Ophal 是一个可高度伸缩的 Web 平台,旨在简化维护、学习和扩展。开发。Ophal 后端使用纯 Lua 语言实现,兼容 Lua 5.1 和 LuaJIT 2.0.x. 你可在 Nginx 的 HttpLuaModule 下部署 Ophal ,或者作为一个 FastCGI 脚本封装运行在 Apache、Nginx 和 Lighttpd 等服务器上。详情请看 INSTALL.txt.
Ophal 前端包含内建的模板引擎,基于 jQuery 驱动。
CGIC, an Ophal module that is a helper for CGI scripting.
Seawolf library is included for a better web development experience
Built-in port of Mobile_Detect micro library
jQuery and CSS whenever you need them (using functions add js() and add css())
Built-in sandboxed theme engine