本项目采用的是参数化配置,不需要改动任何代码,可以训练几乎任何字符型图片验证码,下面从两个配置文件说起: config.yaml # 系统配置
config.yaml # 系统配置
# - requirement.txt - GPU: tensorflow-gpu, CPU: tensorflow # - If you use the GPU version, you need to install some additional applications. # TrainRegex and TestRegex: Default matching apple_20181010121212.jpg file. # - The Default is .*?(?=_.*\.) # TrainsPath and TestPath: The local absolute path of your training and testing set. # TestSetNum: This is an optional parameter that is used when you want to extract some of the test set # - from the training set when you are not preparing the test set separately. System: DeviceUsage: 0.7 TrainsPath: 'E:\Task\Trains\YourModelName\' TrainRegex: '.*?(?=_)' TestPath: 'E:\Task\TestGroup\YourModelName\' TestRegex: '.*?(?=_)' TestSetNum: 1000 # CNNNetwork: [CNN5, DenseNet] # RecurrentNetwork: [BLSTM, LSTM] # - The recommended configuration is CNN5+BLSTM / DenseNet+BLSTM # HiddenNum: [64, 128, 256] # - This parameter indicates the number of nodes used to remember and store past states. NeuralNet: CNNNetwork: CNN5 RecurrentNetwork: BLSTM HiddenNum: 64 KeepProb: 0.98 # SavedSteps: A Session.run() execution is called a Steps, # - Used to save training progress, Default value is 100. # ValidationSteps: Used to calculate accuracy, Default value is 100. # TestNum: The number of samples for each test batch. # - A test for every saved steps. # EndAcc: Finish the training when the accuracy reaches [EndAcc*100]%. # EndEpochs: Finish the training when the epoch is greater than the defined epoch. Trains: SavedSteps: 100 ValidationSteps: 500 EndAcc: 0.975 EndEpochs: 1 BatchSize: 64 TestBatchSize: 400 LearningRate: 0.01 DecayRate: 0.98 DecaySteps: 10000
上面看起来好多好多参数,其实大部分可以不用改动,你需要修改的仅仅是训练集路径就可以了, 注意:如果训练集的命名格式和我提供的新手训练集不一样,请根据实际情况修改TrainRegex和TestRegex的正则表达式。 ,TrainsPath和TestPath路径支持list参数,允许多个路径,这种操作适用于需要将多种样本训练为一个模型,或者希望训练一套通用模型的人。为了加快训练速度,提高训练集读取效率,特别提供了make_dataset.py来支持将训练集打包为tfrecords格式输入,经过make_dataset.py打包之后的训练集将输出到本项目的dataset路径下,只需修改TrainsPath键的配置如下即可
TrainsPath: './dataset/xxx.tfrecords'
TestPath是允许为空的,如果TestPath为空将会使用TestSetNum参数自动划分出对应个数的测试集。如果使用自动划分机制,那么TestSetNum测试集总数参数必须大于等于TestBatchSize测试集每次读取的批次大小。 神经网络这块可以讲一讲,默认提供的组合是CNN5(CNN5层模型)+BLSTM(Bidirectional LSTM)+CTC,亲测收敛最快,但是训练集过小,实际图片变化很大特征很多的情况下容易发生过拟合。DenseNet可以碰运气在样本量很小的情况下很好的训练出高精度的模型,为什么是碰运气呢,因为收敛快不快随机的初始权重很重要,运气好前500步可能对测试集就有40-60%准确率,运气不好2000步之后还是0,收敛快慢是有一定的运气成分的。
NeuralNet: CNNNetwork: CNN5 RecurrentNetwork: BLSTM HiddenNum: 64 KeepProb: 0.99
NeuralNet: CNNNetwork: DenseNet ......
model.yaml # 模型配置
# ModelName: Corresponding to the model file in the model directory, # - such as YourModelName.pb, fill in YourModelName here. # CharSet: Provides a default optional built-in solution: # - [ALPHANUMERIC, ALPHANUMERIC_LOWER, ALPHANUMERIC_UPPER, # -- NUMERIC, ALPHABET_LOWER, ALPHABET_UPPER, ALPHABET] # - Or you can use your own customized character set like: ['a', '1', '2']. # CharExclude: CharExclude should be a list, like: ['a', '1', '2'] # - which is convenient for users to freely combine character sets. # - If you don't want to manually define the character set manually, # - you can choose a built-in character set # - and set the characters to be excluded by CharExclude parameter. Model: Sites: [] ModelName: YourModelName-CNN5-H64-150x50 ModelType: 150x50 CharSet: ALPHANUMERIC_LOWER CharExclude: [] CharReplace: {} ImageWidth: 150 ImageHeight: 50 # Binaryzation: [-1: Off, >0 and < 255: On]. # Smoothing: [-1: Off, >0: On]. # Blur: [-1: Off, >0: On]. # Resize: [WIDTH, HEIGHT] # - If the image size is too small, the training effect will be poor and you need to zoom in. # - ctc_loss error "No valid path found." happened Pretreatment: Binaryzation: -1 Smoothing: -1 Blur: -1
上述的配置只要关注 ModelName、CharSet、ImageWidth、ImageHeight 首先给模型取一个好名字是成功的第一步,字符集CharSet其实大多数情况下不需要修改,一般的图形验证码离不开数字和英文,而且一般来说是大小写不敏感的,不区分大小写,因为打码平台收集的训练集质量参差不齐,有些大写有些小写,不如全部统一为小写,默认ALPHANUMERIC_LOWER则会自动将大写的转为小写,字符集可定制化很灵活,除了配置备注上提供的几种类型,还可以训练中文,自定义字符集用list表示,示例如下:
CharSet: ['常', '世', '宁', '慢', '南', '制', '根', '难']
可以自己根据收集训练集的实际字符集使用率来定义,也可以无脑网上找3500常用字来训练, 注意:中文字符集一般比数字英文大很多,刚开始收敛比较慢,需要更久的训练时间,也需要更多的样本量,请量力而行
形如上图的图片能轻松训练到95%以上的识别率。 ImageWidth、ImageHeight只要和当前图片尺寸匹配即可,其实这里的配置主要是为了方便后面的部署智能策略。 其他的如Pretreatment之下的参数是用来做图片预处理的,因为笔者致力于做一套通用模型,模型只使用了灰度做预处理。其中可选的二值化、均值滤波、高斯模糊均未开启,即使不进行那些预处理该框架已经能够达到很理想的识别效果了,笔者自用的大多数模型都是98%以上的识别率。
按照上面的介绍,配置只要修改极少数的参数对应的值,就可以开启正式的训练之旅了,具体操作如下: 可以直接使用PyCharm的Run,执行trains.py,也可以在激活Virtualenv下使用终端亦或在安装依赖的全局环境下执行
python3 trains.py
剩下的就是等了,看过程,等结果。 正常开始训练的模样应该是这样的: