Python six 模块,get_function_closure() 实例源码


项目:cleaREST    作者:petr-s    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_args(args, path, query, specials):
    def one_or_many(fn_, dict_, key):
        result = [fn_(value) for value in dict_[key]]
        return result[0] if len(result) == 1 else result

    kwargs = {}
    for arg, parse_fn in six.iteritems(args):
        if arg in specials:
            kwargs[arg] = specials[arg]()
        elif parse_fn is None:
            kwargs[arg] = one_or_many(lambda x: x, query, arg)
        elif isinstance(parse_fn, tuple):
            kwargs[arg] = parse_fn[DEFAULT] if arg not in query else one_or_many(parse_fn[CALLABLE], query, arg)
        elif isalambda(parse_fn):
            _code = six.get_function_code(parse_fn)
            closures = six.get_function_closure(parse_fn)
            if closures:
                assert len(closures) <= 1
                fn = closures[0].cell_contents
                fn = eval(".".join(_code.co_names), six.get_function_globals(parse_fn))
            kwargs[arg] = fn(**parse_args(get_function_args(parse_fn), path, query, specials))
            kwargs[arg] = one_or_many(parse_fn, query, arg)
    return kwargs
项目:stepler    作者:Mirantis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_unwrapped_func(func):
    """Get original function under decorator.

    Decorator hides original function inside itself. But in some cases it's
    important to get access to original function, for ex: for documentation.

        func (function): function that can be potentially a decorator which
            hides original function

        function: unwrapped function or the same function
    if not inspect.isfunction(func) and not inspect.ismethod(func):
        return func

    if func.__name__ != six.get_function_code(func).co_name:
        for cell in six.get_function_closure(func):
            obj = cell.cell_contents
            if inspect.isfunction(obj):
                if func.__name__ == six.get_function_code(obj).co_name:
                    return obj
                    return get_unwrapped_func(obj)
    return func
项目:tvlinker    作者:ozmartian    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fix_js_args(func):
    '''Use this function when unsure whether func takes this and arguments as its last 2 args.
       It will append 2 args if it does not.'''
    fcode = six.get_function_code(func)
    fargs = fcode.co_varnames[fcode.co_argcount-2:fcode.co_argcount]
    if fargs==('this', 'arguments') or fargs==('arguments', 'var'):
        return func
    code = append_arguments(six.get_function_code(func), ('this','arguments'))

    return types.FunctionType(code, six.get_function_globals(func), func.__name__, closure=six.get_function_closure(func))
项目:obsoleted-vpduserv    作者:InfraSIM    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_get_function_closure():
    def f():
        x = 42
        def g():
            return x
        return g
    cell = six.get_function_closure(f())[0]
    assert type(cell).__name__ == "cell"
项目:MaruMaru.bundle    作者:hojel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fix_js_args(func):
    '''Use this function when unsure whether func takes this and arguments as its last 2 args.
       It will append 2 args if it does not.'''
    fcode = six.get_function_code(func)
    fargs = fcode.co_varnames[fcode.co_argcount-2:fcode.co_argcount]
    if fargs==('this', 'arguments') or fargs==('arguments', 'var'):
        return func
    code = append_arguments(six.get_function_code(func), ('this','arguments'))

    return types.FunctionType(code, six.get_function_globals(func), func.__name__, closure=six.get_function_closure(func))
项目:Deploy_XXNET_Server    作者:jzp820927    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_get_function_closure():
    def f():
        x = 42
        def g():
            return x
        return g
    cell = six.get_function_closure(f())[0]
    assert type(cell).__name__ == "cell"
项目:py2swagger    作者:Arello-Mobile    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_decorators(function):
    # If we have no func_closure, it means we are not wrapping any other functions.
    decorators = []

