React Native Mapbox GL 是绑定 Mapbox GL 地图的 React Native 组件。
npm install react-native-mapbox-gl --save
'use strict'; var React = require('react-native'); var MapboxGLMap = require('react-native-mapbox-gl'); var mapRef = 'mapRef'; var { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, View, Text, StatusBarIOS, } = React; var map = React.createClass({ mixins: [MapboxGLMap.Mixin], getInitialState() { return { mapLocation: { latitude: 0, longitude: 0 }, center: { latitude: 40.72052634, longitude: -73.97686958312988 }, zoom: 11, direction: 40, annotations: [{ latitude: 40.72052634, longitude: -73.97686958312988, title: 'This is marker 1', },{ latitude: 40.714541341726175, longitude: -74.00579452514648, subtitle: 'Neat, this is a subtitle' }] } }, onChange(e) { this.setState({ currentZoom: e.zoom }); }, onUpdateUserLocation(location) { console.log(location) }, onOpenAnnotation(annotation) { console.log(annotation) }, render: function() { StatusBarIOS.setHidden(true); return ( <View style={styles.container}> <Text style={styles.text} onPress={() => this.setDirectionAnimated(mapRef, 0)}> Set direction to 0 </Text> <Text style={styles.text} onPress={() => this.setZoomLevelAnimated(mapRef, 6)}> Zoom out to zoom level 6 </Text> <Text style={styles.text} onPress={() => this.setCenterCoordinateAnimated(mapRef, 48.8589, 2.3447)}> Go to Paris at current zoom level {parseInt(this.state.currentZoom)} </Text> <Text style={styles.text} onPress={() => this.setCenterCoordinateZoomLevelAnimated(mapRef, 35.68829, 139.77492, 14)}> Go to Tokyo at fixed zoom level 14 </Text> <Text style={styles.text} onPress={() => this.addAnnotations(mapRef, [{ latitude: 40.73312, longitude: -73.989, title: 'This is a new marker', }])}> Add new marker </Text> <MapboxGLMap style={} direction={10} rotateEnabled={true} showsUserLocation={true} ref={mapRef} accessToken={''} styleURL={'asset://styles/mapbox-streets-v7.json'} centerCoordinate={} userLocationVisible={true} zoomLevel={this.state.zoom} onRegionChange={this.onChange} annotations={this.state.annotations} onOpenAnnotation={this.onOpenAnnotation} onUpdateUserLocation={this.onUpdateUserLocation}/> </View> ); } }); var styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flexDirection: 'column', flex: 1 }, map: { flex:5, }, text: { padding: 2 } }); AppRegistry.registerComponent('yourProjectName', () => map);