def _getEndpoint(self, scheme, host, port): """ Get an endpoint for the given host and port, using a transport selected based on scheme. @param scheme: A string like C{'http'} or C{'https'} (the only two supported values) to use to determine how to establish the connection. @param host: A C{str} giving the hostname which will be connected to in order to issue a request. @param port: An C{int} giving the port number the connection will be on. @return: An endpoint which can be used to connect to given address. """ kwargs = {} if self._connectTimeout is not None: kwargs['timeout'] = self._connectTimeout kwargs['bindAddress'] = self._bindAddress if scheme == 'http': return TCP4ClientEndpoint(self._reactor, host, port, **kwargs) elif scheme == 'https': return SSL4ClientEndpoint(self._reactor, host, port, self._wrapContextFactory(host, port), **kwargs) else: raise SchemeNotSupported("Unsupported scheme: %r" % (scheme,))
def test_sslPositionalArgs(self): """ When passed an SSL strports description, L{clientFromString} returns a L{SSL4ClientEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, "ssl:example.net:4321:privateKey=%s:" "certKey=%s:bindAddress=" % (escapedPEMPathName, escapedPEMPathName, escapedCAsPathName)) self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.SSL4ClientEndpoint) self.assertIs(client._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(client._host, "example.net") self.assertEqual(client._port, 4321) self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 3) self.assertEqual(client._bindAddress, ("", 0))
def test_sslWithDefaults(self): """ When passed an SSL strports description without extra arguments, L{clientFromString} returns a L{SSL4ClientEndpoint} instance whose context factory is initialized with default values. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString(reactor, "ssl:example.net:4321") self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.SSL4ClientEndpoint) self.assertIs(client._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(client._host, "example.net") self.assertEqual(client._port, 4321) certOptions = client._sslContextFactory self.assertEqual(certOptions.method, SSLv23_METHOD) self.assertIsNone(certOptions.certificate) self.assertIsNone(certOptions.privateKey)
def main(reactor): pem = generate_certs.and_generate() caPem = FilePath(b"ca-private-cert.pem").getContent() clientEndpoint = SSL4ClientEndpoint( reactor, u"localhost", 4321, optionsForClientTLS(u"the-authority", Certificate.loadPEM(caPem), PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(pem)), ) clientEndpoint = SSL4ClientEndpoint( reactor, u"localhost", 4321, optionsForClientTLS(u"the-authority", Certificate.loadPEM(caPem), PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(pem)), ) proto = yield clientEndpoint.connect(Factory.forProtocol(SendAnyData)) yield proto.deferred
def subEndpoint(self, reactor, host, port, contextFactory): """ Create an endpoint to connect to based on a single address result from L{getaddrinfo}. @param reactor: the reactor to connect to @type reactor: L{IReactorTCP} @param host: The IP address of the host to connect to, in presentation format. @type host: L{str} @param port: The numeric port number to connect to. @type port: L{int} @param contextFactory: If not L{None}, the OpenSSL context factory to use to produce client connections. @return: a stream client endpoint that will connect to the given host and port via the given reactor. @rtype: L{IStreamClientEndpoint} """ if contextFactory is None: return TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, host, port) else: return SSL4ClientEndpoint(reactor, host, port, contextFactory)
def createClientEndpoint(self, reactor, clientFactory, **connectArgs): """ Create an L{SSL4ClientEndpoint} and return the values needed to verify its behaviour. @param reactor: A fake L{IReactorSSL} that L{SSL4ClientEndpoint} can call L{IReactorSSL.connectSSL} on. @param clientFactory: The thing that we expect to be passed to our L{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} implementation. @param connectArgs: Optional dictionary of arguments to L{IReactorSSL.connectSSL} """ address = IPv4Address("TCP", "localhost", 80) if connectArgs is None: connectArgs = {} return (endpoints.SSL4ClientEndpoint(reactor, address.host, address.port, self.clientSSLContext, **connectArgs), (address.host, address.port, clientFactory, self.clientSSLContext, connectArgs.get('timeout', 30), connectArgs.get('bindAddress', None)), address)
def __init__(self, url, realm=None, extra=None, serializers=None, ssl=None, proxy=None, headers=None): """ :param url: The WebSocket URL of the WAMP router to connect to (e.g. `ws://somehost.com:8090/somepath`) :type url: str :param realm: The WAMP realm to join the application session to. :type realm: str :param extra: Optional extra configuration to forward to the application component. :type extra: dict :param serializers: A list of WAMP serializers to use (or None for default serializers). Serializers must implement :class:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISerializer`. :type serializers: list :param ssl: (Optional). If specified this should be an instance suitable to pass as ``sslContextFactory`` to :class:`twisted.internet.endpoints.SSL4ClientEndpoint`` such as :class:`twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions`. Leaving it as ``None`` will use the result of calling Twisted's :meth:`twisted.internet.ssl.platformTrust` which tries to use your distribution's CA certificates. :type ssl: :class:`twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions` :param proxy: Explicit proxy server to use; a dict with ``host`` and ``port`` keys :type proxy: dict or None :param headers: Additional headers to send (only applies to WAMP-over-WebSocket). :type headers: dict """ assert(type(url) == six.text_type) assert(realm is None or type(realm) == six.text_type) assert(extra is None or type(extra) == dict) assert(headers is None or type(headers) == dict) assert(proxy is None or type(proxy) == dict) self.url = url self.realm = realm self.extra = extra or dict() self.serializers = serializers self.ssl = ssl self.proxy = proxy self.headers = headers # this if for auto-reconnection when Twisted ClientService is avail self._client_service = None # total number of successful connections self._connect_successes = 0
def test_ssl(self): """ When passed an SSL strports description, L{clientFromString} returns a L{SSL4ClientEndpoint} instance initialized with the values from the string. """ reactor = object() client = endpoints.clientFromString( reactor, "ssl:host=example.net:port=4321:privateKey=%s:" "certKey=%s:bindAddress=" % (escapedPEMPathName, escapedPEMPathName, escapedCAsPathName)) self.assertIsInstance(client, endpoints.SSL4ClientEndpoint) self.assertIs(client._reactor, reactor) self.assertEqual(client._host, "example.net") self.assertEqual(client._port, 4321) self.assertEqual(client._timeout, 3) self.assertEqual(client._bindAddress, ("", 0)) certOptions = client._sslContextFactory self.assertIsInstance(certOptions, CertificateOptions) self.assertEqual(certOptions.method, SSLv23_METHOD) self.assertTrue(certOptions._options & OP_NO_SSLv3) ctx = certOptions.getContext() self.assertIsInstance(ctx, ContextType) self.assertEqual(Certificate(certOptions.certificate), testCertificate) privateCert = PrivateCertificate(certOptions.certificate) privateCert._setPrivateKey(KeyPair(certOptions.privateKey)) self.assertEqual(privateCert, testPrivateCertificate) expectedCerts = [ Certificate.loadPEM(x.getContent()) for x in [casPath.child("thing1.pem"), casPath.child("thing2.pem")] if x.basename().lower().endswith('.pem') ] addedCerts = [] class ListCtx(object): def get_cert_store(self): class Store(object): def add_cert(self, cert): addedCerts.append(cert) return Store() certOptions.trustRoot._addCACertsToContext(ListCtx()) self.assertEqual( sorted((Certificate(x) for x in addedCerts), key=lambda cert: cert.digest()), sorted(expectedCerts, key=lambda cert: cert.digest()) )