pac4j - Java 权限引擎



pac4j 是一个 Java 权限引擎,支持多种协议多种框架


  1. OAuth (1.0 & 2.0): Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Github… using the pac4j-oauth module

  2. CAS (1.0, 2.0, SAML, logout & proxy) + REST API support using the pac4j-cas module

  3. HTTP (form, basic auth, IP, header, GET/POST parameter authentications) using the pac4j-http module

  4. OpenID using the pac4j-openid module

  5. SAML (2.0) using the pac4j-saml module

  6. Google App Engine UserService using the pac4j-gae module

  7. OpenID Connect 1.0 using the pac4j-oidc module

  8. JWT using the pac4j-jwt module

  9. LDAP using the pac4j-ldap module

  10. relational DB using the pac4j-sql module

  11. MongoDB using the pac4j-mongo module

  12. Stormpath using the pac4j-stormpath module.