Python socket 模块,timeout() 实例源码


项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def wait(self, timeout=None):
        """Must be used with 'yield' as 'yield event.wait()' .
        if self._flag:
            raise StopIteration(True)
        if not self._scheduler:
            self._scheduler = Pycos.scheduler()
        task = Pycos.cur_task(self._scheduler)
        if timeout is not None:
            if timeout <= 0:
                raise StopIteration(False)
        if (yield task._await_(timeout)) is None:
            except ValueError:
            raise StopIteration(False)
            raise StopIteration(True)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def close_peer(self, location, timeout=MsgTimeout):
        """Must be used with 'yield', as
        'yield scheduler.close_peer("loc")'.

        Close peer at 'location'.
        if isinstance(location, Location):
            peer = _Peer.peers.get((location.addr, location.port), None)
            if peer:

                def sys_proc(peer, timeout, done, task=None):
                    yield _Peer.close_peer(peer, timeout=timeout, task=task)

                event = Event()
                SysTask(sys_proc, peer, timeout, event)
                yield event.wait()
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def del_file(self, location, file, dir=None, timeout=None):
        """Must be used with 'yield' as
        'loc = yield scheduler.del_file(location, "file1")'.

        Delete 'file' from peer at 'location'. 'dir' must be same as that used
        for 'send_file'.
        if isinstance(dir, basestring) and dir:
            dir = dir.strip()
            # reject absolute path for dir
            if os.path.join(os.sep, dir) == dir:
                raise StopIteration(-1)
        kwargs = {'file': os.path.basename(file), 'dir': dir}
        req = _NetRequest('del_file', kwargs=kwargs, dst=location, timeout=timeout)
        reply = yield _Peer._sync_reply(req)
        if reply is None:
            reply = -1
        raise StopIteration(reply)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def locate(name, location=None, timeout=None):
        """Must be used with 'yield' as 'rti = yield RTI.locate("name")'.

        Returns RTI instance to registered RTI at a remote peer so its method
        can be used to execute tasks at that peer.

        If 'location' is given, RTI is looked up at that specific peer;
        otherwise, all known peers are queried for given name.
        if not RTI._pycos:
            RTI._pycos = Pycos.instance()
        req = _NetRequest('locate_rti', kwargs={'name': name}, dst=location, timeout=timeout)
        req.event = Event()
        req_id = id(req)
        RTI._pycos._pending_reqs[req_id] = req
        _Peer.send_req_to(req, location)
        if (yield req.event.wait(timeout)) is False:
            req.reply = None
        rti = req.reply
        RTI._pycos._pending_reqs.pop(req_id, None)
        raise StopIteration(rti)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def monitor(self, task, timeout=MsgTimeout):
        """Must be used with 'yeild' as 'reply = yield rti.monitor(task)'.

        Install 'task' (a Task instance) as monitor for tasks created; i.e.,
        'task' receives MonitorException messages. If call is successful, the
        result is 0.
        if not isinstance(task, Task) and monitor is not None:
            raise StopIteration(-1)
        if self._mid:
            mid = self._mid
            mid = RTI._pycos._location
        req = _NetRequest('rti_monitor', kwargs={'name': self._name, 'monitor': task, 'mid': mid},
                          dst=self._location, timeout=timeout)
        reply = yield _Peer._sync_reply(req)
        if reply == 0:
            self._mid = mid
        raise StopIteration(reply)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Must be used with 'yeild' as 'rtask = yield rti(*args, **kwargs)'.

