Klib 是一个 C 通用库,是一个轻量级和独立的 Glib 版本。
khash.h: generic hash table based on double hashing.
kbtree.h: generic search tree based on B-tree.
ksort.h: generic sort, including introsort, merge sort, heap sort, comb sort, Knuth shuffle and the k-small algorithm.
kseq.h: generic stream buffer and a FASTA/FASTQ format parser.
kvec.h: generic dynamic array.
klist.h: generic single-linked list and memory pool.
kstring.{h,c}: basic string library.
kmath.{h,c}: numerical routines including MT19937-64 pseudorandom generator, basic nonlinear programming and a few special math functions.
#include "khash.h" KHASH_MAP_INIT_INT(m32, char) // instantiate structs and methods int main() { int ret, is_missing; khint_t k; khash_t(m32) *h = kh_init(m32); // allocate a hash table k = kh_put(m32, h, 5, &ret); // insert a key to the hash table if (!ret) kh_del(m32, h, k); kh_value(h, k) = 10; // set the value k = kh_get(m32, h, 10); // query the hash table is_missing = (k == kh_end(h)); // test if the key is present k = kh_get(m32, h, 5); kh_del(m32, h, k); // remove a key-value pair for (k = kh_begin(h); k != kh_end(h); ++k) // traverse if (kh_exist(h, k)) // test if a bucket contains data kh_value(h, k) = 1; kh_destroy(m32, h); // deallocate the hash table return 0; }