def opt_path(self, path): """<path> is either a specific file or a directory to be set as the root of the web server. Use this if you have a directory full of HTML, cgi, php3, epy, or rpy files or any other files that you want to be served up raw. """ self['root'] = static.File(os.path.abspath(path)) self['root'].processors = { '.cgi': twcgi.CGIScript, '.php3': twcgi.PHP3Script, '.php': twcgi.PHPScript, '.epy': script.PythonScript, '.rpy': script.ResourceScript, '.trp': trp.ResourceUnpickler, }
def setUp(self): name = str(id(self)) + "_webclient" if not os.path.exists(name): os.mkdir(name) f = open(os.path.join(name, "file"), "wb") f.write("0123456789") f.close() r = static.File(name) r.putChild("redirect", util.Redirect("/file")) r.putChild("wait", LongTimeTakingResource()) r.putChild("error", ErrorResource()) r.putChild("nolength", NoLengthResource()) r.putChild("host", HostHeaderResource()) r.putChild("payload", PayloadResource()) r.putChild("broken", BrokenDownloadResource()) site = server.Site(r, timeout=None) self.port = self._listen(site) self.portno = self.port.getHost().port
def __init__(self, app, config): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.app = app self.IApp = IServiceCollection(app, app) self.debug = config.getboolean('debug', False) self.nodename = config.get('node_name', socket.gethostname()) static_serve_path = config.get('static_serve_path', 'files') storage_path = config.get('storage_path') self.putChild('', Home(self)) self.putChild('jobs', Jobs(self)) self.putChild(static_serve_path, File(storage_path)) services = config.items('services', ()) for servName, servClsName in services: servCls = load_object(servClsName) self.putChild(servName, servCls(self))
def __init__(self, validator, static_dir=None): Resource.__init__(self) self.validator = validator if static_dir is not None and os.path.exists(static_dir): for f in os.listdir(static_dir): self.putChild(f, File(os.path.join(static_dir, f))) self.putChild('block', BlockPage(validator)) self.putChild('statistics', StatisticsPage(validator)) self.putChild('store', StorePage(validator)) self.putChild('status', StatusPage(validator)) self.putChild('transaction', TransactionPage(validator)) self.putChild('forward', ForwardPage(validator)) self.putChild('command', CommandPage(validator)) validator.web_thread_pool.start()
def at_webserver_root_creation(web_root): """ This is called as the web server has finished building its default path tree. At this point, the media/ and static/ URIs have already been added to the web root. Args: web_root (twisted.web.resource.Resource): The root resource of the URI tree. Use .putChild() to add new subdomains to the tree. Returns: web_root (twisted.web.resource.Resource): The potentially modified root structure. Example: from twisted.web import static my_page = static.File("web/mypage/") my_page.indexNames = ["index.html"] web_root.putChild("mypage", my_page) """ return web_root
def startService(self): factory = WebSocketServerFactory(u"ws://" % self.port) factory.protocol = EchoServerProtocol # FIXME: Site.start/stopFactory should start/stop factories wrapped as Resources factory.startFactory() resource = WebSocketResource(factory) # we server static files under "/" .. webdir = os.path.abspath(pkg_resources.resource_filename("echows", "web")) root = File(webdir) # and our WebSocket server under "/ws" (note that Twisted uses # bytes for URIs) root.putChild(b"ws", resource) # both under one Twisted Web Site site = Site(root) self.site = site self.factory = factory self.listener = reactor.listenTCP(self.port, site)
def test_notFound(self): """ If a request is made which encounters a L{File} before a final segment which does not correspond to any file in the path the L{File} was created with, a not found response is sent. """ base = FilePath(self.mktemp()) base.makedirs() file = static.File(base.path) request = DummyRequest([b'foobar']) child = resource.getChildForRequest(file, request) d = self._render(child, request) def cbRendered(ignored): self.assertEqual(request.responseCode, 404) d.addCallback(cbRendered) return d
def test_securityViolationNotFound(self): """ If a request is made which encounters a L{File} before a final segment which cannot be looked up in the filesystem due to security considerations, a not found response is sent. """ base = FilePath(self.mktemp()) base.makedirs() file = static.File(base.path) request = DummyRequest([b'..']) child = resource.getChildForRequest(file, request) d = self._render(child, request) def cbRendered(ignored): self.assertEqual(request.responseCode, 404) d.addCallback(cbRendered) return d