        Run RTI (method at remote location) with args and kwargs. Both args and
        kwargs must be serializable. Result is (remote) Task instance if call
        succeeds, otherwise it is None.
        req = _NetRequest('run_rti', kwargs={'name': self._name, 'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs,
                                             'mid': self._mid},
                          dst=self._location, timeout=MsgTimeout)
        reply = yield _Peer._sync_reply(req)
        if isinstance(reply, Task):
            raise StopIteration(reply)
        elif reply is None:
            raise StopIteration(None)
            raise Exception(reply)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _timed_out(self):
                if self._rsock and self._rsock.type & socket.SOCK_STREAM:
                    if self._read_overlap or self._write_overlap:
                if self._read_task:
                    if self._rsock and self._rsock.type & socket.SOCK_DGRAM:
                        self._notifier.clear(self, _AsyncPoller._Read)
                        self._read_fn = None
                    self._read_task.throw(socket.timeout('timed out'))
                    self._read_result = self._read_task = None
                if self._write_task:
                    if self._rsock and self._rsock.type & socket.SOCK_DGRAM:
                        self._notifier.clear(self, _AsyncPoller._Write)
                        self._write_fn = None
                    self._write_task.throw(socket.timeout('timed out'))
                    self._write_result = self._write_task = None
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def send(self, message):
        """May be used with 'yield'. Sends 'message' to task.

        If task is currently waiting with 'receive', it is resumed with
        'message'. Otherwise, 'message' is queued so that next receive call will
        return message.

        Can also be used on remotely running tasks.
        if self._location:
            request = _NetRequest('send', kwargs={'message': message, 'name': self._name,
                                                  'task': self._id},
                                  dst=self._location, timeout=MsgTimeout)
            # request is queued for asynchronous processing
            if _Peer.send_req(request) != 0:
                logger.warning('remote task at %s may not be valid', self._location)
                return -1
                return 0
            return self._scheduler._resume(self, message, Pycos._AwaitMsg_)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def deliver(self, message, timeout=None):
        """Must be used with 'yield' as 'yield task.deliver(message)'.

        Can also be used on remotely running tasks.

        Return value indicates status of delivering the message: If it is 1,
        then message has been delivered, if it is 0, it couldn't be delivered
        before timeout, and if it is < 0, then the (remote) task is not valid.
        if self._location:
            request = _NetRequest('deliver', kwargs={'message': message, 'name': self._name,
                                                     'task': self._id},
                                  dst=self._location, timeout=timeout)
            request.reply = -1
            reply = yield _Peer._sync_reply(request, alarm_value=0)
            if reply is None:
                reply = -1
            # if reply < 0:
            #     logger.warning('remote task at %s may not be valid', self._location)
            reply = self._scheduler._resume(self, message, Pycos._AwaitMsg_)
            if reply == 0:
                reply = 1
        raise StopIteration(reply)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def value(self, timeout=None):
        """Get last value 'yield'ed / value of StopIteration of task.

        NB: This method should _not_ be called from a task! This method is meant
        for main thread in the user program to wait for (main) task(s) it

        Once task stops (finishes) executing, the last value is returned.
        value = None
        if self._complete is None:
            self._complete = threading.Event()
            if self._complete.wait(timeout=timeout) is True:
                value = self._value
        elif self._complete == 0:
            value = self._value
            if self._complete.wait(timeout=timeout) is True:
                value = self._value
        return value
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def terminate(self):
        """Terminate task.

        If this method called by a thread (and not a task), there is a chance
        that task being terminated is currently running and can interfere with
        GenratorExit exception that will be thrown to task.

        Can also be used on remotely running tasks.
        if self._location:
            request = _NetRequest('terminate_task', kwargs={'task': self._id, 'name': self._name},
                                  dst=self._location, timeout=MsgTimeout)
            if _Peer.send_req(request) != 0:
                logger.warning('remote task at %s may not be valid', self._location)
                return -1
            return 0
            return self._scheduler._terminate_task(self)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def monitor(self, observe):
        """Must be used with 'yield' as 'yield task.monitor(observe)', where
        'observe' is a task which will be monitored by 'task'.  When 'observe'
        is finished (raises StopIteration or terminated due to uncaught
        exception), that exception is sent as a message to 'task' (monitor

        Monitor can inspect the exception and restart observed task if
        necessary. 'observe' can be a remote task.

        Can also be used on remotely running 'observe' task.
        if observe._location:
            # remote task
            request = _NetRequest('monitor', kwargs={'monitor': self, 'name': observe._name,
                                                     'task': observe._id},
                                  dst=observe._location, timeout=MsgTimeout)
            reply = yield _Peer._sync_reply(request)
            reply = self._scheduler._monitor(self, observe)
        raise StopIteration(reply)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def close_peer(self, location, timeout=MsgTimeout):
        """Must be used with 'yield', as
        'yield scheduler.close_peer("loc")'.

