angular-next-starter-kit 是使用 Angular 1.x 开发的应用准备迁移到 Angular 2.0 的种子项目。
Angular 2.0 引入了一些新概念和设计模式,但是 Angular 2.0 还有几个月才能在生产环境使用。为了能让 Angular 1.x 开发的应用使用 Angular 2.0 的概念和一些技术,就有了 angular-next-starter-kit。
创建一个 service 来获取数据
创建一个 component 来使用数据
使用更小的组件来 Compose 更大的组件
开发者 不需要 担心:
配置 build system
build system
配置 unit tests, end-to-end tests, code coverage
unit tests
end-to-end tests
code coverage
提供 static analysis 和配置 typescript
static analysis
自动生成 documentation
Complete scaffolding with Angular 1.4.x
Typescript 集成
Webpack 绑定系统,多个加载器 (sass, html, typescript)
Gulp 集成 (currently only one task to provide auto documentation)
Karma 集成 Mocha, Chai,多个浏览器启动器 (Chrome, PhantomJS) 和代码覆盖
Interfaces 和 APIs 可以创建可测试和可复用组件
Http Service
Socket Service using Socket IO
SOAP Service using soap client
Buffer Service using ProtobufJS
Angular 1.4.x
Bootstrap (sass) 3.3.6
Socket IO Client 1.3.7
Typescript v1.7.5
|-- app | Root directory for the application | |---- common | All modules common to the application |------ bindingTypes.ts | Module containing Angular binding types |------ component.ts | Interface for a BaseComponent |------ service.ts | Interfaces for HttpService, SocketService, SoapService and BufferService | |---- components | Root directory for all the components. Any component should go in here |------ dropdown | Sample implementation of a component |-------- dropdown.html | Template file for the component using Angular's template syntax |-------- dropdown.scss | Scoped styles for the component. This can now just be `required` in |-------- dropdown.spec.ts | Unit test spec file for the component. This should be local to the component |-------- dropdown.ts | Implementation of the component itself | |---- core | Utility modules that bootstrap the application |------ bootstrap.ts | Loads in all the other utility modules and bootstrap's Angular |------ components.ts | Holds references to all the components |------ modules.ts | Registers all the modules |------ services.ts | Holds references to all the services |------ tests.ts | Imports all the necessary modules needed for testing | |---- services |------ stock-service.ts | Reference implementation of an HttpService using JSONP | |---- utilities | Any utilities used across the application | |---- app.d.ts | Typescript definition file for the application |---- index.html | Main html file for the application |---- index.scss | Main css file for the application | |-- build | Contains the bundled application |-- docs | Contains all auto generated documentation |-- fonts | Contains application wide fonts |-- images | Contains application wide images |-- gulpfile | Gulp task file. Currently only one task to generate documentation is provided |-- karma.conf.js | Configuration file for the karma test runner |-- package.json | Contains NPM dependencies and application commands |-- tsconfig.json | Typescript compiler configuration |-- tsd.json | Contains references to definitely typed libraries |-- tslint.json | Configuration used by the tslint-loader |-- webpack.config.js | Webpack's global configuration file