw_bytes
项目:py-bson-rpc    作者:seprich    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_message(cls, raw_bytes):
        if len(raw_bytes) < 2:
            return None, raw_bytes
        if six.byte2int(raw_bytes) != 123:
            raise FramingError(
                'Broken state. Expected JSON Object, got: %s' % raw_bytes)
        stack = [123]
        uniesc = 0
        poppers = {91: [93], 123: [125], 34: [34]}
        adders = {91: [34, 91, 123], 123: [34, 91, 123], 34: [92], 92: [117]}
        for idx in range(1, len(raw_bytes)):
            cbyte = six.indexbytes(raw_bytes, idx)
            if cbyte in poppers.get(stack[-1], []):
            elif cbyte in adders.get(stack[-1], []):
            elif stack[-1] == 92:
            elif stack[-1] == 117:
                uniesc += 1
                if uniesc >= 4:
                    stack = stack[:-2]
                    uniesc = 0
            if not stack:
                return raw_bytes[:idx + 1], raw_bytes[idx + 1:]
        return None, raw_bytes
项目:py-bson-rpc    作者:seprich    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_message(cls, raw_bytes):
        if len(raw_bytes) < 2:
            return None, raw_bytes
        if six.byte2int(raw_bytes) != 0x1e:
            raise FramingError(
                'Start marker is missing: %s' % raw_bytes)
        if b'\x0a' in raw_bytes:
            b_msg, rest = raw_bytes.split(b'\x0a', 1)
            return b_msg[1:], rest
            if b'\x1e' in raw_bytes[1:]:
                raise FramingError(
                    'End marker is missing: %s' % raw_bytes)
            return None, raw_bytes
项目:py-bson-rpc    作者:seprich    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_message(cls, raw_bytes):
        if len(raw_bytes) < 2:
            return None, raw_bytes
        if six.byte2int(raw_bytes) != 123:
            raise FramingError(
                'Broken state. Expected JSON Object, got: %s' % raw_bytes)
        stack = [123]
        uniesc = 0
        poppers = {91: [93], 123: [125], 34: [34]}
        adders = {91: [34, 91, 123], 123: [34, 91, 123], 34: [92], 92: [117]}
        for idx in range(1, len(raw_bytes)):
            cbyte = six.indexbytes(raw_bytes, idx)
            if cbyte in poppers.get(stack[-1], []):
            elif cbyte in adders.get(stack[-1], []):
            elif stack[-1] == 92:
            elif stack[-1] == 117:
                uniesc += 1
                if uniesc >= 4:
                    stack = stack[:-2]
                    uniesc = 0
            if not stack:
                return raw_bytes[:idx + 1], raw_bytes[idx + 1:]
        return None, raw_bytes
项目:tk-photoshopcc    作者:shotgunsoftware    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(self, skip_utf8_validation=False):
        validate the ABNF frame.
        skip_utf8_validation: skip utf8 validation.
        if self.rsv1 or self.rsv2 or self.rsv3:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("rsv is not implemented, yet")

        if self.opcode not in ABNF.OPCODES:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid opcode %r", self.opcode)

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_PING and not self.fin:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid ping frame.")

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE:
            l = len(
            if not l:
            if l == 1 or l >= 126:
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")
            if l > 2 and not skip_utf8_validation and not validate_utf8([2:]):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")

            code = 256*six.byte2int([0:1]) + six.byte2int([1:2])
            if not self._is_valid_close_status(code):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close opcode.")
项目:disco    作者:b1naryth1ef    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_close_args(self, data):
        if data and len(data) >= 2:
            code = 256 * six.byte2int(data[0:1]) + six.byte2int(data[1:2])
            reason = data[2:].decode('utf-8')
            return [code, reason]
        return [None, None]
项目:siphon-cli    作者:getsiphon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_close_args(self, data):
        """ this functions extracts the code, reason from the close body
        if they exists, and if the self.on_close except three arguments """
        import inspect
        # if the on_close callback is "old", just return empty list
        if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
            return []

        if data and len(data) >= 2:
            code = 256*six.byte2int(data[0:1]) + six.byte2int(data[1:2])
            reason = data[2:].decode('utf-8')
            return [code, reason]

        return [None, None]
项目:siphon-cli    作者:getsiphon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(self, skip_utf8_validation=False):
        validate the ABNF frame.
        skip_utf8_validation: skip utf8 validation.
        if self.rsv1 or self.rsv2 or self.rsv3:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("rsv is not implemented, yet")

        if self.opcode not in ABNF.OPCODES:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid opcode %r", self.opcode)

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_PING and not self.fin:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid ping frame.")

