TSBB 是一个零配置 CLI,可帮助您开发,测试和发布现代 TypeScript Node.js 项目。
TypeScript + Babel = TSBB
TypeScript + Babel
⏱ 快速初始化示例项目并快速进入开发模式。 ♻️ 添加,删除或修改项目文件时重新编译代码。 📚 可读的源代码,鼓励学习和贡献 🚀 更快,更快的编译速度。 ⚛️ 支持React组件编译。 ⛑ Jest 测试运行,默认为 tsbb test 🔥 零配置,单一依赖。
tsbb test
您将需要在系统上安装 Node.js 。
$ npx tsbb create my-project $ cd my-project $ npm run watch # Listen compile .ts files. $ npm run build # compile .ts files. $ npm start
$ npm install tsbb -g # Create project $ tsbb create my-project --example=Express # --- Example name ----------------┴ˇˇˇˇˇˇ
$ npx tsbb create my-app -e <Example Name> # --- E.g: ----------------┴ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ # npx tsbb create my-app -e Basic
▶ tsbb --help Usage: tsbb [options] Commands: tsbb create <project-name> [options] Create a new project with TSBB tsbb build [options] Build your project once and exit. tsbb watch [options] Recompile files on changes. tsbb types [options] Create type files for the project. tsbb test [options] Run jest test runner in watch mode. Options: --version Show version number [boolean] --help Show help [boolean] Examples: $ tsbb build Build your project once and exit. $ tsbb watch Rebuilds on any change. $ tsbb test Run test suites related. $ tsbb test --coverage Test coverage information should be collected Copyright 2019
tsbb create
▶ tsbb create --help tsbb create <project-name> [options] Create a new project with TSBB Options: --version Show version number [boolean] --help, -h Show help. [boolean] --force, -f force create. [boolean] [default: false] --example Example from https://github.com/jaywcjlove/tsbb/tree/master/example example-path. [string] [default: "basic"] Examples: $ tsbb create my-app Create my project. $ tsbb create my-app --example express Create an Express example project.
tsbb build
▶ tsbb build --help tsbb build [options] Build your project once and exit. Options: --version Show version number [boolean] --help, -h Show help. [boolean] --source-root, -s The root from which all sources are relative. [string] [default: "src"] --copy-files When compiling a directory copy over non-compilable files. [boolean] [default: true] --source-maps Source Map options. [string] [choices: true, "inline", "both", "none"] [default: true] --output, -o Output directory. [string] [default: "lib"] --target Specify your target environment. [string] [choices: "react", "node"] [default: "node"] --env-name The name of the 'env' to use when loading configs and plugins. Defaults to the value of 'cjs esm'.. [array] [default: ["cjs","esm"]] --comments decide whether a given comment should be included in the output code. [boolean] [default: true] Examples: $ tsbb build Build your project. $ tsbb build --no-comments Build your project and remove the comments.
tsbb watch
▶ tsbb watch --help tsbb watch [options] Recompile files on changes. Options: --version Show version number [boolean] --help, -h Show help. [boolean] --source-root, -s The root from which all sources are relative. [string] [default: "src"] --copy-files When compiling a directory copy over non-compilable files. [boolean] [default: true] --source-maps Source Map options. [string] [choices: true, "inline", "both", "none"] [default: true] --output, -o Output directory. [string] [default: "lib"] --target Specify your target environment. [string] [choices: "react", "node"] [default: "node"] --env-name The name of the 'env' to use when loading configs and plugins. Defaults to the value of 'cjs esm'.. [array] [default: ["cjs","esm"]] --comments decide whether a given comment should be included in the output code. [boolean] [default: true] --timer, -t Compile interval. [number] [default: 300] Examples: $ tsbb watch Rebuilds on any change.
Runs the test watcher (Jest) in an interactive mode.
▶ tsbb test --help tsbb test [options] Run jest test runner in watch mode. Options: --version Show version number [boolean] --help, -h Show help. [boolean] --coverage Indicates that test coverage information should be collected and reported in the output. [boolean] [default: false] --env The test environment used for all tests.[string] [default: "node"] --config The path to a Jest config file specifying how to find and execute tests. [string] Examples: $ tsbb test Run test suites related $ tsbb test --coverage Test coverage information should be collected
tsbb types
▶ tsbb types --help tsbb types [options] Create type files for the project. Options: --version Show version number [boolean] --help, -h Show help. [boolean] --project Compile the project given the path to its configuration file, or to a folder with a 'tsconfig.json'. [string] [default: "./"] --out-dir Redirect output structure to the directory. [string] [default: "lib"] --target Specify ECMAScript target version. [string] [choices: "ES3", "ES5", "ES2015", "ES2016", "ES2017", "ES2018", "ES2019", "ESNEXT"] [default: "ES2015"] --watch Watch input files. [boolean] [default: false] --emit-declaration-only to enable declarations only output [boolean] [default: true] --tsconf TypeScript other options. [string] Examples: $ tsbb types Create types your project. $ tsbb types --watch Create type files for the project And to run in --watch mode.
MIT © Kenny Wong