        Close peer at 'location'.
        if isinstance(location, Location):
            peer = _Peer.peers.get((location.addr, location.port), None)
            if peer:

                def sys_proc(peer, timeout, done, task=None):
                    yield _Peer.close_peer(peer, timeout=timeout, task=task)

                event = Event()
                SysTask(sys_proc, peer, timeout, event)
                yield event.wait()
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def del_file(self, location, file, dir=None, timeout=None):
        """Must be used with 'yield' as
        'loc = yield scheduler.del_file(location, "file1")'.

        Delete 'file' from peer at 'location'. 'dir' must be same as that used
        for 'send_file'.
        if isinstance(dir, str) and dir:
            dir = dir.strip()
            # reject absolute path for dir
            if os.path.join(os.sep, dir) == dir:
                raise StopIteration(-1)
        kwargs = {'file': os.path.basename(file), 'dir': dir}
        req = _NetRequest('del_file', kwargs=kwargs, dst=location, timeout=timeout)
        reply = yield _Peer._sync_reply(req)
        if reply is None:
            reply = -1
        raise StopIteration(reply)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def locate(name, location=None, timeout=None):
        """Must be used with 'yield' as 'rti = yield RTI.locate("name")'.

        Returns RTI instance to registered RTI at a remote peer so its method
        can be used to execute tasks at that peer.

        If 'location' is given, RTI is looked up at that specific peer;
        otherwise, all known peers are queried for given name.
        if not RTI._pycos:
            RTI._pycos = Pycos.instance()
        req = _NetRequest('locate_rti', kwargs={'name': name}, dst=location, timeout=timeout)
        req.event = Event()
        req_id = id(req)
        RTI._pycos._pending_reqs[req_id] = req
        _Peer.send_req_to(req, location)
        if (yield req.event.wait(timeout)) is False:
            req.reply = None
        rti = req.reply
        RTI._pycos._pending_reqs.pop(req_id, None)
        raise StopIteration(rti)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def monitor(self, task, timeout=MsgTimeout):
        """Must be used with 'yeild' as 'reply = yield rti.monitor(task)'.

        Install 'task' (a Task instance) as monitor for tasks created; i.e.,
        'task' receives MonitorException messages. If call is successful, the
        result is 0.
        if not isinstance(task, Task) and monitor is not None:
            raise StopIteration(-1)
        if self._mid:
            mid = self._mid
            mid = RTI._pycos._location
        req = _NetRequest('rti_monitor', kwargs={'name': self._name, 'monitor': task, 'mid': mid},
                          dst=self._location, timeout=timeout)
        reply = yield _Peer._sync_reply(req)
        if reply == 0:
            self._mid = mid
        raise StopIteration(reply)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def acquire(self, blocking=True, timeout=-1):
        """Must be used with 'yield' as 'yield lock.acquire()'.
        if not blocking and self._owner is not None:
            raise StopIteration(False)
        if not self._scheduler:
            self._scheduler = Pycos.scheduler()
        task = Pycos.cur_task(self._scheduler)
        if timeout < 0:
            timeout = None
        while self._owner is not None:
            if timeout is not None:
                if timeout <= 0:
                    raise StopIteration(False)
                start = _time()
            if (yield task._await_(timeout)) is None:
                except ValueError:
            if timeout is not None:
                timeout -= (_time() - start)
        self._owner = task
        raise StopIteration(True)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def wait(self, timeout=None):
        """Must be used with 'yield' as 'yield event.wait()' .
        if self._flag:
            raise StopIteration(True)
        if not self._scheduler:
            self._scheduler = Pycos.scheduler()
        task = Pycos.cur_task(self._scheduler)
        if timeout is not None:
            if timeout <= 0:
                raise StopIteration(False)
        if (yield task._await_(timeout)) is None:
            except ValueError:
            raise StopIteration(False)
            raise StopIteration(True)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def send(self, message):
        """May be used with 'yield'. Sends 'message' to task.