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE:
            l = len(
            if not l:
            if l == 1 or l >= 126:
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")
            if l > 2 and not skip_utf8_validation and not validate_utf8([2:]):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")

            code = 256*six.byte2int([0:1]) + six.byte2int([1:2])
            if not self._is_valid_close_status(code):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close opcode.")
项目:pysport    作者:sportorg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def byte2int(x):
            return x[0]
        except TypeError:
            return x
项目:pysport    作者:sportorg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _decode_cardnr(number):
        """Decodes a 4 byte cardnr to an int. SI-Card numbering is a bit odd:

           SI-Card 5:
              - byte 0:   always 0 (not stored on the card)
              - byte 1:   card series (stored on the card as CNS)
              - byte 2,3: card number
              - printed:  100'000*CNS + card number
              - nr range: 1-65'000 + 200'001-265'000 + 300'001-365'000 + 400'001-465'000

           SI-Card 6/6*/8/9/10/11/pCard/tCard/fCard/SIAC1:
              - byte 0:   card series (SI6:00, SI9:01, SI8:02, pCard:04, tCard:06, fCard:0E, SI10+SI11+SIAC1:0F)
              - byte 1-3: card number
              - printed:  only card number
              - nr range:
                  - SI6: 500'000-999'999 + 2'003'000-2'003'400 (WM2003) + 16'711'680-16'777'215 (SI6*)
                  - SI9: 1'000'000-1'999'999, SI8: 2'000'000-2'999'999
                  - pCard: 4'000'000-4'999'999, tCard: 6'000'000-6'999'999
                  - SI10: 7'000'000-7'999'999, SIAC1: 8'000'000-8'999'999
                  - SI11: 9'000'000-9'999'999, fCard: 14'000'000-14'999'999

           The card nr ranges guarantee that no ambigous values are possible
           (500'000 = 0x07A120 > 0x04FFFF = 465'535 = highest technically possible value on a SI5)

        if number[0:1] != b'\x00':
            raise SIReaderException('Unknown card series')

        nr = SIReader._to_int(number[1:4])
        if nr < 500000:
            # SI5 card
            ret = SIReader._to_int(number[2:4])
            if byte2int(number[1]) < 2:
                # Card series 0 and 1 do not have the 0/1 printed on the card
                return ret
                return byte2int(number[1]) * 100000 + ret
            # SI6/8/9
            return nr
项目:pysport    作者:sportorg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def poll_punch(self):
        """Polls for new punches.
        @return: list of (cardnr, punchtime) tuples, empty list if no new punches are available

        if not self.proto_config['ext_proto']:
            raise SIReaderException('This command only supports stations in "Extended Protocol" '
                                    'mode. Switch mode first')

        if not self.proto_config['auto_send']:
            raise SIReaderException('This command only supports stations in "Autosend" '
                                    'mode. Switch mode first')

        punches = []
        while True:
                c = self._read_command(timeout=0)
            except SIReaderTimeout:

            if c[0] == SIReader.C_TRANS_REC:
                cur_offset = SIReader._to_int(c[1][SIReader.T_OFFSET:SIReader.T_OFFSET + 3])
                if self._next_offset is not None:
                    while self._next_offset < cur_offset:
                        # recover lost punches
                        self._next_offset += SIReader.REC_LEN

                self._next_offset = cur_offset + SIReader.REC_LEN
            punches.append((self._decode_cardnr(c[1][SIReader.T_CN:SIReader.T_CN + 4]),
                            self._decode_time(c[1][SIReader.T_TIME:SIReader.T_TIME + 2])))
            raise SIReaderException('Unexpected command %s received' % hex(byte2int(c[0])))

        return punches
项目:ntlm-auth    作者:jborean93    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, value=0):
        if not isinstance(value, six.integer_types):
            value = six.byte2int(value)

        self.v = C + norm(abs(int(value)))
项目:cmdchallenge-site    作者:jarv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(self, skip_utf8_validation=False):
        validate the ABNF frame.
        skip_utf8_validation: skip utf8 validation.
        if self.rsv1 or self.rsv2 or self.rsv3:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("rsv is not implemented, yet")

        if self.opcode not in ABNF.OPCODES:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid opcode %r", self.opcode)

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_PING and not self.fin:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid ping frame.")

