wxPropertyGrid 是一个属性编辑器的UI组件,支持字符串、数字、标志、字体、颜色等属性类型设置。
// Add int property pg->Append( new wxIntProperty(wxT("IntProperty"), wxPG_LABEL, 12345678) ); // Add float property (value type is actually double) pg->Append( new wxFloatProperty(wxT("FloatProperty"), wxPG_LABEL, 12345.678) ); // Add a bool property pg->Append( new wxBoolProperty(wxT("BoolProperty"), wxPG_LABEL, false) ); // A string property that can be edited in a separate editor dialog. pg->Append( new wxLongStringProperty(wxT("LongStringProperty"), wxPG_LABEL, wxT("This is much longer string than the ") wxT("first one. Edit it by clicking the button."))); // String editor with dir selector button. pg->Append( new wxDirProperty(wxT("DirProperty"), wxPG_LABEL, ::wxGetUserHome()) ); // wxArrayStringProperty embeds a wxArrayString. pg->Append( new wxArrayStringProperty(wxT("Label of ArrayStringProperty"), wxT("NameOfArrayStringProp"))); // A file selector property. pg->Append( new wxFileProperty(wxT("FileProperty"), wxPG_LABEL, wxEmptyString) ); // Extra: set wildcard for file property (format same as in wxFileDialog). pg->SetPropertyAttribute( wxT("FileProperty"), wxPG_FILE_WILDCARD, wxT("All files (*.*)|*.*") );