        If task is currently waiting with 'receive', it is resumed with
        'message'. Otherwise, 'message' is queued so that next receive call will
        return message.

        Can also be used on remotely running tasks.
        if self._location:
            request = _NetRequest('send', kwargs={'message': message, 'name': self._name,
                                                  'task': self._id},
                                  dst=self._location, timeout=MsgTimeout)
            # request is queued for asynchronous processing
            if _Peer.send_req(request) != 0:
                logger.warning('remote task at %s may not be valid', self._location)
                return -1
                return 0
            return self._scheduler._resume(self, message, Pycos._AwaitMsg_)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def deliver(self, message, timeout=None):
        """Must be used with 'yield' as 'yield task.deliver(message)'.

        Can also be used on remotely running tasks.

        Return value indicates status of delivering the message: If it is 1,
        then message has been delivered, if it is 0, it couldn't be delivered
        before timeout, and if it is < 0, then the (remote) task is not valid.
        if self._location:
            request = _NetRequest('deliver', kwargs={'message': message, 'name': self._name,
                                                     'task': self._id},
                                  dst=self._location, timeout=timeout)
            request.reply = -1
            reply = yield _Peer._sync_reply(request, alarm_value=0)
            if reply is None:
                reply = -1
            # if reply < 0:
            #     logger.warning('remote task at %s may not be valid', self._location)
            reply = self._scheduler._resume(self, message, Pycos._AwaitMsg_)
            if reply == 0:
                reply = 1
        raise StopIteration(reply)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def finish(self, timeout=None):
        """Get last value 'yield'ed / value of StopIteration of task. Must be
        used in a task with 'yield' as 'value = yield other_task.finish()'

        Once task stops (finishes) executing, the last value is returned.
        value = None
        if self._complete is None:
            self._complete = Event()
            if (yield self._complete.wait(timeout=timeout)) is True:
                value = self._value
        elif self._complete == 0:
            value = self._value
        elif isinstance(self._complete, Event):
            if (yield self._complete.wait(timeout=timeout)) is True:
                value = self._value
            raise RuntimeError('invalid wait on %s/%s: %s' %
                               (self._name, self._id, type(self._complete)))
        raise StopIteration(value)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def terminate(self):
        """Terminate task.

        If this method called by a thread (and not a task), there is a chance
        that task being terminated is currently running and can interfere with
        GenratorExit exception that will be thrown to task.

        Can also be used on remotely running tasks.
        if self._location:
            request = _NetRequest('terminate_task', kwargs={'task': self._id, 'name': self._name},
                                  dst=self._location, timeout=MsgTimeout)
            if _Peer.send_req(request) != 0:
                logger.warning('remote task at %s may not be valid', self._location)
                return -1
            return 0
            return self._scheduler._terminate_task(self)
项目:pycos    作者:pgiri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def monitor(self, observe):
        """Must be used with 'yield' as 'yield task.monitor(observe)', where
        'observe' is a task which will be monitored by 'task'.  When 'observe'
        is finished (raises StopIteration or terminated due to uncaught
        exception), that exception is sent as a message to 'task' (monitor

        Monitor can inspect the exception and restart observed task if
        necessary. 'observe' can be a remote task.

