The Taverna workbench is a free software tool for designing and executing workflows, created by the myGrid project, and funded through OMII-UK. Taverna allows users to integrate many different software tools, including web services, such as those provided by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, The European Bioinformatics Institute, the DNA Databank of Japan (DDBJ), SoapLab, BioMOBY and EMBOSS.
The Taverna Workbench provides a desktop authoring environment and enactment engine for scientific workflows expressed in Scufl (Simple Conceptual Unified Flow language). The Taverna enactment engine is also available separately, and other Scufl enactors are available including Moteur. The myExperiment social web site supports finding and sharing of workflows and has special support for Scufl workflows. The Taverna workbench, myExperiment and associated components are developed and maintained by the myGrid team, in collaboration with the open source community.