Python xml.dom 模块,insertBefore() 实例源码


项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testInsertBeforeFragment(self):
        dom, orig, c1, c2, c3, frag = self._create_fragment_test_nodes()
        dom.documentElement.insertBefore(frag, None)
        self.confirm(tuple(dom.documentElement.childNodes) ==
                     (orig, c1, c2, c3),
                     "insertBefore(<fragment>, None)")

        dom, orig, c1, c2, c3, frag = self._create_fragment_test_nodes()
        dom.documentElement.insertBefore(frag, orig)
        self.confirm(tuple(dom.documentElement.childNodes) ==
                     (c1, c2, c3, orig),
                     "insertBefore(<fragment>, orig)")
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testLegalChildren(self):
        dom = Document()
        elem = dom.createElement('element')
        text = dom.createTextNode('text')
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.appendChild, text)

        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.insertBefore, text,
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.replaceChild, text,

        nodemap = elem.attributes
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, nodemap.setNamedItem,
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, nodemap.setNamedItemNS,

项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testInsertBeforeFragment(self):
        dom, orig, c1, c2, c3, frag = self._create_fragment_test_nodes()
        dom.documentElement.insertBefore(frag, None)
        self.confirm(tuple(dom.documentElement.childNodes) ==
                     (orig, c1, c2, c3),
                     "insertBefore(<fragment>, None)")

        dom, orig, c1, c2, c3, frag = self._create_fragment_test_nodes()
        dom.documentElement.insertBefore(frag, orig)
        self.confirm(tuple(dom.documentElement.childNodes) ==
                     (c1, c2, c3, orig),
                     "insertBefore(<fragment>, orig)")
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testLegalChildren(self):
        dom = Document()
        elem = dom.createElement('element')
        text = dom.createTextNode('text')
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.appendChild, text)

        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.insertBefore, text,
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.replaceChild, text,

        nodemap = elem.attributes
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, nodemap.setNamedItem,
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, nodemap.setNamedItemNS,

项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testInsertBeforeFragment(self):
        dom, orig, c1, c2, c3, frag = self._create_fragment_test_nodes()
        dom.documentElement.insertBefore(frag, None)
        self.confirm(tuple(dom.documentElement.childNodes) ==
                     (orig, c1, c2, c3),
                     "insertBefore(<fragment>, None)")

        dom, orig, c1, c2, c3, frag = self._create_fragment_test_nodes()
        dom.documentElement.insertBefore(frag, orig)
        self.confirm(tuple(dom.documentElement.childNodes) ==
                     (c1, c2, c3, orig),
                     "insertBefore(<fragment>, orig)")
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testLegalChildren(self):
        dom = Document()
        elem = dom.createElement('element')
        text = dom.createTextNode('text')
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.appendChild, text)

        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.insertBefore, text,
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.replaceChild, text,

        nodemap = elem.attributes
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, nodemap.setNamedItem,
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, nodemap.setNamedItemNS,

项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testInsertBeforeFragment(self):
        dom, orig, c1, c2, c3, frag = self._create_fragment_test_nodes()
        dom.documentElement.insertBefore(frag, None)
        self.confirm(tuple(dom.documentElement.childNodes) ==
                     (orig, c1, c2, c3),
                     "insertBefore(<fragment>, None)")

        dom, orig, c1, c2, c3, frag = self._create_fragment_test_nodes()
        dom.documentElement.insertBefore(frag, orig)
        self.confirm(tuple(dom.documentElement.childNodes) ==
                     (c1, c2, c3, orig),
                     "insertBefore(<fragment>, orig)")
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testLegalChildren(self):
        dom = Document()
        elem = dom.createElement('element')
        text = dom.createTextNode('text')
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.appendChild, text)

        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.insertBefore, text,
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.replaceChild, text,

        nodemap = elem.attributes
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, nodemap.setNamedItem,
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, nodemap.setNamedItemNS,

