
数据分析:SQL和Python 青果HA 已于2023-01-30 10:56:34修改 1404 收藏 14 文章标签: 数据分析 python 数据挖掘 于2023-01-29 19:28:39首次发布 SQL 统计数据概况:计算样本总数、商家总数、用户总数、消费总数、领券总数等 select count(User_id) as '样本总数', count(distinct Merchant_id) as '商家总数', count(distinct User_id) as '用户总数', count(Date) as '消费总数', count(Date_received) as '领券总数', (select count(*) from ddm.offline_train as a where a.Date_received is not null and a.Date is not null) as '领券消费总数', (select count(*) from ddm.offline_train as a where a.Date_received is null and a.Date is not null) as '无券消费总数', (select count(*) from ddm.offline_train as a where a.Date_received is not null and a.Date is not null)/count(Date_received) as '核销率' from ddm.offline_train

统计不同距离下:领券人数、用券消费人数、核销率 # 查找各距离的领券人数/用券消费人数/核销率 select Distance, count(Coupon_id) as get_coupons_num, sum(if(Date_received is not null and Date is not null,1,0)) as user_coupons_num, sum(if(Date_received is not null and Date is not null,1,0)) /count(Coupon_id) as use_coupons_rate from ddm.offline_train where Distance is not null group by Distance order by distance  消费券使用情况占比 # 消费券使用情况占比 with temp as ( select case when Date_received is not null and Date is not null then '有券消费' when Date_received is not null and Date is null then '有券未消费' when Date_received is null and Date is not null then '无券消费' end as flag from ddm.offline_train ) select flag as '优惠券使用情况', concat(round(count(flag)/(select count(*) from temp)*100,2),'%') as '百分比' from temp group by flag order by count(flag)/(select count(*) from temp)


 with as 也叫做子查询部分,类似于一个视图或临时表,可以用来存储一部分的sql语句查询结果,必须和其他的查询语句一起使用,且中间不能有分号,目前在oracle、sql server、hive等均支持 with as 用法,但 mysql并不支持!

不同类型优惠券的核销情况和平均领取距离 # 不同优惠券类型的核销情况和平均领取距离 select Discount_rate as '折扣', avg(Distance) as '平均距离', count(Date_received) as '领券人数', sum(if(Date_received is not null and Date is not null,1,0)) as '有券消费人数', sum(if(Date_received is not null and Date is not null,1,0))/count(Date_received) as '核销率' from ddm.offline_train where Date_received is not null group by Discount_rate order by '有券消费人数' desc


# 不同满减门槛的核销情况 select mk as '门槛', count(*) as '领券数量', sum(if(Date is not null,1,0)) as '用券消费数量', concat(round(sum(if(Date is not null,1,0))/count(*)*100,2),'%') as '核销率' from(select DATE, convert(if(Discount_rate like '%.%',0,Discount_rate),signed) as mk from ddm.offline_train) as aa where mk is not null group by mk order by mk

不同核销率的商家分布情况(占比) # 不同核销率用户分布 with temp as ( select Merchant_id, count(Date_received) as get_num, sum(if(Date is not null and Date_received is not null,1,0)) as use_num, sum(if(Date is not null and Date_received is not null,1,0))/count(Date_received) as Merchant_rate from ddm.offline_train where Date_received is not null group by Merchant_id ) select tag, concat(round(count(*)/(select count(*) from temp)*100,2),'%') as Merchant_percent from( select Merchant_id, case when Merchant_rate = 0 then '核销率:0' when Merchant_rate > 0 and Merchant_rate < 0.2 then '核销率:0-20%' when Merchant_rate >= 0.2 and Merchant_rate< 0.3 then '核销率:20%-30%' when Merchant_rate >= 0.3 and Merchant_rate< 0.5 then '核销率:30%-50%' when Merchant_rate >= 0.5 then '核销率:50%以上' end as tag from temp )aa group by tag order by Merchant_percent desc