def test_forbiddenResource(self): """ If the file in the filesystem which would satisfy a request cannot be read, L{File.render} sets the HTTP response code to I{FORBIDDEN}. """ base = FilePath(self.mktemp()) base.setContent(b'') # Make sure we can delete the file later. self.addCleanup(base.chmod, 0o700) # Get rid of our own read permission. base.chmod(0) file = static.File(base.path) request = DummyRequest([b'']) d = self._render(file, request) def cbRendered(ignored): self.assertEqual(request.responseCode, 403) d.addCallback(cbRendered) return d
def test_indexNames(self): """ If a request is made which encounters a L{File} before a final empty segment, a file in the L{File} instance's C{indexNames} list which exists in the path the L{File} was created with is served as the response to the request. """ base = FilePath(self.mktemp()) base.makedirs() base.child("foo.bar").setContent(b"baz") file = static.File(base.path) file.indexNames = [b'foo.bar'] request = DummyRequest([b'']) child = resource.getChildForRequest(file, request) d = self._render(child, request) def cbRendered(ignored): self.assertEqual(b''.join(request.written), b'baz') self.assertEqual( request.responseHeaders.getRawHeaders(b'content-length')[0], b'3') d.addCallback(cbRendered) return d
def test_staticFile(self): """ If a request is made which encounters a L{File} before a final segment which names a file in the path the L{File} was created with, that file is served as the response to the request. """ base = FilePath(self.mktemp()) base.makedirs() base.child("foo.bar").setContent(b"baz") file = static.File(base.path) request = DummyRequest([b'foo.bar']) child = resource.getChildForRequest(file, request) d = self._render(child, request) def cbRendered(ignored): self.assertEqual(b''.join(request.written), b'baz') self.assertEqual( request.responseHeaders.getRawHeaders(b'content-length')[0], b'3') d.addCallback(cbRendered) return d
def test_staticFileDeletedRender(self): """ A L{static.File} created for a file which does not exist should render its C{childNotFound} page. """ staticFile = static.File(self.mktemp()) request = DummyRequest([b'foo.bar']) request2 = DummyRequest([b'foo.bar']) d = self._render(staticFile, request) d2 = self._render(staticFile.childNotFound, request2) def cbRendered2(ignored): def cbRendered(ignored): self.assertEqual(b''.join(request.written), b''.join(request2.written)) d.addCallback(cbRendered) return d d2.addCallback(cbRendered2) return d2
def test_ignoredExtensionsIgnored(self): """ A request for the I{base} child of a L{File} succeeds with a resource for the I{base<extension>} file in the path the L{File} was created with if such a file exists and the L{File} has been configured to ignore the I{<extension>} extension. """ base = FilePath(self.mktemp()) base.makedirs() base.child('foo.bar').setContent(b'baz') base.child('foo.quux').setContent(b'foobar') file = static.File(base.path, ignoredExts=(b".bar",)) request = DummyRequest([b"foo"]) child = resource.getChildForRequest(file, request) d = self._render(child, request) def cbRendered(ignored): self.assertEqual(b''.join(request.written), b'baz') d.addCallback(cbRendered) return d
def test_directoryWithoutTrailingSlashRedirects(self): """ A request for a path which is a directory but does not have a trailing slash will be redirected to a URL which does have a slash by L{File}. """ base = FilePath(self.mktemp()) base.makedirs() base.child('folder').makedirs() file = static.File(base.path) request = DummyRequest([b"folder"]) request.uri = b"http://dummy/folder#baz?foo=bar" child = resource.getChildForRequest(file, request) self.successResultOf(self._render(child, request)) self.assertEqual(request.responseCode, FOUND) self.assertEqual(request.responseHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"location"), [b"http://dummy/folder/#baz?foo=bar"])
def setUp(self): """ Create a temporary file with a fixed payload of 64 bytes. Create a resource for that file and create a request which will be for that resource. Each test can set a different range header to test different aspects of the implementation. """ path = FilePath(self.mktemp()) # This is just a jumble of random stuff. It's supposed to be a good # set of data for this test, particularly in order to avoid # accidentally seeing the right result by having a byte sequence # repeated at different locations or by having byte values which are # somehow correlated with their position in the string. self.payload = (b'\xf8u\xf3E\x8c7\xce\x00\x9e\xb6a0y0S\xf0\xef\xac\xb7' b'\xbe\xb5\x17M\x1e\x136k{\x1e\xbe\x0c\x07\x07\t\xd0' b'\xbckY\xf5I\x0b\xb8\x88oZ\x1d\x85b\x1a\xcdk\xf2\x1d' b'&\xfd%\xdd\x82q/A\x10Y\x8b') path.setContent(self.payload) self.file = path.open() self.resource = static.File(self.file.name) self.resource.isLeaf = 1 self.request = DummyRequest([b'']) self.request.uri = self.file.name self.catcher = [] log.addObserver(self.catcher.append)