项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testInsertBeforeFragment(self):
        dom, orig, c1, c2, c3, frag = self._create_fragment_test_nodes()
        dom.documentElement.insertBefore(frag, None)
        self.confirm(tuple(dom.documentElement.childNodes) ==
                     (orig, c1, c2, c3),
                     "insertBefore(<fragment>, None)")

        dom, orig, c1, c2, c3, frag = self._create_fragment_test_nodes()
        dom.documentElement.insertBefore(frag, orig)
        self.confirm(tuple(dom.documentElement.childNodes) ==
                     (c1, c2, c3, orig),
                     "insertBefore(<fragment>, orig)")
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testLegalChildren(self):
        dom = Document()
        elem = dom.createElement('element')
        text = dom.createTextNode('text')
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.appendChild, text)

        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.insertBefore, text,
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, dom.replaceChild, text,

        nodemap = elem.attributes
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, nodemap.setNamedItem,
        self.assertRaises(xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, nodemap.setNamedItemNS,

项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testWholeText(self):
        doc = parseString("<doc>a</doc>")
        elem = doc.documentElement
        text = elem.childNodes[0]
        self.assertEqual(text.nodeType, Node.TEXT_NODE)

        self.checkWholeText(text, "a")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "ab")
        elem.insertBefore(doc.createCDATASection("c"), text)
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")

        # make sure we don't cross other nodes
        splitter = doc.createComment("comment")
        text2 = doc.createTextNode("d")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")

        x = doc.createElement("x")
        elem.replaceChild(x, splitter)
        splitter = x
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")

        x = doc.createProcessingInstruction("y", "z")
        elem.replaceChild(x, splitter)
        splitter = x
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")

        self.checkWholeText(text, "cabd")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "cabd")
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testReplaceWholeText(self):
        def setup():
            doc = parseString("<doc>a<e/>d</doc>")
            elem = doc.documentElement
            text1 = elem.firstChild
            text2 = elem.lastChild
            splitter = text1.nextSibling
            elem.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode("b"), splitter)
            elem.insertBefore(doc.createCDATASection("c"), text1)
            return doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2

        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
        text = text1.replaceWholeText("new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")
        self.confirm(len(elem.childNodes) == 3)

        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
        text = text2.replaceWholeText("new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text1, "cab")
        self.confirm(len(elem.childNodes) == 5)

        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
        text = text1.replaceWholeText("")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")
        self.confirm(text is None
                and len(elem.childNodes) == 2)
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testWholeText(self):
        doc = parseString("<doc>a</doc>")
        elem = doc.documentElement
        text = elem.childNodes[0]
        self.assertEqual(text.nodeType, Node.TEXT_NODE)

        self.checkWholeText(text, "a")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "ab")
        elem.insertBefore(doc.createCDATASection("c"), text)
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")

        # make sure we don't cross other nodes
        splitter = doc.createComment("comment")
        text2 = doc.createTextNode("d")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")

        x = doc.createElement("x")
        elem.replaceChild(x, splitter)
        splitter = x
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")

        x = doc.createProcessingInstruction("y", "z")
        elem.replaceChild(x, splitter)
        splitter = x
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")

        self.checkWholeText(text, "cabd")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "cabd")
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testReplaceWholeText(self):
        def setup():
            doc = parseString("<doc>a<e/>d</doc>")
            elem = doc.documentElement
            text1 = elem.firstChild
            text2 = elem.lastChild
            splitter = text1.nextSibling
            elem.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode("b"), splitter)
            elem.insertBefore(doc.createCDATASection("c"), text1)
            return doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2

        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
        text = text1.replaceWholeText("new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")
        self.confirm(len(elem.childNodes) == 3)

        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
        text = text2.replaceWholeText("new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text1, "cab")
        self.confirm(len(elem.childNodes) == 5)