# 不同领券次数用户分布-平均核销率/占比 with temp as ( select Merchant_id, count(Date_received) as get_num, sum(if(Date is not null and Date_received is not null,1,0))/count(Date_received) as user_rate, sum(if(Date is not null and Date_received is not null,1,0)) as use_num, case when count(Date_received)>100 then '100次以上' when count(Date_received)=0 then '0次' when count(Date_received) between 1 and 10 then '1-10次' when count(Date_received) between 11 and 50 then '11-50次' when count(Date_received) between 51 and 100 then '51-100次' else '其他次' end as flag from ddm.offline_train group by Merchant_id ) select flag as '被领券次数', concat(round(avg(user_rate)*100,2),'%') as Merchant_avg_use_rate, concat(round(count(*)/(select count(*) from temp)*100,2),'%') as Merchant_percent from temp group by flag order by (count(*)/(select count(*) from temp)) desc

不同核销率用户分布(占比) # 不同核销率用户分布 with temp as ( select User_id, count(Date_received) as get_num, sum(if(Date is not null and Date_received is not null,1,0)) as use_num, sum(if(Date is not null and Date_received is not null,1,0))/count(Date_received) as user_rate from ddm.offline_train where Date_received is not null group by User_id ) select tag, concat(round(count(*)/(select count(*) from temp)*100,2),'%') as user_percent from( select User_id, case when user_rate = 0 then '核销率:0' when user_rate > 0 and user_rate < 0.3 then '核销率:0-30%' when user_rate >= 0.3 and user_rate< 0.5 then '核销率:30%-50%' when user_rate >= 0.5 then '核销率:50%以上' end as tag from temp )aa group by tag order by user_percent desc

不同月份优惠券领券次数/核销次数/核销率 # 不同月份领券次数/核销次数/核销率 select `month`, coupons_get_num, coupons_use_num, concat(round(coupons_use_num/coupons_get_num*100,2),'%') as coupons_use_rate from(select month(Date_received) as `month`, count(*) as coupons_get_num from ddm.offline_train where Date_received is not null group by month(Date_received)) as a inner join( select month(Date) as `month`, count(*) as coupons_use_num from ddm.offline_train where Date_received is not null and Date is not null group by month(Date) )as b using(`month`) order by `month`

不同工作日的优惠券平均核销周期、核销率 # 工作日平均核销间隔、核销率 with get_coupons as( select weekday(Date_received)+1 as coupons_day, count(*) as coupons_get_num from ddm.offline_train where Date_received is not null group by weekday(Date_received)+1 ), use_coupons as( select weekday(Date)+1 as coupons_day, count(*) as coupons_use_num, round(avg(datediff(Date,Date_received)),2) as use_interval from ddm.offline_train where Date is not null and Date_received is not null group by weekday(Date)+1 ) select coupons_day, use_interval, concat(round(coupons_use_num/coupons_get_num*100,2),'%') as coupons_use_rate from get_coupons inner join use_coupons using(coupons_day) order by coupons_day

 Python 库包 pandas: 支持从CSV、JSON、SQL、Microsoft Excel load数据,可以对各种维度的数据做归并、再成形、选择,还有数据清洗和数据加工特征numpy:存储和操作矩阵、数组计算的包:数组计算、逻辑运算、傅立叶变化和图形操作、跟线性代数相关的操作Matplotlib:绘图工具可以绘制线图、散点图、等高线图、条形图、柱状图、3D 图形、甚至是图形动画等。sklearn:它涵盖了分类、回归、聚类、降维、模型选择、数据预处理六大模块,降低机器学习实践门槛,将复杂的数学计算集成为简单的函数,并提供了众多公开数据集和学习案例。 数据预处理 data = pd.read_csv(r"/Users/xll/Documents/服务数据质量/测试数据1.csv") #返回数据集行和列的元组,其中data.shape[0]代表返回行数,data.shape[1] 代表返回列数 print(data.shape) #返回数据集的所有列名 data.columns #随机返回样本5行 data.sample(5) #返回前5行 print(data.head(5)) #返回浮点型和正行字段的均值、最大值、等统计数据 print(data.describe()) #numpy包的这个方法也是可以得到同样的结果 import numpy as np print(data.describe(include=[np.number]))





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