这是Go编程语言里 LMAX Disruptor的接口。 它保留了Disruptor的本质和原理,并利用了很多相同的抽象概念和理论,但不会保持同样的API。
在我的 MacBook Pro (Intel Core i7-4960HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz) 中,我使用了 Go 1.4.2, 此版本使我能在一秒内发送9亿多份邮件(是的,你没有听错), 从一个goroutine到另一个goroutine. 讯息在两台CPU间的传递很简单。 请注意,您的里程可能会有所不同,通过控制CPU并清除其缓存,不同的操作系统可以添加特定的“jitter”到App中。Linux和Windows系统有给定的进程分配给特定的CPU内核它通过将所有的CPU缓存热显著降低“jitter”的能力。 顺便,当Disruptor代码被编译并在Nexus 5上运行,它可以每秒可推送约15-20万条信息。
1. 它避免了在所有costs上使用锁,costs通常会引起CPU内核间的排斥,影响可测量性。
2. 它允许应用程序预先在一个环形缓冲区分配连续的空间,不产生垃圾。
runtime.GOMAXPROCS(2) // make sure we have enough cores available to execute const RingBufferCapacity = 1024 // must be a power of 2 const RingBufferMask = RingBufferCapacity - 1 // this instance will be shared among producers and consumers of this application var ringBuffer = [RingBufferCapacity]MyStruct{} myDisruptor := disruptor. Configure(RingBufferCapacity). WithConsumerGroup(MyConsumer{}). // we can have a set of concurrent consumers run first // WithConsumerGroup(MyConsumer{}). // and then run this/these consumers after the first set of consumers BuildShared() // Build() = single producer vs BuildShared() = multiple producers myDisruptor.Start() defer myDisruptor.Stop() // clean shutdown which stops all idling consumers after all published items have been consumed // application code here, e.g. listen to HTTP, read from a network socket, etc.
Producer writer := myDisruptor.Writer() // for each item received from a network socket, e.g. UDP packets, HTTP request, etc. etc. sequence := writer.Reserve(1) // reserve 1 slot on the ring buffer and give me the upper-most sequence of the reservation // this could be written like this: ringBuffer[sequence%RingBufferCapacity] but the Mask and & operator is faster. ringBuffer[sequence&RingBufferMask].MyImportStructData = ... // data from network stream writer.Commit(sequence, sequence) // the item is ready to be consumed
type MyConsumer struct{} func (m MyConsumer) Consume(lowerSequence, upperSequence int64) { for sequence := lowerSequence; sequence <= upperSequence; sequence++ { message := ringBuffer[sequence&RingBufferMask] // see performance note on producer sample above // handle the incoming message with your application code } }