        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
        text = text1.replaceWholeText("")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")
        self.confirm(text is None
                and len(elem.childNodes) == 2)
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testWholeText(self):
        doc = parseString("<doc>a</doc>")
        elem = doc.documentElement
        text = elem.childNodes[0]
        self.assertEqual(text.nodeType, Node.TEXT_NODE)

        self.checkWholeText(text, "a")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "ab")
        elem.insertBefore(doc.createCDATASection("c"), text)
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")

        # make sure we don't cross other nodes
        splitter = doc.createComment("comment")
        text2 = doc.createTextNode("d")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")

        x = doc.createElement("x")
        elem.replaceChild(x, splitter)
        splitter = x
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")

        x = doc.createProcessingInstruction("y", "z")
        elem.replaceChild(x, splitter)
        splitter = x
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")

        self.checkWholeText(text, "cabd")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "cabd")
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testReplaceWholeText(self):
        def setup():
            doc = parseString("<doc>a<e/>d</doc>")
            elem = doc.documentElement
            text1 = elem.firstChild
            text2 = elem.lastChild
            splitter = text1.nextSibling
            elem.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode("b"), splitter)
            elem.insertBefore(doc.createCDATASection("c"), text1)
            return doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2

        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
        text = text1.replaceWholeText("new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")
        self.confirm(len(elem.childNodes) == 3)

        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
        text = text2.replaceWholeText("new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text1, "cab")
        self.confirm(len(elem.childNodes) == 5)

        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
        text = text1.replaceWholeText("")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")
        self.confirm(text is None
                and len(elem.childNodes) == 2)
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testWholeText(self):
        doc = parseString("<doc>a</doc>")
        elem = doc.documentElement
        text = elem.childNodes[0]
        self.assertEqual(text.nodeType, Node.TEXT_NODE)

        self.checkWholeText(text, "a")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "ab")
        elem.insertBefore(doc.createCDATASection("c"), text)
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")

        # make sure we don't cross other nodes
        splitter = doc.createComment("comment")
        text2 = doc.createTextNode("d")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")

        x = doc.createElement("x")
        elem.replaceChild(x, splitter)
        splitter = x
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")

        x = doc.createProcessingInstruction("y", "z")
        elem.replaceChild(x, splitter)
        splitter = x
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")

        self.checkWholeText(text, "cabd")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "cabd")
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testReplaceWholeText(self):
        def setup():
            doc = parseString("<doc>a<e/>d</doc>")
            elem = doc.documentElement
            text1 = elem.firstChild
            text2 = elem.lastChild
            splitter = text1.nextSibling
            elem.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode("b"), splitter)
            elem.insertBefore(doc.createCDATASection("c"), text1)
            return doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2

        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
        text = text1.replaceWholeText("new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")
        self.confirm(len(elem.childNodes) == 3)

        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
        text = text2.replaceWholeText("new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text1, "cab")
        self.confirm(len(elem.childNodes) == 5)

        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
        text = text1.replaceWholeText("")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")
        self.confirm(text is None
                and len(elem.childNodes) == 2)
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testWholeText(self):
        doc = parseString("<doc>a</doc>")
        elem = doc.documentElement
        text = elem.childNodes[0]
        self.assertEqual(text.nodeType, Node.TEXT_NODE)

        self.checkWholeText(text, "a")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "ab")
        elem.insertBefore(doc.createCDATASection("c"), text)
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")

        # make sure we don't cross other nodes
        splitter = doc.createComment("comment")
        text2 = doc.createTextNode("d")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")

        x = doc.createElement("x")
        elem.replaceChild(x, splitter)
        splitter = x
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")

        x = doc.createProcessingInstruction("y", "z")
        elem.replaceChild(x, splitter)
        splitter = x
        self.checkWholeText(text, "cab")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")

        self.checkWholeText(text, "cabd")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "cabd")
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testReplaceWholeText(self):
        def setup():
            doc = parseString("<doc>a<e/>d</doc>")
            elem = doc.documentElement
            text1 = elem.firstChild
            text2 = elem.lastChild
            splitter = text1.nextSibling
            elem.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode("b"), splitter)
            elem.insertBefore(doc.createCDATASection("c"), text1)
            return doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2