def test_pathServer(self): """ The I{--path} option to L{makeService} causes it to return a service which will listen on the server address given by the I{--port} option. """ path = FilePath(self.mktemp()) path.makedirs() port = self.mktemp() options = Options() options.parseOptions(['--port', 'unix:' + port, '--path', path.path]) service = makeService(options) service.startService() self.addCleanup(service.stopService) self.assertIsInstance(service.services[0].factory.resource, File) self.assertEqual(service.services[0].factory.resource.path, path.path) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(port)) self.assertTrue(stat.S_ISSOCK(os.stat(port).st_mode))
def test_staticRoot(self): app = self.app request = requestMock(b"/__init__.py") @app.route("/", branch=True) def root(request): return File(os.path.dirname(__file__)) d = _render(self.kr, request) self.assertFired(d) self.assertEqual(request.getWrittenData(), open( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "__init__.py"), 'rb').read()) self.assertEqual(request.finishCount, 1)
def test_explicitStaticBranch(self): app = self.app request = requestMock(b"/static/__init__.py") @app.route("/static/", branch=True) def root(request): return File(os.path.dirname(__file__)) d = _render(self.kr, request) self.assertFired(d) self.assertEqual(request.getWrittenData(), open( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "__init__.py"), 'rb').read()) self.assertEqual(request.writeCount, 1) self.assertEqual(request.finishCount, 1)
def sessionstart(reason, **kwargs): if reason == 0 and "session" in kwargs: try: from Plugins.Extensions.WebInterface.WebChilds.Toplevel import addExternalChild from Plugins.Extensions.WebInterface.WebChilds.Screenpage import ScreenPage from twisted.python import util from twisted.web import static if hasattr(static.File, 'render_GET'): class File(static.File): def render_POST(self, request): return self.render_GET(request) else: File = static.File session = kwargs["session"] root = File(util.sibpath(__file__, "web-data")) root.putChild("web", ScreenPage(session, util.sibpath(__file__, "web"), True)) addExternalChild( ("internetradio", root, "Internet-Radio", "1", True) ) except ImportError: pass # pah!
def __init__(self, cfg): static_dir = os.path.join(cfg['assets'], 'static') self.files = {} for root, dirs, files in os.walk(static_dir): for filename in files: if not filename.startswith('!'): fullpath = os.path.join(root, filename) self.files[filename] = File(fullpath)
def loadChildren(self): for f in os.listdir(self.path): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.path, f)): self.resource.putChild(f, static.File(self.path + f))
def wchild_WebConduit2_js(self, request): #print "returning js file" h = request.getHeader("user-agent") if h.count("MSIE"): fl = "WebConduit2_msie.js" else: fl = "WebConduit2_mozilla.js" return static.File(os.path.join(WOVEN_PATH, fl))
def wchild_FlashConduit_swf(self, request): #print "returning flash file" h = request.getHeader("user-agent") if h.count("MSIE"): fl = "FlashConduit.swf" else: fl = "FlashConduit.swf" return static.File(os.path.join(WOVEN_PATH, fl))
def opt_processor(self, proc): """`ext=class' where `class' is added as a Processor for files ending with `ext'. """ if not isinstance(self['root'], static.File): raise usage.UsageError("You can only use --processor after --path.") ext, klass = proc.split('=', 1) self['root'].processors[ext] = reflect.namedClass(klass)
def opt_mime_type(self, defaultType): """Specify the default mime-type for static files.""" if not isinstance(self['root'], static.File): raise usage.UsageError("You can only use --mime_type after --path.") self['root'].defaultType = defaultType
def opt_ignore_ext(self, ext): """Specify an extension to ignore. These will be processed in order. """ if not isinstance(self['root'], static.File): raise usage.UsageError("You can only use --ignore_ext " "after --path.") self['root'].ignoreExt(ext)