        func_closure = six.get_function_closure(function)
    except AttributeError:
        return decorators
    if not func_closure:
        return [function]
    # Otherwise, we want to collect all of the recursive results for every closure we have.
    for closure in func_closure:
        if isinstance(closure.cell_contents, types.FunctionType):
    return [function] + decorators
项目:FMoviesPlus.bundle    作者:coder-alpha    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fix_js_args(func):
    '''Use this function when unsure whether func takes this and arguments as its last 2 args.
       It will append 2 args if it does not.'''
    fcode = six.get_function_code(func)
    fargs = fcode.co_varnames[fcode.co_argcount-2:fcode.co_argcount]
    if fargs==('this', 'arguments') or fargs==('arguments', 'var'):
        return func
    code = append_arguments(six.get_function_code(func), ('this','arguments'))

    return types.FunctionType(code, six.get_function_globals(func), func.__name__, closure=six.get_function_closure(func))
项目    作者:DxCx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fix_js_args(func):
    '''Use this function when unsure whether func takes this and arguments as its last 2 args.
       It will append 2 args if it does not.'''
    fcode = six.get_function_code(func)
    fargs = fcode.co_varnames[fcode.co_argcount-2:fcode.co_argcount]
    if fargs==('this', 'arguments') or fargs==('arguments', 'var'):
        return func
    code = append_arguments(six.get_function_code(func), ('this','arguments'))

    return types.FunctionType(code, six.get_function_globals(func), func.__name__, closure=six.get_function_closure(func))
项目:six    作者:benjaminp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_get_function_closure():
    def f():
        x = 42
        def g():
            return x
        return g
    cell = six.get_function_closure(f())[0]
    assert type(cell).__name__ == "cell"
项目:blender    作者:gastrodia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fix_js_args(func):
    '''Use this function when unsure whether func takes this and arguments as its last 2 args.
       It will append 2 args if it does not.'''
    fcode = six.get_function_code(func)
    fargs = fcode.co_varnames[fcode.co_argcount-2:fcode.co_argcount]
    if fargs==('this', 'arguments') or fargs==('arguments', 'var'):
        return func
    code = append_arguments(six.get_function_code(func), ('this','arguments'))

    return types.FunctionType(code, six.get_function_globals(func), func.__name__, closure=six.get_function_closure(func))
项目:python-alp    作者:tboquet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def serialize(cust_obj):
    """A function to serialize custom objects passed to a model

        cust_obj(callable): a custom layer or function to serialize

        a dict of the serialized components of the object"""
    ser_func = dict()
    if isinstance(cust_obj, types.FunctionType):

        func_code = six.get_function_code(cust_obj)
        func_code_d = dill.dumps(func_code).decode('raw_unicode_escape')
        ser_func['func_code_d'] = func_code_d
        ser_func['name_d'] = pickle.dumps(
        ser_func['args_d'] = pickle.dumps(
        clos = dill.dumps(
        ser_func['clos_d'] = clos
        ser_func['type_obj'] = 'func'
        if hasattr(cust_obj, '__module__'):  # pragma: no cover
            cust_obj.__module__ = '__main__'
        ser_func['name_d'] = None
        ser_func['args_d'] = None
        ser_func['clos_d'] = None
        ser_func['type_obj'] = 'class'
        loaded = dill.dumps(cust_obj).decode('raw_unicode_escape')
        ser_func['func_code_d'] = loaded
    return ser_func
项目:deb-python-pecan    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getargspec(method):
    Drill through layers of decorators attempting to locate the actual argspec
    for a method.

    argspec = _getargspec(method)
    args = argspec[0]
    if args and args[0] == 'self':
        return argspec
    if hasattr(method, '__func__'):
        method = method.__func__

    func_closure = six.get_function_closure(method)

    # NOTE(sileht): if the closure is None we cannot look deeper,
    # so return actual argspec, this occurs when the method
    # is static for example.
    if not func_closure:
        return argspec

    closure = None
    # In the case of deeply nested decorators (with arguments), it's possible
    # that there are several callables in scope;  Take a best guess and go
    # with the one that looks most like a pecan controller function
    # (has a __code__ object, and 'self' is the first argument)
    func_closure = filter(
        lambda c: (
            six.callable(c.cell_contents) and
            hasattr(c.cell_contents, '__code__')
    func_closure = sorted(
        key=lambda c: 'self' in c.cell_contents.__code__.co_varnames,

    closure = func_closure[0]

    method = closure.cell_contents
    return getargspec(method)