        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
        text = text1.replaceWholeText("new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")
        self.confirm(len(elem.childNodes) == 3)

        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
        text = text2.replaceWholeText("new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text, "new content")
        self.checkWholeText(text1, "cab")
        self.confirm(len(elem.childNodes) == 5)

        doc, elem, text1, splitter, text2 = setup()
        text = text1.replaceWholeText("")
        self.checkWholeText(text2, "d")
        self.confirm(text is None
                and len(elem.childNodes) == 2)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testInsertBefore(self):
        dom = parseString("<doc><foo/></doc>")
        root = dom.documentElement
        elem = root.childNodes[0]
        nelem = dom.createElement("element")
        root.insertBefore(nelem, elem)
        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 2
                and root.childNodes.length == 2
                and root.childNodes[0] is nelem
                and root.childNodes.item(0) is nelem
                and root.childNodes[1] is elem
                and root.childNodes.item(1) is elem
                and root.firstChild is nelem
                and root.lastChild is elem
                and root.toxml() == "<doc><element/><foo/></doc>"
                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
        nelem = dom.createElement("element")
        root.insertBefore(nelem, None)
        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 3
                and root.childNodes.length == 3
                and root.childNodes[1] is elem
                and root.childNodes.item(1) is elem
                and root.childNodes[2] is nelem
                and root.childNodes.item(2) is nelem
                and root.lastChild is nelem
                and nelem.previousSibling is elem
                and root.toxml() == "<doc><element/><foo/><element/></doc>"
                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
        nelem2 = dom.createElement("bar")
        root.insertBefore(nelem2, nelem)
        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 4
                and root.childNodes.length == 4
                and root.childNodes[2] is nelem2
                and root.childNodes.item(2) is nelem2
                and root.childNodes[3] is nelem
                and root.childNodes.item(3) is nelem
                and nelem2.nextSibling is nelem
                and nelem.previousSibling is nelem2
                and root.toxml() ==
                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testInsertBefore(self):
        dom = parseString("<doc><foo/></doc>")
        root = dom.documentElement
        elem = root.childNodes[0]
        nelem = dom.createElement("element")
        root.insertBefore(nelem, elem)
        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 2
                and root.childNodes.length == 2
                and root.childNodes[0] is nelem
                and root.childNodes.item(0) is nelem
                and root.childNodes[1] is elem
                and root.childNodes.item(1) is elem
                and root.firstChild is nelem
                and root.lastChild is elem
                and root.toxml() == "<doc><element/><foo/></doc>"
                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
        nelem = dom.createElement("element")
        root.insertBefore(nelem, None)
        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 3
                and root.childNodes.length == 3
                and root.childNodes[1] is elem
                and root.childNodes.item(1) is elem
                and root.childNodes[2] is nelem
                and root.childNodes.item(2) is nelem
                and root.lastChild is nelem
                and nelem.previousSibling is elem
                and root.toxml() == "<doc><element/><foo/><element/></doc>"
                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
        nelem2 = dom.createElement("bar")
        root.insertBefore(nelem2, nelem)
        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 4
                and root.childNodes.length == 4
                and root.childNodes[2] is nelem2
                and root.childNodes.item(2) is nelem2
                and root.childNodes[3] is nelem
                and root.childNodes.item(3) is nelem
                and nelem2.nextSibling is nelem
                and nelem.previousSibling is nelem2
                and root.toxml() ==
                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testInsertBefore(self):
        dom = parseString("<doc><foo/></doc>")
        root = dom.documentElement
        elem = root.childNodes[0]
        nelem = dom.createElement("element")
        root.insertBefore(nelem, elem)
        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 2
                and root.childNodes.length == 2
                and root.childNodes[0] is nelem
                and root.childNodes.item(0) is nelem
                and root.childNodes[1] is elem
                and root.childNodes.item(1) is elem
                and root.firstChild is nelem
                and root.lastChild is elem