        Can also be used on remotely running 'observe' task.
        if observe._location:
            # remote task
            request = _NetRequest('monitor', kwargs={'monitor': self, 'name': observe._name,
                                                     'task': observe._id},
                                  dst=observe._location, timeout=MsgTimeout)
            reply = yield _Peer._sync_reply(request)
            reply = self._scheduler._monitor(self, observe)
        raise StopIteration(reply)
项目:pyOSC3    作者:Qirky    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _receiveWithTimeout(self, count):
        chunk = str()
        while len(chunk) < count:
                tmp = self.socket.recv(count - len(chunk))
            except socket.timeout:
                if not self._running:
                    print("CLIENT: Socket timed out and termination requested.")
                    return None
            except socket.error as e:
                if e[0] == errno.ECONNRESET:
                    print("CLIENT: Connection reset by peer.")
                    return None
                    raise e
            if not tmp or len(tmp) == 0:
                print("CLIENT: Socket has been closed.")
                return None
            chunk = chunk + tmp
        return chunk
项目:pyOSC3    作者:Qirky    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _receiveWithTimeout(self, count):
        chunk = str()
        while len(chunk) < count:
                tmp = self.socket.recv(count - len(chunk))
            except socket.timeout:
                if not self._running:
                    print "CLIENT: Socket timed out and termination requested."
                    return None
            except socket.error, e:
                if e[0] == errno.ECONNRESET:
                    print "CLIENT: Connection reset by peer."
                    return None
                    raise e
            if not tmp or len(tmp) == 0:
                print "CLIENT: Socket has been closed."
                return None
            chunk = chunk + tmp
        return chunk
项目:python-    作者:secondtonone1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recv(self, *args, **kwargs):
            data = self.connection.recv(*args, **kwargs)
        except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e:
            if self.suppress_ragged_eofs and e.args == (-1, 'Unexpected EOF'):
                return b''
                raise SocketError(str(e))
        except OpenSSL.SSL.ZeroReturnError as e:
            if self.connection.get_shutdown() == OpenSSL.SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN:
                return b''
        except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError:
            rd, wd, ed =
                [self.socket], [], [], self.socket.gettimeout())
            if not rd:
                raise timeout('The read operation timed out')
                return self.recv(*args, **kwargs)
            return data
项目:python-    作者:secondtonone1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recv_into(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return self.connection.recv_into(*args, **kwargs)
        except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e:
            if self.suppress_ragged_eofs and e.args == (-1, 'Unexpected EOF'):
                return 0
                raise SocketError(str(e))
        except OpenSSL.SSL.ZeroReturnError as e:
            if self.connection.get_shutdown() == OpenSSL.SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN:
                return 0
        except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError:
            rd, wd, ed =
                [self.socket], [], [], self.socket.gettimeout())
            if not rd:
                raise timeout('The read operation timed out')
                return self.recv_into(*args, **kwargs)
项目:python-    作者:secondtonone1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _raise_timeout(self, err, url, timeout_value):
        """Is the error actually a timeout? Will raise a ReadTimeout or pass"""

        if isinstance(err, SocketTimeout):
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)

        # See the above comment about EAGAIN in Python 3. In Python 2 we have
        # to specifically catch it and throw the timeout error
        if hasattr(err, 'errno') and err.errno in _blocking_errnos:
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)

        # Catch possible read timeouts thrown as SSL errors. If not the
        # case, rethrow the original. We need to do this because of:
        if 'timed out' in str(err) or 'did not complete (read)' in str(err):  # Python 2.6
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)
项目:my-first-blog    作者:AnkurBegining    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, socket):
        self.socket = socket
        self.context = None
        self._makefile_refs = 0
        self._closed = False
        self._exception = None
        self._keychain = None
        self._keychain_dir = None
        self._client_cert_chain = None

        # We save off the previously-configured timeout and then set it to
        # zero. This is done because we use select and friends to handle the
        # timeouts, but if we leave the timeout set on the lower socket then
        # Python will "kindly" call select on that socket again for us. Avoid
        # that by forcing the timeout to zero.
        self._timeout = self.socket.gettimeout()
项目:my-first-blog    作者:AnkurBegining    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recv(self, *args, **kwargs):
            data = self.connection.recv(*args, **kwargs)
        except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e:
            if self.suppress_ragged_eofs and e.args == (-1, 'Unexpected EOF'):
                return b''
                raise SocketError(str(e))
        except OpenSSL.SSL.ZeroReturnError as e:
            if self.connection.get_shutdown() == OpenSSL.SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN:
                return b''
        except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError:
            rd = util.wait_for_read(self.socket, self.socket.gettimeout())
            if not rd:
                raise timeout('The read operation timed out')
                return self.recv(*args, **kwargs)
            return data
项目:my-first-blog    作者:AnkurBegining    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recv_into(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return self.connection.recv_into(*args, **kwargs)
        except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e:
            if self.suppress_ragged_eofs and e.args == (-1, 'Unexpected EOF'):
                return 0
                raise SocketError(str(e))
        except OpenSSL.SSL.ZeroReturnError as e:
            if self.connection.get_shutdown() == OpenSSL.SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN:
                return 0
        except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError:
            rd = util.wait_for_read(self.socket, self.socket.gettimeout())
            if not rd:
                raise timeout('The read operation timed out')
                return self.recv_into(*args, **kwargs)
项目:my-first-blog    作者:AnkurBegining    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _raise_timeout(self, err, url, timeout_value):
        """Is the error actually a timeout? Will raise a ReadTimeout or pass"""