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE:
            l = len(
            if not l:
            if l == 1 or l >= 126:
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")
            if l > 2 and not skip_utf8_validation and not validate_utf8([2:]):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")

            code = 256 * \
                six.byte2int([0:1]) + six.byte2int([1:2])
            if not self._is_valid_close_status(code):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close opcode.")
项目:remoteControlPPT    作者:htwenning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode(self, encoded_packet):
        """Decode a transmitted package."""
        b64 = False
        if not isinstance(encoded_packet, six.binary_type):
            encoded_packet = encoded_packet.encode('utf-8')
        self.packet_type = six.byte2int(encoded_packet[0:1])
        if self.packet_type == 98:  # 'b' --> binary base64 encoded packet
            self.binary = True
            encoded_packet = encoded_packet[1:]
            self.packet_type = six.byte2int(encoded_packet[0:1])
            self.packet_type -= 48
            b64 = True
        elif self.packet_type >= 48:
            self.packet_type -= 48
            self.binary = False
            self.binary = True = None
        if len(encoded_packet) > 1:
            if self.binary:
                if b64:
           = base64.b64decode(encoded_packet[1:])
           = encoded_packet[1:]
           = self.json.loads(
                except ValueError:
           = encoded_packet[1:].decode('utf-8')
项目:PyCoD    作者:SE2Dev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def byte2int(bytes):
            return int(bytes[0])
项目:obsoleted-vpduserv    作者:InfraSIM    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_byte2int():
    assert six.byte2int(six.b("\x03")) == 3
    assert six.byte2int(six.b("\x03\x04")) == 3
    py.test.raises(IndexError, six.byte2int, six.b(""))
项目:cryptocurrency-trader    作者:TobCar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(self, skip_utf8_validation=False):
        validate the ABNF frame.
        skip_utf8_validation: skip utf8 validation.
        if self.rsv1 or self.rsv2 or self.rsv3:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("rsv is not implemented, yet")

        if self.opcode not in ABNF.OPCODES:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid opcode %r", self.opcode)

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_PING and not self.fin:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid ping frame.")

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE:
            l = len(
            if not l:
            if l == 1 or l >= 126:
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")
            if l > 2 and not skip_utf8_validation and not validate_utf8([2:]):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")

            code = 256 * \
                six.byte2int([0:1]) + six.byte2int([1:2])
            if not self._is_valid_close_status(code):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close opcode.")
项目:Flask-SocketIO    作者:cutedogspark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode(self, encoded_packet):
        """Decode a transmitted package."""
        b64 = False
        if not isinstance(encoded_packet, six.binary_type):
            encoded_packet = encoded_packet.encode('utf-8')
        self.packet_type = six.byte2int(encoded_packet[0:1])
        if self.packet_type == 98:  # 'b' --> binary base64 encoded packet
            self.binary = True
            encoded_packet = encoded_packet[1:]
            self.packet_type = six.byte2int(encoded_packet[0:1])
            self.packet_type -= 48
            b64 = True
        elif self.packet_type >= 48:
            self.packet_type -= 48
            self.binary = False
            self.binary = True = None
        if len(encoded_packet) > 1:
            if self.binary:
                if b64:
           = base64.b64decode(encoded_packet[1:])
           = encoded_packet[1:]
           = self.json.loads(
                except ValueError:
           = encoded_packet[1:].decode('utf-8')
项目:Flask-SocketIO    作者:cutedogspark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(self, skip_utf8_validation=False):
        validate the ABNF frame.
        skip_utf8_validation: skip utf8 validation.
        if self.rsv1 or self.rsv2 or self.rsv3:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("rsv is not implemented, yet")

        if self.opcode not in ABNF.OPCODES:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid opcode %r", self.opcode)

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_PING and not self.fin:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid ping frame.")

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE:
            l = len(
            if not l:
            if l == 1 or l >= 126:
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")
            if l > 2 and not skip_utf8_validation and not validate_utf8([2:]):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")

            code = 256*six.byte2int([0:1]) + six.byte2int([1:2])
            if not self._is_valid_close_status(code):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close opcode.")
项目:alfredToday    作者:jeeftor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, value=0):
        if not isinstance(value, six.integer_types):
            value = six.byte2int(value)

        self.v = C + norm(abs(int(value)))
项目:rpivot    作者:artkond    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, value=0):
        if not isinstance(value, six.integer_types):
            value = six.byte2int(value)