                and root.toxml() == "<doc><element/><foo/></doc>"
                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
        nelem = dom.createElement("element")
        root.insertBefore(nelem, None)
        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 3
                and root.childNodes.length == 3
                and root.childNodes[1] is elem
                and root.childNodes.item(1) is elem
                and root.childNodes[2] is nelem
                and root.childNodes.item(2) is nelem
                and root.lastChild is nelem
                and nelem.previousSibling is elem
                and root.toxml() == "<doc><element/><foo/><element/></doc>"
                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
        nelem2 = dom.createElement("bar")
        root.insertBefore(nelem2, nelem)
        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 4
                and root.childNodes.length == 4
                and root.childNodes[2] is nelem2
                and root.childNodes.item(2) is nelem2
                and root.childNodes[3] is nelem
                and root.childNodes.item(3) is nelem
                and nelem2.nextSibling is nelem
                and nelem.previousSibling is nelem2
                and root.toxml() ==
                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testInsertBefore(self):
        dom = parseString("<doc><foo/></doc>")
        root = dom.documentElement
        elem = root.childNodes[0]
        nelem = dom.createElement("element")
        root.insertBefore(nelem, elem)
        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 2
                and root.childNodes.length == 2
                and root.childNodes[0] is nelem
                and root.childNodes.item(0) is nelem
                and root.childNodes[1] is elem
                and root.childNodes.item(1) is elem
                and root.firstChild is nelem
                and root.lastChild is elem
                and root.toxml() == "<doc><element/><foo/></doc>"
                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
        nelem = dom.createElement("element")
        root.insertBefore(nelem, None)
        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 3
                and root.childNodes.length == 3
                and root.childNodes[1] is elem
                and root.childNodes.item(1) is elem
                and root.childNodes[2] is nelem
                and root.childNodes.item(2) is nelem
                and root.lastChild is nelem
                and nelem.previousSibling is elem
                and root.toxml() == "<doc><element/><foo/><element/></doc>"
                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
        nelem2 = dom.createElement("bar")
        root.insertBefore(nelem2, nelem)
        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 4
                and root.childNodes.length == 4
                and root.childNodes[2] is nelem2
                and root.childNodes.item(2) is nelem2
                and root.childNodes[3] is nelem
                and root.childNodes.item(3) is nelem
                and nelem2.nextSibling is nelem
                and nelem.previousSibling is nelem2
                and root.toxml() ==
                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testInsertBefore(self):
        dom = parseString("<doc><foo/></doc>")
        root = dom.documentElement
        elem = root.childNodes[0]
        nelem = dom.createElement("element")
        root.insertBefore(nelem, elem)
        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 2
                and root.childNodes.length == 2
                and root.childNodes[0] is nelem
                and root.childNodes.item(0) is nelem
                and root.childNodes[1] is elem
                and root.childNodes.item(1) is elem
                and root.firstChild is nelem
                and root.lastChild is elem
                and root.toxml() == "<doc><element/><foo/></doc>"
                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
        nelem = dom.createElement("element")
        root.insertBefore(nelem, None)
        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 3
                and root.childNodes.length == 3
                and root.childNodes[1] is elem
                and root.childNodes.item(1) is elem
                and root.childNodes[2] is nelem
                and root.childNodes.item(2) is nelem
                and root.lastChild is nelem
                and nelem.previousSibling is elem
                and root.toxml() == "<doc><element/><foo/><element/></doc>"
                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")
        nelem2 = dom.createElement("bar")
        root.insertBefore(nelem2, nelem)
        self.confirm(len(root.childNodes) == 4
                and root.childNodes.length == 4
                and root.childNodes[2] is nelem2
                and root.childNodes.item(2) is nelem2
                and root.childNodes[3] is nelem
                and root.childNodes.item(3) is nelem
                and nelem2.nextSibling is nelem
                and nelem.previousSibling is nelem2
                and root.toxml() ==
                , "testInsertBefore -- node properly placed in tree")