        if isinstance(err, SocketTimeout):
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)

        # See the above comment about EAGAIN in Python 3. In Python 2 we have
        # to specifically catch it and throw the timeout error
        if hasattr(err, 'errno') and err.errno in _blocking_errnos:
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)

        # Catch possible read timeouts thrown as SSL errors. If not the
        # case, rethrow the original. We need to do this because of:
        if 'timed out' in str(err) or 'did not complete (read)' in str(err):  # Python 2.6
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)
项目:my-first-blog    作者:AnkurBegining    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recv(self, *args, **kwargs):
            data = self.connection.recv(*args, **kwargs)
        except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e:
            if self.suppress_ragged_eofs and e.args == (-1, 'Unexpected EOF'):
                return b''
                raise SocketError(str(e))
        except OpenSSL.SSL.ZeroReturnError as e:
            if self.connection.get_shutdown() == OpenSSL.SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN:
                return b''
        except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError:
            rd, wd, ed =
                [self.socket], [], [], self.socket.gettimeout())
            if not rd:
                raise timeout('The read operation timed out')
                return self.recv(*args, **kwargs)
            return data
项目:my-first-blog    作者:AnkurBegining    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recv_into(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return self.connection.recv_into(*args, **kwargs)
        except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e:
            if self.suppress_ragged_eofs and e.args == (-1, 'Unexpected EOF'):
                return 0
                raise SocketError(str(e))
        except OpenSSL.SSL.ZeroReturnError as e:
            if self.connection.get_shutdown() == OpenSSL.SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN:
                return 0
        except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError:
            rd, wd, ed =
                [self.socket], [], [], self.socket.gettimeout())
            if not rd:
                raise timeout('The read operation timed out')
                return self.recv_into(*args, **kwargs)
项目:my-first-blog    作者:AnkurBegining    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _raise_timeout(self, err, url, timeout_value):
        """Is the error actually a timeout? Will raise a ReadTimeout or pass"""

        if isinstance(err, SocketTimeout):
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)

        # See the above comment about EAGAIN in Python 3. In Python 2 we have
        # to specifically catch it and throw the timeout error
        if hasattr(err, 'errno') and err.errno in _blocking_errnos:
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)

        # Catch possible read timeouts thrown as SSL errors. If not the
        # case, rethrow the original. We need to do this because of:
        if 'timed out' in str(err) or 'did not complete (read)' in str(err):  # Python 2.6
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)
项目:gimel    作者:Alephbet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def send_packed_command(self, command):
        "Send an already packed command to the Redis server"
        if not self._sock:
            if isinstance(command, str):
                command = [command]
            for item in command:
        except socket.timeout:
            raise TimeoutError("Timeout writing to socket")
        except socket.error:
            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
            if len(e.args) == 1:
                errno, errmsg = 'UNKNOWN', e.args[0]
                errno = e.args[0]
                errmsg = e.args[1]
            raise ConnectionError("Error %s while writing to socket. %s." %
                                  (errno, errmsg))
项目:googletranslate.popclipext    作者:wizyoung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, socket):
        self.socket = socket
        self.context = None
        self._makefile_refs = 0
        self._closed = False
        self._exception = None
        self._keychain = None
        self._keychain_dir = None
        self._client_cert_chain = None