def setUp(self): self.tmpdir = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(self.tmpdir) name = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'junk') f = file(name, 'w') f.write(8000 * 'x') f.close() self.file = static.File(name) self.request = FakeRequest()
def testStaticPaths(self): import os dp = os.path.join(self.mktemp(),"hello") ddp = os.path.join(dp, "goodbye") tp = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dp,"world.txt")) tpy = os.path.join(dp,"wyrld.rpy") os.makedirs(dp) f = open(tp,"wb") f.write("hello world") f = open(tpy, "wb") f.write(""" from twisted.web.static import Data resource = Data('dynamic world','text/plain') """) f = static.File(dp) f.processors = { '.rpy': script.ResourceScript, } f.indexNames = f.indexNames + ['world.txt'] self.assertEquals(f.getChild('', DummyRequest([''])).path, tp) self.assertEquals(f.getChild('wyrld.rpy', DummyRequest(['wyrld.rpy']) ).__class__, static.Data) f = static.File(dp) wtextr = DummyRequest(['world.txt']) wtext = f.getChild('world.txt', wtextr) self.assertEquals(wtext.path, tp) wtext.render(wtextr) self.assertEquals(wtextr.outgoingHeaders.get('content-length'), str(len('hello world'))) self.assertNotEquals(f.getChild('', DummyRequest([''])).__class__, static.File)
def testIgnoreExt(self): f = static.File(".") f.ignoreExt(".foo") self.assertEquals(f.ignoredExts, [".foo"]) f = static.File(".") self.assertEquals(f.ignoredExts, []) f = static.File(".", ignoredExts=(".bar", ".baz")) self.assertEquals(f.ignoredExts, [".bar", ".baz"])
def setUp(self): self.resource = static.File(__file__) self.resource.isLeaf = True self.port = reactor.listenTCP(0, server.Site(self.resource), interface='')
def create_site(params, pipes): source_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) web_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, 'web') root = static.File(web_dir) root.putChild('pipes', PipeResource(params)) root.putChild('events', EventsResource(pipes.event_log)) return server.Site(root)
def static(request): return File(settings.STATIC_DIR)
def startService(self): factory = WebSocketServerFactory(u"ws://" % self.port, debug=self.debug) factory.protocol = DispatcherProtocol factory.protocol.dispatcher = CommandDispatcher(self._core) # FIXME: Site.start/stopFactory should start/stop factories wrapped as # Resources factory.startFactory() resource = WebSocketResource(factory) # we server static files under "/" .. webdir = os.path.abspath( pkg_resources.resource_filename('leap.bitmask.core', 'web')) root = File(webdir) # and our WebSocket server under "/ws" root.putChild(u'bitmask', resource) # both under one Twisted Web Site site = Site(root) self.site = site self.factory = factory self.listener = reactor.listenTCP(self.port, site)
def main(args): import logging if args.verbose: LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: LOGGER.setLevel(logging.INFO) db = Database(args.db) root = RootView(db, args.filter) root.putChild('static', static.File("./static")) site = server.Site(root) LOGGER.info("Listening on http://localhost:%d" % args.port) reactor.listenTCP(args.port, site) reactor.run()
def setUp(self): self._resource = static.File(PARLAY_PATH + "/ui/dist")
def startService(self): root = resource.Resource() root.putChild('', web.Index(self)) root.putChild('api', web.API(self)) root.putChild("static", File(FilePath('jaguar/resources/static').path)) site = server.Site(root, logPath='jaguar-access.log') reactor.listenTCP(80, site) gpio.setmode(gpio.BCM) self.sr.setup() yield self.sr.clear() yield utils.wait(1) yield self.sr.shiftOut(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, self.red)) self.btnGreen.setup() self.btnRed.setup() self.pwrGood.setup() self.atxOn.setup() for n in self.nodes: n.setup() yield utils.wait(1) if self.atxOn.state == gpio.LOW: yield self.powerGood(gpio.LOW) self.t = task.LoopingCall(self.loop) self.t.start(5.0)
def startService(self): root = static.File(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'public')) factory = ServerFactory() factory.status = False factory.led = GPIOHandler(self.pin) factory.protocol = ServerProtocol # factory.setProtocolOptions(maxConnections=2) factory.startFactory() resource = WebSocketResource(factory) root.putChild('socket', resource) site = server.Site(root) self.server = reactor.listenTCP(self.port, site)
def __init__(self, dbrootdir="db", webdir="www/command", landingdir="www/landing"): self.dbrootdir = dbrootdir self.webdir = webdir self.file_resource = File(landingdir) Resource.__init__(self)