def save(toml_config, config_path=None): """ :param toml_config: TOML configuration object :type toml_config: MutableToml or Toml :param config_path: path to config to use :type config_path: str """ serial = toml.dumps(toml_config._dictionary) if config_path is None: config_path = get_config_path() util.ensure_file_exists(config_path) util.enforce_file_permissions(config_path) with util.open_file(config_path, 'w') as config_file: config_file.write(serial)
def write_toml(self, data, path=None): """Writes the given data structure out as TOML.""" if path is None: path = self.pipfile_location try: formatted_data = contoml.dumps(data).rstrip() except Exception: for section in ('packages', 'dev-packages'): for package in data[section]: # Convert things to inline tables — fancy :) if hasattr(data[section][package], 'keys'): _data = data[section][package] data[section][package] = toml._get_empty_inline_table(dict) data[section][package].update(_data) formatted_data = toml.dumps(data).rstrip() formatted_data = cleanup_toml(formatted_data) with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(formatted_data)
def write_table(self): """ |write_table| with `TOML <https://github.com/toml-lang/toml>`__ format. :raises pytablewriter.EmptyTableNameError: If the |header_list| is empty. :raises pytablewriter.EmptyHeaderError: If the |header_list| is empty. :Example: :ref:`example-toml-table-writer` """ self._logger.logging_start_write() self._verify_property() self.stream.write(toml.dumps(self.tabledata.as_dict())) self._logger.logging_complete_write()
def policy_from_crawl(prof): conf = {} conf['scripts'] = {} opts = [] hosts = [] if not prof['js_sources'] and not prof['inline']: conf['scripts']['allow'] = 'none' return conf if prof['js_sources']: conf['scripts']['allow'] = 'custom' for source in prof['js_sources']: if source == 'HOME': opts.append('self') else: hosts.append(source) if prof['inline']: opts.append('inline') conf['scripts']['options'] = opts conf['scripts']['hosts'] = hosts return toml.dumps(conf)
def write(self, content, config_file): with open(config_file, "w+") as conffile: conffile.write(toml.dumps(content))
def write(self, content, config_file): with open(config_file, "w+") as conffile: conffile.write(json.dumps(content))
def create_pipfile(): data = { "source": [{ "url": "https://pypi.python.org/simple", "verify_ssl": True, }], "packages": {}, "dev-packages": {}, } with open("Pipfile", "w") as f: f.write(format_toml(toml.dumps(data)))
def write_front_matter(meta, style="toml"): if style == "json": import json return json.dumps(meta, indent=4, sort_keys=True) elif style == "toml": import toml return "+++\n" + toml.dumps(meta) + "+++\n" elif style == "yaml": import yaml return "---\n" + yaml.dump(meta) + "---\n" return ""
def getFrontMatter(item, format="toml"): frontmatter = dict() frontmatter["title"] = item["title"] frontmatter["id"] = item["id"] if "labels" in item: frontmatter["tags"] = item["labels"] frontmatter["aliases"] = [item["url"]] frontmatter["publishdate"] = item["published"] frontmatter["draft"] = False frontmatter["date"] = item["published"] frontmatter["lastmod"] = item["updated"] if format == "toml": return toml.dumps(frontmatter)
def printPosts(item, fields, docFormat=None, writeToFiles=False): template = """+++ {0} +++ {1} """ logger.debug(json.dumps(item, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))) if docFormat: logger.debug("Starting to print %s", item['id']) filename = None content = item["content"].encode('utf-8', "ignore") if writeToFiles: filename = getFilenameFromPostUrl(item['url'], docFormat) with open(filename, "wb") as outputFile: outputFile.write(content) converted = pypandoc.convert_file( filename, docFormat, format="html") content = template.format(getFrontMatter(item), converted).encode('utf-8', 'ignore') with open(filename, "wb") as outputfile: outputfile.write(content) else: print(content) logger.info("Finished print %s: %s", item['id'], filename) elif isinstance(fields, basestring): fields = fields.split(",") line = [str(item[k]) for k in fields if k in item] print(",".join(line))
def parsed_pipfile(self): # Open the pipfile, read it into memory. with open(self.pipfile_location) as f: contents = f.read() # If any outline tables are present... if ('[packages.' in contents) or ('[dev-packages.' in contents): data = toml.loads(contents) # Convert all outline tables to inline tables. for section in ('packages', 'dev-packages'): for package in data.get(section, {}): # Convert things to inline tables — fancy :) if hasattr(data[section][package], 'keys'): _data = data[section][package] data[section][package] = toml._get_empty_inline_table(dict) data[section][package].update(_data) # We lose comments here, but it's for the best.) try: return contoml.loads(toml.dumps(data, preserve=True)) except RuntimeError: return toml.loads(toml.dumps(data, preserve=True)) else: # Fallback to toml parser, for large files. try: return contoml.loads(contents) except Exception: return toml.loads(contents)
def _dumps(obj, fmt=None): if fmt == 'toml': return toml.dumps(obj) elif fmt == 'json': return json.dumps(obj, sort_keys=True, indent=2, default=json_util.default) elif fmt == 'python': return pformat(obj, indent=2) elif fmt == 'pickle': return pickle.dumps(obj) else: return str(obj)
def to_toml_string(self): return str(toml.dumps(self.to_dict())).strip().split('\n')
def save(toml_config): """ :param toml_config: TOML configuration object :type toml_config: MutableToml or Toml """ serial = toml.dumps(toml_config._dictionary) path = util.get_config_path() with util.open_file(path, 'w') as config_file: config_file.write(serial)
def write(self): if self.show: if self.errors != []: if "tags" not in self.data: self.data["tags"] = ["error"] else: self.data["tags"].append("error") C = "+++\n" C += toml.dumps(self.data) C += "\n+++\n\n" # C+= C += self.content dpath = j.sal.fs.joinPaths(self.docSite.outpath, "content", self.rpath) j.sal.fs.createDir(j.sal.fs.getDirName(dpath)) j.sal.fs.writeFile(filename=dpath, contents=C) # self.last_content = content # self.last_path = self.path # self.last_dest = j.sal.fs.joinPaths(j.sal.fs.getDirName(path), j.sal.fs.getBaseName(path)[1:]) # self.last_dest=j.sal.fs.joinPaths(self.root,j.sal.fs.pathRemoveDirPart(path,self.source)) # j.sal.fs.createDir(j.sal.fs.getDirName(self.last_dest)) # j.data.regex.replace(regexFind, regexFindsubsetToReplace, replaceWith, text)