        self.v = C + norm(abs(int(value)))
项目:Deploy_XXNET_Server    作者:jzp820927    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_byte2int():
    assert six.byte2int(six.b("\x03")) == 3
    assert six.byte2int(six.b("\x03\x04")) == 3
    py.test.raises(IndexError, six.byte2int, six.b(""))
项目:ropi    作者:ThumbGen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode(self, encoded_packet):
        """Decode a transmitted package."""
        b64 = False
        self.packet_type = six.byte2int(encoded_packet[0:1])
        if self.packet_type == 98:  # 'b' --> binary base64 encoded packet
            self.binary = True
            encoded_packet = encoded_packet[1:]
            self.packet_type = six.byte2int(encoded_packet[0:1])
            self.packet_type -= 48
            b64 = True
        elif self.packet_type >= 48:
            self.packet_type -= 48
            self.binary = False
            self.binary = True = None
        if len(encoded_packet) > 1:
            if self.binary:
                if b64:
           = base64.b64decode(encoded_packet[1:])
           = encoded_packet[1:]
           = self.json.loads(
                except ValueError:
           = encoded_packet[1:].decode('utf-8')
项目:smileybot    作者:sillylyn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(self, skip_utf8_validation=False):
        validate the ABNF frame.
        skip_utf8_validation: skip utf8 validation.
        if self.rsv1 or self.rsv2 or self.rsv3:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("rsv is not implemented, yet")

        if self.opcode not in ABNF.OPCODES:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid opcode %r", self.opcode)

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_PING and not self.fin:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid ping frame.")

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE:
            l = len(
            if not l:
            if l == 1 or l >= 126:
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")
            if l > 2 and not skip_utf8_validation and not validate_utf8([2:]):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")

            code = 256*six.byte2int([0:1]) + six.byte2int([1:2])
            if not self._is_valid_close_status(code):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close opcode.")
项目:six    作者:benjaminp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_byte2int():
    assert six.byte2int(six.b("\x03")) == 3
    assert six.byte2int(six.b("\x03\x04")) == 3
    py.test.raises(IndexError, six.byte2int, six.b(""))
项目:bitcoinelasticsearch    作者:currentsea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_close_args(self, data):
        """ this functions extracts the code, reason from the close body
        if they exists, and if the self.on_close except three arguments """
        import inspect
        # if the on_close callback is "old", just return empty list
        if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
            return []

        if data and len(data) >= 2:
            code = 256*six.byte2int(data[0:1]) + six.byte2int(data[1:2])
            reason = data[2:].decode('utf-8')
            return [code, reason]

        return [None, None]
项目:bitcoinelasticsearch    作者:currentsea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(self, skip_utf8_validation=False):
        validate the ABNF frame.
        skip_utf8_validation: skip utf8 validation.
        if self.rsv1 or self.rsv2 or self.rsv3:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("rsv is not implemented, yet")

        if self.opcode not in ABNF.OPCODES:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid opcode %r", self.opcode)

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_PING and not self.fin:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid ping frame.")

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE:
            l = len(
            if not l:
            if l == 1 or l >= 126:
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")
            if l > 2 and not skip_utf8_validation and not validate_utf8([2:]):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")

            code = 256*six.byte2int([0:1]) + six.byte2int([1:2])
            if not self._is_valid_close_status(code):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close opcode.")
项目:bitcoinelasticsearch    作者:currentsea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_close_args(self, data):
        """ this functions extracts the code, reason from the close body
        if they exists, and if the self.on_close except three arguments """
        import inspect
        # if the on_close callback is "old", just return empty list
        if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
            return []

        if data and len(data) >= 2:
            code = 256*six.byte2int(data[0:1]) + six.byte2int(data[1:2])
            reason = data[2:].decode('utf-8')
            return [code, reason]

        return [None, None]
项目:bitcoinelasticsearch    作者:currentsea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(self, skip_utf8_validation=False):
        validate the ABNF frame.
        skip_utf8_validation: skip utf8 validation.
        if self.rsv1 or self.rsv2 or self.rsv3:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("rsv is not implemented, yet")

        if self.opcode not in ABNF.OPCODES:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid opcode %r", self.opcode)

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_PING and not self.fin:
            raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid ping frame.")

        if self.opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE:
            l = len(
            if not l:
            if l == 1 or l >= 126:
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")
            if l > 2 and not skip_utf8_validation and not validate_utf8([2:]):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close frame.")

            code = 256*six.byte2int([0:1]) + six.byte2int([1:2])
            if not self._is_valid_close_status(code):
                raise WebSocketProtocolException("Invalid close opcode.")
项目:bitcoinelasticsearch    作者:currentsea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_close_args(self, data):
        """ this functions extracts the code, reason from the close body
        if they exists, and if the self.on_close except three arguments """
        import inspect
        # if the on_close callback is "old", just return empty list
        if not self.on_close or len(inspect.getargspec(self.on_close).args) != 3:
            return []

        if data and len(data) >= 2:
            code = 256*six.byte2int(data[0:1]) + six.byte2int(data[1:2])
            reason = data[2:].decode('utf-8')
            return [code, reason]

        return [None, None]