Prudence - Java的Web框架



Prudence 是一个开源的容器和框架,主要用于可伸缩的web前端和网络服务。Prudence 使用动态脚本语言和基于 REST
的技术风格。客户端可以是纯 HTML 也可以是基于 Ajax 的富客户端。语言支持:Python, Ruby, Groovy, Clojure,
JavaScript, PHP, Succinct, Velocity 等等。

Prudence is a platform for creating scalable Web applications and network
services using dynamic scripting languages and proven REST principles. Your
application can support thin clients (HTML) and rich clients (AJAX), with
anything in between. You can also create pure REST services with no user
interaction. Languages supported are Python, Ruby, Groovy, Clojure,
JavaScript, PHP, Succinct, Velocity, and anything else supported by the
Scripturian project.