        # We save off the previously-configured timeout and then set it to
        # zero. This is done because we use select and friends to handle the
        # timeouts, but if we leave the timeout set on the lower socket then
        # Python will "kindly" call select on that socket again for us. Avoid
        # that by forcing the timeout to zero.
        self._timeout = self.socket.gettimeout()
项目:googletranslate.popclipext    作者:wizyoung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recv(self, *args, **kwargs):
            data = self.connection.recv(*args, **kwargs)
        except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e:
            if self.suppress_ragged_eofs and e.args == (-1, 'Unexpected EOF'):
                return b''
                raise SocketError(str(e))
        except OpenSSL.SSL.ZeroReturnError as e:
            if self.connection.get_shutdown() == OpenSSL.SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN:
                return b''
        except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError:
            rd = util.wait_for_read(self.socket, self.socket.gettimeout())
            if not rd:
                raise timeout('The read operation timed out')
                return self.recv(*args, **kwargs)
            return data
项目:googletranslate.popclipext    作者:wizyoung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recv_into(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return self.connection.recv_into(*args, **kwargs)
        except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e:
            if self.suppress_ragged_eofs and e.args == (-1, 'Unexpected EOF'):
                return 0
                raise SocketError(str(e))
        except OpenSSL.SSL.ZeroReturnError as e:
            if self.connection.get_shutdown() == OpenSSL.SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN:
                return 0
        except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError:
            rd = util.wait_for_read(self.socket, self.socket.gettimeout())
            if not rd:
                raise timeout('The read operation timed out')
                return self.recv_into(*args, **kwargs)
项目:googletranslate.popclipext    作者:wizyoung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _raise_timeout(self, err, url, timeout_value):
        """Is the error actually a timeout? Will raise a ReadTimeout or pass"""

        if isinstance(err, SocketTimeout):
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)

        # See the above comment about EAGAIN in Python 3. In Python 2 we have
        # to specifically catch it and throw the timeout error
        if hasattr(err, 'errno') and err.errno in _blocking_errnos:
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)

        # Catch possible read timeouts thrown as SSL errors. If not the
        # case, rethrow the original. We need to do this because of:
        if 'timed out' in str(err) or 'did not complete (read)' in str(err):  # Python 2.6
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)
项目:WPForce    作者:n00py    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def TestSite(url):
    print "Trying: " + url
        urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=3)
    except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
        if e.code == 405:
            print url + " found!"
            print "Now the brute force will begin!  >:)"
        if e.code == 404:
            printout(str(e), YELLOW)
            print " - XMLRPC has been moved, removed, or blocked"
    except urllib2.URLError, g:
        printout("Could not identify XMLRPC.  Please verify the domain.\n", YELLOW)
    except socket.timeout as e:
        print type(e)
        printout("The socket timed out, try it again.", YELLOW)
项目:Projects    作者:it2school    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, socket):
        self.socket = socket
        self.context = None
        self._makefile_refs = 0
        self._closed = False
        self._exception = None
        self._keychain = None
        self._keychain_dir = None
        self._client_cert_chain = None

        # We save off the previously-configured timeout and then set it to
        # zero. This is done because we use select and friends to handle the
        # timeouts, but if we leave the timeout set on the lower socket then
        # Python will "kindly" call select on that socket again for us. Avoid
        # that by forcing the timeout to zero.
        self._timeout = self.socket.gettimeout()
项目:Projects    作者:it2school    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recv(self, *args, **kwargs):
            data = self.connection.recv(*args, **kwargs)
        except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e:
            if self.suppress_ragged_eofs and e.args == (-1, 'Unexpected EOF'):
                return b''
                raise SocketError(str(e))
        except OpenSSL.SSL.ZeroReturnError as e:
            if self.connection.get_shutdown() == OpenSSL.SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN:
                return b''
        except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError:
            rd = util.wait_for_read(self.socket, self.socket.gettimeout())
            if not rd:
                raise timeout('The read operation timed out')
                return self.recv(*args, **kwargs)
            return data
项目:Projects    作者:it2school    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recv_into(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return self.connection.recv_into(*args, **kwargs)
        except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e:
            if self.suppress_ragged_eofs and e.args == (-1, 'Unexpected EOF'):
                return 0
                raise SocketError(str(e))
        except OpenSSL.SSL.ZeroReturnError as e:
            if self.connection.get_shutdown() == OpenSSL.SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN:
                return 0
        except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError:
            rd = util.wait_for_read(self.socket, self.socket.gettimeout())
            if not rd:
                raise timeout('The read operation timed out')
                return self.recv_into(*args, **kwargs)
项目:Projects    作者:it2school    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _raise_timeout(self, err, url, timeout_value):
        """Is the error actually a timeout? Will raise a ReadTimeout or pass"""

        if isinstance(err, SocketTimeout):
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)

        # See the above comment about EAGAIN in Python 3. In Python 2 we have
        # to specifically catch it and throw the timeout error
        if hasattr(err, 'errno') and err.errno in _blocking_errnos:
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)

        # Catch possible read timeouts thrown as SSL errors. If not the
        # case, rethrow the original. We need to do this because of:
        if 'timed out' in str(err) or 'did not complete (read)' in str(err):  # Python 2.6
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)
项目:nettools    作者:germandutchwindtunnels    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect_and_login(self):
        """ Establish a Telnet connection and perform a login """
        self.session = Telnet()
  , self.port, self.response_timeout)
        except socket.timeout:
            return False

        if not self.login(self.username, self.password):
            return False

            self.execute_command_lowlevel("terminal length 0")
            self.execute_command_lowlevel("terminal width 0")
        except EOFError:
            return False

        return True
项目:pip-update-requirements    作者:alanhamlett    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, socket):
        self.socket = socket
        self.context = None
        self._makefile_refs = 0
        self._closed = False
        self._exception = None
        self._keychain = None
        self._keychain_dir = None
        self._client_cert_chain = None

        # We save off the previously-configured timeout and then set it to
        # zero. This is done because we use select and friends to handle the
        # timeouts, but if we leave the timeout set on the lower socket then
        # Python will "kindly" call select on that socket again for us. Avoid
        # that by forcing the timeout to zero.
        self._timeout = self.socket.gettimeout()
项目:pip-update-requirements    作者:alanhamlett    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recv(self, *args, **kwargs):
            data = self.connection.recv(*args, **kwargs)
        except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e:
            if self.suppress_ragged_eofs and e.args == (-1, 'Unexpected EOF'):
                return b''
                raise SocketError(str(e))
        except OpenSSL.SSL.ZeroReturnError as e:
            if self.connection.get_shutdown() == OpenSSL.SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN:
                return b''
        except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError:
            rd = util.wait_for_read(self.socket, self.socket.gettimeout())
            if not rd:
                raise timeout('The read operation timed out')
                return self.recv(*args, **kwargs)
            return data
项目:pip-update-requirements    作者:alanhamlett    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recv_into(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return self.connection.recv_into(*args, **kwargs)
        except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e:
            if self.suppress_ragged_eofs and e.args == (-1, 'Unexpected EOF'):
                return 0
                raise SocketError(str(e))
        except OpenSSL.SSL.ZeroReturnError as e:
            if self.connection.get_shutdown() == OpenSSL.SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN:
                return 0
        except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError:
            rd = util.wait_for_read(self.socket, self.socket.gettimeout())
            if not rd:
                raise timeout('The read operation timed out')
                return self.recv_into(*args, **kwargs)
项目:pip-update-requirements    作者:alanhamlett    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _raise_timeout(self, err, url, timeout_value):
        """Is the error actually a timeout? Will raise a ReadTimeout or pass"""

        if isinstance(err, SocketTimeout):
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)

        # See the above comment about EAGAIN in Python 3. In Python 2 we have
        # to specifically catch it and throw the timeout error
        if hasattr(err, 'errno') and err.errno in _blocking_errnos:
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)

        # Catch possible read timeouts thrown as SSL errors. If not the
        # case, rethrow the original. We need to do this because of:
        if 'timed out' in str(err) or 'did not complete (read)' in str(err):  # Python 2.6
            raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value)